
It’s Official – Joseph R.Biden Elected 46th President

Joe Biden will become the 46th president of the United States, CNN projects, after a victory in the state where he was born put him over the 270 electoral votes needed to win, CNN reports

With Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes, Biden now has a total of 273 electoral votes.

Before becoming the Democratic presidential nominee, Biden served as vice president under former President Barack Obama. He is also Delaware’s longest-serving senator.

Throughout his campaign, Biden has argued that the “soul of the nation” is at stake, and has promised that he would seek to heal a country fractured by Trump’s presidency.

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God Politics

Ted Cruz – A President Must Begin His Day “on his knees” Before God – Video

It’s always amazing to me how religious these Republican politicians become around election time. Senator Ted Cruz is obviously trying to win the Republican’s nomination for president, so pandering to the religious base in his party is a necessary part of his game plan.

Speaking in an interview with conservative Pastor Kevin Swanson at the National Religious Liberties Conference, Ted Cruz told the crowd what they wanted to hear and in so doing, Cruz hopes to get a rise in the polls.

Swanson asked Cruz, “How important is it for the President of the United States to fear God and what does that mean to you?”

“Any president who doesn’t begin every day on his knees isn’t fit to be commander-in-chief of this nation,” Cruz stated.

The pastor said “amen” and the audience applauded in approval.


New Jersey Politics

Poll: New Jersey Voters say No to a Chris Christie Presidency

The people who knows Chris Christie best don’t want him to be president.

A Quinnipiac poll released Thursday found that 53% of New Jersey voters said Christie would not make a good President.

And Democrat Hillary Clinton would trounce Christie 50%-39% in the Garden State if they faced each other in the 2016 election.

“Even Jersey guys, actually Jersey girls, don’t think the nation will go for a Jersey guy like Gov. Christopher Christie,” said pollster Maurice Carroll.

The poll showed Clinton beating Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Sen. Rand Paul and former presidential candidate Mitt Romney among New Jersey voters.


John McCain Accidentally Calls Hillary Clinton “President”

Senator John McCain of Arizona accidentally referred to Hillary Clinton as “President” today in an interview. He immediately realized his mistake and quickly took it back.
But was it really a mistake or was the senior senator from Arizona practicing for inevitable in 2016.

McCain was responding on CBS’ Face the Nation to a compliment from Clinton calling him her ‘favorite Republican.’

He uncomfortably laughed it off before mistakenly elevating her to the job she’s expected to campaign for in 2016.

‘I hope this part of the program is blacked out in Arizona – please cut,’ he joked as he made a slashing gesture over his neck. ‘I respect Secretary, Senator Clinton. I respect her views. We have had disagreements on a number of issues.’


He then acknowledged Clinton’s frontrunner status in a rather unorthodox way.

‘I think it’s my job to work with every president,’ McCain said, before quickly adding while comically contorting his face with mock fear, ‘If she is – regrettably – if she attains the presidency.’


Israel’s Next President – Reuven Rivlin

Mr Rivlin, a former parliamentary speaker and Cabinet minister, defeated long-time legislator Meir Sheetrit, by 63 to 53 in a secret runoff ballot.

He will succeed Shimon Peres, 90, who ends his seven-year term in July.

The Israeli president occupies a largely ceremonial position and has no formal role in peace talks with the Palestinians.

Mr Rivlin, a member of the governing, right-wing Likud party, will become Israel’s 10th president.

He won in the second round of voting on Tuesday.


Hillary Clinton Sheds a Light on Her 2016 Presidential Ambition

Over the weekend, she said that she would “make a decision soon.”

According to the Texas newspaper The Monitor, Clinton made the comments at a Texas fundraising event Sunday for the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation during a question and answer session with Doctors Hospital at Renaissance CEO Israel Rocha.

When Rocha asked the former first lady if she would run in 2016, Clinton said she “would make a decision soon,” Abby Reyna, an attendee at the event, told The Monitor.

Another attendee, Democratic state Rep. Bobby Guerra gave a different version of what he recalled Clinton as having said, according to The Monitor.

“She said she would make a decision at sometime in the future, at the appropriate time,” Guerra said.

Clinton made a speech at the event about the state of U.S. healthcare and also talked about some of the lessons she learned from other countries as secretary of state.




