Donald Trump Racism

Hispanic Woman On Receiving End of Racist Trump Supporter – Video

When Trump says “our country,” the racists take those two words very seriously.

The video below shows a Hispanic woman on the receiving end of a Trump-loving-empowered-racist. And he’s not afraid to let everyone know this is his country and anyone he deems a foreigner, must leave.
Featured Racism

White Racist Berates Black Cop – Video

“As you grow older, you’ll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don’t you forget it—whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash”
― Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird

Donald Trump Racism

The Race to the Bottom on Race

At this point, Dr. Martin Luther King’s spinning in his grave could be used as wind power to light up the western hemisphere.

President Trump’s comments at a meeting with Congressional leaders about immigration on Friday smashed through the moral floor that this administration has set ten stories below the White House and established yet another embarrassing standard in ugliness for an administration that struggles to betray any semblance of normality.

Those defending the president like to point out that he’s just saying things that people say around their dinner table, or that he’s giving a truthful version of events or that he’s not a racist because he contributed to African-American causes or has socialized with African-Americans.

This is hogwash. People are complicated and can present different faces to different crowds. I know anti-Semitic people, some of whom are relatives, who hug me when we meet and can share a meal with me without saying anything offensive. But when it comes to their true views, they are not shy about believing that what they say about the most vile stereotypes is absolutely true. They’re still ant-Semites, and it informs their worldview.

In addition, I attended Franklin High School, which was, and still is, one of the most integrated schools in New Jersey. I saw genuine tolerance, friendship and love in the hallways, classrooms and homes.  But I also saw racist stereotyping and denigration at events where one group, either whites or African-Americans, dominated. I saw racial violence that was caused by the same social problems we have today. I experienced Antisemitism.

Many people who harbor racist ideas and attitudes can hide them, but when they get angry or frustrated, as the president does every hour, then the emotional turmoil that lies beneath the skin bubbles up and you find out what a person truly believes. Plus, if people are speaking this way around their dinner tables–denigrating other countries and labeling their people–then we need to do a better job educating our citizens about respecting other cultures and people.

So it is with President Trump. He says racist things. Over and over. That leads me to believe that he is a racist in that he sees whiteness as a virtue, as superior, and the standard by which all other races should be measured. He has equated the tactics and motivations of white supremacists and those groups these white supremacists would like to obliterate. He has questioned the fairness of a Federal Judge based on the fact that the judge was a Mexican-American. He questioned whether the sitting president of the United States was, in fact, a citizen.

These are disgraceful, racist views and none of them is defensible if taken separately. Taken in the aggregate, they are an indictment of the president’s character and his ability to lead this country on this issue.

But as with most eruptions associated with this president, there is even more ignorance below the surface. His characterization of Haiti and African countries betrays the uninformed, but largely prevalent idea, that immigrants bring their former country’s culture and attitudes with them when they come to the United States. He’s saying that they must like the poverty and political dysfunction or economic stagnation or effects of past imperialism that infects their countries. That they cannot possibly become good Americans. That they take American jobs, marry American women, suckle at the American taxpayer’s teat.

This is a conversation we’ve had before. It was discriminatory then and it’s discriminatory now.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the offending countries were Italy, Russia, Greece and other European nations who were sending us Anarchists, Socialists, Jews and revolutionaries who were supposedly unsuited for life in a democracy. Before that, in the 1840s, Ireland sent us their starving people, who were referred to, incongruously, yet reflecting true native ignorance, as White Niggers. Miraculously, those tired, poor un-Americans were able to contribute mightily to the nation and enable it to become a beacon of hope and freedom.

The president’s ignorance betrays an unfortunately all-American, and increasingly all-Western world attitude that reinforces stereotypes and leads to more hatred. He long ago gave up any promise that he would be a leader who would unify the country and present a positive, forward message that we could rally behind. Instead, we are going backwards.

This Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, please make sure that you remind the world that we are a great people being led by a small man.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump Donald Trump Featured Racism

Trump’s Immigration Policy Based on Ignorance and Hate

I was actually looking for an uplifting article to post close to the holiday that might provide some confidence and hope. Then I came upon this posting that discussed the president’s thinking on immigration policy and how he reacted to court rulings that postponed the travel restrictions and immigration bans he tried to implement this year.
Appalling doesn’t really do justice to my reaction. According to six officials who were in the room with him, the president read a document that listed how many immigrants had received visas in 2017. Some of his responses:

More than 2,500 were from Afghanistan, a terrorist haven, the president complained.

Haiti had sent 15,000 people. They “all have AIDS,” he grumbled, according to one person who attended the meeting and another person who was briefed about it by a different person who was there.

Forty thousand had come from Nigeria, Mr. Trump added. Once they had seen the United States, they would never “go back to their huts” in Africa, recalled the two officials, who asked for anonymity to discuss a sensitive conversation in the Oval Office.

Terrorists. AIDS victims. Hut dwellers.

This is the President of the United States deciding policy.

His thought process? Bigoted. Uninformed. Under-educated. Judgmental. Ignorant.

What’s worse is that he is dragging down the reputation of the United States with him.

It’s clear that the president is not just protecting the United States from predatory foreign companies or workers who come here and take jobs that American citizens want. He believes, according to the article, that immigration is bad for the country and that foreign ideas are inferior to American ones. His nationalism is small because it rests on the incorrect assumption that our culture is superior to all others.

It’s president Archie Bunker at your service.

I suppose the good news is that much of the rest of the world ignores this nativist babble for the racism that it is, and that an interconnected, sharing world is a safer one both economically and militarily. Even allowing Internet service providers the ability to block, throttle or slow down sites will not stop people from blurring borders and searching for the best price, the highest wage, and people they can work with. A minority of voters in the United sates voted for fear, suspicion and moral relativity. I am optimistic that the majority sees through his blather and negativity.

And with that, I wish you a happy holiday, a Happy New Year and all of the other happiness that all humans so richly deserve.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Featured Racism

Pardon Our Appearance While We Crash and Burn

In the Trump Administration’s best approximation of Friday Night Lights, the president (shudder) treated two of his main constituencies to a Shabbat treat. First by throwing civil rights and equal opportunity to the floor when he banned transgender Americans from serving their country in the armed forces, and then when he pardoned convict Joe Arpaio, a move that sent a solid message to those who believe that medieval treatment of prisoners is not just for the 14th century.

Trump’s defense? That Joe was following the law. We should note that Joe was convicted of contempt for not following the law

The silver lining is that in order to receive a pardon, the person has to admit that they committed a crime. So Arpaio is now an admitted crook. Just the kind of guy that Trump admires.

These actions would be bad in any administration, but for one that is committed to really turning the clock back to 1946, before the armed forces were desegregated, these new twists are simply the method by which this country, ruled by white men, informed by white men, and acculturated by white sensibilities, will be…returned to white men.

Pardon my confusion as we slowly twist in the wind.

While the media focuses on the president’s foibles and twitter follies, he and his minions have done real and present damage to the country. They have sent the message that it’s fine to exclude people from participating in and benefiting from our democracy, opened up public land for economic exploitation, set us back at least 75 years as far as pollution and the environment are concerned, rolled back civil rights protections, and essentially made us a non-player in world affairs. And they’ve shown that they have no shame in perpetrating these policies. In fact, if it’s what the ultra-conservative base of the Republican Party wants, then Trump is eager to give it to them.

I would expect more pardons, more executive orders and more erratic and unpresidential behavior in the weeks and months to come. President Trump’s approval ratings are low enough that he doesn’t have to care about what the opposition thinks. After all, how much worse can things get?

Exactly my point.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump Donald Trump Featured Racism

Robert De Niro Calls Trump a “Flat-out Blatant Racist!”

An outspoken critic of Donald Trump spoke in a recent interview and called #45 a “flat-out blatant racist!”

Robert De Niro tore into President Trump in an interview published this week, calling him a “flat-out blatant racist.”

