Donald Trump Politics

Jon Stewart Has Something to say About Donald Trump – Video

Jon Stewart is Back… well…sorta! The recently retired host of Comedy Central’s Daily Show, made an appearance to t Stephen Colbert’s Late Show and let loose on the Republican party, Fox News and, oh yea… Donald Trump!


Donald Trump Donald Trump Politics

Jon Stewart on Donald Trump – He is a “batsh*t billionaire” – Video

Donald Trump is running for president. Have you heard? He made a “speech” about it yesterday. It’s the kind of speech that would make Sarah Palin proud. This “speech” has been described by Jon Stewart as “the most beautifully ridiculous jibber-jabber ever to pour from the mouth of a batshit billionaire.”

Stewart goes on…

“America’s id is running for president! This speech was so fucked up that in the middle of it, all the liquid in his body tried to escape from the corner of his mouth.”



Jon Stewart’s Replacement Announced – Trevor Noah from South Africa – Video

I don’t know. Jon Stewart was and is something special and ever since he announced his retirement from Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, I knew his replacement would have some big shoes to fill. And now that his replacement is announced, I took it upon myself to YouTube him and I must say, I am somewhat surprised.

Maybe Trevor Noah will be able to keep The Daily Show going.

In an interview with the Times, Comedy Central President Michele Ganeless said that after an extensive search, the network decided Noah was “the best person for the job.”

“You don’t hope to find the next Jon Stewart – there is no next Jon Stewart. So, our goal was to find someone who brings something really exciting and new and different,” she said.


So, What is Jon Stewart Saying about Ted Cruz’s Announcement for President? – Video

Like you may have heard, Ted Cruz formally announced his intentions to run for president in 2016. I’ll wait for the laughter to stop.



Ok, I can’t wait anymore. We don’t have all day you know.

Moments after Cruz made his announcement in front of a reported 10,000 students at the Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University, another report stated that these students had to attend the event to avoid being fined. But with such a demand for mandatory attendance, some in the audience could have been angry and could have missed Cruz’s speech. They were there physically, but mentally…?

Well we are here to help. So let’s take it to Jon Stewart for his two-cents on this two-cents Republican candidate.

Benghazi Politics

Jon Stewart Slams Fox News Using Fox News as Ammunition – Video

Leave it up to the mastery of Jon Stewart to use Fox News against Fox News.

When the Justice Department released its findings on the Ferguson incident where Officer Darren Wilson shot and killed Mike Brown, it also highlighted the backbone of the Ferguson Police Department’s money stream – racism, where blacks were targeted with bogus charges and fined heavily for those charges.

Yet, over at Fox News, the emphasis was misplaced like it often is at the Republican network. Fox spent countless hours demanding an apology from the Justice Department and the rest of the media for saying Mike Brown had his hands up when he was killed, a claim the Justice Department found to be… unfounded.

Stewart skillfully took this same Fox outrage and directed it at another well disputed favorite Fox story – Benghazi. And Stewart wondered why Fox News fails to admit that their Benghazi money-maker – although well debunked by all credible agencies as a total Fox fabrication – warrants the same apology.

Of course, that apology will never come, and Fox will continue pushing the same failed and debunked Benghazi narrative because, for whatever reason, people watch Fox and advertisers go where the people are.


Benjamin Netanyahu Politics

Jon Stewart – Republicans Gave Netanyahu “The Longest Blowjob A Jewish Man Ever Received”

Not fo nuffin’, but Jon Stewart again hit it on the head… when he called the Republican’s response to Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech, “the longest blow-job a Jewish man ever received!”

In the House chamber, there was no such reflecting. Netanyahu wrapped his speech up and it was time for another ten minutes of applause. Whether Netanyahu achieved his goal of sabotaging a deal with Iran or mistakenly opened up a riff in the U.S./Israeli relations, one thing is certain. The in chamber response to this speech was by far the longest blow job a Jewish man has ever received.

Stewart was of course talking about the Republican congressional speech Netanyahu gave at his Republican State of the Union Address, where he addressed a joint session of Congress about how terrible president Obama is for trying to get Iran to peacefully end their nuclear plans. Republicans loved hearing the foreign leader dogged Mr. Obama, and at the end of Benjamin’s speech, they awarded the Israeli leader with a thunderous applause… all that was left was for Ben’s pants to hit the floor!



Jon Stewart is Leaving The Daily show

This news shocked me to the core.

Jon Stewart, who turned his biting and free-wheeling humor into an unlikely source of news and analysis for viewers of “The Daily Show,” will leave as host this year, Comedy Central said Tuesday.

His departure was announced by Comedy Central President Michele Ganeless after Stewart, host of the show since 1999, broke the news to the audience at Tuesday’s taping in New York.

“Through his unique voice and vision, ‘The Daily Show’ has become a cultural touchstone for millions of fans and an unparalleled platform for political comedy that will endure for years to come,” Ganeless said in a statement.

