Barack Obama Democratic democrats Domestic Policies Nancy Pelosi Republican Unemployment

Democrats On The Attack – Asks Republicans Where Are The Jobs?

News on The Hill – In their first public address of 2012, House Democratic leaders ripped into Republicans Thursday for ignoring President Obama’s jobs package amid a lingering unemployment crisis.

Behind Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), the lawmakers accused GOP leaders of neglecting their duties and remaining on vacation as the jobless rate tickles down to 9 percent.

“The American people need jobs, and we’re not on the job,” said Pelosi, flanked by more than two dozen other Democrats in the Capitol. “Where are they [Republicans]? I don’t know. Where should they be? Right here in this Capitol getting to work.”

The Democrats used the one-year anniversary of the Republicans’ takeover of the House to question why GOP leaders have resisted new education, infrastructure and public works funding – all part of Obama’s plan to create jobs.

“One year in office and no significant jobs bill,” Pelosi charged.

Politics Republican

Legal Marijuana Coming To A Store Near You?

If you are like a majority of people who believe that marijuana should be legalized, then you might take pleasure in this bit of news.

Democrat Barney Frank and Republican/Libertarian and candidate for the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination Ron Paul, are coming together amd drafting a piece of legislation that will legalize the herb.

Salon writes,

It is being billed as “bipartisan legislation” but obviously Ron Paul is the only Republican co-sponsor. According to the Marijuana Policy Project: “The legislation is the first bill ever introduced in Congress to end federal marijuana prohibition.”

On this, the (disputed) 40th anniversary of the War on Drugs, basically every thinking person agrees that marijuana prohibition is an expensive failure. But this will probably not even get a floor debate in the House of Representatives. Or maybe I’m wrong! We’ll see!

The wisdom of Ron Paul. Running for president in 2012 and supporting this piece of legislation is a sure way to get votes. His joining the effort to legalize marijuana will be all some will need to decide who to vote for.

CNN Osama bin Laden Politics Republican

Rudy Giuliani Will Run For President, Or Maybe Not

The “Republican possible presidential candidate” plot thickens… well, sort of. This time, it’s the former mayor of New York and 2008 first round presidential drop out, Rudy Giuliani. On Meet The Press last Sunday, Giuliani opened wide the door to running, then closed it ever so slightly. Now, the door is just a little ajar.

GIULIANI: This was a risky decision to make. The president made it, he made it correctly, including the decision, I think, to dispose of bin Laden’s body so that wouldn’t become a cause célèbre. So I think these men, these firefighters and police officers that he met with, are men who exercise bravery every day in their lives, I think they admire that in the president.

GREGORY:  Does it impact at all, Mayor Giuliani, your thinking about running for president next year?

GIULIANI:  No.  Not in the slightest.  I separate the two things.  This was an American achievement.  Two presidents get great credit for it.  I also thanked President Bush this week because, no matter what, what about the debate, no matter what you come out on the debate of–about waterboarding, no doubt, all of the work he did and the changes he made in intelligence brought this about.  And President Obama’s improving that, and his decision-making brought it about.  It’s a great achievement for both presidents, both political parties, all Americans.

GREGORY:  And you’re still considering a run for the presidency?

GIULIANI:  Not, not right this minute, but, yes, I am.

You got to hand it to this group of misfits. They take a licking and somehow, keep on ticking.

Osama bin Laden Politics

For President Obama, It’s A Promise Kept

“If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won’t act, we will.”

That line was given in a speech by President Obama in 2008 while he was campaigning for office as President of The United States. Since becoming president, Mr. Obama has not only lived up to this promise, but has authorized more drone attacks in Pakistan than the previous administration ever had. It’s been reported that these attacks, although Bin Laden was the ultimate target, resulted in other terrorists being killed.

According to a recent report by The Washington Times, “CIA drone attacks in Pakistan killed at least 581 militants last year [2009], according to independent estimates. The number of those militants noteworthy enough to appear on a U.S. list of most-wanted terrorists: two.” The report goes on to question the wisdom of these increased attacks, stating “despite a major escalation in the number of unmanned Predator strikes being carried out under the Obama administration, data from government and independent sources indicate that the number of high-ranking militants being killed as a result has either slipped or barely increased.”

But it will appear now, that the Administration was acting on “actionable intelligence.” And on Sunday, that intelligence paid off;

“Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan,” Mr. Obama said. “A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability. No Americans were harmed. They took care to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body.”

I’ve heard it said that while the rest of the political pundits and talking heads play checkers, the President is actively engaged in a game of chess. Chalk this one up as a checkmate against Osama Bin Laden.


Why Blacks Left The Republican Party

 Simply put: Because the party that was once crucial in the emancipation of African Americans, has turned into one that promotes hate, lies, and intolerance.

During the 1860’s, when Lincoln was President, the Republican party was considered the liberal party that was against slavery. Blacks mostly voted Republican after the Civil War and through the early part of the 20th century, not surprisingly, since Lincoln was Republican and the white  segregationist politicians who governed Southern states in those days were Democrats who didn’t want anything to do with Blacks. From then on Blacks continued to stick with the party that promoted their causes in the United States.

The tide began to turn much later when Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt got 71 percent of the black vote for president in 1936 after meeting with black leaders to push for specific programs that helped regain the grounds lost, due to four centuries of servitude in the United State. Then Harry Truman grabbed 77 percent of the black vote in 1948, thanks to his issuing an order of desegregation to the armed services and an executive order setting up regulations against racial bias in federal employment.

John F. Kennedy used the civil rights movement to define the Democratic party as a liberal party for decades to come. Kennedy began pushing for the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 and after he was killed,  Lyndon B. Johnson pushed it through.

Johnson then got 94 percent of the black vote that year, then, a record for any presidential election. The following year he signed the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Ever since, no Republican presidential candidate has gotten more than 15 percent of the black vote.

Members of the  Black GOP like to harp on the fact that Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican. But on April 4, 1968 Reverend Dr. King, at 39, was shot and killed in Memphis Tennessee, while supporting striking sanitation workers. You could best believe that today, Dr. King would be considered–just as he was in the 60’s thru the changing attitude of the Republican Party–as a dangerous troublemaker by the GOP. Today, King would have joined the ranks of union protesters in Wisconsin and other states whose Republican governors look to dismantle union bargaining rights across the country.

Democrats have done a lot more for blacks in the last 50 years or so, while Republicans have been behind every kind of intolerance, not just racism but sexism, homophobia, nativism…you name it.

African-Americans have a unique history in America not shared by any other race. To say that we have no choice and no voice in how we draw our party lines and choose our political candidates just shows how much you don’t know of our history here. Surely those who have criticized the need for  government sponsored programs, assistance, and services–created in the 60’s –as “handouts” and “special favors” are now beginning to see just how much we all have benefited from a Democratic government in the face of a Republican party that seeks to take all from the ‘haves-nots’ to give to the ‘haves’.

The majority of Blacks in America have made the consensual choice to vote as Democrats. And that will continue to be the our choice as long as that party serves our causes.

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