BLM Racial profiling

Pennsylvania Woman to BLM – “You live off white people” and “Keep your HIV over there”

If their president can be a racist in the Whitehouse, why can’t they be racist in Pennsylvania? This particular racist was so angry that ‘Black Lives Matter’ protesters want to live freely in the land of the free and the home of the brave, that she just couldn’t suppress her racism.


Trump Retweets “White Power” to his followers

I am absolutely sure that everyone knows where Trump stands on race relations in America. But just in case you were orbiting space over the last 40 years and hadn’t heard of Trump’s racist past, this latest display by the man some refer to as the president of the Unite States, should be an eye opener.

Donald Trump just retweeted a video from The Villages, where a man is heard glorifying “white power.

The video, apparently taken at The Villages, a retirement community in Florida, people with Trump shirts and signs on their golf carts drive by protesters yelling insults at them and about the president.

One exchange — eight seconds into the 2-minute video — a white man holding a sign that says “Make America Sane Again,” a reference to Trump’s campaign slogan, yells: “Where’s your white hood?” In response, a white man driving a golf cart with signs reading “Trump 2020” and “America First” yells back “white power.”

Be be aware that the emotions in this video are raw, and so is the language.

Featured Racism

Our President: The Hate That Keeps on Hating

With all that Charlottesville means now and will mean in the future, this much is clear: Donald Trump is probably the most genuine president we’ve ever had.

  • He is a genuine racist.
  • He is genuinely ignorant of United States History.
  • He genuinely believes that there is a moral equivalency between those who hate and those who want to stop the hate.
  • He is genuinely a terrible businessman.
  • He genuinely thinks that he, and only he, can have a correct opinion on an issue.
  • He has genuinely done damage to the office of the president of the United States.
But we should have known, shouldn’t we? After all, Trump ran on a white nationalist platform that blamed the country’s troubles on President Obama, immigrants, foreign countries, multiculturalism, political correctness and amorphous values that it’s clear Trump does not value. The far right-wing groups that include members of the KKK and Nazis are lauding his remarks from Saturday and Tuesday, remarks that placed equal blame for the violence on civil rights, justice and anti-hate groups. He claims to have seen footage and watched it closer “than anybody else,” (I’m not sure how you do that), then determined that it showed an equivalence that ignored reality.
Because people walking down a street chanting “Jews will not replace us” is that same as…people walking down the street in 1935 saying the same thing. In German.
And that brings up another trope of the Trump catastrophe. He says that he’s not racist or anti-Semitic because his daughter married Jared Kushner, who is Jewish and Orthodox, and then she converted. This is, and please pardon the disconnection, hogwash. I married into a Catholic family and while both parents seem(ed) to like me, they both harbor(ed) terrifically ugly anti-Semitic attitudes. They both deny(ied) their prejudice, but it was there just below the pleasant surface. So when Trump talks about his bona-fides, I don’t believe him for a second. And clearly, he has little regard for Kushner’s feelings as evidenced by his refusal to paint racist hate group violence for what it is.
As for history, the president seems to think that Robert E. Lee, Nathan Bedford Forrest and Stonewall Jackson are morally equal to George Washington because, after all, they all owned slaves. Never mind that the first three allied themselves, as treason, with a government that wanted to break up the United States, enshrine slavery as a constitutional right, and to rip up the laws that George Washington fought to establish and then helped to create. And after the Civil War was over, Forrest and others decided that they could not live in a country where the freed slaves had the same rights as white men. They then created a legal system that ignored the constitution and brutally killed African-Americans for more than a century.
The consequences are already unfolding. CEOs, you know, the people Trump said would help him rebuild the economy, have already left the Manufacturing Council and the Policy Forum as a protest over his remarks. And I’m sure more will follow.
But the real damage he’s done is embolden some frightening sociopaths who want to do damage to me, my relatives, and my friends and acquaintances, who encompass a multitude of races, religions, ethnicities, genders and sexual choices. He’s said that Nazi ideology is equivalent to civil rights activists.
The President of the United States believes all of this. Think about that!
For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest
Donald Trump Politics

White Power Party Campaigning for Donald Trump in Iowa

Whatever happened to that meeting between the “100 black pastors” and Donald Trump? Are they campaigning for Trump too?

The White Power Party can easily be mistaken for the Republican Party, but in this case, there is actually a group calling itself the White Power Party, and Donald Trump is the group’s candidate.

If you live in Iowa and own a phone, you might get a call this week that sounds something like this: “I urge you to vote for Donald Trump because he is the one candidate who points out that we should accept immigrants who are good for America. We don’t need Muslims. We need smart, well-educated white people who will assimilate to our culture. Vote Trump,” the Daily Beast reports.

This jarring message is just one part of arobocall recorded on behalf of Donald Trump by The American National Super PAC, created by none other than the leader of The American Freedom Party, a prominent white nationalist organization.

In the last month, the political party— which once tried to revoke the citizenship of every non-white inhabitant of the United States—has evolved from supporting Trump’s candidacy to formally endorsing him for president. That endorsement made American Freedom Party history since they had never before endorsed a candidate outside of their own ranks. But the group that represents “the political interests of White Americans” was willing to make an exception for the Republican frontrunner.

“We do have our own candidate, but Bob Whitaker, our candidate, has told us that it is alright to endorse Donald Trump,” the American Freedom Party’s leader William Daniel Johnson explained in an interview with The Daily Beast.

Donald Trump Donald Trump Politics Republican

Yes, They Yelled “White Power” at Trump’s Gathering – Video

Donald Trump plus white people yelling “white power” goes hand in hand. You kinda expect people to burst out in unison yelling “white power” at all of his functions. Maybe that will be the new thing for the Republican as he campaigns for the presidency.

It was yelled out multiple times by people in the crowd, repeatedly, you can check for yourself by re-watching the rally, or by glancing through comment threads from websites where people were watching the rally and searching for the term “white power”…

One of these new fans is Andres Anglin, who blogs on neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer. Praising the man who he affectionately refers to as “The Don,” Anglin wrote, “I do not believe he would solve all or even most of the problems we are facing, but he is absolutely the only candidate who is even talking about anything at all that matters.” Anglin also spoke with admiration of Trump, because the Republican candidate was “willing to call them out as criminal rapists, murderers and drug dealers.”

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