Domestic Policies Donald Trump Mitt Romney

The GOP Creates a False Reality

I don’t know why people are so concerned about Donald Trump’s foreign policy experience. He’s currently fighting a war right here in the United States, and he seems to be winning.

The past couple of days have shown, in vivid monochromatic white, that the Republican Party is in full-blown Three Mile Island meltdown mode, what with talk about a brokered convention and establishment plots to deny Donald Trump the nomination and vast amounts of money to stop his campaign that should have come in November when, perhaps, and I mean perhaps, it could have made a difference. What’s clear is that the party wants to stop him, but in the absence of any one candidate that has been identified as the anti-Donald, this is not going to happen.

Carting out Mitt Romney, of all people, to tell the world that Trump is a fraud is in itself a fraud of momentous proportions, but it is emblematic of how far the GOP has fallen and how they have, in Karl Rove’s famous words, created their own reality. Remember that it was Republican fuzzy math that gave them the false idea that Romney was going to defeat Obama until FOX News called Ohio for the president and Rove went into mini-meltdown mode on national television.

Then they thought that simply by winning some House seats that they were going to force the president to give up his signature accomplishment because, well, the base demanded that he do that. Then there’s the Cruz shutdown gambit  and the proposed Planned Parenthood shutdown gambit and the climate denial gambit and now the Supreme Court shutdown denial gambit that just got a whole lot more interesting.

But they’re saving the biggest reality denial for the fall, and that’s the idea that a political party that loathes its potential nominee and is publicly and loudly looking for an alternative that includes forcing a brokered convention and inviting talk about a third-party challenge can actually win a presidential election in November. Moderate Republicans, and I mean real moderates, not right wingers like John Kasich or Marco Rubio, will flee the GOP in the fall. Senators will run from Trump and try to create their own local reality in a news environment that will force them to take sides. And if the GOP does give in and support Trump, it will lose Hispanic voters and ensure that more women, young people and African-Americans will go to the polls. It’s difficult enough to win national elections when the party is helping its nominee; it’s almost impossible to win with a party that is spilt along three or four fronts.

I said repeatedly that Trump would not be the nominee because I assumed that the Republican Party would do anything to ensure its viability. That clearly is happening too late and I will admit that I am wrong as soon as Trump crosses the delegate math finish line. But if the party is still this fractured at the convention, then they will find it extraordinarily difficult to win in the fall.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump Mitt Romney Politics

Donald Trump Hits Mitt Romney – He Had a “Terrible choke loss to Obama”

So Mittens decided to go on CNN and had some choice words to say about the batch of misfits running for the Republican nomination. Romney also gleefully conveyed the message that he is “glad” he is not a part of the 2016 Republican crowd.

And when asked if he would vote for Donald Trump, Romney replied, “I would vote for the nominee of the Republican party and I don’t believe that’s going to be Donald Trump.”

Naturally, Donald Trump took offence and he has a Twitter account with some followers capable of retweeting everything the donald says. Trump took to twitter and blasted Mitt Romney for his CNN remarks.

Mitt Romney Politics

No Joke – Mitt Romney Thinks Hillary Clinton Fake, Cannot Be Trusted – Video

Now, when Mitt Romney ran for president the first time and got defeated, then ran the second time and got defeated, defeat was not the only thing that stuck to Mr. Romney, his uncanny ability to flip flop and be untrustworthy also stuck. So with that uncanny ability to be fake, Romney is calling out Hillary Clinton as being fake, just just like he is.

“When you see her on a stage or when she comes into a room full of people, she’s smiling with her mouth but her eyes say, ‘Where’s my latte?'” Romney said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“It just doesn’t suggest she believes everything she’s saying,” he continued, calling her performance “jarring.”

Romney faced similar criticism during his own runs for President for flip-flopping on multiple hot-button issues, struggling to connect with working-class voters, and saying things like he enjoys hunting “small varmints, if you will.”

“At this stage, what does she really believe?” he said on Monday. “I think people wonder, can they really trust Hillary Clinton?”


Mitt Romney Politics

Aww Shucks… Romney Decides Not to Run for President in 2016

I was gearing up for his return. I had all my Romney is a flip flopper, Romney the chameleon posts from his last failed bid ready to go. I wanted to see how Romney was going to flip flop on his positions for this 2016 run, but my fun and enthusiasm just came to an end as Mitt Romney announced that he is not going to run a third campaign to become President of the United States.


In a conference call with his supporters, Mitt Romney said that he is confident that with their support he ciuld win the nomination if he runs in 2016. But he is convinced that at this time running is not his best option.

