Joe Scarborough Politics

Joe Scarborough Slams Keith Olbermann on Morning Joe – Video

Keith Olbermann, one of the strongest Progressives ever to work at MSNBC and the man who singlehandedly brought the network back from the obyss, was knocked by Joe Scarborough today, years after Olbermann left the network.

Posing a question to Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin, Joe wanted to know why Fox News dumped their support for Marco Rubio and is now in favor of Donald Trump. In asking his question, Joe sourced a New York Times article claiming that Fox News had “abandoned” Rubio. Joe called this Rubio abandonment “shocking,” because, he “had never seen a candidate treated better by any network, other than MSNBC bowing and scraping to Barack Obama 2008.”

The MSNBC host then went into his Olbermann impersonation.


Joe Scarborough marco rubio Politics

Joe Scarborough – Marco Rubio “Flat-out Lied To The American People”

Joe Scarborough is a tried and proven Republican, but after listening to Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio in Wednesday’s debate, Joe went on his MSNBC program and concluded, Marco Rubio “flat-out lied to the American people!”

Scarborough was talking about a question the debate moderator asked Rubio about the way he has mismanaged his money including a foreclosure. And the moderator wanted to know how Rubio would manage a multi-trillion dollar economy, when he can’t even manage his own personal finances.

Rubio tried evading the question, then basically called out the moderator as a liar or more politically correct, misrepresenting the truth. But Scarborough was not about being politically correct, he simply stated the truth, a fact, that Rubio “flat-out lied to the American people.” Scarborough pointed out that Rubio is lying about things that are documented in court records.

““I think it was Becky Quick who went down the list of proven things about Marco’s foreclosures and all of Marco’s economic problems. Talking about lying; Marco said ‘I’m not going to answer those lies they’ve all been discredited.’”

“Marco just flat-out lied to the American people, there,” he continued. “And I was stunned that the moderators didn’t stop there and go, ‘Wait a second, these are court records. What are you talking about?’”


Barack Obama Joe Scarborough Politics Ronald Reagan

Joe Scarborough Tells Big Lie On Television, Issues Small Apology on Twitter

There was a disagreement on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, between host Joe Scarborough and co-host Mika Brzezinski.

The discussion had to do with the downed MH17 flight in Ukraine and the way two American presidents handled the situation when planes were shot down during their administration. The presidents? Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan.

Mika Brzezinski tried to educate the Republican with the fact that Ronald Reagan handled a similar situation by staying on vacation for 4 extra days before finally making a statement. Joe lamented how wrong she was about his faithful leader, Reagan.

The convo went like this:

BRZEZINSKI: At the same time there’s these parallels being made to Ronald Reagan and how he responded to the Korean airliner. It took him four days to go back and make the strong statements that he made, just for some perspective.

SCARBOROUGH: He immediately canceled his vacation.

BRZEZINSKI: No, he didn’t, actually.

SCARBOROUGH: Yes, he actually did.

BRZEZINSKI: No, he didn’t immediately cancel it.

SCARBOROUGH: Yes, he did. He immediately canceled it. He immediately went back to the White House. He immediately canceled fund-raising events and campaign events. Yes, he did. You can go back and look. Ronald Reagan didn’t keep campaigning. He stopped when the Korean airliner went down.

Brzezinski, it turned out, was right. Reagan’s address came four days after the attack, in between which he had an aide make a statement about the incident before making a shorter one himself. At the time, Reagan had been on a twenty-five day vacation in California, and resisted returning to Washington, having an aide tell reporters that he had “every facility, every capacity, every capability” to deal with the crisis at his California ranch. The trip was eventually cut short.

Scarborough conceded the point on Twitter about fifteen minutes later:

And thanks to all the kind souls on Twitter who pointed out my boneheaded error as well. You are great ombudsmen! I was wrong. @morningmika

— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) July 21, 2014

Joe Scarborough Politics

Joe Scarborough – Chris Christie is “Chicken…” – Video

Thinking he can still win the Republican presidential nomination in 2016, Chris Christie pandered to the far right wing faction of the Republican Party by killing a gun bill in Jersey that would have limited the amount of rounds in a gun, he then refused to meet with parents from the sandy Hook massacre.

This of course did not go over well with Democrats, and apparently it did not go over well with some Republicans either.

Joe Scarborough of MSNBC called Christy a “chicken…” for the blatantly dumb political move he made.

Scarborough: I think it’s kind of chicken “something,” which I won’t say on the air. It’s chicken, we’ll say “salad,” for Chris Christie to not meet with these families for at least five to 10 minutes, hypocritical. How about being humane? And the reason Chris can’t do that is the logic, the ten precious children, it’s so convoluted that I don’t think he could say that with a straight face. I think he would be embarrassed to say that to parents who lost their children. Saying that if you support only ten, only a clip of ten rounds in a clip that somehow you’re saying those ten children aren’t precious?


Joe Scarborough Politics

Joe Scarborough – Republicans Too Obsessed with Hate for Obama

Joe Scarborough of MSNBC is in promotion mode. He just wrote a new book The Right Path,  and is making his rounds trying to sell as many books as he can. 

Today’s visit brought Mr. Scarborough to The View on ABC where he, of course, spoke about his book. The book is apparently about… politics. Who knew?

Other topics of discussion for Scarborough? Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Barack Obama and the Republicans hate for the man. He seemed perplexed by the way Republicans are so focused on denying the president any legislative victories, and questioned their apparent when the next to jump off the cliff if it means a legislative loss for the president.

