Politics Racism

Charlotte Police Release Dashcam Video of Keith Lamont Scott’s Killing – Video

keithLamontScott43 Charlotte Police Release Dashcam Video of Keith Lamont Scott's Killing - Video

A few days ago, Charlotte Police Chief said he would not release the video of the killing of Keith Lamont Scott because he didn’t want to discourage victims of domestic abuse and sexual abuse from coming forward. Imagine that!

Well that was a few days ago.

Since then, the protests have increased and the pressure continued to mount on the department to release the video. And today, the Charlotte police department released the following video showing the moment when Keith Lamont Scott was shot by police for… who knows?


Featured Politics

Dashcam Video of Laquan McDonald’s Murder Released – Video

Officer Jason Van Dyke

It took a year! I’ll say that again, the Chicago police sat on this video for a year under the guise that they were conducting an internal investigation. But now, following the orders of a judge, the video showing the murder of Laquan McDonald is released.

Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke is credited with this killing and received a 1st degree murder charge for shooting 16 rounds into Laquan’s body as he laid dead on the ground. Van Dyke turned himself into police custody today, but when this incident happened a year ago in October 2014, the police union said that Laquan “lunge” at the officers and was shot one time.

Of course, eye witnesses on the ground denied that claim.

“To watch a 17-year-old young man die in such a violent manner is deeply disturbing,” Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez said. She called the video “graphic,” “violent” and “chilling” and said it “no doubt will tear at the hearts of all Chicagoans.”

She goes on to say that Officer Van Dyke was on the scene for less than 30 seconds when he shot 16 bullets into Laquan. Alvarez also said that the officer began “shooting 6 seconds after getting out of his vehicle.” and that 13 of the shots were done when Laquan was on the ground.

WARNING, Video contains disturbing images!

Barack Obama Politics

Fish Spawns on Obama’s Shoes – Video

When you think of shoes and George Bush, you see a middle eastern man angrily throwing his shoes at the former president. And from now on, when you think of Barack Obama and shoes, you’ll remember the Salmon that couldn’t keep its composure in the presence of the president.

You see that?” Obama declared Wednesday as he gripped a fish with two hands. “Something’s got on my shoes. … Generally you don’t want fish spawning on your feet. He said he was happy to see me.”

Visiting an isolated fishing village on a grey, overcast day, the president was full of admiration for the whole operation: He pronounced salmon jerky “really good,” tried unsuccessfully to scare up a knife so he could attempt to filet a fish, and carefully inspected smokehouse drying racks.

The president, wearing orange rubber gloves, held up a large silver salmon for reporters to admire but hastened to add: “I didn’t catch it. I don’t want anybody thinking I’m telling, you know, fish tales.”

He listened intently as a woman holding her own wiggly fish nonchalantly explained the fishing process.

As for the souvenir can of fish he received, Obama instructed aides not to go eating it.


Featured ISIS

Fox News – The Only US Media Outlet to Broadcast Video of ISIS Burning Pilot to Death

Terrorist experts are saying that Fox News’ decision to show all 23 unedited minutes of the Jordanian pilot’s death, “empowers ISIS.” Another terrorist expert said that Fox News is propagating “exactly what ISIS wants to propagate.”

In other words, Fox News is helping ISIS spread their message.

YouTube removed a link to the video a few hours after it was posted there, and a spokesperson for Facebook told the Guardian that if anyone posted the video to the social networking site, “it would come down.”

The television network’s decision to host the footage drew criticism from terrorism analysts.

Malcolm Nance, the executive director of the Terror Asymmetrics Project on Strategy, Tactics and Radical Ideology think tank and an expert on counter-terrorism and radical extremism told the Guardian that by posting the video Fox News was propagating “exactly what Isis wants to propagate.”

“The whole value of terror is using the media to spread terror,” he said.

Rick Nelson, a senior associate in homeland security and terrorism at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said that posting the video actually empowers Isis.

