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Former Republican Presidential Candidate Herman Cain Dies from Coronavirus

Shortly after attending Donald Trump’s campaign event in Tulsa Oklahoma, former Republican presidential candidate, Herman Cain revealed a positive test for Coronavirus and was hospitalized. The man who shared Trump’s belief that masks don’t work, passed away today adding to the more than 150,000 Americans dead from Coronavirus.

The former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain has died after being hospitalized with COVID-19. He was 74.

“Cain, who recently joined Newsmax TV and was set to launch a weekly show, died in an Atlanta-area hospital where he had been critically ill for several weeks,” the conservative website Newsmax reported on Thursday. “He was admitted on July 1, two days after being diagnosed with COVID-19.”

Cain’s official website also announced the news in a blog post.

“Herman Cain — our boss, our friend, like a father to so many of us — has passed away,” wrote Dan Calabrese, an editor for the website. “He’s entering the presence of the Savior he’s served as an associate minister at Antioch Baptist Church in Atlanta for, and preparing for his reward.”

Barack Obama Immigration Politics

Herman Cain Knows Obama’s Secret, And He’s Telling It

Herman Cain has somehow got his filthy, grimy hands on President Obama’s secret plan, his secret mission to get the Republicans to impeach him right before the November election. And Herman Cain, being a Republican, is not going to keep Obama’s secret, secret. He is going to foil the president’s plan by telling it to the whole world.

Herman Cain was a guest on Rick Wiles’ End Times radio broadcast yesterday where he warned that President Obama will soon issue an executive order providing a path to citizenship to millions of undocumented immigrants in order to mobilize Hispanic voters to turn out in the upcoming midterm elections. As a bonus, such a move will force Republicans in Congress to impeach Obama, which is exactly what Democrats want because it’ll distract the media from Obama’s incompetence and corruption.

Cain told Wiles that Obama will issue such an order because he knows that by the time Congress or the courts take steps to stop his decision, he will have already mobilized millions of Hispanic voters, including those who are here illegally, to vote for the Democrats in the November elections.

Sidenote: The president has already indicated that he is not doing anything on immigration before the November elections.

You got it wrong again Herman Cain. Why are Republicans always wrong about everything?

Herman Cain

Fox News Hires The Pizza Man Herman Cain

They got rid of one fool in Sarah Palin, then turn around and brought another fool in.

Fox News announced on Friday that it has signed Cain on as a contributor.

“Cain’s impressive resume makes him a valuable addition to the Fox News and Fox Business lineup. As a political expert with business savvy, he brings an important voice to the nation’s debates,” Bill Shine, Fox News Channel executive vice president of programming, said in a statement.

Cain, a former president and CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, first ran for president in 2000, ran for U.S. Senate in Georgia in 2004, and then made a national splash in his 2012 campaign for president during which he became famous for relentlessly promoting his “9-9-9” tax plan.

Barack Obama Democratic Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Politics Rick Santorum White House

So, You Say You Wanna Be President

Word is out that VP Joe Biden is looking to throw his hat into the ring for president in 2016. Not for nothing, but if I were to go with the present mood of the country, I’d have to say that Hillary Rodham Clinton (Stop! We all know she’s running lol!) stands a better chance of becoming the Democratic nominee than the beloved Joe. And it won’t be because Mrs. Clinton is the better politician, or the more experienced legislator or even better liked than Biden. It’s what she isn’t that’s more likely than not going to give her a clearer shot as successor of the Obama Administration.

I don’t think the country has experienced this much diversity since John Fitzgerald Kennedy became the first Irish Catholic American to hold court in the Oval Office. That major feat seems like small potatoes compared to the election of a Barack Hussein Obama to the White house.

Thirteen years into the 21st century and America is slowly showing signs of embracing its diversity, the main reason why its so attractive to others born outside its perceived borders. Whichever way you may wish to see it, for better or for worse, President Obama and his Administration have successfully ushered in The New Vanguard in American politics.


