Featured Michael Brown Racists

Warning – This Video Shows The Police Shooting of a St. Louis Man

You know it was just a matter of time before video of the latest St. Louis police shooting made its way on the Internet.

After I heard about this latest shooting, I chose to not be judgemental. I mean, what police officer will shoot another black man in the midst of nationwide protests against a police shooting of Michael Brown? You’ll have to be real stupid, or you just don’t give a damn to murder another man.

So I watched the press briefing by the Chief of Police after the shooting and I was under the impression that the two police officers felt their life were threatened, and they used deadly force to stop that threat. The police chief said the man had a knife and was charging the offices, so they both shot to stop that threat.

I thought stopping the threat meant a couple shots were fired, but theres a video.

After watching this video, I found it extremely hard to see how this one man with a so-called knife made two police officers think their life was in danger. Two police officers, with semiautomatic pistols!

And whatever happened to the use of a taser or stun gun? Is there ever a situation when non lethal weapons can be used?

This video contains strong language and other content that may be objectionable to some.

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