Arizona Barack Obama Featured Natural born citizen of the United States United States

Arizona Needs To Know What A Presidential Candidate’s Penis Looks Like

Great! Just when you thought it was safe to go to Arizona, the Birthers officially took over the place.

Today, the Arizona Republican Senate bowed to the Birthers, and passed a bill requiring all presidential candidates to prove he or she is a natural-born citizen of the United States, prove their age and also prove that they meet the residency requirements, as dictated in the bill. If the presidential contender cannot provide the required proof within the alloted time period, then according to the bill, that person’s name cannot appear on the Arizona presidential ballot.

Also according to the bill, which passed both the Arizona House and Senate, the political party of the candidate must “provide to the Secretary of State written notice of that party’s nomination for President and Vice President.” The bill then states that within 10 days after the political party provides the names of their nominee, an affidavit must be presented to Arizona, stating “the candidate’s citizenship and age and shall append to the affidavit documents that prove the candidate is a natural-born citizen.”

And get this… just in case the candidate cannot provide their long-form birth certificate, the legislation has an alternative. The presidential candidate will be allowed to put their name on the Arizona ballot if they can provide, among other things, their circumcision certificate.

So to understand exactly what is required to be on the Arizona presidential ballot starting in 2012, all candidates will need; proof of age, proof of residency, a long-form birth certificate, and if all else fails, then your circumcision certificate will do.

Of course, that requirement is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution, which clearly states, “no person except a natural born Citizen” shall be eligible for President of the United States. But apparently, the founding fathers forgot to mention the circumcision certificate as proof of eligibility.

The bill now heads back to the Arizona House for a final vote where it is expected to pass, then it goes to Republican Governor Jan Brewer’s desk for her to sign it into law. That too, is expected to happen.

Wonder if those founding fathers ever thought that a description of one’s penis will be a qualifier for a United States presidential candidate?

I don’t think so.

Barack Obama Planned Parenthood Politics United States

President Obama Caught On Open Microphone Talking About Republicans

President Obama was caught on an open microphone making some very interesting remarks about the Republicans and their recent 2011 budget negotiations to keep the government funded for the remainder of this fiscal year. The President, unaware that the microphones were on recalls, among other things, the unsuccessful reasoning given by representatives of John Boehner, in reference to repealing Health care.

Listen to the audio below.

Barack Obama MSNBC Politics United States

Corporations Don’t Need A Conscience…They Have Your Leaders

Take a few minutes out of your day to keep it real. Be honest, we’ve seen this movie before. The heroes and villains are as staged as professional wrestling. The soap opera dramas of  “All My Children”,  “Young And The Restless”  and the others have nothing on the modern day “Hatfields & McCoys” that is the Democratic and Republican parties.

Stop lying…and stop lying to yourself by allowing yourself to be lied to.  We’ve been like masochists, addicted to abuse. Or an abused wife that suffers through the pain and makes excuses for her husband’s abuse of her. All the right words will be spoken and promises made, some by well meaning candidates…some by career politicians who know full well the powerlessness of their post to effect actual progress but are content in being “the face man” of authority. The truth is ‘HE WHO PAYS THE PIPER CALLS THE TUNE’.

The reason universal healthcare was watered down and made to order for the insurance companies is because  those companies financial contributions to those with the ‘power’ of the pen. According to Barack Obama himself, America’s  health industry spent hundreds of millions of dollars to block the introduction of public medical insurance and to stall other proposed legislation. Corporate power at work. There are two wars going on right now that benefit absolutely nobody but corporate interests and the weapons merchants that get paid to arm both sides of the conflict. Again, corporate interests at work.

The once great continent of Africa and all its natural resources is fertile ground for imperialists and multi-national corporate “investors” with the help of the military and propaganda to continue becoming the new legalized slave masters of the indigenous people. But don’t expect this to be a topic of interest in any presidential election, you see those same corporate investors have invested in the candidates. The 2009 election was infested with financial pay dirt. JP Morgan Chase funded both McCain and Obama, Morgan Stanley funded both  McCain and Obama, Citigroup funded both candidates as well, the list of corporate hush money donations go on… and on. These are the aforementioned ‘payers of the piper’, they are the ones calling the tunes by which we dance.

“What?” you say. “No way, surely we would’ve been hipped to this”.


