Economic growth Nancy Pelosi Politics unemployment rate

Nancy Pelosi’s Statement Praising the 5.6% Unemployment Rate

Hey, Mitch McConnell went on the Senate floor and lied to the world that  he and the Republicans are responsible for the economic growth. Yes, he was lying, but he is a Republican so lying is expected.

But if Mitch can lie about something he did not do, why can’t one of the people responsible for the economic recovery speak up and acknowledged that positive growth?

President Obama has been doing just that and now Nancy Pelosi is doing the same.

After the report today that the unemployment rate fell to 5.6 percent, Pelosi issues this statement.

“Last month, our economy added another exclamation point to the longest uninterrupted period of private sector job creation in our history: 58 months, 11.2 million jobs.  In 2014, we created nearly 3 million new jobs, more than in any year since 1999.  For all our progress, however, too many Americans are still out of work and too many middle class families still feel squeezed.  It is clear the 114th Congress must act to create jobs and expand the opportunities of working people and middle class families.

“On the first day of this Congress, Democrats put forward a legislative package to increase paychecks for working families and put Americans back to workbuilding the roads and bridges our country needs – paid for by keeping our tax dollars here at home.  The CEO/Employee Pay Fairness Act will ensure that workers share in the fruit of their productivity, by denying CEOs the ability to claim tax deductions on income over $1 million unless they give their employees a well-deserved raise.  With the Stop Corporate Expatriation and Invest in America’s Infrastructure Act, we will prevent U.S. corporations from renouncing their citizenship to dodge paying their fair share of taxes and use those dollars to create good-paying jobs here at home.

“Republicans, however, blocked the House from considering both bills – choosing instead to spend the opening days of the new Congress advancing more special interest priorities.  The American people expect Congress to champion the paychecks of middle class families, not the profits of big banks and corporations shipping jobs overseas.  Republicans should stop undermining the middle class, and come together with Democrats to create jobs, bigger paychecks and better infrastructure for every American family.”

Immigration Nancy Pelosi Politics

Nancy Pelosi on Migrant Kids – Dems are “Committed” on Addressing Their Humanitarian Needs

As Republicans jump all over each other looking for a microphone and camera to debut their newest humiliating idea about the kids crossing the border, Democrats are more concerned about the kids’ humanitarian needs.

Appearing in the Capitol with the presidents of Honduras and Guatemala, the minority leader suggested Democrats wouldn’t accept any border-assistance bill that rolls back the mandatory due process rights currently afforded those children.

“We are committed to addressing their humanitarian needs; we are committed to due process for them,” Pelosi said during a briefing. “In order for that to happen, we must pass the president’s request.”
With more than 57,000 unaccompanied children crossing the border since October, Congress is wrestling with a legislative response that will speed the processing of those kids while ensuring they aren’t sent back into harm’s way.

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Benghazi Benghazi Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi Considering Ignoring Boehner’s Dumb Benghazi Committee

These Republicans are wasting everyone’s time and money, bringing into question why they think they are conservatives in the first place. John Boehner is setting up yet another Benghazi committee and Democrats have had enough. According to reports, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is considering not appointing the 5 members allotted to Democrats or even boycotting the Boehner committee all together!

Appointing fewer than five lawmakers would be an attempt to show that Democrats don’t fully endorse the committee, but still are in place if Republican “tricks happen,” according to a Democratic aide — maneuvers like releasing selective transcripts of depositions.

The California Democrat huddled with her leadership team on a conference call late Wednesday — one day before the Republican leadership plans to pass a bill that would create a special committee to investigate the 2012 attack in Benghazi.

Republicans have seven slots on the panel, and Democrats are allowed five members. Pelosi is still considering appointing five Democrats, although sources close to her think that’s unlikely.

Pelosi has made no secret that she thinks this special panel — chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) — is a sham.

Nancy Pelosi Politics racist

Nancy Pelosi calls Out Republican Racism Against President Obama

The president wouldn’t say it, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. And his silence on the matter doesn’t mean others aren’t see in the truth.

We’re talking about racism and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is pointing a finger directly at the problem – the Republicans.

In a recent interview,  Pelosi was asked if she thought racism was the foundation of the Republicans’ opposition to the president, more specifically in reference to immigration. She basically answered yes.

