Newt Gingrich Politics Republican Rick Santorum twitter White House

Newt To Make Presidential Announcement This Week

In two days the wait will be over, for on Wednesday Newt Gingrich will make his official announcement concerning his run for the Presidency, and he plans to use the social media to state his plans.

The former House speaker will announce his presidential candidacy Wednesday on Facebook and Twitter, according to his spokesman. Rick Tyler posted Monday on Twitter that Gingrich will make it official, give his first interview as a White House candidate on Fox News and then speak to Georgia Republicans at their annual convention on Friday.

Minutes later, Gingrich himself took to Twitter. “Be sure to watch Hannity this Wednesday at 9pm ET/8pm CT,” he posted. “I will be on to talk about my run for President of the United States.”

If Newt announce that he will in fact, run for President in 2012, he will join a growing list of non-contenders thus far. Among the other Republican candidates are, little Timmy Pawlenty, the pizza-man Herman Cain, the professional presidential candidate Ron Paul and the 2006 Senate loser Rick Santorum. There is another guy who appeared in the Fox News Republican debate recently, but he left absolutely no impression on the audience and quite frankly, my mind has better things to do than to remember his name.

Of course, others are expected to join Newt and his ilk. We can hardly wait.

Barack Obama Featured Republican United States Wisconsin

Where Are The Jobs Boehner? Boehner Blames Obama

“Where are the jobs!?” was a question John Boehner asked to anyone who gave him the time of day. But then again, a campaign was on the way for the 2010 mid-term election, so asking this question at a time when over 15 million Americans were without work seemed like the thing to do. Boehner promised Americans that if he wins, job creation will be his number one priority, but since winning, the new House Speaker had more important things to take care of.

But the people are still waiting, and John Boehner – now almost 4 months into his leadership role – has to come up with a reason why he hasn’t stuck to his campaign promise. So what’s easier to do, than blame President Obama? Nothing… so that’s exactly what Boehner is now doing. On his website, Boehner had this to say;

“Any improvement in the jobs situation for our country is welcome news, but unemployment is still far above where the Obama Administration promised it would be when it forced our children to pay for the ‘stimulus’ fiasco, which accelerated a government spending binge that continues to block our nation’s path to prosperity.

“The path to prosperity and job creation lies in liberating our economy from the shackles of excessive government and unleashing the awesome potential of the American people.  This has been and will continue to be the number-one priority for our new majority.”

If Mr. Boehner knows the pathway that leads to  “to prosperity and job creation”  then why doesn’t he take the initiative – hold America’s hand and lead us down the “path?”

Knowing the opportunistic nature of Boehner and his Republican allies, it is obvious he will claim that this pathway is the focus of his new majority. It is, however, impossible to understand how actions like defunding NPR – a move that House Republicans classified as an “emergency” – created jobs. And when the Boehner led House of Representatives focused like a laser on reducing $300 million in funding from Planned Parenthood, Americans are still asking, “Boehner, where are the jobs?!?!?!”

Americans are finally wising up though. It might be a little too late because the 2010 elections saw many Republican governors elected and a change in leadership in the House of Representative. But based on the actions – or lack thereof – of these Republicans, Americans have begun a real grass-root effort to make their voices heard. It is an effort that started in Wisconsin due to the over-reaching of another Republican governor whose intent is on silencing the Wisconsin workers and taking away their basic rights.

This grass-root initiative has spread nationwide, and the outlook for 2012 will be another message of  change. This time though, it will be a change from the Corporate agenda Republicans are trying to push, to a focus on the middle class and really getting the American economy back on track.

But with another upcoming election, prepare for more baseless promises from the Republicans.

Newt Gingrich Politics rachel maddow Republican United States White House

Newt Gingrich Is Faking It, Again!

Newt Gingrich is a scam artist. You know, one of those people who sends you an email telling you of millions of dollars your African uncle left you in Ghana, but in order to claim your new found wealth, you must send $5,000.00 to them. Newt has a new scheme.

A beautiful breakdown of the Scams of Newt Gingrich is narrated below by Rachel Maddow. The scheme entails his plans to run for president… well, not really. Today, the Newt announced a website to “explore” running for president in 2012. And while you’re looking over Newt’s new site, try not to be distracted by the huge “Donate” button.

Maddow continues below.

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Boehner Sheds No Tears For “200,000” Americans Out Of Jobs

“In the last two years, under President Obama, the federal government has added 200,000 new federal jobs,” Boehner said. “If some of those jobs are lost so be it. We’re broke.”

Okay! Forget the fact that Boehner is lying about the job figure. Independent researchers have come up with drastically smaller figures, somewhere around 20,000. But let’s say for argument sake that Boehner is correct. Should “so be it” be the appropriate response to putting 200,000 American families out of work and possibly out on the street?

John Boehner and his Republican comrades won the House of Representatives and gained seats in the Senate in November mainly because of a promise to “create jobs.” He traveled from state to state, district to district campaigning on the platform of “Where’s the jobs?” and accusing the Obama administration of being mis-guided with their domestic policies.

After the mid-term elections, it was Boehner who was heard in an interview with ABC news saying;

“I think the American people want us to focus on their message during the election: stop the spending, get rid of the uncertainty. Let’s get around to creating jobs again and staying focused on what the American people want us to focus on is my number one priority.”

What happened to his “number one priority?” Well, it came to a head-on collision with the reality of actually governing. John Boehner is slowly beginning to realize that actually “creating jobs” like he and his allies had promised is easier said than done. He’s seeing that being responsible for one branch of the federal government means people are going to look to you to actually get things done. No longer is just saying “no” to all the president’s policies acceptable.

So what’s a Boehner to do?

Create a distraction. He’s not going to come out and say to the American people, “Listen, I can’t create jobs because I am totally in over my head and this governing thing is a lot harder than I thought it would be.” No, that will be suicide for the Republican party to renig on one of its major campaign platform promises. And his incompetence as Speaker of the House will not be forgotten in 2012.

So the distraction would be to pivot. Take the focus off of ‘creating” jobs and make it about the so-called 200,000 unnecessary federal jobs created by the Obama administration. Now Boehner knew this number was inflated, but he had to go big, big enough so that the Teaparty would be impressed with his ability to cut unnecessary spending. After all, that too was another promise he made, “cut unnecessary spending.”

However, in his haste to create the illusion of being on the job and uncovering massive savings by eliminating 200,000 unnecessary federal jobs, Boehner unintentionally created another headline asking where are his tears for the 200,000 families he would single-handedly place on the unemployment line?

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