Mitt Romney Politics

Republican Explains – Minimum Wage is for “Minorities,” Unskilled People Worth $7 an Hour

He is a Republican Representative from California named, Tom McClintock. And in an interview with C-SPAN on Thursday, McClintock went there with his Republican ideology in public, saying that the minimum wage is for “minorities,” teenagers and other unskilled people no work experience. And those people do not deserve more than $7 an hour.

He was answering a question from the host who asked if he would support Mitt Romney in 2016 seeing that Romney has flipped and is now calling for a raise in the minimum wage. Yes folks, Romney is now pushing to raise the minimum wage! The New York Times reports that Romney is vowing a campaign to “end the scourge of poverty” if he runs for president a third time, has backed raising the minimum wage over the wishes of congressional leaders.

“It’s not supposed to support a family. The minimum wage is that first job when you have no skills, no experience, no working history. That’s how you get into the job market, that’s how you develop that experience, develop that work record, get your first raise, then your next raise, then your promotion.”

“If your labor is an unskilled person just entering the workforce is worth say $7 an hour at a job and the minimum wage is $10, you have just been made permanently unemployable,” McClintock says. “That first rung of the economic ladder has been ripped out and you can’t get on it. That is a tragedy.”


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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

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