Barack Obama Politics

Fish Spawns on Obama’s Shoes – Video

When you think of shoes and George Bush, you see a middle eastern man angrily throwing his shoes at the former president. And from now on, when you think of Barack Obama and shoes, you’ll remember the Salmon that couldn’t keep its composure in the presence of the president.

You see that?” Obama declared Wednesday as he gripped a fish with two hands. “Something’s got on my shoes. … Generally you don’t want fish spawning on your feet. He said he was happy to see me.”

Visiting an isolated fishing village on a grey, overcast day, the president was full of admiration for the whole operation: He pronounced salmon jerky “really good,” tried unsuccessfully to scare up a knife so he could attempt to filet a fish, and carefully inspected smokehouse drying racks.

The president, wearing orange rubber gloves, held up a large silver salmon for reporters to admire but hastened to add: “I didn’t catch it. I don’t want anybody thinking I’m telling, you know, fish tales.”

He listened intently as a woman holding her own wiggly fish nonchalantly explained the fishing process.

As for the souvenir can of fish he received, Obama instructed aides not to go eating it.


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