
Fox Host Drops The “Sh*t” Word On Television

Bob Beckel is slowly becoming our favorite host on Fox News. Remember when Bob decided that he was not going to partake in a conversation with his co-hosts that falsely slander the President? Well, Bob is sticking to his guns and in the last show, he may have been a tad bit upset and belted out the word that sounds like “hit,” but starts with the letter “S.”

Before pressing play on the video below, maybe you should send the kids to get a drink of water or something…


Bachmann Distances Herself From Her Retardation Claim

Michele Bachmann found herself in a little hot water when she repeated what a woman said to her after the last Republican debate. Bachmann, one of the Republican presidential candidates for 2012, was engaged in a heated contest back and forth with her competition, Rick Perry over his Texas mandate that pre-teen girls get the HPV vaccine. Clearly against Perry’s mandate, Bachmann told Fox News;

“There’s a woman who came up crying to me tonight after the debate. She said her daughter was given that vaccine. She told me her daughter suffered mental retardation as a result. There are very dangerous consequences.”

Of course, there’s no proof that the HPV vaccine cause mental retardation, but for whatever reason, and we assume it’s all political, Bachmann felt the need to repeat this woman’s claim to the media. Maybe she thought saying it to Fox News was a safe place to spread her lie and misinformation, afterall, that’s what Fox does all the time. But Bachmann’s inaccurate statement caused a huge backlash from actual professionals in the medical industry. Even her Republican base has raised an eyebrow on Bachmann’s lie, and she’s now trying to take back her statement.

Asked about her false statement by the Associated Press, Bachmann played the innocent role;

“All I was doing is relaying what a woman had said. I relayed what she said. I wasn’t attesting to her accuracy. I wasn’t attesting to anything.”

Call me naïve, but as a so-called leader in the Republican party and an elected congresswoman, shouldn’t we expect a certain level of honesty and accuracy from these people? How low has this nation descended to, when leaders think they can repeat certain claims, without “attesting” to their accuracy?

What message are we sending to the kids? What is this saying about the future of politics in the country?

Chris Wallace Politics

Michele Bachmann, Are You A Flake?

Fox News Chris Wallace lost the debate to Jon Stewart last week, so in his Sunday interview of Republican Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, Wallace asked the question every sane American has asked about Michele:  “Is she for real, or is she “a flake?”

“The rap on you here in Washington is that you have a history of questionable statements, some would say gaffes . . . are you a flake?”

The question caught Mrs. Bachmann off-guard, to which she answered that she was “insulted” that Wallace would ask her such a question. Realizing that this was going to be his second loss in 2 weeks, Wallace issued the following apology.

“A lot of you were more than perturbed, you were upset and felt that I had been rude to her. And since in the end it’s really all about the answers and not about the questions. I messed up, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any disrespect.”

Although Wallace buckled under the pressure from his bosses at Fox and apologized, his question was actually a good one. Considering all the numerous incorrect statements the presidential candidate has made in recent weeks, we are all wondering the same thing. Is this Republican presidential candidate for real?

And based on her lack of knowledge where basic American history is concerned, I’ll even venture to say that she’s a flake, who cut classes when the subject was taught.

Politics United States White House

Glenn Beck Punks Out On Van Jones’ Challenge

Glenn Beck is more than happy to sit behind the camera on Fox News or behind the microphone of his radio talk show, and debate himself. The scary part is when he declares himself the winner of those debates, something that happens more times than any sane person should admit to.

Beck was recently given a chance to have a real debate,  a “fight”, a “discussion”. He was given the chance to have an “argument”, a “battle of ideas” from his favorite political rival, Van Jones. Mr. Jones – who, in 2009 had to resign his job at the White House because of the constant lies and character assassinations told about him on Beck’s shows,  issued a challenge to Beck, saying;

I issue a personal challenge to my beloved brother Glenn Beck. I will debate you anytime, anywhere, at any point. I’ll give you an hour, you give me five minutes. And I will stand up for our values. But you would have to stop talking about us and start talking to us.

You got one week left before your show goes off. My phone is ringing. Call me! Call me, Glenn Beck! And let’s have this fight. Let’s have this discussion. Let’s have this argument. Let’s have this battle of ideas. Battle of ideas. And let’s fight for liberty and justice for all.

This would seem like the perfect opportunity for Beck to prove to his radio and television audiences that all the things he’s said about Jones were true. It would seem that Beck would finally have the opportunity to shed some real light on Jones’s true “communistic” character, and at the same time, prove to America that he (Beck) was not just pulling words out of thin air or making stuff up. It would seem like the right thing to do…

But what was Beck’s response?

