Benghazi Dick Cheney

The Nerve! Dick Cheney Wants to Hold Hillary Cinton “Accountable” For Benghazi

And who should be held accountable for Iraq? Because both Dick Cheney and George Bush walked free, despite the fact that hundreds of thousands died in a war they pushed and encouraged. A war whose foundation was based in a lie. Cheney however, takes no responsibility, no accountability for those killed because of his doings, Hillary Clinton however, should be “held accountable” for the four Americans killed in Benghazi… this, according to war criminal Dick Cheney!

The Nerve!

Dick Cheney, the former vice president who was in office during the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 and later pushed the country into war with Iraq based on faulty intelligence, said on Sunday that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would be “held accountable” for four Americans that died during a terrorist attack in Benghazi.

During a Sunday interview on Fox News, host Chris Wallace asked Cheney if Clinton “did anything wrong,” and if she should be “held responsible for the events surrounding that attack.”

“She was secretary of state at the time that it happened,” Cheney opined. “She was one of the first in Washington to know about it. I think she clearly bears responsibility for whatever the State Department did or didn’t do with respect to that crisis.”

“I do think it’s a major issue,” he added. “I don’t think we’ve heard the last of it yet, and I expect that she will be held accountable during the course of the campaign.”


Benghazi Benghazi

This is Sick. I Can See Republicans Doing It – PIC

At one time in our past, the depiction shown below would have caused some negativity and rightly so. But considering today’s Republicans, it is now entirely possible.

Republicans are already profiting from the deaths of the four Americans in Benghazi, so putting up a poster on Christopher Stevens’ tombstone saying “vote GOP” is within the realms of possibility.  That is how far down the whole the Republicans have fallen.

Benghazi Benghazi Condoleezza Rice

Imagine That! Condoleezza Rice Has Some Questions about Benghazi

Yep. You heard that right. Condoleezza Rice, one of the main authors of this country’s biggest foreign policy failures, falsifying information to start a war in Iraq where hundreds of thousands of people were killed, has the nerve to talk about Benghazi, and insinuated that there might be a cover-up by the Obama administration.

In an interview with published Thursday, Rice said the public still has questions about the security situation in the lead-up to the attacks and the circumstances on the ground during the attacks.

“I think there are unanswered questions and they could be easily answered. But I think they need to be answered,” Rice said.

Rice, who was the nation’s chief diplomat during the administration of George W. Bush, expressed optimism that the committee House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) recently tasked with investigating the September 2012 attacks on diplomatic outposts could answer the outstanding questions.

“When the House says that it wishes to investigate something, it has a right to do that. And so I think done in the right way with the right cooperation we can put this to rest and that’s how I would handle it at this point,” she said.

Benghazi fail Politics Republican

Watch Morning Joe’s Republican Guest Totally Flips Out On The Republicans

He grew up in a conservative household and still identify himself as a fiscal conservative. But on Tuesday morning, CNBC anchor Brian Sullivan went on Morning Joe and totally dogged the Republican party.

The conversation had to do with Benghazi and why the issue of four dead Americans has become so political and divisive. When Republicans were referred to as… Republicans, Sullivan flipped out!

“Can we stop saying ‘the’ Republican Party?” Sullivan said. “As somebody who grew up in a conservative household, I don’t recognize the Republican Party of even my youth. I don’t like what I see. I don’t like the far right, I don’t like the extremism.”

He went on. “I don’t know who the Republican Party is anymore. I don’t know if the Republican Party knows who the Republican — because it’s not a party, unfortunately Republicans, that I can get on board with. Because I don’t like the small-minded attitude, a lot of the far right stuff that comes out — I should go home now.”


Benghazi chuck todd Politics

OMG! Chuck Todd Thinks Benghazi Is All Partisan…”A Political Stunt!” OMG!

Chuck Todd works at MSNBC, but don’t let that fool you. He has developed a reputation of letting Republican talking points go unchallenged, and… wait… come to think of it, many of the MSNBC hosts these days allow Republicans to spew their talking points unchallenged. These hosts are concerned that if they challenge these Republicans with facts, the Republicans will avoid the network. So the kiss-ass is abundant!

Bring back the days of Keith Olbermann!

