Birthers Donald Trump Donald Trump Political Humor Republican

Jon Stewart, Donald Trump and Premature Ecalculation

So you came to this post because of the words “Premature Ecalculation?” Your mind is so much in the gutter!

Jon Stewart explains what the words mean, and how it refers to Donald Trump.

MSNBC Tid Bits twitter

Countdown With Keith Olbermann Comes To Current T.V

The new date is set. The time, the place and oh yeah… the name. Keith Olbermann’s new show is not really new. It maintains the same name – Countdown With Keith Olbermann – and it maintains the same time slot – 8PM Est, 11PM Est and 2AM EST. But according to the video release by Mr. Olbermann, Current’s version of Countdown will be a little more edgy.

And the ‘when‘? It will be in June. Could this new Countdown be in direct competition to MSNBC’s 8, 10 and 2am time slot, now hosted by Lawrence O’Donnell’s The Last Word? After all, these were the times the old Countdown had on that network. Should O’Donnell be concerned?

Mr. Olbermann tells more in the video below.

CNN Egypt Glenn Beck United States

Fox News Network – The Latest Sponsor To Drop Glenn Beck

The announcement came yesterday and Americans breathed a collective sigh of relief. Glenn Beck, will no longer be allowed to propagate the airways with his lies and mis-information. Well, at least not on FOX. The network announced that Beck was leaving at the end of the year.

Of course, the news left many liberals and progressives speechless. Glenn Beck was on a nightly mission to prove that all that went wrong with the world was because of progressives, and he frequently – with the help of his trusty chalkboard – advised his faithful audience to take action and do whatever they can to stop the progressive machine. One of his suggestions? Beck was heard telling his followers to “shoot them in the head!” and  that Saving America, and the world for that matter, was in their hands, and he wanted to make sure they knew it.

Claiming to be a Christian who believes in the principles and teachings of God,  Beck advised his audiences to leave the church. Also recorded was his suggestion that someone kill Fareed Zakaria of CNN and his use of an unfortunate event in Egypt, where a female journalist was sexually assaulted, to prove his chalkboard was right about Egyptians.

That he was able to stay on a so-called “news network” for two years spewing these lies, hate and fear to the American people is not only a testament to who and what Glenn Beck is, it also speaks volume for the Fox Network itself. Only when the network began losing money from sponsors and advertisers, did they even begin to consider not renewing Beck’s contract. With over 300 sponsors deciding to pull the plug on Beck’s show, Fox finally decided to do the same.

But with a news organization that obviously prefers profits over content, it’s just a matter of time before the next version of Glenn Beck is premiered. Wait for it…!

Anthony Weiner Featured New York United States

The Wrestling Match Between Anthony Weiner, Sean Hannity and Michele Bachmann

You have to hand it to Anthony Weiner, Democratic Representative from New York. He appeared on a FOX show hosted by Sean Hannity and got double teamed by the host and his other guest, Michele Bachmann.

What made this video most enjoyable was seeing the obviously transparent ways the right winged host, who is supposed to practice  “Fair and Balanced” journalism,  attacks Mr. Weiner. Needless to say, Weiner didn’t get to say much, but he eventually realized what was happening and advised the host;

Sean, make it three on one next time. Make it three on one or four on one next time. I’m ready for you.

The “Fair and Balanced” host shot back with a personal attack on his guest, telling Mr. Weiner, “You’re a star, just don’t look in the mirror.” Mr. Weiner replied with a laugh, saying “I love these balanced debates.”

How this  ‘organization’  is  allowed to bear the name “news”  in its title is still beyond my understanding.


Newt Gingrich Politics rachel maddow Republican United States White House

Newt Gingrich Is Faking It, Again!

Newt Gingrich is a scam artist. You know, one of those people who sends you an email telling you of millions of dollars your African uncle left you in Ghana, but in order to claim your new found wealth, you must send $5,000.00 to them. Newt has a new scheme.

A beautiful breakdown of the Scams of Newt Gingrich is narrated below by Rachel Maddow. The scheme entails his plans to run for president… well, not really. Today, the Newt announced a website to “explore” running for president in 2012. And while you’re looking over Newt’s new site, try not to be distracted by the huge “Donate” button.

Maddow continues below.

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Will We See Fox News’ Roger Aisles On M.S.N.B.C.’s Lockup?

Yes, encouraging someone to lie to the Federal authorities is a crime, punishable with fines and or imprisonment, and that seems to be  exactly what Roger Aisles – the senior executive of News Corp and Chairman of Fox News – did, according to a Ms. Judith Regan.