In the 2009 appointment of his Cabinet members, Obama’s choice of seven women (including Hillary as his Secretary of State), nine racial and ethnic minorities and only eight white men among its 21 members–whose overall age averaged 54 years–made his the most diverse Cabinet in history according to political analysts. It’s predicted that his new Cabinet selections, once completed, will also reflect more accurately what America looks like today.

As it should.

It doesn’t help the resistance to this change, that Americans–particularly the young voters who came of voting age within the last ten years or so–have witnessed the slow, embarrassing decay and deterioration of an antiquated Republican Party. It offers such a clear juxtaposition of how we no longer want our politics to look and act as opposed to what we do want.

Virtually unknown, seemingly untainted and un-corrupted by Big Money lobbyists, grass-rooted, youthful, innovative, broad-minded, humanist, energized and unafraid…these are the adjectives being applied to NewPolitician_5.0!

And just to be fair, Clinton and her people should not consider her a shoe-in for the candidacy in four years (remember how that worked out in ’08? Not so good.) There are quite a few politically aspirant stars out there who have cut their teeth on this new political vibe and are looking to go supernova in the American political galaxy. Gays and Lesbians, Latinos, Asians, young white and black men and women, the secular, the handicapped, Little People and even Mormons!…anyone can step up to the plate at any inning and upset her whole game, hoping for the opportunity to represent America, as seen through their eyes. Whether they’ll be the political trailblazers that these difficult times call for, well–only time will tell.

As it should.

Herman Cain Medicare

Herman Cain Admits – Romney Is Lying In His Welfare Attack Ad Against Obama

Amazingly, it Jon Stewart and Comedy Central who are doing the work the so-called “Main Stream Media” should be doing.

Stewart’s guest on Wednesday August 29th was Republican Presidential primary candidate, Herman Cain. Stewart asked Cain about the Ad that Romney “approved,” claiming that Obama is removing the work requirement for Welfare recipients,  and he wanted to get Cain’s opinion on the truthfulness of the ad and the truthfulness of the Romney campaign. Cain tried all the avenues he could to put his Republican spin on the ad, but Stewart was relentless, eventually reading PolitiFact’s “Pants On Fire” description of the ad.

After being backed into a corner with no way to run, Cain admits that Romney was in fact, lying and the ad was wrong.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the truth tour begins tonight!” Stewart declared after reading from PolitiFact. “Hold on, let me get in my gloating chair.”

Cain insisted that Politifact was just talking about “the language” of the ad: that somehow the word “gutted” was simply too strong. But he still insisted that the rules give states the ability to weaken the requirement.

“I’m not disagreeing with the fact that the language was too strong,” Cain said. “But it gives states the opportunity to so called increase [in employment], but the examples I have been shown, it decreased.”

“No, no, no, no,” Stewart said. “It’s not about lessening them. It’s about making sure it’s not a, I believe the phrase is, ‘One size fits all.’”

“I would agree with that,” Cain said repeatedly.

“It seems to me that not only is ‘gutting’ wrong, but lessening is wrong,” Stewart replied. “That, lessening would still be pants, necessarily not on fire, but certainly smoldering.”

“There are situations where they were looking at lessening, but…” Cain trailed off. “But I’m not… I will go along with your description.”

Then Cain turned to the audience, raised his arms and shouted: “I am sorry! So shoot me!”

God Politics Rick Santorum

Apparently, God Also Told Santorum to Run for President

Do you know why Rick Santorum decided to run for President? No? Well if you listen to his wife Karen Santorum, the reason was a combination of ObamaCare and God that made him run.

Karen made an appearance on Glenn Beck show and explains;

“I did always feel in my heart that God had big plans for Rick. Eventually it was there, tugging at my heart. When Obamacare passed, that was it. That put the fire in my belly.”

Yes folks, if you listen to the Santorums it seems that God cannot stand Obamacare. Apparently, God was willing to sit this one out, you know, let the politicians deal with the politics. The Santorums would like you yo believe that God saw the capitalistic nature of Healthcare in America where profits were more important than saving lives, and, according to them, God approved.