General Electric’s media holdings include MSNBC, BRAVO and Telemundo. Disney, another multinational, multi-tentacled, multi mind-bending corporation controls 277 radio stations and the ABC network. There are others; Viacom, Time Warner etc., These are main sources of information and so called news for the vast majority of people. A corporations job is to expand, to grow, not to care for those trampled upon as a result of their expansion efforts. So since our sources of information are fitered through them, since our politicians are outright owned by them, since our minds have been reduced to mere robotic consumers of their products…I am appealing to us to recognize that we can’t afford to believe that we have permanent friends in the white house. Black or white. If the politician, the  preacher, teacher or corporation is not serving our best interests, the only corporation that will… starts in the mirror.

Son of Man

Barack Obama Birthers Birthers Republican Party (United States) presidential candidates 2008 shooting United States

President Clinton – Birthers Shooting Themselves In The Foot

President Bill Clinton, one of the 43 previous men who carried the banner of President of the United States, who was never accused of being born anywhere else other than the US during his tenure, expressed his displeasure of criticism, by some, of the 44th man to carry the torch – President Barack Obama. One criticism that Mr. Clinton referred to, was the suggestion that Mr. Obama was born in Kenya. Mr. Clinton calls this “ludicrous.”

“If I were them, I’d be really careful riding that birther horse too much. Everyone knows it’s ludicrous.”

Appearing on ABC’s Good Morning America, the ex President then suggests to Bianna Golodgrya the reason why President Obama is not giving in to the wishes of the Birthers, by putting out a version of his birth certificate to satisfy their needs, instead of the version his native Hawaii government allows:

“I think one of the elementary rules of combat is you don’t want to get in your opponent’s way if he’s shooting himself in the foot.”

Barack Obama Featured Newt Gingrich United States

Newt Gingrich – The Flipping Flopper – Video

Tripping over himself in all manner of ways, is Republican hopeful for the 2012 presidential elections, Newt The Gingrich.

Mr. Gingrich exemplifies the Republicans response to President Obama in all his policy endeavors, and that is – look at the President’s position, and find a way to say and do the complete opposite.

So in keeping with that philosophy, the video below shows Newt Gingrich, criticizing President Obama for not acting on behalf of the Libyans being killed by Muam­mar Qad­hafi. Asked what he would have done differently, Newt replied;

Exercise a no-fly zone this evening!… All we have to say is, slaughtering your own citizens is unacceptable and we are intervening.

Breaking News: President Obama and the International Community Exercised a No-Fly Zone over Libya.

Let’s now rejoin Newt, and see how he feels about this no-fly zone…

Mr. Gingrich, how do you feel about President Obama’s no-fly zone over Libya?

I would not have interveneD. I think there are a lot of other ways to affect Qadhafi.

Of course Newt, of course!

Barack Obama Tid Bits White House

Did Someone Lock President Obama Out of The White House? – Video

Who locked the door to the White House? Well seems some are making a big deal about this. Here is a comment on the CBS website, after the viewer saw the video below;

by catmomtx March 24, 2011 11:16 PM EDT
OMG!!! You people are so pathetic. You are now reduced to making nasty comments about a White House door being locked!! How funny is that and especially when he just kept walking to an open door unlike George Bush who was so perplexed when he couldn’t open a door that he just stood and looked stupid. It is really sad that some people just have to find something, anything that they can whine about . You all really need to get lives or some counseling because your hatred for this President has gotten completely out of control and very unreasonable.


Barack Obama Politics Sarah Palin Sarah Palin State of the Union address United States

For Sarah Palin, Winning The Future Is A “What The F_ck” Moment

In his State Of The Union Address, President Obama laid out specific steps to make America competitive again in a global economy. Some of these steps included investments in education, transportation, the internet and renewable energy.

Sarah Palin

These are all sensible investments any industrialized nation could make in order to maintain a role as a world leader. Sarah Palin, in her infinite wisdom, that has now graduated her to class-clown status, took to her Facebook page and referred to these proposed steps as What The F*ck, or as she put it, “WTF!”

The Republican 2008 vice presidential candidate and former Alaskan governor,  went on Fox News stating that another of the President’s themes,  ‘Winning The Future,’  was yet  “… another WTF moment.” Once again on her Facebook page she wrote, “he dubbed it a ‘Winning The Future’ speech, but the title’s acronym seemed more accurate than much of the content.”

