Featured Politics

Democrats: The Message Is the Medium

It only took three days, so if you chose January 3 in your office pool as the date when the first idiot Democrat brought up impeachment, then congratulations are in order. That she also sprinkled her comment with impolitic language only makes it worse. I’m thinking that Nancy Peloisi had a chat with Representative Tlaib about staying on message.

I just want to be clear on this first post of the year that I have no patience with any Democrat who calls for any legal action against the president unless there is enough legitimate evidence that the president had committed an impeachable or indictable offense. Let Robert Mueller’s investigation do its job and let him release his report when it’s ready. The same is true about the other current investigations into the Trump Administration and the ones that the Democrats in the House will inevitably begin. Giving the Republicans any further reason to marginalize any opposition only takes time and energy away from what must be the Democrats’ central message, which is that they will address and attempt to solve the basic problems that face Americans on a day-to-day basis.

I understand that a new and younger group of much more liberal legislators are now in Congress and statehouses across the country. I understand that they are filled with passion and fury and that they were elected to move the country in a different direction. But the best way to do this is to stay on message and not to waver. If the new Democrats can learn anything from the almost 40 year reign of the conservatives, it’s that you need to frame your arguments in ways that people can digest and repeat them effortlessly, and you need everybody on your team to say the same things in the same way using the same language no matter what medium you’re on.

Democrats need to focus on health care that covers everyone, livable wages, family leave and a climate message that appeals to Americans on the local level. I know this might be heresy, but what do those Americans living in the middle of the country care about the tides and floods in Miami? Craft a message that educates people on the changes they’ve already seen in their communities, which might be about crop yields or water supplies or the increase/decrease in wildlife. You get the idea.

Or do you? Because if you still believe that angrily posting about the minute-to-minute foolishness of the president’s messages is the way to win hearts and minds, then I am here to tell you that you are wrong. President Trump’s base will follow him no matter what he says. The voters that will win the 2020 election are the ones who voted Democratic last year, even if they supported Trump in 2016. Most of them care only about how their lives and the country’s future will be secured. If they voted against the GOP despite a tax cut and an improving employment environment, then they will vote Democratic again if the Democrats continue to remind them about what Democrats will do for them.

That’s a winning message. And that’s the only winning message. So if you’re angry and frustrated and appalled, my suggestion is that you go analog: Find a field, a prairie, a noisy subway station or an insulated basement and scream about whatever will heal your heart.

Then let’s get back to work.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Featured Politics

Mitt Romney Calls for Moral Leadership From an Amoral “Leader”

Mitt Romney is known for flip-flops and backflips. The man backflips so much he should give up his Senate seat and apply for a spot on the US Gymnastics Team. So when I read his remarks about Donald Trump’s failed presidency earlier today, I was not moved one way or the other.

But I could not avoid mentioning Romney and his op-ed, partly because I cannot stand what Trump is doing to this nation. And although he is a flip-flopper and capable of blaming momentary insanity for his on-point op-ed, Mitt Romney’s words were a welcome departure from the cowards in the Republican party.

At the beginning of his piece, Romney spoke about his optimism about the Trump presidency, though he admitted that Trump was not his first choice for president.

It is well known that Donald Trump was not my choice for the Republican presidential nomination. After he became the nominee, I hoped his campaign would refrain from resentment and name-calling. It did not. When he won the election, I hoped he would rise to the occasion. His early appointments of Rex Tillerson, Jeff Sessions, Nikki Haley, Gary Cohn, H.R. McMaster, Kelly Mattis were encouraging. But, on balance, his conduct over the past two years, particularly his actions last month, is evidence that the president has not risen to the mantle of the office.

His next paragraph attempted to praise Trump for his “policies” since becoming president, but the praise was short-lived as Romney continued slamming Trump and his lack of moral leadership.

To a great degree, a presidency shapes the public character of the nation. A president should unite us and inspire us to follow “our better angels.” A president should demonstrate the essential qualities of honesty and integrity, and elevate the national discourse with comity and mutual respect. As a nation, we have been blessed with presidents who have called on the greatness of the American spirit. With the nation so divided, resentful and angry, presidential leadership in qualities of character is indispensable. And it is in this province where the incumbent’s shortfall has been most glaring.