“I am convinced that we could win the nomination, but fully realize it would have been difficult test and a hard fight,” Romney’s prepared remarks on a conference call with supporters said.

And he partiality shuts the door to being drafted by his Republican colleagues.

“I’ve been asked, and will certainly be asked again if there are any circumstances whatsoever that might develop that could change my mind. That seems unlikely. Accordingly, I’m not organizing a PAC or taking donations; I’m not hiring a campaign team,” he said.

Mitt Romney Politics

Republican Explains – Minimum Wage is for “Minorities,” Unskilled People Worth $7 an Hour

He is a Republican Representative from California named, Tom McClintock. And in an interview with C-SPAN on Thursday, McClintock went there with his Republican ideology in public, saying that the minimum wage is for “minorities,” teenagers and other unskilled people no work experience. And those people do not deserve more than $7 an hour.

He was answering a question from the host who asked if he would support Mitt Romney in 2016 seeing that Romney has flipped and is now calling for a raise in the minimum wage. Yes folks, Romney is now pushing to raise the minimum wage! The New York Times reports that Romney is vowing a campaign to “end the scourge of poverty” if he runs for president a third time, has backed raising the minimum wage over the wishes of congressional leaders.

“It’s not supposed to support a family. The minimum wage is that first job when you have no skills, no experience, no working history. That’s how you get into the job market, that’s how you develop that experience, develop that work record, get your first raise, then your next raise, then your promotion.”

“If your labor is an unskilled person just entering the workforce is worth say $7 an hour at a job and the minimum wage is $10, you have just been made permanently unemployable,” McClintock says. “That first rung of the economic ladder has been ripped out and you can’t get on it. That is a tragedy.”


Mitt Romney Politics

Meghan McCain to Mitt Romney – Save Your Family, Don’t Run in 2016

But will The Mittens listen? I doubt it. Chances are the American people will have yet another chance to tell Romney NO… Again… for the third time!

In a column on the Washington Post, McCain apple about the hurt and pain she suffered as her dad ran and lost in previous presidential contests.

Those of us who’ve been through it multiple times, who’ve watched our parents be rejected by the American public more than once? We make up a weird, lonely island of political misfit toys. I’m on it. So are the Romneys. And when I think about what they might go through again, if their father runs a third time, I shudder.

Don’t get me wrong. I like Mitt Romney. I like his wife and children. But take it from someone who knows – being the direct spawn of a presidential nominee is arduous and excruciatingly public. It’s an experience that will always hold a very special place in my heart, but I wouldn’t put myself or my family through it again for anything in the world. And it’s inconceivable to me that anyone else would either – especially after losing as your party’s most recent nominee.

Benghazi democrats Mitt Romney Politics


As seen on America The Not So Beautiful

By Mike Caccioppoli

This is a very exciting day at America The Not So Beautiful as Mitt Romney has chosen this blog to formally announce that he will be running for President in 2016. He told me that he hopes the third time is the charm and that he has learned from his past errors. He wants to explain why he is running and point out what he could do better than President Obama if he is elected President of the United States. But I really don’t want to take up any more of his time so ladies and gentlemen here is Governor Mitt Romney!

Thank You Mike. I’m so glad that you allowed me this wonderful venue to announce my candidacy for President of these United States in the year 2016. I agree that America isn’t very beautiful under the leadership of Barack Obama. Now everyone already knows my faults. It’s already been spoken about ad nauseum in past election cycles. The fact that I was fully behind the Vietnam war, even marched in favor of it, but of course I did not serve my county. Instead I went to France, a wonderful country and expressed my love for my beautiful wife Ann. Everyone has seen those photos of myself on the beach in the south of France, where they have this wonderful little film festival called “The Cannes Film Festival”. I wrote in the sand “I Love Ann” with a big heart around it and paid someone 10 grand to photograph it from above. Yes, you have all seen that photo that was taken while our brave soldiers were dying for a great cause in Vietnam.

But we have already debated that photograph and I ask Americans to simply move on please. Just place that in your binders of thoughts and memories and please move on. I realize now that I should have been more discreet and just taken a photo of my young, taut body in a bubble bath. I mean I could have written Ann’s initials in the bubbly soap to show my love and undying affection for her. Yes, that would have sufficed, I understand now.

I know I took a very big hit with those comments at the social club. Where in front of millionaires I said that 47 percent thing. I said that 47 percent of Americans just want hand outs from the government and that Barack Obama would give them that. I have been thinking very much about that comment and I now realize I was wrong. It’s really only 45 percent. How insensitive of me to say that 47 percent are takers when it is really only 45 percent. I have learned from that mistake, and have met the two percent that convinced me they are workers not takers. So yes the number is most definitely 45 percent. I’m sorry that I offended two percent of America that didn’t deserve it. Truly sorry.