He retreats back to the rubber room, comfort zone of his radio show where all that he says goes forever unchallenged, and spends 9 minutes continuing his smear campaign against Van Jones, calling him a “communist revolutionist” who formed a group to take over the government.

Yeah Beck, but are you going to accept the challenge? Back up what you say and join Mr. Jones in a debate.

Barack Obama CNN Mitt Romney Politics Republican Party (United States)

Tim Pawlenty Is No Punk, Just Don’t Tell Romney!

Tim Pawlenty showed his punkass side again. Last Sunday, Pawlenty went on Fox News and criticized his fellow Republican Mitt Romney and the health care bill Romney approved in Massachusetts. Funny thing is, when Pawlenty was given the opportunity to confront Romney at the CNN debate one day later, he punked out and showed the nation that he has no backbone.

Well that was then and this is now. Realizing that he crumbled while Romney was on stage with him, Pawlenty is trying to regain the ‘tough-guy’ front he never really had. So today, in the comforting confine of his own living room, and in front of his big bad computer, little Timmy went online and became ballsy tweeting to all who cared to listen, that he is once again willing to take on Romney.

After looking around the room and making sure Romney wasn’t there, Pawlenty took to twitter and tweeted the following;

But on CNN, and with Mitt Romney standing just a few feet away from him, Little Timmy emerged and the tough-guy persona he exhibited on Fox was gone.
Video below;

Barack Obama gun Politics United States

Glenn Beck Insinuates Shooting President Obama

These days, it’s hard to be surprised by Glenn Beck’s antics. But his most recent attempt to grab the spotlight on his last few days at Fox News, really had me scratching my head. This is the same guy who once, when referring to congressional Democrats, told his viewers to “shoot them in the head.”

Well in this second attempt to incite some nut-job in his audience to commit the unthinkable, the Fox News host took to the television waves and after ranting about guns and his suggestion that the government is coming after gun owners, Beck asked the question, “why would you get a gun?” He then turns and points at a picture of President Obama.

Amazing that this idiot is still on television, or on any public media for that matter!


Americans Are Just Tired Of The Conservative Lies

It was bound to happen. You can only lie to people for so long, and the American people are beginning to say ENOUGH! A recent poll shows that top conservative radio talk shows are loosing their audience in droves!

The just-released Arbitron repor treveals that a lot less people are listening to right-wing talk radio.With a lull in ratings since November, RushLimbaugh had a 3.0 share of listeners for his radio time slot, which is a 33% slide from October and from last April, reports Crain’s Business.

Meanwhile, The Sean Hannity Show was reported to be down 28% from its peak numbers in the fall.

And let’s not forget the massive exodus from the Glenn Beck show. So bad was this exodus, that Fox News has decided not to renew his contract. But this report shows that the entire Fox network is loosing viewers;

Glenn Beck suffered the biggest drop, losing 30% of his audience compared to the first quarter last year.  But he wasn’t alone.  Top ranking O’Reilly lost 14% of his audience, Sean Hannity, up a spot from 2010, lost 19%, and Bret Baier, who pushed Beck out of the top three, lost 13%.

Greta Van Susteren, who has been bleeding viewers to Anderson Cooper this month, is down 22.86%.

All in all Fox News actually lost 21% of its primetime audience during the quarter.

What’s the old saying? You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t continually lie and expect Americans to continually buy into the dumbness. Well–that’s not exactly what they say but you catch my drift.

Featured Newt Gingrich Nikki Haley Republican

Republicans Kick Ass… Their Own. What’s A Newt To Do?

Before he even got started, it seems that the Republican presidential campaign of Newt, the always-talking-never-thinking, Gingrich might be almost over. And the ones pushing on Newt to leave the race are not the expected political enemies in the Democratic party, oh nooo! The Republicans are the ones kicking Newt’s butt.

It all began when Newt appeared on Sunday’s Meet The Press and called the Republican Paul Ryan a radical, and suggested that Ryan’s budget plan will kill Medicare and transfer middle class wealth to the top 1%. Of course, Gingrich was right, but hearing one of their own speak the truth is not something the Republican party is accustomed to. So since Sunday, Mr. Gingrich has been thrown under the bus by Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and the congressional Republican leaders in Washington. Newt’s exact words when asked to describe his feelings about Ryan’s budget plan?

“I don’t think right-wing social engineering is any more desirable than left-wing social engineering. I don’t think imposing radical change from the right or the left is a very good way for a free society to operate.”

