
This Alabama Police Officer Did a Good Deed – Imagine That – Video

Want to know the real definition of protecting and serving? Meet Alabama police officer, William Stacy.

Too bad we don’t see more stories like this from today’s police.

According to People Magazine, Officer William Stacy responded to a shoplifting complaint at Dollar General, but instead of making an arrest, he did something kind. Officer Stacy decided to give Helen Johnson, 47, a break — something that she so desperately needed.

“Johnson went to the store with $1.25 and was short 50 cents for a dozen eggs, so she hid five in her pocket, which immediately broke,” reports People Magazine.

Officer Stacy learned that Johnson was trying to feed her her niece, daughter, and two grandchildren, who had not eaten for days, and he couldn’t help but feel bad for the woman.

And so, the police officer decided to buy the woman eggs, and give her a big hug, even if she attempted to break the law.

“After hearing about the situation, Officer Stacy decided not to press charges and made a deal with Johnson that if he buys the eggs, she won’t shoplift again. She agreed and asked if she could give him a hug,” reports People Magazine.


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