Related: Pilot’s murder may weaken Jordanian support for role in anti-Isis campaign

“They’re a terror organisation,” he said. “They seek to strike terror in the hearts and minds of people globally, and by perpetuating these videos and putting them out there into the internet, it certainly expands the audience and potential effects.”


Bet You’ve Never Heard “Stand By Me” Performed Like This – Video

One of my Facebook friends shared this video on his profile and I felt the need to share it here, with all of you. Trust me, you’ll thank me for this one.


Ebola Politics

Watch The “Republican Cuts Kill” Ad – Must See TV

This is what I’ve tried to say for a long time but I couldn’t get the right words to make this point. Simply put, Republican Cuts Kill! That’s all there is to say, really!

This is not a joke folks!

From The Agenda Project: “Republican Cuts Kill,’ which was produced by the Agenda Project Action Fund, mixes disturbing footage of the Ebola outbreak—including images of body bags, hazmat suits, and corpses—with clips of Mitch McConnell, Pat Roberts, Rand Paul, and Republicans in some of the most competitive races around the country demanding more spending cuts. The demand for cuts is juxtaposed against testimony from top CDC and NIH officials detailing how budget cuts substantially hampered their ability to address the crisis.”


Police Video Captures a Ghost in The Parking Lot? – Watch The Video

I don’t know. I don’t believe in ghosts, so I’m still waiting for the scientific explanation for this one. But this, this is quite creepy!

The video is from a police surveillance camera in Espanola New Mexico. Monitoring the CCTV cameras on Saturday night was Officer Karl Romero, who said he witnessed the figure walk across the completely locked parking lot, then it exited through a chain linked fence.


Racism shooting

The Trigger-Happy Police Shooting of John Crawford III – Video

Right around the time when Mike Brown was gunned down by a police officer in Ferguson MO for committing the unspeakable crime of walking down the street, there was another shooting that did not receive as much publicity. The players are the same – a young black man and trigger happy police officers. And the outcome is the same, the young black man is shot to death by police.

The unfortunate end of John Crawford’s life came in a Wal-Mart at the hands of police on August 5th. In the video, the 22-year-old is seen on his cellphone – it was later determined that he was talking to the mother of his children. Crawford is seen walking over to an aisle and picking up a gun off the shelves in the ammunition section of Wal-Mart. He walks around the store for a few minutes, still talking on his cellphone.

Now, this is a Wal-Mart store and at Wal-Mart, guns are sold. Crawford, like any other customer in the store, had all right to pick up the merchandise – even a gun the store was selling – and continue shopping. But as a black man having a gun, even if he was legally allowed to have one for the purpose of making a purchase, is apparently a crime in itself.

Calls were placed to the police and, like the video shows, the officers entered the store and shot the unsuspecting man almost immediately.

Then on Wednesday, to add insult to injury, a grand jury hearing the case determined that the officers were justified in the shooting of John Crawford III and cleared them of all wrong doings. And another black man is dead for no reason.


Michael Brown Mike Brown Mike Brown Shooting shooting

New Video of Mike Brown Shooting – “He Had His F*cking Hands In The Air!” – Video

In a new video released by CNN’s Anderson Cooper, two contractors are seen watching the police shooting of Michael Brown.

“He had his fucking hands in the air!” one of the men is heard shouting in the moments after the Aug. 9 shooting of the black teen by a white police officer.

CNN aired the footage during “Anderson Cooper 360” and said it was filmed by an unidentified man near the scene of the shooting. CNN also talked to the two men who were shown on the video.

The men, who didn’t wish to be identified, told CNN they witnessed the shooting from about 50 yards away. The man shown in the video in a pink shirt told CNN that they heard one gun shot followed by another about 30 seconds later. He said he saw Brown staggering and putting his hands up saying “Okay, okay, okay” but that “the cop didn’t say get on the ground, he just kept shooting.”

The man in the green shirt told CNN he saw Brown running away from the police car with his hands up as the officer chased him. He also said the police officer shot Brown again when his back was turned, according to CNN.