” Trump’s words and actions have caused dismay around the world,” Romney wrote, as he explained America’s fall from grace during these first two years of Trump’s presidency. “In a 2016 Pew Research Center poll, 84 percent of people in Germany, Britain, France, Canada and Sweden believed the American president would “do the right thing in world affairs.” One year later, that number had fallen to 16 percent. “

Romney’s many points in the Op-Ed were well made, accurate and welcomed. But how long will Romney’s voice be heard? Will he assume his seat in the Senate and continue being a voice of morals and reason in a muted Republican party, or will he flip-flop and toe the line as most expect?

As for Trump, he is calling on Romney to shut up and fall in line… or as he puts it, be a ‘TEAM’ player!

In a tweet, Trump wrote; “Would much prefer that Mitt focus on Border Security and so many other things where he can be helpful. I won big, and he didn’t. He should be happy for all Republicans. Be a TEAM player & WIN!”

WIN! Are we winning yet?

Stand your ground Romney. You’re the Republican’s only hope…

Donald Trump Donald Trump Featured Politics

Trump’s Personal Piggy-Bank Fundation to Dissolve Amid Investigation

It is something Trump and his gang should have done a long time ago. They apparently thought their little scheme to rip off unsuspecting donors to their “foundation” would go unnoticed. Instead, it took an investigation into their wrongdoings by the New York Attorney General for Trump and kind to realize that people are watching, and their crimes are not above the law.

So now, now they are forced to dissolve the Foundation. As the investigation revealed, Donald Trump has used the funds from his charitable foundation as his personal piggy-bank.

The dissolution of the Donald J. Trump Foundation resolves one element of the attorney general’s civil lawsuit against the foundation, which includes claims that the President and his three eldest children — Don Jr., Ivanka Eric — violated campaign-finance laws and abused its tax-exempt status. Rather than operating it as a genuine charity, the lawsuit alleges, they instead allowed it to be used “as little more than a checkbook to serve Mr. Trump’s business and political interests.

“The agreement to dissolve, signed by both an attorney for the foundation and Attorney General Barbara Underwood’s office, also allows the attorney general’s office to review the recipients of the charity’s assets. The foundation’s most recent tax return listed its net assets at slightly more than $1.7 million.

Donald Trump Donald Trump Featured Politics

Google CEO Explains to Congress Why Searching for “Idiot” Shows Pictures of Donald Trump – Video

Some would say that needs no explanation. Some would say the Google Search Engine is correct to show information about Donald Trump when someone searches the word, “idiot.” But in Congress, Republicans think something smells, and they’re not talking about the stench in the White House!

On Tuesday, the search engine giant’s CEO Sundar Pichai had the task of explaining to members of Congress why that happens during a hearing in front of the House Judiciary Committee.

Pichai refuted Rep. Zoe Lofgren’s (D-Calif.) tongue-in-cheek suggestion that it was down to “a little man sitting behind the curtain” who was skewing the results against conservatives — saying the company doesn’t “manually intervene” in searches.

“We provide search today for any time you type in a keyword. We, as Google, have gone out and crawled and stored copies of billions of their pages in our index, and we take the keyword and match it against the pages and rank them based on over 200 signals,” Pichai explained.

“Things like relevance, freshness, popularity, how other people are using it. And based on that, you know, at any given time, we try to find the best results for that query,” he added, during the hearing that also threw up several other self-owns for lawmakers.

Featured Politics

Gadzooks! It Looks Like There Really ARE Witches!

I’m finally convinced that President Trump is absolutely correct when he tweets that Robert Mueller’s investigation into the alleged malfeasance of the Trump campaign and his possible obstruction of justice is, indeed, a witch hunt.

Because we’ve discovered that there are witches.

Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort have told demonstrable lies about their roles and the actions of others during their time as Trump servants. Manafort has made an art of his lying by first getting a deal on immunity, then breaking it by lying some more. This guy is a machine. Impressive. Cohen’s testimony, which implicates the president directly in authorizing payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal in return for their silence about their affairs with him, is even more damaging because it essentially calls Trump a liar since he denies having affairs with either of them. The weight of the evidence is not in the president’s favor.

And if you thought the witches only came out in the Mueller investigation, then you haven’t been paying attention. The other witches were found in North Carolina engaged in…wait for it…voter fraud.  The best part is that they’re Republicans. You know, the ones who enacted all of the voter ID and intimidation laws that have been suppressing minority voters for the past two national election cycles. The ones who claimed that illegal immigrants were voting in huge numbers against the president. The ones who said that Democrats were stealing elections.


