
Jon Stewart Takes on The Republican Responses to State of The Union Address – Video

There are a lot of people in the Republican/Teaparty/Rand Paul/Whatever party, leaving a very confused Jon Stewart to asked, “How many f*cking people are at this tea party?”

Stewart’s confusion came from the fact that not 1, or 2, or 3, or 4, but 5. FIVE different responses to Tuesday’s State of the Union address came from that other party and still, no one knows what their message was.

Speaking about the rebuttal labeled ‘the official Republican response’ that was given by Joni Ernst, Stewart wondered if the address wasn’t more suitable as an “application essay to Nostalgia University.”

“That seemed like less of a response to the president’s address than an application essay to Nostalgia University,” Stewart said.“‘Nostalgia University: It was better when your dad went there.’”


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