
Officer Handcuffs Special Needs Kids for The Criminal Act of Misbehaving – Video

The 8 year old boy is identified in court documents as S.R and the little girl as L.G. The grown up in the room is Kenton County Sheriff Deputy, Kevin Sumner and the court documents referenced above is a federal lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union and the Children’s Law Center.

In the disturbing video below, the traumatized kid is seen crying,  handcuffed above his elbows because his wrists were too small for the restrictive device, and the macho officer – like a hunter circling his lifeless catch – proudly surveys his handy work. Their crime? Misbehaving.

And what makes this scene even worse, as if that is even possible, is the fact that the girl is a special needs child and both kids are diagnosed with ADHD.

According to the ACLU, “Nationally, students with disabilities make up 12 percent of students in public schools, but are 75 percent of the students who are physically restrained by adults in their schools, according to the U.S. Department of Education. These disciplinary practices also feed into the “school-to-prison pipeline,” where children are funneled out of public schools and into the criminal justice system. Many of these children have disabilities, yet instead of receiving necessary educational and counseling services, they are often punished and pushed out.


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