Yes, they engaged in some fraudulent activities that blatantly affected the vote in a congressional race in North Carolina. And the even bester part is that the GOP contender is an evangelical preacher who says he has no idea that this was happening in his campaign. What a disgrace.

So there you have it, my friends. Real witches doing really witchful things.

The president is right. And it could turn out to haunt him. Eye of newt indeed.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Featured Politics

A Thousand Points of Light Beats One Dim Bulb

I didn’t really care for George H.W. Bush as president, but as history shows us, he certainly looks a great deal better in light of, shall we say, current realities.

At the time, Bush was seen as inheriting Ronald Reagan’s conservative mantle, but Bush was more moderate and came from the old blue blood wing of the Republican Party. You know, the wealthy, business-oriented, somewhat squishy on civil rights cadre that also nominated Richard Nixon. Bush had labeled Reagan’s economic policy as “voodoo economics,” which turned out not only to be prescient, but a fair warning to the conservatives who didn’t know how to balance a checkbook because, well, daddy would always clean up the mess.

Bush played daddy to the extent that he could, but he still gave in to the disgraceful instincts that were becoming part of campaigning in the modern era. The Willie Horton ad (I won’t even justify it with a link, though of course you could look it up) became part of the lexicon of scurrilous political advertisements because it played directly to the racist practices that were embedded in conservative circles. The ad was said to use dog whistle tactics, but that’s big fat lie. The ad screamed and generated sirens and flashing lights. And it worked.

Which of course made Bush’s appeal for a kinder, gentler America seem suspect to say the least, but he soon pivoted to his strengths, which were his close personal relationships in Washington and diplomatic circles, and his economic policies, which ultimately sunk him. During the 1988 campaign he said that the Democrats would need to read his lips; that he was not going to raise taxes. Then he did the responsible thing and raised taxes to put the economy on firmer footing and to close the budget deficit. For the conservatives, though, that was heresy. He lost in 1992 because conservatives didn’t come out for him and moderates thought he wasn’t engaged enough in domestic affairs.

But Bush did have some successes. He ordered invasions of Panama and Iraq to stop their leaders, Manuel Noriega and Saddam Hussein, from expanding their roles as very bad guys. And he also navigated the country through the end of the Cold War from 1989 to 1991, and did so with a steady hand. Reagan gets credit for ending the conflict, but it was Bush who helped make it an orderly reality. Looking back, it’s amazing to remember that for all of the talk about the Cold War ending with a mushroom cloud, it really ended with hammers slamming away at the Berlin Wall. Bush’s support for Boris Yeltsin’s coup was a masterstroke of realpolitik. He could have stuck with Mikhail Gorbachev, but Bush saw that Yeltsin was the future. And he was right.

Bush also had a successful post-presidency, burying the hatchet with Bill Clinton and generally living the life of an elder statesman with restraint and credibility. He was, though, the last of the old conservative breed, and it was his son who led us into the political world we unfortunately inhabit now. I won’t recap. You know this.

And yet it says something about the disaster that sits in the White House today when he says he doesn’t understand what the thousand points of light was supposed to represent, or even what it meant. That’s because you need to look beyond yourself and see the country as an interconnected community of people who are willing to help each other through volunteerism and a shared vision of what it takes to continue to improve. George H.W. Bush, indeed, most every other president, understood what this meant and encouraged us to give back to the United States. His death leaves one less light shining. Let’s make sure the present occupant doesn’t shut them all off.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Featured Politics

Climate Change Is Real. The Hoax Sits in the White House

Contradiction? Who’s to say.

The federal government released a report based on the judgement of 13 agencies that unequivocally warned of the dangers, both economic and biological, of the comingpresent global warming crisis. The report was mandated by Congress and points out in stark detail why we need to address climate change, carbon dioxide, and everything else that is contributing to major changes in the United States and the world. It hands the Democrats a potent line of attack for the next election, and should make every American stand up and realize the danger we face.

Then, of course, there’s the guy in the White House. You know, the guy who says it’s all a Chinese hoax meant to destroy the US economy. The guy who has issued several executive orders that will enable the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries to pollute more, destroy sensitive ecosystems, and foul the air and water in the name of…jobs and a misplaced, OK, warped, sense of history.

Yes, it’s true that the United States grew wealthy on US Steel and Exxon and Dow Chemical, but those days are over and gone. And killing more people who mine and work around dangerous materials will not bring those days back.