Arnold Schwarzenegger Will Try to Run for President in 2016

The United States Constitution forbids foreign born citizens for running for president, but many have attempted to challenge the law. According to the New York Post, former governor of California and action movie star, Arnold Schwarzenegger will attempt to challenge the law and run for president in 2016. The news broke while Schwarzenegger was promoting his new film “Escape Plan,” in New York City, also costarring another veteran action star, Sylvester Stallone.

The 66 year old Schwarzenegger was born in Austria and became a United States citizen in 1983. The former Republican governor of California was elected in 2003 during a recall election and won reelection 2006, holding the office until 2011. Sources note that Schwarzenegger will file paperwork in an attempt to challenge the Constitution so he can be on the ballot in 2016.

“Schwarzenegger has been talking openly about working on getting the constitutional rules changed so he can run for president in 2016. He is ready to file legal paperwork to challenge the rules.”

Schwarzenegger appeared on the “Tonight Show” in 2010 and told host Jay Leno that if the law was changed, he would seriously consider a run for the nation’s top office. In order to have the law changed, it would have to be approved by two-thirds in the House and Senate and be ratified by 38 of the country’s 50 states.


Top Hillary Clinton Fundraiser Begins Preparation for 2016

The top fundraiser behind Hillary Clinton’s first presidential bid is currently in talks to join Priorities USA, the leading super PAC behind President Obama last year that is now positioning itself for a possible Clinton White House bid in 2016.”

Jonathan Mantz, who served as Clinton’s national finance director in 2008 and is one of the Democratic Party’s biggest names in fundraising, is set to join Priorities USA in a senior adviser.

Four sources familiar with the Mantz discussions said he will fundraise for Priorities as transitions from the last presidential election into its next phase — a pro-Clinton paid media effort, likely led by Jim Messina and John Podesta, top former aides to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton respectively.”

Politics Republican

Joe the Plumber: We Need a White Republican President

America,  we have a problem. And I am not talking about the usual problems, like the fact that Republicans are trying to take away your health care, take away your social security, take away your jobs and as soon as they have made your life as miserable as possible, they give you machine guns and send you on your merry way.

No America, these are just small insignificant problems. According to Joe the Plumber and his website however, our major problem is the President of the United States, who happens to be a Democrat… and who hapoens to be black!

Joe the Plumber. You remember him right? He is the same one who skyrocketed to Republican fame back in the 2008 election when he was seen on video asking then candidate Obama a question about his tax policy. Mr. Obama answered, then included this phrase in his answer, “when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”

This statement was obviously taken out of context, but Joe was seen as a Republican hero for it. According to the Republicans, Joe got the President to admit his secret wish for “wealth redistribution and socialism.”

Joe the Republican hero plumber, also ran loosing campaign for the House of Representatives.

And now, Joe is back and he is armed with a website. And in one of the articles on Joe’s website the author details his reason for a white Republican in the White House.

That article, written by Kevin Jackson, challenges you to admit that you just miss the good old days when your President’s face was as white as snow.  Now–you might start feeling like a little bit of a racist after coming to terms with your desire to have a white man leading your country,  but don’t worry:  the article was written by a black guy, allowing you to use it to justify your bigotry!

Isn’t this exciting?

Jackson, the monumental idiot,  feels that:

election of a recognized black president was not supposed to change anything. In fact, it was supposed to (1) ease any perceived racial tensions, and (2) allow the government to focus on legislating without race. So America would be more free than ever to discuss the issues.

Not the case. And that is why having a white Republican president is best for the country.

So because Obama didn’t magically wipe out all racism, and North Carolina still exists, we need a white Republican in charge?

What in the hell are you smoking, Jackson?

The nutjob continues to prattle on about how blacks have never been called racist for being critical of a white President, accuses Democratic Presidents of racism (of course), and–the coup d’état, claims Ronald Reagan “ushered in a veritable Renaissance for blacks,” citing an article written by Michael Reagan, son of Ronnie…who certainly would never misrepresent his father’s legacy!

Joe, of course, uses the fact that a black man wrote an article that happens to, in a twisted way, justify his bigoted and horrible world views, to claim that it’s not just right to want a white Republican man in office–it’s the American way!