She called Stewart, 52, a “comic genius.” He will remain as host until later this year, she said, but did not specify his exit date or what lead to his decision.

Reaction was swift from his admirers and, in some cases, likely past targets.

“Just had the honor of being the great Jon Stewart’s guest (on ‘The Daily Show’), where he announced he’s leaving. Emotional night,” David Axelrod, former adviser to President Barack Obama, posted on Twitter.

Entertainment Featured Politics Texas

Jon Stewart Disects Showdown in Congress Between Florida Democrat and Texas Republican – Video

It was almost an all out war between the Florida Democratic congressman Alcee Hastings and the gentleman from Texas, Republican Michael Burgess. During a recent congressional meeting, Hastings directed an insult towards the state of Texas, prompting the Texas Representative to demand an apology.

The apology never came, in fact, Hastings doubled down, rather tripled down on his original insult. After showing the clip, Stewart wondered if America would be better off if the two states destroyed themselves in an all out war!


Health Politics

Jon Stewart Slams Science Deniers on the Whole Vaccination Debate – Video

Yes, if there is a debate going on there are obviously those who are for and against something, and yes, in the case of vaccinating children against measles and the like, those for vaccination are usually liberals and those against it are usually Republicans and conservatives – you know, the science deniers.

Stewart however, managed to find a liberal in California who appear against the idea of vaccination. When asked if she had her kids vaccinated against measles – over 100 cases diagnosed since January 2015 – she thought for a while and then answered, “kinda.” Stewart of course, had some words for this woman.

But he also had something to say about the likes of Rand Paul and Chris Christie who both appeared in separate clips touting “personal freedom” as reasons not to vaccinate children. But it was the way Stewart ended the segment that left a lasting impression… at least on me.

In breaking down the reason to vaccinate, Jon Stewart likened America to an old farm house out in the middle of nowhere, and he compared measles as zombies trying to get into the house. The only way to keep these zombies out of the house was to board up the doors and windows. Everyone in the house was responsible for boarding up their area, but there was one lady from California who read somewhere that zombies will not come in, so she left here windows and doors unprotected.

Zombies, ah, measles made their way inside, infecting or eating all the survivors, just because one idiot failed to vaccinate! Get it?

Watch the video.

CNN Don Lemon Politics

Jon Stewart Takes on Don Lemon and CNN’s “Blizzardmobile” – Video

Stewart took on just about everyone who hyped the recent blizzard out of proportion, but he had a special word or two or three for CNN’ and Don Lemon, as Lemon climbed into a vehicle he called “the blizzardmobile” and ventured out on the streets of New York after authorities made clear that “non-essential” and “non emergency” vehicles must stay off the roads.


Jon Stewart Takes on The Republican Responses to State of The Union Address – Video

There are a lot of people in the Republican/Teaparty/Rand Paul/Whatever party, leaving a very confused Jon Stewart to asked, “How many f*cking people are at this tea party?”

Stewart’s confusion came from the fact that not 1, or 2, or 3, or 4, but 5. FIVE different responses to Tuesday’s State of the Union address came from that other party and still, no one knows what their message was.

Speaking about the rebuttal labeled ‘the official Republican response’ that was given by Joni Ernst, Stewart wondered if the address wasn’t more suitable as an “application essay to Nostalgia University.”

“That seemed like less of a response to the president’s address than an application essay to Nostalgia University,” Stewart said.“‘Nostalgia University: It was better when your dad went there.’”


Mike Huckabee Politics ted nugent

Jon Stewart Calls Out Hypocrite Mike Huckabee On His Beyonce Hate Game

Republican presidential wannabe Mike Huckabee – a recent extreme critic of everything Beyoncé – obviously thought he was still on Fox News and anticipated soft questions when he went on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. But Jon, the koolest and realest man in news, had other things up his sleeve.

“She doesn’t have to be vulgar to set a trend,” Huckabee said on “The Daily Show,” echoing his remarks criticizing the President for letting his daughters listen to Beyoncé’s “mental poison.”

“Do you know any parent who has a daughter that says, ‘honey, if you make really good grades, some day when you’re 12 or 13 we’ll get you your own stripper pole?'” Huckabee asked. “Come on, Jon, we don’t do this in our culture.”

Stewart’s jaw dropped before he asked Huckabee to prepare himself for a special clip. The host cut to footage of Huckabee, plugging away on a bass, guitar backing Ted Nugent live on Fox in a performance of “Cat Scratch Fever.” The song contained such lyrics as “I make the pussy purr with the stroke of my hand.”

As “The Daily Show” audience roared, the ex-governor and former Fox host began talking about the song’s original release in 1978. He told an unconvinced Stewart that the song was an “adult song, geared for adults.”

Huckabee closed by urging the host to read his book.

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