In her ever present attack mode, Palin then dived into a tirade of criticism of President Obama for wanting America to maintain it’s competitive edge by investing in innovations for the future. She called this prospect “more government spending.” Even the president’s effort to portray America as an exceptional nation and its people as the most innovative and in the world,  was denounced by Palin. This too she said equalled  “big government”;

This seems to be the Obama administration’s version of American exceptionalism – an “exceptionally big government,” in which a centralized government declares that we shall be great and innovative and competitive, not by individual initiative, but by government decree. Where once he used words like “hope” and “change,” the President may now talk about “innovation” and “competition.”

Mrs. Palin – who quit her leadership role as governor of Alaska just two years into her first term to be a $100,000.00 per speech media queen – also had some leadership advise for the President. “Real leadership is more than just words,” she said, “it’s deeds.” I guess her deeds speak for themselves.

Palin’s rant also included the 9.4% unemployment rate, government spending and taxes, all of which she explained, exploded out of control practically on the day President Obama was sworn in. She even quotes a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report that says the Federal budget deficit will reach $1.5 trillion dollars in 2011 because of the present administration’s big spending habits.

Everything  about her article was hugely exaggerated,  misleading or just plain out lies.

Yes, CBO did report the Federal deficit will reach $1.5 trillion dollars in 2011, but what Palin failed to mention in her rant was the real  cause — a $900 billion tax cut package for the rich that she herself campaigned for as the only way to bring jobs and reduce the unemployment rate.

And yes, the unemployment rate is at 9.4%, but what Sarah doesn’t again mention is the fact that when President Bush was in power, Americans were loosing jobs at the astonishing rate of 700,000 per month.  And yes, that amount continued under President Obama, but thanks to the Stimulus Package – the same one Sarah referred to as “Stimulus Package boondoggle,” — CBO states that 3.3 million jobs were created or saved in 2010 alone. That’s more jobs created in 1 year than all of President Bush’s 8 years! The CBO report also stated;

“The stimulus lowered the unemployment rate by between 0.7 and 1.8 percentage points during the quarter ending in June and increased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.3 million. The higher figure would come close to making good on Obama’s pledge that the act would save or create as many as 3.5 million jobs by the end of this year.”

And then there’s the tax adebate, where Palin continued her fear-mongering, telling her readers that President Obama is raising taxes to the point of “$1 trillion dollars over the next decade,” if he simplifies the tax code as he suggests. She claims that if you “cut away the rhetoric… you’ll also see that the White House’s real message on economic reform wasn’t one of substantial spending cuts, but of tax increases.”

Raised taxes are a genuine fear of the American people, and Sarah Palin knows exactly how to play into this fear. The reality however, is quite different. Under this administration, federal taxes are at their lowest point in over 60 years, according to William Gale, co-director of the Tax Policy Center and director of the Retirement Security Project at the Brookings Institution. He said;

“The relation between what is said in the tax debate and what is true about tax policy is often quite tenuous. The rise of the Tea Party at a time when taxes are literally at their lowest in decades is really hard to understand.”

President Obama has a clear desire to invest in innovations that improve our roads, builds high speed rails, better education that improves America’s  academic excellence in math and science and cleaner energy that will gradually move us away from our dependence on fossil fuel like oil to wind and solar enrgy, clean coal, nuclear and natural gas. These common sense investment in the nation’s future are imperative. Other countries like China and India are making these investments in their future and they are beginning to reap the benefits.

But somehow in Sarah Palin’s America, a solemn pledge to invest in our future — to ‘Win The Future’ — is looked upon by her and others who lack the most basic of  understanding, as a WTF moment!

Barack Obama Mitch McConnell Politics Racism Republican United States White House

Republicans Cannot Accept a Black President In The White House!

Hello America. Please have a seat. We have some very disparaging news for you.

Compliments of the actions of the Republican Party, we have been led to a very definite conclusion. America, President Barack Obama is a black man, and he’s living in the White House! Please take a moment or two to absorb this!

First Lady Michelle and President Obama

At first we were blind of this fact. We were all captivated by his speeches and the calm, cool manner in which he conducted his campaign.  But we never once looked at the obvious, the literal fact staring us in the face every time the then senator Barack Obama came on our big screen HD tv’s. Sure, he seemed a bit… dark, but… that could have been because of these new tanning machines. Just look at John Boehner for pete’s sake, he’s practically a black man!