“If he was smart, he’d be even more dangerous. He’s dangerous as it is,” the “Wizard of Lies” actor told Deadline.

“He’s terrible, and a flat-out blatant racist and doubling down on that, and it’s good that he does because he’s going to sink himself.”

Trump has become increasingly isolated since he concluded last Tuesday, that decent Americans protesting racism are the same as the KKK, White Supremacists and Nazis. Americans of all political persuasion have correctly denounced the man in the White House, some even saying that he “lacks the moral decency” necessary to lead the country.

Featured Racism

Our President: The Hate That Keeps on Hating

With all that Charlottesville means now and will mean in the future, this much is clear: Donald Trump is probably the most genuine president we’ve ever had.

  • He is a genuine racist.
  • He is genuinely ignorant of United States History.
  • He genuinely believes that there is a moral equivalency between those who hate and those who want to stop the hate.
  • He is genuinely a terrible businessman.
  • He genuinely thinks that he, and only he, can have a correct opinion on an issue.
  • He has genuinely done damage to the office of the president of the United States.
But we should have known, shouldn’t we? After all, Trump ran on a white nationalist platform that blamed the country’s troubles on President Obama, immigrants, foreign countries, multiculturalism, political correctness and amorphous values that it’s clear Trump does not value. The far right-wing groups that include members of the KKK and Nazis are lauding his remarks from Saturday and Tuesday, remarks that placed equal blame for the violence on civil rights, justice and anti-hate groups. He claims to have seen footage and watched it closer “than anybody else,” (I’m not sure how you do that), then determined that it showed an equivalence that ignored reality.
Because people walking down a street chanting “Jews will not replace us” is that same as…people walking down the street in 1935 saying the same thing. In German.
And that brings up another trope of the Trump catastrophe. He says that he’s not racist or anti-Semitic because his daughter married Jared Kushner, who is Jewish and Orthodox, and then she converted. This is, and please pardon the disconnection, hogwash. I married into a Catholic family and while both parents seem(ed) to like me, they both harbor(ed) terrifically ugly anti-Semitic attitudes. They both deny(ied) their prejudice, but it was there just below the pleasant surface. So when Trump talks about his bona-fides, I don’t believe him for a second. And clearly, he has little regard for Kushner’s feelings as evidenced by his refusal to paint racist hate group violence for what it is.
As for history, the president seems to think that Robert E. Lee, Nathan Bedford Forrest and Stonewall Jackson are morally equal to George Washington because, after all, they all owned slaves. Never mind that the first three allied themselves, as treason, with a government that wanted to break up the United States, enshrine slavery as a constitutional right, and to rip up the laws that George Washington fought to establish and then helped to create. And after the Civil War was over, Forrest and others decided that they could not live in a country where the freed slaves had the same rights as white men. They then created a legal system that ignored the constitution and brutally killed African-Americans for more than a century.
The consequences are already unfolding. CEOs, you know, the people Trump said would help him rebuild the economy, have already left the Manufacturing Council and the Policy Forum as a protest over his remarks. And I’m sure more will follow.
But the real damage he’s done is embolden some frightening sociopaths who want to do damage to me, my relatives, and my friends and acquaintances, who encompass a multitude of races, religions, ethnicities, genders and sexual choices. He’s said that Nazi ideology is equivalent to civil rights activists.
The President of the United States believes all of this. Think about that!
For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest
Donald Trump Donald Trump Featured Racism

President George Bush on Donald Trump – “I Don’t Like The Racism”

Former Republican president, George W. Bush and his wife were interviewed in their home by PEOPLE magazine. Asked for his thoughts on his republican counterpart, Donald Trump, Bush answered the only way he could, by referencing the obvious racist factor of the Trump’s presidency.

“I don’t like the racism and I don’t like the name-calling and I don’t like the people feeling alienated,” Bush, 70, tells PEOPLE in an interview for the new issue of the magazine on newsstands Friday.

“Nobody likes that.”