Well, Joe and his ilk’s sick version of America anyway

jeb bush Politics

The Main Reason Why Jeb Bush Will Never Be President

Simply put, the answer is George W Bush. Yes, the brother of Jeb Bush and the dismal eight years in office would hang around Jeb’s

Jeb and W

neck if he announces his plans to run for President in 2016.

Peter Beinhart made this observation;

It won’t be enough for a candidate merely to keep his or her distance from [George] W. John McCain and Mitt Romney tried that, and they failed.

“I don’t think there’s any Bush baggage at all,” the former Florida governor said onFox News Sunday. “I love my brother. I’m proud of his accomplishments.” On Meet the Press, he added that “history will be kind to George W. Bush.”

Unfortunately for Jeb, history is written by historians. Three times since 2009, pollsters have asked them to rank American presidents, and in those rankings, W. has come in 36th, 39th, and 31st. Only Millard Fillmore, Warren Harding, William Henry Harrison, Franklin Pierce, Andrew Johnson, and James Buchanan rank lower. Ordinary Americans agree. Three times since George W. Bush left office, pollsters have asked the public to rank recent presidents. And three times, W. has ended up second to last, ahead of only Richard Nixon.

Speaking for the majority of Americans in this country, and in agreement with those who took that poll, I think it is safe to say that we’ve had it up to here with the Bushes. We have successfully navigated ourselves out of the Bushes and we don’t plan on going back. The goal is moving forward, not back to the future.


Domestic Drone Attacks? Maybe One Day

It appears the debate on Drone attacks are really beginning to heat up, but not where you’d expect. No, not internationally, but domestically… right here in the Good ol’ US of A. Now before you get all flustered and began pulling out the ‘registered’ Oozy’s you just purchased at your friendly neighborhood gun show, listen to what the Attorney General of the United States had to say.

Eric Holder

Attorney General Eric Holder said in a press conference on Tuesday that he could see Drone attacks taking place on U.S. soil one day. In fact, he said;

“It is possible, I suppose, to imagine an extraordinary circumstance in which it would be necessary and appropriate under the Constitution and applicable laws of the United States, for the President to authorize the military to use lethal force within the territory of the United States. For example, the President could conceivably have no choice but to authorize the military to use such force if necessary to protect the homeland in the circumstances of a catastrophic attack like the ones suffered on December 7, 1941, and September 11, 2001. The question you have posed is entirely hypothetical, unlikely to occur, and one we hope no President will ever have to confront.”


Rand Paul

Of course, this has riled some feathers, especially from Tea Party Extraordinaire, Rep. Rand Paul. In an interview with the beloved, Fox News, Paul stated;

“The thing about the drone strike program is we’re not talking about someone’s actively attacking America — we’re not talking about planes flying into the World Trade Center. What we’re talking about is you’re eating dinner in your house, you’re eating at a café or you’re walking down the road.”

The two instances Attorney General Holder spoke of were the most dastardly and atrocious attacks on the United States. And let’s not forget about the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma that took place in April of 1995 where 168 innocent people were killed. That was a homegrown attack, cowardly planned and executed by an American. An unimaginable crime against our own people, American citizens. Americans who went to work as they always did on a seemingly, routine day. Some dropped off their kids in a daycare in the same building that was attacked. A routine, uneventful day that was just like a day in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 or in New York City on September 11, 2001. They all turned out to be anything but routine.

Here’s my take.

The dynamics have changed. The game has changed. Warfare has changed. I know we are Americans and living on American soil but, as an American, don’t we and shouldn’t we have the right to live in our own country, free from fear? A fear that may one day be generated by one of our very own Citizens that have nothing but terror and terrorism in their heart, like the cowards that attacked the Federal Building in Oklahoma.

The last thing I’d want is for Drones to be used here in America, BUT, if there is a known threat to my family, friends and loved ones, “Drone the H*ll out of Them!”

This shouldn’t be a Debate. IF the public is at risk from a “known” terrorist – American or otherwise – I believe the Government, the President, the Military should use any means necessary to eliminate that threat. So, if that means drones in the United States, So Be It.

Sometimes, Rep. Paul, a trial just won’t do.

Barack Obama Democratic Politics presidential Republican United States



I was here
I lived, I loved
I was here
I did, I’ve done, everything that I wanted
And it was more than I thought it would be
I will leave my mark so everyone will know
I was here

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