“I think race has something to do with them not bringing up the immigration bill. I’ve heard them say to the Irish, ‘If it was just you, it would be easy,’” Pelosi said, when a reporter asked if race was a factor in Republicans stances and how they treat the president and others.

“I think generally speaking, they are disrespectful of the representatives of the president’s administration,” Pelosi said, adding that she didn’t “want to go to that place” about whether the GOP were disrespectful to the president.

Nancy Pelosi Politics

Nancy Pelosi Has Big Plans for House in 2014

If Democrats are able to regain control of the House of Representatives from the failed Republicans, they have some big plans for the last years of the Obama presidency, like comprehensive childcare.

In an interview with The Hill, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi explains.

Pelosi and other Democrats have emerged from the shutdown fight with new confidence, and she vowed her party would “of course” pick up seats next year. It is the first time Pelosi has guaranteed that Democrats will cut into the GOP’s majority.

Atop her priority list as Speaker, she said, would be “comprehensive affordable, quality childcare” for working mothers, which she sees as a natural extension of ObamaCare.

“That would have the biggest impact on women, families and … job creation,” Pelosi said. “That was on President Nixon’s desk … in the ’70s, and he vetoed it for cultural or whatever reasons. And now we have to do that again.”

Pelosi, the nation’s first female Speaker, has long fought for progressive legislation on women’s issues, whether at home, in the workforce or in politics.

Of a federal childcare law, she said: “This is the missing link in so many things that we’ve talked about. It is not exhaustive of all the things we want to do or have done with regard to women, but I do think it would unleash the power of women.”

Nancy Pelosi Politics

Nancy Pelosi on Being House Speaker Again “not my thing. I did that.”

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi says she doesn’t wish to be speaker again.

In an interview published Friday in the National Journal, an inside-Washington magazine, the 73-year-old Pelosi was asked whether she wishes to return to the top job. Pelosi said she did not, pointing out that she has held the post.

‘‘No, that’s not my thing. I did that,’’ Pelosi said.

Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill discounted Pelosi’s comments, saying they’re in line with her stock response when she’s asked about running for leadership positions. Hammill said Friday that she’s working hard to win back the majority for Democrats and that, if the effort is successful, her colleagues would elect their speaker.

‘‘She was simply saying she doesn’t ‘wish’ for things,’’ Hammill said.

Pelosi recently said she will run for re-election to her House seat representing San Francisco.

Citizens United Nancy Pelosi Politics

Nancy Pelosi Blames Citizens United for IRS Controversy

I completely agree with Nancy Pelosi. If the Supreme Court had done the sensible thing instead of catering to partisan idealogy and struck down Citizens United, we would not be dealing with this nonsense today.

The IRS is under heavy fire from both parties following recent revelations that some in the agency singled out conservative groups for extra scrutiny when they applied for a certain tax-exempt status.

Pelosi condemned those actions Thursday, saying those responsible “were wrong and must be held accountable.”

But the Democratic leader was also quick to link the scandal to the broader issue of campaign finance, arguing that the episode would never have happened if Congress overhauled the system to eliminate so-called 501(c)(4) groups altogether.

Those groups, which do not have to disclose their donors, have gained power and prominence since the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision empowered them to participate directly in elections provided they focus primarily on “social welfare” and not candidate advocacy.

“These actions highlight why we must overturn Citizens United,” Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol. “There is a very thin line … that these so-called ‘social welfare’ organizations must make their priority promoting social welfare, rather than engaging in politics. Clearly, this has not been [the case].

“I paint everybody with the same brush, right to left,” she added. “I think it all should go.”

Domestic Policies Nancy Pelosi tax cuts vote

Nancy Pelosi Warns Republicans – Protect The Middle Class Or Democrats Will

Warning that “the clock is ticking,” House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi on Sunday threatened to bring about a House vote on a bill that would extend the Bush-era tax cuts for families making $250,000, but would allow the tax breaks to expire for those above the threshold.

The Democratic-controlled Senate already passed its version of the bill in July, with strong support from President Barack Obama.

“If Speaker Boehner refuses to schedule this widely supported bill for a vote, Democrats will introduce a discharge petition to automatically bring to the floor the Senate-passed middle class tax cuts,” Pelosi said in a statement.

