Featured Politics

Climate Change Is Real. The Hoax Sits in the White House

Contradiction? Who’s to say.

The federal government released a report based on the judgement of 13 agencies that unequivocally warned of the dangers, both economic and biological, of the comingpresent global warming crisis. The report was mandated by Congress and points out in stark detail why we need to address climate change, carbon dioxide, and everything else that is contributing to major changes in the United States and the world. It hands the Democrats a potent line of attack for the next election, and should make every American stand up and realize the danger we face.

Then, of course, there’s the guy in the White House. You know, the guy who says it’s all a Chinese hoax meant to destroy the US economy. The guy who has issued several executive orders that will enable the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries to pollute more, destroy sensitive ecosystems, and foul the air and water in the name of…jobs and a misplaced, OK, warped, sense of history.

Yes, it’s true that the United States grew wealthy on US Steel and Exxon and Dow Chemical, but those days are over and gone. And killing more people who mine and work around dangerous materials will not bring those days back.

Neither will the air and water, but that seems to be the policy of choice among Trump’s avid supporters, and those sycophants who worry about the latest tweet or the mercurial nature of the man who holds the future of the country in his small hands.

Yes, I am worried too.

At least with the Democrats in control of the House of Representatives, we can have an honest debate about the role and influence of actual science, rather than some warped accounting of the world that has no basis in rational thought. The White House thought it could bury this report in the frenzy of the holiday shopping season. It cannot, nor can it hide the facts that undergird the research.

A president whose approval ratings have never seen the sunlight that shines above 50% will have a tremendously difficult time running on a platform of denial and pollution.

He certainly has his fans.

The rest of us are in the majority.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Climate change Politics

Record Breaking – 2015 Was Hottest Year Ever Recorded

Republicans are always talking about the world they want to leave to their kids and grandkids. But these same Republicans will go to war with anyone claiming that climate change is happening, and that man is the biggest contributor to that change.

Scientists reported Wednesday that 2015 was the hottest year in recorded history by far, breaking a record set only the year before — a burst of heat that has continued into the new year and is roiling weather patterns all over the world.

In the continental United States, the year was the second-warmest on record, punctuated by a December that was both the hottest and the wettest since record-keeping began. One result has been a wave of unusual winter floodscoursing down the Mississippi River watershed

Although there are physical, tangible and scientific evidence to back up a warming atmosphere, Republicans continue to doubt the facts because they are deeply entwined with the special interests that make billions from the elements contributing to global warming.

And although the records go up and up each year, Republicans continue to bury their head in the sand as these special interests grease their pockets.

Cheers to our kids and grandkids!

Climate change Politics

Bill Nye ‘The Science Guy’ Explains The Reason for The Warm Weather – Video

Have you been outside lately? Today is December 24th, and here in the Northeast average temperatures should be in the 20’s or if we’re lucky, in the 30’s. But today, December 24th, we’re expecting temperatures to be well into the 70’s. That’s like… summertime temperature!

Well Bill Nye went on MSNBC and tried to explain the science behind the warmer temperatures, and yes, it has something to do with “Climate Change,” something Republicans refuse to acknowledge although the signs of climate change are blowing down their front door!


Climate change Politics

Rush Limbaugh Cooperates with Government to Save his Property from Climate Change

On the radio Rush Limbaugh has a job to do. His job is intentionally designed to keep his listeners ignorant, and he does that job extremely well.

But Rush Limbaugh knows the truth. He knows that something is happening wuth the weather, with climate change.  And Rush Limbaugh is doing everything he can to secure his beachfront home from the effects of Climate change, even if that means working with the Obama administration.

Limbaugh just signed off on a plan to cooperate with the US Army Corp of Engineers to use his property to store sand and then spread it along the beach where he resides. In his easement deal with the Corps obtained through the town of Palm Beach, Limbaugh is allowing the use of his 2.5 acre compound on the extreme north side of the island to “enhance shoreline management” and provide “storm protection in safe guarding coastal properties”.

Climate change jeb bush Politics

Oh My – Jeb Bush Believes in Climate Change?

Republicans are known for criticizing climate and climate change. They call climate change and the science that backs it up a liberal conspiracy. And now this, the Republican savior for the 2016 election, Jeb Bush, is signaling that he too believes in climate change.

Oh the calamity!

Bush (R) acknowledges human activity contributes to climate change but cautioned against actions that would harm the U.S. economy. In written answers to Bloomberg BNA, Bush said the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan is “irresponsible and ineffective” and “oversteps state authority.” He also tells Bloomberg BNA reporter Anthony Adragna that phasing out the renewable fuel standard “over time” is the “proper thing to do.” Bush, who served as Florida governor from 1999 to 2007, also called approving the proposed Keystone XL pipeline a “no brainer.”

Bloomberg BNA:Is climate change occurring? If so, does human activity significantly contribute to it?

Bush: The climate is changing; I don’t think anybody can argue it’s not. Human activity has contributed to it. I think we have a responsibility to adapt to what the possibilities are without destroying our economy, without hollowing out our industrial core.

Climate change Politics pope francis

Pope Francis Wants Us To Address Climate Change and Be “Custodians of Creation”

Once again Pope Francis is making conservatives and Republicans angry, with his calls for redistributing wealth, helping the poor, and helping the sick and needy. You know, the things Republicans hate to do.

And now this: Pope Francis wants us to take care of the World and environment, to be good stewards of the place we call home. What is wrong with this dude?

Republicans would be catch a fit when they hear about this!