The former president, joined by his wife  Laura, spoke with PEOPLE in the third-floor painting studio of their Dallas home to launch his first art book, Portraits of Courage: A Commander in Chief’s Tribute to America’s Warriors. The collection of portraits of the wounded warriors of America’s war on terror aims to raise awareness and funds for the post-9/11 veterans’ health care and employment programs of the George W. Bush Presidential Center.

Featured Racism

Trump’s Adviser Being Sued for Hiring Whites to Beat Up Blacks

Donald Trump was “elected” with the help of people like the KKK, who said that Trump represent the type of things they believed in. And since his “election,” Trump has put in power numerous people of questionable racial beliefs. Among these people is Trump’s new adviser, Reed Cordish, an executive of the Cordish Companies and being sued for hiring white men to beat up black people.

On Wednesday, Trump tapped Reed Cordish as assistant to the president for intergovernmental and technology initiatives. Cordish is an executive of the Cordish Companies, his family’s Baltimore-based real-estate business, and the president of Entertainment Concepts Investors, a subsidiary that owns and manages bars, restaurants, and clubs throughout the U.S.

ECI’s largest holdings are in Kansas City, Missouri, where Cordish partnered with Trump son-in-law and White House adviser Jared Kushner on a building in the city’s Power and Light District.

But the Power and Light District, a half-million-square-foot downtown shopping and entertainment center, has a dark reputation among the city’s black community. Two separate lawsuits against the companies say the area is commonly referred to as the “Power and White District” for its owner’s alleged record of racial discrimination.

In 2014, Dante Combs and Adam Williams sued as the lead plaintiffs in a $5 million class-action racial-discrimination case. Cordish’s business won an initial ruling in a federal district court, but Combs and Williams are appealing the decision.

The two plaintiffs say they were beaten and harassed by white men employed by the Cordish company to “lighten up” its clubs as part of a long-running campaign to keep away black people.

Cordish is the latest Trump pick with an alleged racist past.

Featured Racism

Murder Caught on Video But Shooter Walks Free

We all watched the video as the police officer took out his gun, took aim at the man running away from him and fired, hitting the man multiple times in the back and killing him. We all watched the killing because it was recorded on a cell phone video and made public for all to see.

But apparently, the cold-blooded murder of the man… on video… was still not enough to convince a jury that the shooter did in fact, shoot and kill a man who posed no threat to him.

The judge in the murder trial of former North Charleston, S.C., police Officer Michael Slager declared a mistrial on Monday after the jury said it could not come to a unanimous decision.

“We as the jury regret to inform the court that, despite the best efforts of all members, we are unable to come to an unanimous decision in the case of the State vs. Michael Slager,” a letter from the foreman of the jury read.

Judge Clifton Newman said the case would be retried at a future date, the timing of which could depend on a federal civil rights case that is also pending against Slager, as we have reported.

Slager is accused of murder for shooting Walter Scott multiple times as he ran away from the officer in 2015, after a routine traffic stop. The jurors had three options if they hoped to avoid a mistrial: a guilty verdict for either murder or voluntary manslaughter, or an acquittal.

Featured Racism

INSANITY – White Trump Supporter Says Black Worker “Discriminated” Against Her – Video

When Donald Trump stood in front of an audience and proclaimed, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone, and not lose a vote,” he was talking about people like this Chicago woman!


Featured Jews Racism

White Supremacist Trump Supporter asks – “Are Jews People?” – Video

Before Donald Trump came along, these people lived content little lives under a racist rock in their racist neck of the woods. They stayed stuck in their racist bubble of hate while the rest of the America worked towards putting our differences aside. But since they got one of their own in the White House, these racists are now out of the woodwork and they are spreading their message of hate from the mountain tops.

For his part, Donald Trump is helping out by bringing a known racist like Steve Bannon as his chief adviser.

Meanwhile, speaking about spreading their message from the mountain top, CNN introduces a panel featuring another known racist named Richard Spencer. In the segment below, Spencer spews his hate and asks if “Jews are people or instead soulless golems?”


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