But the nerve of President Obama! He decided that more Americans should get life saving healthcare through ObamaCare and that ladies and gentlemen, that was it! God turned to his secret weapon. He turned to Santorum!

How dare Mr. Obama go against the wishes of the Santorums and their god by trying to help the sick and the poor. Didn’t he know that helping the sick and those in need means Corporations may lose some of their profits, and that go against the teachings of Rick Santorum’s god? Who does this Obama dude think he is, the good samaritan?

And for what its worth, God also told Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry and Hurman Cain to runor President.

Herman Cain Steven Colbert

Herman Cain’s Problem? He’s Gay – Steven Colbert

And we thought Herman Cain had a woman (or multiple women) problem all along. Steven Colbert, through a process of elimination, has put his finger on the real issue Herman Cain is hiding.

According to Colbert, Cain is gay, that’s why he cancelled an appearance on The Colbert Report. Colbert figured Cain couldn’t stand being around all his beauty.


Herman Cain Newt Gingrich presidential Republican

Birds Of A Feather Flock Together – Cain May Endorse Newt

This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Herman Cain recently “suspended” his presidential ambitions because of allegations of sexual misconduct from various women. And Newt Gingrich is a known womanizer, cheating on his first two wives, even serving one of them divorce papers while she laid in a hospital bed battling cancer.

So is it any surprise that Herman Cain may endorse Newt Gingrich? Nope. It is expected.

A top adviser to Herman Cain says the former presidential candidate plans to endorse one of his ex-rivals, most likely New Gingrich, this month in order to have an impact before the Iowa caucuses on Jan. 3.

“He wants to play ‘who to endorse’ for a while,” said the adviser, who spoke on condition of anonymity in order to speak bluntly. “Then he’ll probably be endorsing somebody in a couple weeks — before the caucuses…. I’d say he’s going to endorse Newt Gingrich,” the adviser said.

Five women with Cain and three with Gingrich. Eight women between these two men. Yep, keep an eye on these two birds!

Herman Cain presidential

Herman Cain Drops Out – “It Hurts My Wife, It Hurts My Family, It Hurts Me”

Herman Cain went on television today, hand in hand with his wife Gloria. He stood on a stage and talked about the reason he decided to run for president in the first place, which was  “…because the people in Washington refused to do their jobs.”

Cain began his speech by dropping one-liners that got his supporters cheering. One-liners like “people are  more powerful than the media and message is more powerful than money.” And it was these type of statements that gave viewers the initial impression that Herman was about to announce the continuation of his candidacy.

Then Herman he dropped the bomb.

“I’ve made mistakes in life, everyone has.” Cain said, as he began laying out the disappointing path for his supporters. He called the four recent sexual harassment claims against him, and his 13 year extra-marital relationship “false and untrue accusations,” saying that  “false and untrue allegation continues to be spin in the media and the court of public opinion.”

Mr. Cain continued…

“That spin hurts. It hurts my wife, it hurts my family, it hurts me and it hurts the american people because you’ve been denied solutions.”

It hurts because my wife, my family and I…, we know that these false accusations are not true.

And, “I am at peace with my God. I am at peace with my wife”,  this followed by the crowd  chanting “Gloria!, Gloria!”, “…and she is at peace with me. And I am at peace with my family and I am at peace with myself.”

“As of today, with a lot of prayer and soul-searching, I am suspending my presidential campaign. I am suspending my presidential campaign because of the continued distraction, because of the continued hurt to me and my family.”

But like we all suspected, Herman Cain’s candidacy was never about winning the White House. Like Newt Gingrich, Cain was more interested in making money through book sales and donations. So what better way to ensure the continued stream of donations, than launching his new endeavor –  The Cain Solutions, a new website, launched after Herman dropped out of the race, where visitors to the site can continue donating to the Cain Train wreck.

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Herman Cain Republican sexual abuse women

Herman Cain Admits He Lied To His Wife

Herman Cain confirmed today in an interview with the editorial board of the New Hampshire Union Leader, that whatever he had with woman number 5 for over 13 years was a secret to his wife. And it was essential and necessary for the survival of his 13 year adventure that his wife be kept in the dark.