Looking back, there were way too many minorities at his inauguration. That should have been a dead giveaway, but again, that too was overlooked  for some strange reason. I guess it was partly due to the euphoria over his call for change and returning to a government that was for the people and by the people.

We were excited. It felt like something historic had took place and no one bothered to pay attention to the obvious. Like sheep, we joined the jubilation with all those minorities knowing that eventually, the Republican Party will do their job and investigate the inauguration and this president. And they will tell us why we were all caught up in the excitement of the newly elected president.

It didn’t take long America.

After the swearing in of President Barack Obama, the rumors started up again. Some were skeptical. He looked… different, but we were unable to put our hands on what the difference was. Was it his height? No, there were others taller. Was it his walk, his talk, his mannerism? No, it was his color!

At the time no one came out to tell us that our new president was black, no one that is, except Rush Limbaugh – the Republican truth speaker. He saw something the rest of us couldn’t, and he dropped the hint when he went on his radio show and said,“I want Barack Obama to fail!”

Now the statement by Rush was a little odd, we agree. Before the new President unpacked his bags, the conservative-radio-pundit-turned-Republican-talking points-creator, was already wishing for him to fail! America, that should have been an eye-opener right there, and yet…

But now friends, we are no longer in the dark. Thanks to the Republican Party, we see the light or, in Barack’s case, we see the darkness!

At first the hints were very subtle, a policy disagreement here and there – a no GOP vote there. We anticipated these disagreements and NO votes from the opposition party, but eventually, we all expected the two sides to come together and work for you, the American people.

But as time went on, we began to see a pattern. Policy after policy, vote after vote, the Republican Party continued moving away from making any decisions that would give a “win” to President Obama. We watched in astonishment as Republican created legislations died at the hands of the Republicans when President Obama adopted them.

The hints became even more pronounced. Thinking that Americans were not seeing the real Black Obama, Republicans stepped up their hatred a few notches.

Why else would Mitch McConnell join the Rush Limbaugh talking point and wish for the President to fail. Why would he – at a time when our economy is in the pits – state that,  “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

Why would John Boehner, the new Republican House Majority Leader say that the Republicans are “going to do everything,  and I mean everything we can do to kill it, stop it, slow it down, whatever we can,” referring to the historical Obamacare bill the President eventually signed into law.

And it wasn’t only the Republicans in Congress. Conservative radio and television commentators went on daily and nightly rampages to bring to light the fact, that there was something different about our new President. Yes, this too is nothing new. The opposition’s pundits will ‘pundicize,’ but the level of lies, misinformation, hypocrisy and propaganda was and is, at an intensity that no one had ever seen before.

The accusation was even made that the president was being racist against white people! This was as direct as Glenn Beck could have been in pulling out the race card, and using it to his advantage!

Then we, being the observers that we are,  stood back and examined the situation. Things began coming together and began making sense. The huge turnout of minorities for his inauguration, the historic feel of the moment and the unified opposition from Congressional Republicans in fighting anything and everything associated with Barack Obama, told the truth!

And that truth is simple:  the Republican leaders of Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and Eric Cantor cannot accept the fact that a black President lives in the White House. They cannot accept the fact that a black president has accomplished what others failed at – comprehensive Health Care for all Americans.

And the nerve of this black President to take on the Republican mantra of Tax Cuts. He offered tax cuts to 95 percent of America’s middle class, and now he wants to make these cuts permanent.

In their effort to make sure this particular president failed, these so-called Republican leaders are willfully putting Americans in a more dire situation by opposing proven methods to stimulate economic growth. They believe that President Obama must not achieve anything while in office. It is their belief that President Obama must not get credit for anything positive. After all, he is black and in their minds – probably from lessons instilled in them from childhood – blacks cannot the amount to anything positive.

These Republican leaders believe that if President Obama succeeds in his endeavors, then this might encourage more black Americans to consider running for the presidential office in the future. That atrocity must be stopped, regardless of the benefits President Obama’s policies will have on the American people.

America, we have figured it out and now you know the truth. Thanks to the Republican Party, we now know that there’s a black President in the White House.

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