
Officer Handcuffs Special Needs Kids for The Criminal Act of Misbehaving – Video

The 8 year old boy is identified in court documents as S.R and the little girl as L.G. The grown up in the room is Kenton County Sheriff Deputy, Kevin Sumner and the court documents referenced above is a federal lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union and the Children’s Law Center.

In the disturbing video below, the traumatized kid is seen crying,  handcuffed above his elbows because his wrists were too small for the restrictive device, and the macho officer – like a hunter circling his lifeless catch – proudly surveys his handy work. Their crime? Misbehaving.

And what makes this scene even worse, as if that is even possible, is the fact that the girl is a special needs child and both kids are diagnosed with ADHD.

According to the ACLU, “Nationally, students with disabilities make up 12 percent of students in public schools, but are 75 percent of the students who are physically restrained by adults in their schools, according to the U.S. Department of Education. These disciplinary practices also feed into the “school-to-prison pipeline,” where children are funneled out of public schools and into the criminal justice system. Many of these children have disabilities, yet instead of receiving necessary educational and counseling services, they are often punished and pushed out.



This Alabama Police Officer Did a Good Deed – Imagine That – Video

Want to know the real definition of protecting and serving? Meet Alabama police officer, William Stacy.

Too bad we don’t see more stories like this from today’s police.

According to People Magazine, Officer William Stacy responded to a shoplifting complaint at Dollar General, but instead of making an arrest, he did something kind. Officer Stacy decided to give Helen Johnson, 47, a break — something that she so desperately needed.

“Johnson went to the store with $1.25 and was short 50 cents for a dozen eggs, so she hid five in her pocket, which immediately broke,” reports People Magazine.

Officer Stacy learned that Johnson was trying to feed her her niece, daughter, and two grandchildren, who had not eaten for days, and he couldn’t help but feel bad for the woman.

And so, the police officer decided to buy the woman eggs, and give her a big hug, even if she attempted to break the law.

“After hearing about the situation, Officer Stacy decided not to press charges and made a deal with Johnson that if he buys the eggs, she won’t shoplift again. She agreed and asked if she could give him a hug,” reports People Magazine.


Mike Brown Mike Brown Shooting

Officer in Ferguson Pointed Semi Automatic Gun at Media – Tells Them “I Will F*cking Kill You!”

A police officer got a bit carried away on Tuesday night in Ferguson, as he charged after the media with his semi-automatic weapon drawn, his gun pointed at the shocked people he was supposedly to be serving.

In a move straight out of Rambo, the officer is seen with his weapon pointed, tells the media, “I will fucking kill you, get back! Get back!” When asked for his name the officer replied, “Go fuck yourself!”

If that is their mentality, one must wonder if Darren Wilson was any different when encountered the man he eventually killed.

UPDATE: The officer in question has been”suspended indefinitely.”

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

In the video below, the officer had to be physically removed from the media members by his Sergent, as angry media members screamed at the officer for him to lower his gun.

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