Neither will the air and water, but that seems to be the policy of choice among Trump’s avid supporters, and those sycophants who worry about the latest tweet or the mercurial nature of the man who holds the future of the country in his small hands.

Yes, I am worried too.

At least with the Democrats in control of the House of Representatives, we can have an honest debate about the role and influence of actual science, rather than some warped accounting of the world that has no basis in rational thought. The White House thought it could bury this report in the frenzy of the holiday shopping season. It cannot, nor can it hide the facts that undergird the research.

A president whose approval ratings have never seen the sunlight that shines above 50% will have a tremendously difficult time running on a platform of denial and pollution.

He certainly has his fans.

The rest of us are in the majority.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump Politics

Watch What Happened When a Reporter Demanded Accountability From Donald Trump – Video

If other reporters did what CNN’s Jim Acosta did today, then maybe Donald Trump will think twice about using the airways to lie to the American people every chance he gets.

The day after the midterm election when Democrats commandingly regained control of the House of Representatives from Republicans, Donald Trump joined reporters at the White House to answer questions on, among other things, what went wrong for Republicans.

CNN’s Jim Acosta had the mic and asked a straightforward question about the Caravan and Trump’s depiction of these refugees as “invaders.” And just as expected, Donald Trump tried to shut Jim down, called him “rude”, and even had his White House aide attempt to wrestle the microphone away from the reporter.


Featured Politics

Stacy Abrams Still In It – Run-off Vote Set for December – Video

The Georgia Republican running against Stacy Abrams for Governor is also the keeper of the votes. Talk about a conflict of interest.

But even with that in mind, enough Georgians turned out to the polls on November 6th and kept Stacy Abrams close enough to be awarded a do-over in December, December 4th to be exact.

This is one time you can truly say, you can’t keep a good man woman down!
Donald Trump Donald Trump Featured Politics

Fox News Pulls Donald Trump’s Racist Ad

I’ve criticized Fox News over the years and I’m sure there will be more opportunities to criticize them in the very near future. You can bet on it. But when the network show some decency – and that happens as often as there are blue moons – I will support their decency.

Enter support for Fox News’ decency – now that’s a phrase you will not hear often.

As the midterm elections quickly approach, Donald Trump and his herd of Republican sheep are desperate. So desperate they are, that Trump and his clan are running racist ads against Democrats hoping to scare up some votes their way. Most networks have refused to air the ad, but hearing that Fox News is one of these networks… well… good move Fox!

According to Brian Stelter, CNN’s host of Reliable Sources, Fox’s ad sales president has pulled the racist ad off both Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network.

Featured Politics

Daughter’s Message to Voters – Don’t Vote for My Republican Father

“I can’t imagine him being in any level of government,” she told The Star on Monday.

Emily is referring to her father, Steve West. A Republican candidate for the Missouri General Assembly. The daughter of the Republican also said that her father is a racist and homophobic, and is known to be anti-Semitic.

“A lot of his views are just very out there,” Emily West said. “He’s made multiple comments that are racist and homophobic and how he doesn’t like the Jews.”

Even the Missouri Republican party issued a statement denouncing Steve West for all his “shocking and vile comments.” The party also distance itself from their candidate, implying that he is not decent, and saying his comments do not represent their belief.

The statement also states that “West’s abhorrent rhetoric has absolutely no place in the Missouri Republican Party or anywhere. We wholeheartedly condemn his comments.”

But Emily was shocked with she drove through the district her father is running for and saw huge amount of support her openly “racist” and “homophobic” father is getting.

“I think it’s just insane that people are putting out his signs,” she said. “You see his signs everywhere. I don’t understand how people can put out his signs knowing the comments that he’s made.”

Emily said her dad’s views have isolated him from the rest of the family. But apparently he is the exact candidate some Republicans in Missouri want in their Government.


Hillary Clinton – “I’m Ready To Come Out of the Woods” – Video

Following her so-called “defeat” to Russia… Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, Hillary was spotted walking in the woods of Chappaqua NY., accompanied by her husband Bill Clinton. Photographs were taken and posted on social media and it was understood that the former Secretary of State needed some alone time with her family. Hillary sightings were few and in-between since the November 8th election, but things are changing.

In a speech in Scranton, Hillary says that she is “ready to come out of the woods,” and that watching Donald Trump and his kind of politics makes it hard for her to watch the news. The former First Lady then went on to advocate a united nation.


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