Benghazi Donald Trump Politics

Trump Shows Video of Hillary Clinton Laughing as Benghazi Burns – Video

Truth is not a necessary or required component of Donald Trump’s brand of politics.

In a video released on his Instagram account, the businessman turned professional politician and leader of the Republican party pushes the envelope even further, showing a laughing Hillary Clinton superimposed on another video of a burning Benghazi. Also featured in the video are three family members of the deceased, also casting blame on Hillary Clinton.

Republicans have longed blamed then Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, for the Benghazi tragedy. And they all conveniently forgot their role in this tragedy when they refused allocate funds for embassy protections. Donald Trump, being he master politician that he is, has once again managed to ignore the real issues facing Americans. Again he has grabbed our attention with a shiny Republican talking point called BENGHAZI!

And the main stream “news” media soaks it all up!


Benghazi Politics

Rudy Giuliani – “Hillary Clinton Got Away with Murder” – Audio

Former NYC Mayor and staunch Republican Rudy Giuliani, attacked Hillary Clinton in a radio interview with John Catsimatidis (AM 970) today, saying that the former Secretary of State “got away with murder” in the Democratic Debate and further saying that the debate “was like a love-fest.”

Giuliani claimed that “Bernie Sanders virtually applauded Hillary for destroying her emails,” and stated that he has “a list of 13 criminal statutes that Hillary allegedly violated with her conduct,” referencing Hillary’s decision to use a personal server for her emails when she was Secretary of State. Maybe he couldn’t get that list to Anderson Cooper in time for the debate.

Did you know that Republicans are fixated Hillary’s emails… and Benghazi!?!

Must use taxpayer’s dollars to conduct phony investigations into Clinton. Must.Pull.Her.Poll.Numbers.Down!


Benghazi Politics

Republican Kevin McCarthy Stars in Hillary Clinton’s New Ad – Video

When the Republican House Majority Leader opened his mouth last week and admitted the only reason for the Benghazi Committee was to bring down Hillary Clinton’s approval numbers, he had no idea he was staring in an ad in support of Hillary Clinton.

In an interview on Fox News, Kevin McCarthy proclaimed, “Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her [poll] numbers today?”

And today, Clinton thanked the Republican, Kevin McCarthy, with this brand spanking new ad. I’m wondering how much Kevin got paid for this.


Benghazi Politics

Confirmed – Benghazi Committee Was All About Damaging Hillary Clinton

He opened his mouth and for once, the truth jumped out. And that’s not something I’ll say often when talking about a Republican. This is the exception to the rule.

In an interview with Sean Hannity Tuesday night, the man who will likely take over as House Speaker when John Boehner officially leaves at the end of October, confirmed what everybody already suspected – that the so-called ‘Benghazi Committee’ was formed by Republicans to damage the credibility of Hilary Clinton.

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right?” Kevin McCarthy proudly asked on the Republican propaganda machine called Fox News. “But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping, why? Because she’s untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened.”

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), the ranking member on the committee, said McCarthy’s comments were just further evidence that the Benghazi Committee was a waste of taxpayer money.

“This stunning concession from Rep. McCarthy reveals the truth that Republicans never dared admit in public: the core Republican goal in establishing the Benghazi Committee was always to damage Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and never to conduct an even-handed search for the facts,” Cummings said in a statement. “It is shameful that Republicans have used this tragedy and the deaths of our fellow Americans for political gain. Republicans have blatantly abused their authority in Congress by spending more than $4.5 million in taxpayer funds to pay for a political campaign against Hillary Clinton.”

Benghazi Politics

Jon Stewart Slams Fox News Using Fox News as Ammunition – Video

Leave it up to the mastery of Jon Stewart to use Fox News against Fox News.

When the Justice Department released its findings on the Ferguson incident where Officer Darren Wilson shot and killed Mike Brown, it also highlighted the backbone of the Ferguson Police Department’s money stream – racism, where blacks were targeted with bogus charges and fined heavily for those charges.

Yet, over at Fox News, the emphasis was misplaced like it often is at the Republican network. Fox spent countless hours demanding an apology from the Justice Department and the rest of the media for saying Mike Brown had his hands up when he was killed, a claim the Justice Department found to be… unfounded.

Stewart skillfully took this same Fox outrage and directed it at another well disputed favorite Fox story – Benghazi. And Stewart wondered why Fox News fails to admit that their Benghazi money-maker – although well debunked by all credible agencies as a total Fox fabrication – warrants the same apology.

Of course, that apology will never come, and Fox will continue pushing the same failed and debunked Benghazi narrative because, for whatever reason, people watch Fox and advertisers go where the people are.


Benghazi democrats Mitt Romney Politics


As seen on America The Not So Beautiful

By Mike Caccioppoli

This is a very exciting day at America The Not So Beautiful as Mitt Romney has chosen this blog to formally announce that he will be running for President in 2016. He told me that he hopes the third time is the charm and that he has learned from his past errors. He wants to explain why he is running and point out what he could do better than President Obama if he is elected President of the United States. But I really don’t want to take up any more of his time so ladies and gentlemen here is Governor Mitt Romney!