Take Obama Obamacare for example,. Scarborough, a staunch Republican himself, sad he is not for Obamacare, but could not figure out why dismantling the law seems to be the only goal for the Republican Party.

Speaking about this Republican hate for Obamacare Scarborough said, “I’m not going to endorse Obamacare right here.” He adds, “If you don’t like Obamacare, then guess what? Let’s actually win elections and we’re only going to win elections if we come up to an alternative to Obamacare.”

Of course, figuring out a way to win an election and then coming up with an alternative plan to Obamacare is too much work for these Republicans. They will stick to their futile goal of trying to dismantle the law.

Their base must be proud.

Joe Scarborough Politics

Joe Scarborough: “Is Anybody Awake In My Party?”

After the president’s speech in Connecticut yesterday on gun violence and the need for Congress to act, more focus is being placed on a group of Republicans who have determined that their “A” rating with the NRA is more important than the lives of the innocent people killed daily from gun violence. But their foolish decision to buck common sense gun reform is not going unnoticed.

Joe Scarborough, a Republican and frequent critic of dumb Republican decisions, stayed true to form today when he used his morning show on MSNBC to point out the pointlessness of those in his party. “It’s really hard to figure out what the political calculation is, “Scarborough said.

“It’s a 90/10 issue that involves the massacres of 20 children: Is anybody awake in my party on the Hill?” Of course the answer to How’s question is yes, they awake. But the priorities have never been the same as those held by a majority of the American people. Congressional Republicans have demonstrated on multiple occasions, that self-preservation and their childish need to see president Obama fail trumps the will of the people.

So anything the president is for, Republicans will be against. And it doesn’t matter how popular those things are, if the president is in favor of them, Republicans will automatically be against them. Call this unproductive relationship the Yin and Yang of politics.

Republicans’ foolish need for self-preservation and their desire to make the president fail, will ultimately be their demise. The American people are watching, and following the unbelievable massacre in Newtown Connecticut, they are paying more attention than ever before.

Joe Scarborough Mitt Romney Politics

Joe Scarborough – “Mitt Romney Sounds Like a Plutocrat!” – Government By The Rich, For The Rich

I’m not a big fan of Morning Joe on MSNBC. Host Joe Scarborough usually get to me and I still cannot figure out what Mika’s role on the show is. But sometimes, Joe would say something worth repeating and on Tuesday morning, the news worthy part of Joe’s broadcast featured his cast discussing Romney’s recent blunder, where he was caught on video dissing 47% of America.

Joe started the discussion pointing out how comfortable Mitt Romney when he said that poorer Americans are basically lazy and dependent on the government. “What was that?” Joe asked.

“That’s the case the Obama campaign made last night. This was a man saying what he believes. This is a window into the real Mitt Romney,” was one answer.

A second guest added, “… unfortunately he says this thing, this one sentence, ‘I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.’ That’s pretty much every senior citizen in America. Pretty much every senior citizen in America who is on Medicare and Social Security doesn’t pay any income tax. That’s the one voting group Mitt Romney had a clear advantage over the President with. It’s so contentious, it’s so condescending.”

Joe then made a comparison with George Bush who, according to Joe, tried to get voters from the minority group. Joe finished up with the conclusion that Mitt Romney sounds like a “plutocrat.” (According to the Dictionary, a plutocrat is someone who believes that Government is for the wealthy, that the wealthy should be the ones controlling the government.) He later added that this week is the worst he’s seen for the Romney campaign.

WOW! Video below.

Glenn Beck Joe Scarborough MSNBC Republican

Conservatives Denounce Glenn Beck’s Crazy Antics

Say it ain’t so Joe:

In a shocking turn of events, conservative Republican Joe Scarborough of MSNBC has truned against his fellow conservative, ultra-extreme Glenn Beck. He then voiced his displeasure with the Beck-star – one of the appointed leaders of the Teaparty.

“I’ve been telling conservatives for about two years, this guy is bad for the movement, this guy is losing it before our eyes. He’s bad for the conservative movement. He’s bad for the Republican Party. He’s bad for Fox News…even guys over at Fox News have to start thinking, this can’t last. He’s out of control.”

Scarborough then pointed out that he is not the only conservative who’s becomming sick of Beck’s antics. He mentioned a blog post by another conservative, named Peter Wehner. The title of Mr. Wehner’s post is “The Most Distrubing Person on Cable Television.” A portion of the post said;

In the past few weeks Glenn Beck has spoken about the coming caliphate that he believes is about to envelope most of the world. He then dilated on the anti-Christ with a man who says he has “new prophetic understanding into the end times.”

In 2009, this self-proclaimed prophet wrote a column titled “What Obama and the Anti-Christ Have in Common.” Then, on a recent show, the discussion focused on the coming Islamic anti-Christ. And earlier this week, an irate, bellicose Beck spoke about the “perfect storm” America faces. “I can’t honestly believe we’re finally here,” he said in praising his own prescience. In his version of events, Beck is the solitary Voice of Truth willing to expose the New World Order (complete with references to Van Jones and Code Pink).

It’s hard to tell how much of what Beck says is sincere and how much is for show. Whatever the case, and even taking into account the entire MSNBC lineup, Glenn Beck has become the most disturbing personality on cable television. One cannot watch him for any length of time without being struck by his affinity for conspiracies and for portraying himself as the great decoder of events.

Well, it’s never too late. We welcome these conservative who are finally beginning to see the truth about Glenn Beck, and we hope that it’s not too late for the masses who watch Beck religiously, buying into his conspiracy theories and his willful attempt to dumb down Americans.

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