Appearing on Laura Ingram’s show the following day was the right winged radical himself – Paul Ryan. While explaining his excuse for a budget plan if elected, Ryan was asked to respond to Gingrich’s Meet The Press interview. “With allies like that, who needs the left?” Ryan fired back, and the ass-kicking officially began.


“I am not going to justify this. I am not going to explain it. “The attack on Paul Ryan, the support for an individual mandate in healthcare?  Folks, don’t ask me to explain this. There is no explanation! What do you mean, ‘If I don’t explain it, who will?’  There is no explanation for it.

“First off, it cuts Paul Ryan off at the knees. It supports the Obama administration in the lawsuits that 26 states have filed over the mandate. I guess, what?  Back in 1993, Newt supported an individual mandate, everybody should buy insurance. I am as befuddled as anyone else is what I’m telling you.”

And being the Republican leader that he is, the talking points were sent out immediately- Rush is against Newt, so Newt must be wrong. The word spread fast, as other conservative media outlets picked up on Limbaugh’s rantings. The story got out to their audience and they too began their attacks.

At a campaign stop in Iowa, Newt was greeted by one of his republican supporters;

IOWA REPUBLICAN: What you just did to Paul Ryan is unforgivable.

GINGRICH: I didn’t do anything to Paul Ryan.

IOWA REPUBLICAN: Yes, you did. You undercut him … you’re an embarrassment to our party.

GINGRICH: I’m sorry you feel that way.

IOWA REPUBLICAN: Why don’t you get out before you make a bigger fool of yourself?

The pressure was too much for Gringrich, so like any other potential commander-in-chief, like any other potential leader of the free world, like any other man vying for the job to be the most influential person on the face of the earth – the President Of The United States – Newt Gingrich flipped-flopped and tried to tell the nation that the words from his mouth must not be taken seriously. He really didn’t mean what he said and that was his final answer! He tells Greta Van Susteren of Fox News;

So, let me say on the record: any ad which quotes what I said Sunday is a falsehood and because I have said publicly, those words were inaccurate and unfortunate. And I’m prepared to stand up — when I make a mistake and I’m going to on occasion, I want to stand up and share with the American people, that was a mistake, because that way, we can have an honest conversation.

And with his supporters behind him, their shoes up the seat of his pants, Newt offered apologies to Paul Ryan and any other unnecessary GOPers who would give him the time of day.

Nikki Haley, the powerful Republican governor in South Carolina told CNN in a telephone interview just how disappointed she was in Gingrich;

“What he said was absolutely unfortunate. Here you’ve got Representative Ryan trying to bring common sense to this world of insanity, and Newt absolutely cut him off at the knees.

“When you have a conservative fighting for real change, the last thing we need is a presidential candidate cutting him off at the knees.”

Then this -popularl syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer  suggests that Newt pack up and go home, telling Fox that Newt “didn’t have a big chance in the beginning, but now it’s over!”

Video–just a brief look in the life of a flip-flopping Gingrich. This is Newt – The man who wants to be The Commander-in-Chief!

Donald Trump Donald Trump Elections Mike Huckabee Politics Republican United States

Did You Hear? – Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump Dropped Out

Over the last few days, we’ve been on a mini vacation here at EzKool, and it just so happened that everything came apart while we were away. So in an effort to keep you guys up on what’s been happening, (lol, is there really anyone out there who doesn’t know what happened over the last few days?) it’s quite simple – Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump dropped out of the race. LOL.

This Colbert video should cover it.

Newt Gingrich Politics Republican Rick Santorum twitter White House

Newt To Make Presidential Announcement This Week

In two days the wait will be over, for on Wednesday Newt Gingrich will make his official announcement concerning his run for the Presidency, and he plans to use the social media to state his plans.

The former House speaker will announce his presidential candidacy Wednesday on Facebook and Twitter, according to his spokesman. Rick Tyler posted Monday on Twitter that Gingrich will make it official, give his first interview as a White House candidate on Fox News and then speak to Georgia Republicans at their annual convention on Friday.

Minutes later, Gingrich himself took to Twitter. “Be sure to watch Hannity this Wednesday at 9pm ET/8pm CT,” he posted. “I will be on to talk about my run for President of the United States.”

If Newt announce that he will in fact, run for President in 2012, he will join a growing list of non-contenders thus far. Among the other Republican candidates are, little Timmy Pawlenty, the pizza-man Herman Cain, the professional presidential candidate Ron Paul and the 2006 Senate loser Rick Santorum. There is another guy who appeared in the Fox News Republican debate recently, but he left absolutely no impression on the audience and quite frankly, my mind has better things to do than to remember his name.