Anyways, like I was saying. Chuck Todd has developed a reputation as a soft reporter, so hearing him denounce the recent Republican fund-raising edition of Benghazi caused me to take another look. I had to make sure Todd was okay. Maybe he fell and hit his head on the White House lawn when no one was looking, who knows?

In a recent episode of Morning Joe, Todd said, “the way they rolled this out it seems very political, very ham-handed. . .  Right now it seems like nothing more than a partisan stunt.”

Enjoy some Chuck Todd like you’ve never seen before, cause you may not see or hear this Chuck Todd again!

Benghazi Benghazi

Fox News Cuts Away From Jobs Press Conference Because Benghazi Questions Not Being Asked – Video

Yes, you heard that right. A press conference on jobs – although it was held by Republicans so basically it was just a sham – couldn’t keep the attention of the “News” people at Fox. The network turned away from the press conference until “more interesting” Benghazi questions were asked.

These people are freakin’ insane!


Benghazi Benghazi Politics

Sickos – Republicans Raising Money from Made Up Benghazi Scandal

I bet you never thought they’d go this low. Republicans are sending out fundraising emails in their sick and twisted charade, essentially profiting from the death of 4 Americans in Benghazi Libya. And not even the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner, had an excuse for his party’s low-down, dirty, money-making venture.

The main question brought to him today at a press conference, was why were Republicans using Benghazi to raise money. Boehner dodged the question.

“Our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones, period,” Boehner (R-Ohio) said repeatedly when asked multiple times whether Republicans should stop citing the attacks in fundraising pitches.

The National Republican Congressional Committee this week has used e-mail blasts and a blog post meant to collect contact information and solicit donations in an attempt to capitalize on the reemergence of the attacks.

Those efforts come as House Republicans work to structure a select committee to further investigate the Obama administration’s handling of the attacks that left four Americans dead.

Democrats have accused Republicans of resurrecting the investigation into the Benghazi attacks as a way to score political points with their base — a charge fueled even further once the campaign committee began soliciting money by mentioning the attacks.

“Fundraising off the Benghazi tragedy is despicable and insulting and has no place in the national conversation,” Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Steve Israel said in a statement released Thursday.

Benghazi Benghazi Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi Considering Ignoring Boehner’s Dumb Benghazi Committee

These Republicans are wasting everyone’s time and money, bringing into question why they think they are conservatives in the first place. John Boehner is setting up yet another Benghazi committee and Democrats have had enough. According to reports, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is considering not appointing the 5 members allotted to Democrats or even boycotting the Boehner committee all together!

Appointing fewer than five lawmakers would be an attempt to show that Democrats don’t fully endorse the committee, but still are in place if Republican “tricks happen,” according to a Democratic aide — maneuvers like releasing selective transcripts of depositions.

The California Democrat huddled with her leadership team on a conference call late Wednesday — one day before the Republican leadership plans to pass a bill that would create a special committee to investigate the 2012 attack in Benghazi.

Republicans have seven slots on the panel, and Democrats are allowed five members. Pelosi is still considering appointing five Democrats, although sources close to her think that’s unlikely.

Pelosi has made no secret that she thinks this special panel — chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) — is a sham.

Benghazi Benghazi hypocrites

Jon Stewart Slams The Fox Hypocrites On Their Benghazi Fascination – Video

Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! It the cry of the right-wing media led by Fox News and parroted by Congressional Republicans like John Boehner and Darrell Issa!

But who was screaming Iraq! Iraq! Iraq! Oh, you don’t remember Iraq? That’s the war Bush and Cheney led the United States into, based solely on a lie, a made up story, falsehoods, intentionally telling inaccurate information with the intent to deceive, you know, liar liar pants on fire!

Yes, that war.

So back to my question. Who exactly from the right-wing media was screaming from the hilltops that we need to bring out troops home, as they dropped one by one in the fields of Iraq? Was Fox, or anyone in the conservative media, or anyone in th Republican congress denouncing the lies that started a war that ended up killing hundreds of thousands of people?

No. Their voices of dissent were nowhere to be heard. As a matter of fact, they were the ones making excuses for why we were there in the first place. They were the ones defending the lies and the falsehoods and the made up stories, simply because… a Republican was in the White House.