Mike Brown Mike Brown Shooting

Ferguson Police Chief Lied About Reason for Releasing Mike Brown ‘Robery’ Tape

After Mike Brown was murdered by a Ferguson police officer, his dead body stayed in the street where he was shot down for over 4 hours. His killer was then whisked away to a secret location with round the clock security, his identity kept under wraps and protected for days while the people of Ferguson protested in the street.

The killer, as far as we can tell, is still receiving a paycheck from the Ferguson police department.

But while the dead, cold body of Mike Brown laid in the street like roadkill, the Ferguson Police department led by their Chief was already trying to come up with ways to tarnish Mike Brown, as if he was responsible for his killer pumping multiple shots into his body as he tried to run away. One of the ways they tried doing this was to release a video of an alleged Mike Brown robbing a convenience store. No one knew why this video was released, especially since the video had nothing to do with Mike Brown’s slaughter.

The police chief however, tried explaining why he released the video.

Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson said, that there were multiple request for the video. “We got a lot of Freedom of Information requests for this tape,” Chief Jackson said, “and at some point, it was just determined we had to release it.”

The Post-Dispatch filed a public records request the day the video was released, requesting all the written requests for records that the city had received.

 The records, which were provided to the newspaper 11 days later, showed that no organization had specifically requested before Aug. 15 a video of Michael Brown robbing a convenience store.

But requests from the Post-Dispatch and the organization Judicial Watch sought all documents related to Brown leading up to and including the shooting. A third request from ABC News asked for any video and audio records associated with Brown’s death.

The Post-Dispatch reporter who made one of those requests, Joel Currier, said he had heard rumors prior to Aug. 15 that Brown had committed a robbery just before he was killed. But Currier had no indication the alleged robbery was captured on video.

In conclusion, the killer is still being protected. He has not given his version of what happened the day he murdered Mike Brown. No incident report, but given all the time in the world to come up with a defense if the case even goes to court! But while they go out of their way to protect the killer, the Ferguson police, led by their trusted Chief, LIED. They’re doing all they can to release information about the victim, information that no one requested.

To protect and to serve!

Featured Michael Brown Racists

Warning – This Video Shows The Police Shooting of a St. Louis Man

You know it was just a matter of time before video of the latest St. Louis police shooting made its way on the Internet.

After I heard about this latest shooting, I chose to not be judgemental. I mean, what police officer will shoot another black man in the midst of nationwide protests against a police shooting of Michael Brown? You’ll have to be real stupid, or you just don’t give a damn to murder another man.

So I watched the press briefing by the Chief of Police after the shooting and I was under the impression that the two police officers felt their life were threatened, and they used deadly force to stop that threat. The police chief said the man had a knife and was charging the offices, so they both shot to stop that threat.

I thought stopping the threat meant a couple shots were fired, but theres a video.

After watching this video, I found it extremely hard to see how this one man with a so-called knife made two police officers think their life was in danger. Two police officers, with semiautomatic pistols!

And whatever happened to the use of a taser or stun gun? Is there ever a situation when non lethal weapons can be used?

This video contains strong language and other content that may be objectionable to some.

Mike Brown Mike Brown Shooting

Officer in Ferguson Pointed Semi Automatic Gun at Media – Tells Them “I Will F*cking Kill You!”

A police officer got a bit carried away on Tuesday night in Ferguson, as he charged after the media with his semi-automatic weapon drawn, his gun pointed at the shocked people he was supposedly to be serving.

In a move straight out of Rambo, the officer is seen with his weapon pointed, tells the media, “I will fucking kill you, get back! Get back!” When asked for his name the officer replied, “Go fuck yourself!”

If that is their mentality, one must wonder if Darren Wilson was any different when encountered the man he eventually killed.

UPDATE: The officer in question has been”suspended indefinitely.”

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

In the video below, the officer had to be physically removed from the media members by his Sergent, as angry media members screamed at the officer for him to lower his gun.

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