Pope Francis made the religious case for tackling climate change on Wednesday, calling on his fellow Christians to become “Custodians of Creation” and issuing a dire warning about the potentially catastrophic effects of global climate change.

Speaking to a massive crowd in Rome, the first Argentinian pope delivered a short address in which he argued that respect for the “beauty of nature and the grandeur of the cosmos” is a Christian value, noting that failure to care for the planet risks apocalyptic consequences.

“Safeguard Creation,” he said. “Because if we destroy Creation, Creation will destroy us! Never forget this!”

The pope centered his environmentalist theology around the biblical creation story in the book of Genesis, where God is said to have created the world, declared it “good,” and charged humanity with its care. Francis also made reference to his namesake, Saint Francis of Assisi, who was a famous lover of animals, and appeared to tie the ongoing environmental crisis to economic concerns — namely, instances where a wealthy minority exploits the planet at the expense of the poor.

Get ready for some more Pope Bashing, from your loving Republican Party.

Climate change Featured Politics

Wheel of Fortune’s Pat Sajak Calls Global Warming believers “Unpatriotic Racists”

I now know why I never liked The wheel of Fortune. On Monday, host Pat Sajak pointed out the reason. Pat Sajak is a non believer in Global Warming.

Apparently the Republican nonsense has overpowered the Wheel of Fortune star, prompting him to use his twitter account to call environmentalists “unpatriotic” and even “racists.”

“I now believe global warming alarmists are unpatriotic racists knowingly misleading for their own ends,” Sajak tweeted without context. “Good night.”

This is hardly the first time that the TV host has taken it upon himself to comment on the environment on Twitter. Earlier this week, he wrote,

“Help…climate changing…must send money to lots of places…a lot of money…hurry…time is short…not kidding…” and “Very hot weather: ‘We’re all going to die!’ Very cold weather: ‘There’s a difference between climate & weather, moron!’”

While Sajak has kept his political views off of his Vanna White-assisted show, he has reportedly been a frequent financial contributor to the Republican Party and conservative candidates. The game show star has given a reported $10,000 to political causes.

Climate change Politics

Global Warming – April Was The 350th Straight Month with Above Normal Temperature

Meanwhile, Republicans insist that climate change or global warming is a figment of our imagination. They totally disregard the science of it all.

Around the planet, April temperatures averaged 58.5°F, which is 1.3°F above average temperatures. This is only a tad lower than than the warmest April ever recorded, a milestone hit in 2010 when NASA calculated global temperatures of 1.44°F above average, according to the data sheet.

The data announcement also marks this April as the 350th month in a row where the globe has experienced above-average temperatures, a phenomenon that scientists agree is largely caused by increases of man-made greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere. Incidentally, April 2014 also marked the first month in human history when average carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere reached above 400 parts per million.

Climate change News

Watch How Humans Increased Global Warming in This 90 Seconds Video

This new video from the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences and NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory not only shows the recent global carbon-dioxide trend, but it also shows that humans have increased carbon-dioxide levels rapidly, and to their highest levels in at least 800,000 years:

Climate change Featured pat robertson Politics

Pat Robertson Resorts To Stupidity – No Climate Change, ’cause “it’s Freezing” Outside

It’s winter and it’s cold outside, so Climate Change is therefore a hoax. I know you’ve heard that before. It’s a favorite calling card for the stupid… that is, it’s a favorite calling card for the Republicans. Today’s candidate to demonstrate the stupidity? Pat Robertson.

Responding to a comment made by Secretary of State John Kerry that Climate Change is “the greatest problem of our generation,” in the same category with poverty, terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, Pat Robertson felt the need to respond and he chose the dumbest talking point in the Republican arsenal.

“I don’t know where Kerry has been spending his time,” Robertson said, “but maybe he’s so wealthy they have a special house that has tropical plants in it so he feels like he’s in the tropics, but for the rest of us, it’s been cold as the Dickens!”

“It’s idiocy and they’re laughing at people who go outside and it’s freezing!”


Jon Stewart – “The War on Christmas is Over, War on Carbon Begins”

On Monday’s episode of The Daily Show, Jon Stewart took on the Foxes in the henhouse, you know, the same folks whose only goal is making money, so they cloaked themselves in the light of a news organization to win the trust of millions.

I’m talking about Fox News. They have made their millions convincing their herds that there was a war on Christmas, now that it’s cold outside they’re cashing in on their war on facts. In this case, Global Warming.

“There you have it: ‘War on Christmas’ is over; ‘war on carbon’ begins,” Stewart said. “Global warming: Just one more liberal conspiracy. Because even though there is a great deal of scientific data establishing climate change trends. Even though many of the models of global warming predict more extremes of weather — not just warming — apparently decades of peer-reviewed scientific study can be, like a ficus plant, destroyed in one cold weekend.”

Stewart got particularly incensed at Fox News host Stuart Varney’s argument that a Russian research ship’s getting trapped in ice in Antartica proved the world was getting colder, which he punctuated with a blithe, “That’s just my opinion.”

“That’s just your opinion — your opinion,” Stewart raged. “It means nothing.”

Instead, Varney’s colleagues were turning to the likes of Donald Trump for “analysis,” much to Stewart’s chagrin.

“So global warming must be a hoax,” Stewart said sarcastically. “Because, I mean, Mr. Trump would never conceal bald-faced truth or go through any effort to hide when something’s clearly receding over the years.”


Glenn Beck: “Global Warming is a Pile of Socialist Crap” Video

This Republican nitwit also said he would that hw would “fire” anyone in the company who does anything because of global warming.

Watch the rodeo clown below… (well, that’s what he said he is,  a rodeo clown!)

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