These people are not “patriots!” When the troops – the true patriots – were dying by the thousands in a war started based on intentionally misleading information, these Republicans and their Fox News Republican media machine were the ones pushing for more patriots to die! For American troops to remain and continue the fight, simply because their ideology matched the people running the government.

Four people died in Benghazi. Yes, that too was a tragedy. But according to a phrase by President Obama, there is no there there, and continuing to beat this dead horse when you were silent when thousands more gave their lives because of your lies, is a tad bit hypocritical, don’t you think Fox News? Or maybe the question should be, do you think?

But I digress.

John Stewart made this video on the Fox and Republican hypocrites and their Benghazi fascination. “I commend you for finally getting in touch with your inner outrage, because if I remember correctly from the previous decade, it was an emotion you did not seem comfortable addressing or expressing,” he said.


Benghazi Benghazi George Bush Politics

Republican Army Colonel to Republicans – Forget Benghazi, Investigate Bush and Cheney

Retired. U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson is not very fund of his party these days, and their insistence that there is something more to discover in yet another Benghazi investigation, is not winning them the colonel’s friendship award either.

The Colonel, who miraculously still considers himself a Republican, thinks a different investigation should be done – one focused on war criminals George Bush and Dick Cheney.

Speaking about the Republicans and their never ending Benghazi investigations, Wilkerson said;

“It’s very difficult to handle a crisis, and you take the talking points points from whomever you can get them who’s on the scene. In this case, as I understand it, the CIA provided most of the talking points.”

“You can’t ever get it right right up front, so, I don’t find that to be a great problem.”

After asserting that he remains a member of the Republican Party, Wilkerson said that he does find it concerning that the GOP focuses on Benghazi over more pressing issues.

“I find it an enormous problem that they go after something like this, Benghazi – tragedy that it was – and they don’t go after something that is a colossal tragedy like the war crimes of Richard Bruce Cheney,” he insisted.

“The fact that I was a member of that administration will haunt me to the grave,” he concluded.

Wilkerson is the former Chief of Staff for Colin Powell.

Benghazi Politics

State Department – John Kerry Will Not Comply With Republican Subpoena

The Secretary of State John Kerry would not be available and will not be complying with the subpoena issued by Republicans. The Republicans are demanding that Kerry make himself available on the May 21st, but according to State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf, that is not going to happen.

Harf said that Kerry “has been made aware” of the subpoena, but still plans to be out of the country and in Mexico on the 21st. She said the State Department was “surprised” that Darrell Issa skipped over offering an invitation and went straight to issuing a subpoena. She very strongly intimated the subpoena was issued for partisan political purposes and suggested Republicans are hypocrites for decrying subpoenas when they were issued against Condoleezza Rice.

Benghazi Benghazi Featured Politics

Fox News Talked About A Hillery Clinton Assassination – Video

The good olé boys over at Fox News. It’s where you get your news, right? Well this is your “news” from your ‘Fair and Balanced’ “news” network.

A recent segment on Fox took America’s attention away from the fact that 288,000 jobs were created in April, lowering the unemployment rate once again to 6.3%. Fox, the “news” people felt our attention would be much better served if it is focused on… Benghazi!

So in cahoots with the pretend “Patriots” in the Republican party, a massive diversion effort went into full swing. And now, once again, after tens of thousands of documents submitted, millions of dollars spent, and numerous investigations conducted, we are now, once again talking about… Benghazi!

America, I know you todd about thank god you’re ready, but here is your news.

In a recent segment, Fox managed to create a scenario where Hillary Clinton is assassinated to prove another false Benghazi point. Fox’s Wayne Rogers is credited with this bit of right wing nuttery;

Imagine the following. Imagine that Hillary Clinton runs for president, and gets assassinated in the process.

And somebody shows up, a congressman, and says, ‘Well, what difference does it make anyway?’ I mean, The New York Times would have that on the front page!

The segment was in reference to a testimony Hillary Clinton gave about Benghazi years ago, and a point she made that the focus now should be on how to prevent another Benghazi from happening,  instead of wasting time trying to figure out if the attackers were terrorists or angry movie critics.

The Fox thought a Clinton assassination scenario would be a great way to prove their dumb point.

But then again, proving dumb points is what the Fox does best.

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