Thank You Mike. I’m so glad that you allowed me this wonderful venue to announce my candidacy for President of these United States in the year 2016. I agree that America isn’t very beautiful under the leadership of Barack Obama. Now everyone already knows my faults. It’s already been spoken about ad nauseum in past election cycles. The fact that I was fully behind the Vietnam war, even marched in favor of it, but of course I did not serve my county. Instead I went to France, a wonderful country and expressed my love for my beautiful wife Ann. Everyone has seen those photos of myself on the beach in the south of France, where they have this wonderful little film festival called “The Cannes Film Festival”. I wrote in the sand “I Love Ann” with a big heart around it and paid someone 10 grand to photograph it from above. Yes, you have all seen that photo that was taken while our brave soldiers were dying for a great cause in Vietnam.

But we have already debated that photograph and I ask Americans to simply move on please. Just place that in your binders of thoughts and memories and please move on. I realize now that I should have been more discreet and just taken a photo of my young, taut body in a bubble bath. I mean I could have written Ann’s initials in the bubbly soap to show my love and undying affection for her. Yes, that would have sufficed, I understand now.

I know I took a very big hit with those comments at the social club. Where in front of millionaires I said that 47 percent thing. I said that 47 percent of Americans just want hand outs from the government and that Barack Obama would give them that. I have been thinking very much about that comment and I now realize I was wrong. It’s really only 45 percent. How insensitive of me to say that 47 percent are takers when it is really only 45 percent. I have learned from that mistake, and have met the two percent that convinced me they are workers not takers. So yes the number is most definitely 45 percent. I’m sorry that I offended two percent of America that didn’t deserve it. Truly sorry.

People feel, I’m sorry…..felt, that I was out of touch with most ordinary people. One reason I believe is that I only paid 13 percent tax while the middle class often pays 25-35 percent. Even though I believe that I’m still giving away much more money since I’m a multi-millionaire, I understand that it doesn’t look good. Especially since I only pay those taxes when I’m running for President. Otherwise I really don’t pay anything. Anyway I have decided that this is insensitive to the middle class and so I paid 14 percent this year.  Believe me that extra one percent adds up to quite a bit of cash since I’m a multi-millionaire. I hope this proves that I’m a friend of the middle class and with that extra money leaving my accounts I do understand the hardships you feel on a daily basis. I really do. This should put aside any more questions or negative ads in regards to my taxes.

Now that I have put all of this silly business behind me I’d like to show you why I could do better than the current Democratic administration if you would so kindly elect me President. I had said in my previous campaign that the economy would be destroyed if Barack Obama was elected for another four years. Since that time gas prices have plummeted while the stock market has soared. Unemployment continues to decline month by month. While jobs are being created every month in the 150-200K range. This is all pretty much the opposite of what I said would happen throughout the campaign and debates. You have all done an admirable job of trying to prove me wrong and I believe I pushed you in that direction through my brilliant psychology that I learned in the best schools since the age of five. I vocalize negative comments and this motives you, it motivates you to do better, the wonderful American people. So, just imagine what we could do together if I were actually President! The possibilities are endless.

My words might have been wrong but my heart was in the right place. Speaking of heart I just need to remind everyone that I do love Ann. I just love Ann.

Some people think I’m running again because I have so much money that I don’t know what to do with it. This couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m running for many honorable reasons but the most honorable is to protect this country from terrorists and to retain our freedoms. Barack Obama didn’t have the money to solely distribute “The Interview” but I do. This would show the terrorists that we are strong and not weak. And unlike the President I have indeed ridden horses bare chested like Vladimir Putin. This shows manliness and strength and power. I have ridden Ann’s ponies bare chested, I love Ann, I do love Ann.

I believe I have made my points. I’m a true protector of the middle class. I now believe in simple bubble bath selfies over wasteful high angle helicopter shots. I think only 45 percent of this great country are takers. I now pay my 14 percent of taxes when I run for President. Yes the economy is incredibly strong but I can make it stronger with my ability to personally distribute any film that is censored or banned because of terrorism. This is the new Mitt Romney. Please vote for me in 2016 to be the next President of the United States.

Oh and before I go……Benghazi!


Visit America The Not So Beautiful

Benghazi Politics troops veterans war

Republicans Spending More on Another Benghazi Investigation Than on Veterans

Think Progress crunched the numbers and the results are exactly what we expected.

They love war but hate the troops and veterans. Republicans in Congress are wasting more tax payers dollars on yet another Benghazi investigation, than what is appropriated for veterans care.

The House could spend up to $3.3 million in taxpayer dollars over seven months on a special committee to investigate the Sep. 2011 attacks against the American diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, more than lawmakers have appropriated for committees dedicated to investigating ethics and helping American veterans over an entire 12 month period.