According to a report from the New York Times, Aisles, the man responsible for the direction of the so-called “news network,” gave the unsolicited advise to Ms. Regan in an effort to protect Rudolph Giuliani, a then 2008 Republican presidential candidate. Regan – the Times reports – had an affair with Bernard Kerik, Giuliani’s New York police commissioner, and the man being considered by the Feds to head up the job of Homeland Security Secretary. Aisles advised Regan to lie or withhold information about the relationship from the feds, and according to Ms. Regan, the conversation was recorded.

The revelation was made in court in another case involving Ms. Regan. Brian C. Kerr, a former lawyer of Ms. Regan describes the evidence he found in an affidavit. The Times Reports;

But Brian C. Kerr, one of Ms. Regan’s former lawyers, describes in an affidavit the physical evidence he reviewed as “including a tape recording of a conversation between her and Roger Ailes, which is alluded to throughout the complaint” that Mr. Kerr and another lawyer, Seth Redniss, drafted for Ms. Regan. That complaint said News Corporation executives “were well aware that Regan had a personal relationship with Kerik.”

“In fact,” the complaint said, “a senior executive in the News Corporation organization told Regan that he believed she had information about Kerik that, if disclosed, would harm Giuliani’s presidential campaign. This executive advised Regan to lie to, and to withhold information from, investigators concerning Kerik.”

Mr. Redniss, in his affidavit, referred to “a recorded telephone call between Roger Ailes, the chairman of Fox News (a News Corp. company) and Regan, in which Mr. Ailes discussed with Regan her responses to questions regarding her personal relationship with Bernard Kerik.”

Would I be wrong to assume that Roger Aisles will deny these claims and the voice on the recording? No, of course not. As a matter of fact, it is expected that Mr. Aisles will deny it all, because after all, he’s the one responsible for the content of Fox News. There will obviously be more to this story in the near future.

Read the New York Times report here.

Glenn Beck Joe Scarborough MSNBC Republican

Conservatives Denounce Glenn Beck’s Crazy Antics

Say it ain’t so Joe:

In a shocking turn of events, conservative Republican Joe Scarborough of MSNBC has truned against his fellow conservative, ultra-extreme Glenn Beck. He then voiced his displeasure with the Beck-star – one of the appointed leaders of the Teaparty.

“I’ve been telling conservatives for about two years, this guy is bad for the movement, this guy is losing it before our eyes. He’s bad for the conservative movement. He’s bad for the Republican Party. He’s bad for Fox News…even guys over at Fox News have to start thinking, this can’t last. He’s out of control.”

Scarborough then pointed out that he is not the only conservative who’s becomming sick of Beck’s antics. He mentioned a blog post by another conservative, named Peter Wehner. The title of Mr. Wehner’s post is “The Most Distrubing Person on Cable Television.” A portion of the post said;

In the past few weeks Glenn Beck has spoken about the coming caliphate that he believes is about to envelope most of the world. He then dilated on the anti-Christ with a man who says he has “new prophetic understanding into the end times.”

In 2009, this self-proclaimed prophet wrote a column titled “What Obama and the Anti-Christ Have in Common.” Then, on a recent show, the discussion focused on the coming Islamic anti-Christ. And earlier this week, an irate, bellicose Beck spoke about the “perfect storm” America faces. “I can’t honestly believe we’re finally here,” he said in praising his own prescience. In his version of events, Beck is the solitary Voice of Truth willing to expose the New World Order (complete with references to Van Jones and Code Pink).

It’s hard to tell how much of what Beck says is sincere and how much is for show. Whatever the case, and even taking into account the entire MSNBC lineup, Glenn Beck has become the most disturbing personality on cable television. One cannot watch him for any length of time without being struck by his affinity for conspiracies and for portraying himself as the great decoder of events.

Well, it’s never too late. We welcome these conservative who are finally beginning to see the truth about Glenn Beck, and we hope that it’s not too late for the masses who watch Beck religiously, buying into his conspiracy theories and his willful attempt to dumb down Americans.

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Fox News rachel maddow Republican Wisconsin

Shep Smith of Fox News Tells The Truth! When Will He Be Fired?

As I write this post, I’m hearing the song, “Hit the road Jack,” playing in my head, and I can’t help but feel that it’s just a matter of time before Fox News sings that song to Shep Smith. He actually has a mind, and although sometimes he falls in line and echos their extremists talking points, for the most part, Shep Smith goes off on his own and tells it like it really is. So for this reason, he’s not a good fit for the liars at FOX.

Mr. Smith Goes To Wisconsin

His latest stab at the truth came this week when he again, branched off  and defied the talking heads at FOX.  Shep stated that what’s happening in Wisconsin “has nothing to do with the budget,” and he correctly sees  governor Walker’s actions for what they really are… dirty politics.


Immigration Reform Politics Republican United States White House

Haley Barbour – For Immigration Reform Before He Was Against It

In today’s political climate, any Republican in favor of providing a pathway to citizenship for those here illegally would face the wrath of the GOP and the Teaparty. So a potential 2012 Presidential Republican candidate would have every right to hide that fact.