People feel, I’m sorry…..felt, that I was out of touch with most ordinary people. One reason I believe is that I only paid 13 percent tax while the middle class often pays 25-35 percent. Even though I believe that I’m still giving away much more money since I’m a multi-millionaire, I understand that it doesn’t look good. Especially since I only pay those taxes when I’m running for President. Otherwise I really don’t pay anything. Anyway I have decided that this is insensitive to the middle class and so I paid 14 percent this year.  Believe me that extra one percent adds up to quite a bit of cash since I’m a multi-millionaire. I hope this proves that I’m a friend of the middle class and with that extra money leaving my accounts I do understand the hardships you feel on a daily basis. I really do. This should put aside any more questions or negative ads in regards to my taxes.

Now that I have put all of this silly business behind me I’d like to show you why I could do better than the current Democratic administration if you would so kindly elect me President. I had said in my previous campaign that the economy would be destroyed if Barack Obama was elected for another four years. Since that time gas prices have plummeted while the stock market has soared. Unemployment continues to decline month by month. While jobs are being created every month in the 150-200K range. This is all pretty much the opposite of what I said would happen throughout the campaign and debates. You have all done an admirable job of trying to prove me wrong and I believe I pushed you in that direction through my brilliant psychology that I learned in the best schools since the age of five. I vocalize negative comments and this motives you, it motivates you to do better, the wonderful American people. So, just imagine what we could do together if I were actually President! The possibilities are endless.

My words might have been wrong but my heart was in the right place. Speaking of heart I just need to remind everyone that I do love Ann. I just love Ann.

Some people think I’m running again because I have so much money that I don’t know what to do with it. This couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m running for many honorable reasons but the most honorable is to protect this country from terrorists and to retain our freedoms. Barack Obama didn’t have the money to solely distribute “The Interview” but I do. This would show the terrorists that we are strong and not weak. And unlike the President I have indeed ridden horses bare chested like Vladimir Putin. This shows manliness and strength and power. I have ridden Ann’s ponies bare chested, I love Ann, I do love Ann.

I believe I have made my points. I’m a true protector of the middle class. I now believe in simple bubble bath selfies over wasteful high angle helicopter shots. I think only 45 percent of this great country are takers. I now pay my 14 percent of taxes when I run for President. Yes the economy is incredibly strong but I can make it stronger with my ability to personally distribute any film that is censored or banned because of terrorism. This is the new Mitt Romney. Please vote for me in 2016 to be the next President of the United States.

Oh and before I go……Benghazi!


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The Latest GOP Swimsuit Competition

My apologies if the image of Chris Christie in a swimsuit finds you eating a meal while reading this. It’s one of the hardships of the blogging trade, I know.

As mid-January hurries into late-January (a month of Mondays if there ever was one), we find ourselves confronted with news from the right side of the political spectrum as Hillary Clinton and any other would-be Democrats are seemingly taking the month off.

The big news, as usual, comes from New Jersey where the main question revolves around whether the Governor’s actions in Dallas last weekend dealt a fatal blow to his presidential hopes. The thinking is that Christie’s awkward embrace of Cowboy’s owner Jerry Jones while wearing an orange sweater, was akin to Michael Dukakis in a tank or Howard Dean screaming. That is, an unpresidential image so egregious that it renders a candidate unelectable. My sense is that, no, this did not end Christie’s run before it began (and it will begin later this month), but it did project Christie as the wanna-be he clearly is. And it also reinforces the notion that the man just doesn’t think before he acts sometimes. He believes that he is always right and his aides reinforce that daily. The Dallas escapade might not be the end, but it presages another event that will hurt him sometime down the road. Bank on that.

More bigger than Christie, though, is the news that Mitt Romney is strongly considering a third run for the White House. This would be a very bad idea because third time candidates tend to become parodies and, then, national jokes.

William Jennings Bryan ran for the Democratic nomination four times in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, matching the Buffalo Bills for important national losses. Bryan, though, will always be remembered for his Cross of Gold speech, where he attempted to tie the business-friendly Republicans to a policy that would increase the suffering of the lower classes at the expense of the wealthy. Sound familiar? Today, Romney would more likely make a speech saying that a Cross of Gold would be a sound investment.