A ThinkProgress analysis of House spending on its 20 permanent committees from Jan. 3, 2013 to Jan. 3, 2014 finds that since Benghazi committee’s full-year equivalent budget would be an estimated $5,657,142, its investigation will cost more than the budgets of nine other House committees:

Committee on Rules: $2,857,408
Committee on Small Business: $2,992,688
Committee on Ethics: $3,020,459
Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: $3,048,546
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: $4,389,758
Committee on House Administration: $4,600,560
Committee on Agriculture: $5,036,187
Committee on the Budget: $5,138,824
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: $5,282,755
House Benghazi Panel: $5,657,142
Committee on Natural Resources: $6,555,829
Committee on Armed Services: $6,563,535
Committee on Education and the Workforce: $6,952,763
Committee on Homeland Security: $7,033,588
Committee on the Judiciary: $7,077,016
Committee on Foreign Affairs: $7,388,112
Committee on Financial Services: $7,394,482
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: $8,182,307
Committee on Ways and Means: $8,423,411
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: $8,940,437
Committee on Energy and Commerce: $9,520,516

The seven House Republicans will receive a bigger share of the committee budget, $2.2 million, more than the five Democrats, who will see “just over $1 million.”

arrested Benghazi Benghazi Politics

Breaking: “A Key Figure” in Benghazi Attack is Arrested

Photo: Getty Images

This story will get about 5 minutes on Fox News.

The U.S. government has captured what it’s calling “a key figure” in the attacks two years ago on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, which killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

American military and law enforcement personnel operating in Libya captured Ahmed Abu Khatallah, who has secretly been indicted in the United States for his alleged role in the attacks.

Khattalah, who was captured Sunday, is now in “a secure location outside of Libya,” and no civilians or U.S. personnel were harmed in the operation, according to a statement today from a Pentagon spokesman. One source said he is being held on a US Navy ship in the Mediterranean.

Benghazi Politics

Hillary Clinton – Benghazi is “more of a reason to run” in 2016

Republicans thought their constant criticism of Hillary Clinton about the whole Benghazi made up fiasco would persuade the former Secretary of State not to run for president in 2016. But according to a recent interview, Hillary Clinton says that Benghazi should be the reason she runs for president.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that the criticism for her handling of the 2012 attack in Benghazi is “more of a reason” to run for the presidency in 2016 than not.

“Actually, it’s more of a reason to run, because I do not believe our great country should be playing minor league ball,” Clinton told ABC News’ Diane Sawyer, according to a transcript. “We ought to be in the majors.”

Benghazi Benghazi Politics

Fox Panel Laughs at Laura Ingraham for Unnecessary ‘Benghazi’ Mention in Conversation

It’s what they do. No matter what the conversation is, these people always try to bring it back to Benghazi. 

What makes the story interesting though, is what happened at Fox News when Laura Ingraham, one of the guests on the Fox Sundays talk show, managed to infuse Benghazi in a conversation about President Obama’s West Point speech. Making everything about Benghazi is a normal procedure at the Fox News network. But this time, it seems that even those at Fox were tired of the Benghazi bottom line to every conversation. And when Ingraham brought it up, she was quickly laughed at.

“The idea that the president goes to West Point and says ‘Look, we’ve never been stronger relative to the rest of the world’ — I’m sorry, that doesn’t even pass the straight-face test,” Ingraham said. “Just on an economic front, forget our declining influence across the globe. So I thought it was a very odd speech and it was not well received, and that didn’t surprise me at all given its tenor and its tone.”

After another guest on the show pointed out that President Obama did the two most important things required of any president, that is, protecting the nation and keeping us from unnecessary war, Laura Ingraham could not let that one slide. She could not see or hear President Obama get any credit for anything. And that is when the Benghazi comparison came out.

“We didn’t protect the Benghazi diplomatic mission on 9/11/12. We kind of failed on that regard, don’t you think, Bob?” she said. “That is the country.”

“Well, you are underscoring my point that this will never go away, at least with you,” Woodward said, drawing laughter from the panelists.


Benghazi Benghazi

What Is Hillary Clinton Saying About Benghazi? PIC

This was taken from a chapter in her upcoming book,”Hard Choices.”

Benghazi Politics

Elijah Cummings Slams Allen West’s Dumb Statement about Tammy DuckWorth

Tammy Duckworth

Allen West, the former Republican congressman from Florida, has decided to pick a fight with Tammy Duckworth by questioning her loyalty to the United States.

Speaking yesterday with Janet Mefferd, West criticized Elijah Cummings, Adam Smith, Adam Schiff, Linda Sanchez and Tammy Duckworth, the Democratic lawmakers picked to fill the party’s five slots on the 12-member GOP-led “special committee.”

West especially raised doubts about Duckworth, a veteran who lost both of her legs and the use of her right arm in the Iraq War, raising suspicions about her loyalty to the country.

“Tammy Duckworth, you know I just don’t know where her loyalties lie, for her to have been a veteran and a wounded warrior for the United States Army, she should know that this is not the right thing and hopefully she will remember the oath of office that she took as an Army officer and not the allegiance I guess she believes she has to the liberal progressives of the Democrat [sic] party,” West said.

But Elijah Cummings would not have none of West’s disrespect for Tammy DuckWorth. In an interview today with MSNBC, West called out the “audacity” of West and his statement criticizing a military member who lost both legs and the use of one arm for this country.

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