Enter Haley Barbour – the Republican Mississippi governor who was interviewed on Fox News and spoke about his ambitions for 2012. Questions were asked about Barbour’s history as a lobbyist, and in his effort to defend his position, Barbour seemed to forget one very important client he had when lobbying – The Embassy of Mexico.

Time reports;

Barbour may be eager to showcase his record, but one of Barbour’s foreign lobbying clients could cause him some troubles in the 2012 Republican primary, if he decides to run. According to a Justice Department filing by Barbour’s former lobbying firm, The Embassy of Mexico decided to retain Barbour’s services on August 15, 2001, to work on, among other things, legislation that would provide a path to citizenship for foreigners living illegally in the United States—what opponents of immigration reform call “amnesty.”

“Haley Barbour and I will lead the BG&R team,” wrote Lanny Griffith, Barbour’s former business partner, in the filing. According to subsequent filings, Barbour’s work included “building support in the legislative branch for passage of a bill related to Section 245(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.” As part of that work, Barbour’s firm arranged meetings and briefings with “Senators, members of Congress and their staff, as well as Executive Branch Officials in the White House, National Security Council, State Department, and Immigration & Naturalization Service.” Barbour’s firm charged Mexico $35,000 a month, plus expenses.

Could it be that Haley Barbour was once for amnesty? What would the Teaparty say if they found out about his amnesty providing past?

Mr. Barhour says he will wait until April to announce whether or not he will run for president in 2012. Until then, there are a lot of questions to be answered but chances are he’s not gonna be asked these type of questions over at the Republican branding FOX network.

Read the full Time report here.

Bill O'Reilly United States

Fox’s Bill O’Reilly Needs A Lesson In Honesty

In the heat of the Health Care battle when all manner of accusations were made against President Obama and the Democrats implementation of  Health Care reform, Senator Tom Coburn accurately said that FOX News were spreading false and misleading information insinuating that Americans will be jailed if they don’t purchase Health Insurance.

Bill O’Reilly, in his effort to prove Mr. Coburn wrong and restore Fox’s unknown reputation for truth-telling, brought the senator on his show, The O’Reilly Factor and did what he does best – lied-  saying no one at FOX ever made the statement.

Of course, it’s all on tape…

Barack Obama Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly Egypt Super Bowl

Fox News Bill O’Reilly Makes An Ass of Himself, Again!

President Obama is the ultimate chess player. He already knows what FOX NEWS and their Republican-pushing hosts think about him, yet he grants them interviews. Why?

The only reason for giving interviews to those who consider you the enemy is to prove to all watching that you are above the foolishness. In this case, President Obama successfully achieved his goal — using this interview to show America and the world, that FOX NEWS and more specifically, Bill O’Reilly have an agenda, and nothing the President says or does will be approved by him and his  partisan, so-called news organization.

The game is on and the President clearly has checkmate.

Ed Schultz MSNBC Tid Bits

Is Comcast Behind Keith Olbermann’s Departure From Countdown?

Keith Olbermann 3
Keith Olbermann

One of the most trusted and respected voices on MSNBC sent shockwaves throughout the cable news industry tonight with eight words: “This will be the last episode of Countdown!”

Keith Olbermann’s announcement on tonight’s edition of his show brought a shocking, but not a totally unexpected end to the eight year run of the network show. And after Mr. Olbermann said his goodbyes to the audience, social networks like Twitter and Facebook buzzed with the news.

Olbermann was always one of the balancing voices against the insanity of today’s Republican party, Fox News and the right winged propaganda machine, so speculations about his abrupt removal from the MSNBC line-up are sure to be the topic for quite awhile.

MSNBC’s statement concerning the news:

MSNBC and Keith Olbermann have ended their contract. The last broadcast of  “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” will be this evening. MSNBC thanks Keith for his integral role in MSNBC’s success and we wish him well in his future endeavors.

In announcing his departure, Olbermann told the viewers;

“I was supposed to fill in for the late Jerry Nachman for exactly three days. 49 days later there was a four-year contract for me to return to this nightly 8 PM time slot which I had fled from four years earlier.”

The program grew thanks entirely to your support with great rewards for me and I hope for you. There were many occasions particularly in the last two and a half years where all that surrounded the show — but never the show itself — was just too much for me. But your support and loyalty and if I may use the word insistence ultimately required that I keep going.”

It should be noted that Comcast recently got the approval to acquire MSNBC, so this decision to end Countdown With Keith Olbermann seems a little more than just a coincidence. Comcast CEO, Brian Roberts was a co-chairman of the host committee at the 2000 Republican Convention, and Steve Burke, who served as Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President and President of Comcast Cable for more than five years, raised at least $200,000.00 for Geroge W. Bush’s re-election campaign.

Draw your own conclusions…

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