“My wife did not know about it, and that was the revelation. My wife found out about it when [White] went public with it,” Cain said. “My wife now knows. My wife and I have talked about it and I have explained it to her. My wife understands that I’m a soft-hearted giving person.”

And Mr. Cain continued claiming that all five women accusing him of sexual misconduct are lying. The different women are telling “baseless” stories about him, simply because he says that they are.

“Every time a new story comes on TV, it mentions sexual harassment charges. That’s inaccurate because they were found baseless. I call them false accusations.

“They were false. They were not proven, so every time they are called sexual harassment charges, that just keeps saying to people sexual harassment, rather than false accusation.

Herman Cain is facing tremendous pressure from the Republican big shots to terminate his candidacy for the Republican nomination. After woman number 5 broke her silence on their 13 year relationship, Cain said that he will now re-evaluate his decision to run. He has stated that when he eventually sees his wife face to face and convinces her that he is telling the truth (his version), he will then make a decision on whether to continue his doomed run for the Republican nomination.

Herman Cain sexual harassment

Another Woman Accuser, Another Herman Cain Denial

Ginger White

Before the next Herman Cain accuser officially made her presence known on the national scene, Herman Cain rushed to CNN to deny everything she was about to say. He spoke to Wolf Blitzer, explaining to ‘Blitz’ that he knew the woman, but denied ever having any relations with her. “I wanted to get out in front of it,” Cain said, “I have nothing to hide.”

And then at 6PM today, the woman named Ginger White, came forward.

ATLANTA, Ga. – An Atlanta businesswoman is breaking her silence, claiming she has been involved in a 13-year-long affair with Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain.

Over the Thanksgiving weekend, FOX 5 senior I-Team reporter Dale Russell sat down with Ginger White, who had a story to tell.

“I’m not proud,” White told Russell. “I didn’t want to come out with this. I did not.”

White was worried a political tsunami was headed her way. So, she decided to head it off, by confessing she was involved in a 13-year-long affair with presidential hopeful Herman Cain.

“It was pretty simple,” White said. “It wasn’t complicated. I was aware that he was married. And I was also aware I was involved in a very inappropriate situation, relationship.”

Ginger White says she met Herman Cain in the late 90s in Louisville, Kentucky, when as president of the National Restaurant Association, he made a presentation. She was impressed. She says they shared drinks afterwards and he invited her back to his hotel room.

“’I’d like to see you again,’” White said Cain told her. “’You are beautiful to me, and I would love for us to continue this friendship.’”

But like Herman Cain said when a previous accuser came forward, for every woman who accuses him of sexual harassment, there are thousands of other women he didn’t harass. Why can’t these accusers understand that?

Politics Waterboarding

John McCain Agrees With President Obama – “Waterboarding Is Torture”

If there is anyone who qualifies to speak on whether or not waterboarding is torture, it’s John McCain. The 2008 Republican presidential nominee was a prisoner of war in North Vietnam from 1967 to 1973, and was subjected to many methods of torture by his captors.

One can only imagine his horror as his fellow Republicans – Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain – answered a question about waterboarding and torture. Asked whether waterboarding was torture, both Bachmann and Cain said it wasn’t, and  that in fact torture would be part of their administration if they were to be  elected as president.

Mr. McCain had this to say about his comrades and their preference for waterboarding, which is the act of making the victim feel as if they are being drowned.

The Arizona lawmaker—who was tortured himself while a prisoner of war in Vietnam — said the controversial practice was both illegal and ineffective on Monday evening.

“Very disappointed by statements at SC GOP debate supporting waterboarding,” he tweeted. “Waterboarding is torture.”

McCain, who ran for President in 2008, elaborated on CNN later, arguing, “If you put enough physical pain on somebody, they will tell you whatever they think that you want to hear in order for the pain to stop.”

But don’t take McCain’s word on this, he’s only had to suffer 6 years of torture. Listen to Michele Looney Toons Bachmann and Herman Pizza Man Cain. Yeah, they know what constitutes torture.

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