Under a “discharge petition,” a bill can be brought to the floor without going through a committee or without approval of House leadership. The bill would need an absolute majority — 218 votes — to pass.

h/ CNN

Health Care Nancy Pelosi Politics Repeal

Nancy Pelosi Predicts Health Care will Survive Supreme Court

In a vote of 6 to 3, the Supreme Court will uphold President Obama’s healthcare reform law, the top House Democrat predicted this week.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said she’d respect whatever the high court decides, but forecasts the verdict would fall for the Democrats.

“I’m predicting 6 to 3 in favor,” Pelosi said during a long interview Tuesday with The Paley Center for Media in New York City, without specifying which justices would rule on which side.

The detailed prediction is something of a change for Pelosi, who has long said the Democrats’ reform law is “ironclad” constitutionally, but has also warned that speculation about Supreme Court decisions is just that — speculation.

Source: The Hill

Barack Obama Democratic democrats Domestic Policies Nancy Pelosi Republican Unemployment

Democrats On The Attack – Asks Republicans Where Are The Jobs?

News on The Hill – In their first public address of 2012, House Democratic leaders ripped into Republicans Thursday for ignoring President Obama’s jobs package amid a lingering unemployment crisis.

Behind Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), the lawmakers accused GOP leaders of neglecting their duties and remaining on vacation as the jobless rate tickles down to 9 percent.

“The American people need jobs, and we’re not on the job,” said Pelosi, flanked by more than two dozen other Democrats in the Capitol. “Where are they [Republicans]? I don’t know. Where should they be? Right here in this Capitol getting to work.”

The Democrats used the one-year anniversary of the Republicans’ takeover of the House to question why GOP leaders have resisted new education, infrastructure and public works funding – all part of Obama’s plan to create jobs.

“One year in office and no significant jobs bill,” Pelosi charged.

Mitch McConnell Nancy Pelosi Politics Republican

Polls Show Americans Are Really Disgusted With Congressional Republican

John Boehner brags in all his interviews that he got 98% of what he wanted in the debt ceiling debate, but this new poll by CNN proves that what the Republican House Speaker wanted, was not what Americans want.  The poll was conducted after the debt ceiling debacle in Washington, and it finds that overwhelmingly, Americans really don’t like Congressional Republicans.

A lot of that anger seems directed toward the GOP.  According to the survey, favorable views of the Republican party dropped eight points over the past month, to 33 percent. Fifty-nine percent say they have an unfavorable view of the Republican party, an all-time high dating back to 1992 when the question was first asked.

The poll indicates that views of the Democratic party, by contrast, have remained fairly steady, with 47 percent saying they have a favorable view of the Democrats and an equal amount saying they hold an unfavorable view.

“The Democratic party, which had a favorable rating just a couple of points higher than the GOP in July, now has a 14-point advantage over the Republican party,” adds Holland, CNN’s polling director.

Americans are also disgusted in the Republican leaders themselves. Both John Boehner and Mitch McConnell’s unfavorable numbers have increased, and those supporting the two leaders have dropped since the debt ceiling fight.

House Speaker John Boehner’s favorable rating has dropped 10 points, and his unfavorable rating is up to 40 percent, a new high for him.  On the Senate side, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell isn’t faring much better – his unfavorable rating is 39 percent, a seven-point increase since July.

The poll also shows that Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have maintained the level of favorable and unfavorable support they had before the debt ceiling began.

Nancy Pelosi Politics

The Deal – What We Know So Far

President Obama and the leaders of both parties in the House of Representatives and Senate, have finally agreed to a framework for a deal to prevent America from defaulting on paying its bills for the first time in our history. The specifics of the deal are not yet known, but for the first time in months, a possible consensus has been reached.

President Obama spoke earlier tonight and urged all members of Congress to pass the deal, saying there are still some very important votes to be taken by members, but that a general consensus has been  reached on a plan that will avoid default. What do we know so far? The deal would;

  • Cut $1 trillion dollars in 10 years
  • Appoint a special congressional delegation also called a Super congress, will report by November on ways to further reduce the deficit and to find ways to increase revenue through taxes and decide on more spending.
  • Will extend through 2013.
Meanwhile, the Republican Speaker of the House Of Representatives, John Boehner, R-Ohio, set up a conference call with House Republicans for Sunday night, and House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said she would meet with Democrats on Monday. Mrs Pelosi also made the news, assuring the nation that seniors would get their Social Security checks, the U.S. military would be compensated and other obligations would be met.
More information on the deal will be made public soon.
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