Even Teddy Roosevelt lost some luster when he ran for a third time in 1912, but he had the extra added legitimacy of having previously been president for almost eight years, and for being a firm advocate for responsible corporate behavior and for his solid conservation record. You know those national parks that Romney wants to open for drilling, exploration and timber? Roosevelt made them happen. Romney can only dream of that kind of influence, even if he does manage to get out of the primaries. Which he won’t.

And finally, there’s Jeb Bush, who apparently is evolving as we speak. And for someone whose view on evolution is somewhat suspect, it’s refreshing to read that:

“There is an evolution in temperament and an evolution in judgment and an evolution in wisdom — and there is an evolution in his respect for others’ point of view,” said Al Cardenas, a longtime friend who insisted that Mr. Bush had “not changed his conservative values.”

Perhaps by the end of the campaign, Mr. Bush will evolve into a Democrat. OK, OK, I know, but a fella can dream, can’t he?

So there you have it: the early mid-January political report. By the end of the month I would suspect that Mitt and Chris will join Jeb in the money-raising competition and then they’ll all jump head first into the campaign sometime after the Supreme Court affirms the Affordable Care Act.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Mitt Romney Politics

New Poll – Mitt Romney Would Defeat Hillary Clinton for President

So according to this poll, Mitt Romney is not only giving other Republican candidates a run for their money, he’s also causing some headaches for Hillary Clinton, the presumed Democratic nominee.

According to a Quinnipiac University poll of registered voters, if the Republican primary were being held today, he would receive 19 percent of the vote. The only other potential candidate who would finish with double-digit support is former Florida Governor Jeb Bush at 11 percent.

It shouldn’t be too difficult to guess who his Democratic opponent would be. Yeah, it would be Hillary Clinton. According to the poll, she’d receive 57 percent of the vote. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is the only other potential candidate to receive double-digit support with 13 percent of Democrats and Democratic leaners saying they’d opt for her.

As of now, Romney would give the GOP its best chance of defeating Clinton. According to the poll, he’d defeat her by one percentage point.

Clinton is ahead of every other Republican she was polled against.

Ebola Mitt Romney

Scott Brown – If Mitt Was President, “We Would Not Be Worrying about Ebola”

In an interview with Fox News, Scott Brown lauded praise on President Mitt Romney for being the only president able to end Ebola in America. (what? Mitt Romney was never president so Scott Brown has nothing to base his pointless conclusions on? Interesting. So then like the average Republican, Brown is only speaking out of his ass? Interesting!)

“Gosh can you imagine if Mitt was the president right now?” Brown said. “He was right on Russia, he was right on Obamacare, he was right on the economy. And I guarantee you we would not be worrying about Ebola right now and, you know, worrying about our foreign policy screw ups.”

Just for the record, Romney was then and still is wrong on Russia, demonstrably wrong on Obamacare and supremely wrong on the economy.

jeb bush Mitt Romney Politics

Jeb Bush Gets The Okay from His Wife to Run for President

While Mitt Romney’s wife appears dead set against the idea of him running a third campaign for president of the United States, wife of Jeb Bush said that she is all for her man running in 2016.

“My wife is supportive, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t understand the challenges that this brings,” Jeb said in an interview with the Associated Press Tuesday. “This is ultimately my decision with as much consideration as I can to take into account the people that I really love.”

Bush has been actively encouraged to run by several members of the GOP establishment and would enter the presidential contest as an early favorite. But he has publicly indicated that concerns over the toll of a presidential campaign on his family are weighing heavily on his decision to run. Columba Bush was previously reported to be reluctant to support a 2016 bid.

If the Romneys are serious about not running in 2016 – and there are questions about their claims of being “done, done, done” – we might be looking at another Bush/Clinton matchup – Jeb Bush vs Hillary Clinton.

As if 2 bushes weren’t enough!

Mitt Romney Politics

New Poll – Mitt Romney Leads All Possible Republican Candidates in Iowa! #Insanity

Ann Romney has a lot of memos to send, and she should start sending them to the voters in Iowa. Although Ann tried today to guarantee Americans that Mitt Romney would never run for President again, Iowa voters are not listening. They want Mittens more than they want any other Republican candidate in 2016!

Romney was the top vote-getter in the poll with 17 percent and Dr. Ben Carson, a conservative neurosurgeon who has never held public office, came in second with 11 percent.

Carson told Fox News’ Sean Hannity Monday night that the chances of him running are “50/50.”

Iowa Republicans were less enthusiastic about other potential candidates, most of whom currently hold public office and are better nationally recognized.

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul came in third in the poll with 10 percent, but New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush failed to make waves with 6 percent and 4 percent each.

The poll results came a day after Romney’s wife Ann insisted to the Los Angeles Times that there was no chance of a third Romney presidential bid.

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