Of course, others are expected to join Newt and his ilk. We can hardly wait.

Featured Osama bin Laden Politics Racism United States

Ding-Bat Fox Employee Calls President Obama A Murderer

Judge Napolitano of Fox News should be fired, but don’t hold your breath for that to happen, Fox openly demands that their employees make the kind of remarks Napolitano made yesterday. The Fox News ding-bat accused the President of “illigally killing” Osama Bin Laden. All this, because the President is not a Republican, and possibly because he’s black.

The Fox News Napolitano went on the propaganda machine better known as Fox Network, and basically called the president a murderer, saying, “this business of the president deciding to kill people is very dangerous and very unlawful.” He continued;

“Where will it stop. Who will President Obama kill next? Can the president now send the seals to kill colonel Qhadaffi? President Assad? Prime minister Putin? Fidel Castro? Hugo Chavez or Kim Jon Il? Can he kill whomever is an obstacle to his purposes?

Can he kill Bradley Manning or Juliane Assange? Or Khalid Sheikh Mohammed? Could he kill Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or me? Can the president kill anyone who was once a friend but became our enemy?

Although the Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh or “me” question may be a valid one in some circles, Napolitano’s rant, is of course, based purely on capturing some political ground for Republicans lost after Obama gains over the last week. And of course theres the racial element thats always present.

According to his own diatribe, Osama Bin Laden was the most wanted man in the world. He wasn’t wanted because of his pleasant ways and wonderful mannerism at the dinner table, he was wanted because he personally went on a mission to kill as many American citizens as he possibly could. And because of his hate and contempt for Americans, Osama Bin Laden was sought after by multiple administrations including that of Bill Clinton, who the Republicans, including Fox News, blamed for the attacks on September 11th. According to the Republican’s theory, if Bill Clinton had killed Bin Laden when “he had the chance to,” then September 11th, 2001 would not have happen.

George Bush tried to find and kill Bin Laden – a search that lasted about an hour. He sent in troops to drop bombs in known caves in Pakistan and Afghanistan, with the hope of killing Bin Laden. Drone attacks were often used but most of the time resulted in other terrorists being killed. “We want him dead or alive” was the famous Bush line. Judge Napolitano didn’t see the need to question these drone attacks or the other bodies they provided, but he now has issues with President Obama accomplishing what previous administrations couldn’t.

The Fox News employee suggests the only time a President is “legally” allowed to kill someone is, “in self defense, in war on a battlefield or after a verdict by a jury for the death penalty. ” Well it seems to me that two of the three reasons given, were present in the case of Osama Bin Laden.

  1. Bin Laden began the war on America when he recruited and paid for members of his army to board planes to New York and Washington that would kill over three thousand Americans. Ground Zero was a battlefield and America had no choice but to respond.
  2. Self defense –  Self defense is not only when you have word of an eminent attack, but also after you’ve actually been attacked. America was attacked on September 11th, and our retaliation was, and is, in self defense.

And keeping with the mindset of Fox News, Mr. Napolitano lied to his sheeple, telling them that there are no pictures, just Obama’s word. Of course we know this to be a lie. There are pictures and a video of the mission. But even if there were none, how does Napolitano explain the survivors who were present in the mansion with Bin Laden? According to all the news reports and Pakistan officials, Bin Laden’s wife was shot in her leg, there were other dead bodies from the mission and there were children on the compound. If you are to believe Napolitano’s “all we have is Obama’s word,” then you will have to believe that Bin Laden’s wife volunteered to be shot in the leg, and the dead bodies are not really dead. You will have to believe that all the children found at the compound were paid off, probably with candy, to perpetrate afraud.

The whole point here is that Fox News and their sicko employees can’t accept the fact that a Democratic President – wait a minute, Bill Clinton was a Democratic President and they wanted him to kill Bin Laden – strike that… They can’t accept the fact that a black Democratic President accomplished what other administrations tried, and failed to do.

Barack Obama Featured Osama bin Laden Terrorism United States

Fox Employee Says “President Obama Is Dead!”

Yes, we can certainly understand a slip of the tongue, mistaking “Obama” for “Osama,” but not coming from a reporter or someone who is supposed to know the difference, whose job is to know the difference. And not when this reporter put the title of “president” in front of the name.

But then again, we are talking about Fox News.

Right after President Obama delivered the news on Sunday that Osama Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan, the Fox News anchor said that “President Obama is in fact dead.”

Where do they find these people?

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