God Politics

Ted Cruz – A President Must Begin His Day “on his knees” Before God – Video

It’s always amazing to me how religious these Republican politicians become around election time. Senator Ted Cruz is obviously trying to win the Republican’s nomination for president, so pandering to the religious base in his party is a necessary part of his game plan.

Speaking in an interview with conservative Pastor Kevin Swanson at the National Religious Liberties Conference, Ted Cruz told the crowd what they wanted to hear and in so doing, Cruz hopes to get a rise in the polls.

Swanson asked Cruz, “How important is it for the President of the United States to fear God and what does that mean to you?”

“Any president who doesn’t begin every day on his knees isn’t fit to be commander-in-chief of this nation,” Cruz stated.

The pastor said “amen” and the audience applauded in approval.


BLM God Tid Bits

“I Met God, She’s Black”

Things that make you go hmmmmm!

What does God look like?

Renaissance artists painted God into their own cultures, often giving him the white skin and flowing golden hair of a European aristocrat.

But that traditional image has been challenged by many over the centuries. This age-old question is now picking up steam on Facebook, particularly in the light of the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

Dylan Chenfeld, a self-described Jewish atheist, is throwing his ideas into the mix.

“I Met God, She’s Black,” Chenfield says in posters that he’s allegedly pasted all over Manhattan during the past few days.

The 21-year-old doesn’t claim to have invented the phrase, saying the trope has existed for quite some time. He’s just the one who decided to put it on a $30 T-shirt.

In fact, William P. Young, author of The Shack, pictured God as an African American woman named Elouisa. Black feminist Ntozake Shange, in her poem “For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When The Rainbow is Enough,” says, “I found God in myself, and I loved her fiercely.”

But what does an Upper West side-raised Jewish guy have to do with all of this?

The slogan has certainly become a source of business for Chenfield. When he initially started printing the shirts about one year ago, he says many of his buyers were white. He’s also gotten celebrities like Drake and Cara Delevingne to be photographed wearing his shirt.

“I like poking fun at sacred cows,” Chenfield told HuffPost. “I’m taking the idea that God is a white male and doing the opposite of that, which is a black woman.”

Featured God

Michele Bachmann Says God Will Help Republicans End ObamaCare

Apparently, Michele Bachmann is starting to believe the crap she’s been spewing over the last few years. And that is really sad.

She began her Obama hating journey by willfully and intentionally lying to the public about Democrats and anything Obama. Like when she said that Congress was filled with “anti-American” legislatures, and begged for the media to do a “penetrating expose” to find out which member of Congress is “for America, or anti-America.”

An outrageous claim indeed, and I’m sure Bachmann knew the claim was bogus when she made it. But back then, it was an intentional lie told for the only reason – ginning up the crazies who voted for her and those who followed her. And over the years following that claim, Bachmann has continued her intentional lying, each occasion getting more and more outrageous.

But the crazies who followed her were not the only ones listening. Bachmann slowly began attracting the attention of the nation as sane, normal people started marvelling at the absurdity that is… Michele Bachmann. And the rest of the nation began tuning her out. Everyone knew what Bachmann was about and they expected nothing more than lies.

Bachmann however, has taken a turn for the worst and I’m really concern. I’m starting to think that she is beginning to believe her lies, her nonsense. What else am I to think when I hear Michele invoke God into her daily political jargon?

Yes, Michele has used God in previous statements…claims… lies… She was one of the Republicans who said that God told her to run for President. She lost, so I’m not sure if God was the one advising her, but her most recent reference to God really got me thinking that Bachmann has now officially fell off the turnip truck and bumped her head on the way down.

Michele was giving her usual speech on Tuesday and in her effort to convince everyone that they don’t need ObamaCare, Bachmann claimed that God will work a miracle and ObamaCare will magically disappear.

“I think the President will ultimately be forced to repudiate his own signature piece of legislation because the American people will demand it,” she explained. “And I think before his second term is over, we’re going to see a miracle before our eyes, I believe God is going to answer our prayers and we’ll be freed from the yoke of Obamacare.”

“I believe that’s going to happen and we saw step one last week with the repeal of Obamacare in the House. We have two more steps. We serve a mighty God and I believe it can happen.”

Back up the turnip truck, one of your regulars need help. And bring the straight jacket.

God Tid Bits

Message From The Universe

The reason why you think

we are all random and insignificant

is because you haven’t as of yet remembered

just how big

you truly are!

God Mitt Romney Politics

Romney Supporter Claims That God Will Punish America For Re-Electing President Obama

Remember when Mitt Romney appeared to be leading in all the polls and Republicans began celebrating their imminent victory? Then  hurricane Sandy happened across the east coast and Americans gravitated back to the president after seeing the way he handled the aftermath of the storm. Republicans immediately began blaming the hurricane for Obama’s new-found popularity, some even saying that Sandy as an act of God, stopped Romney’s rise in the polls.

Well it seems that Republicans cannot make up their mind which way they want to go. Before the election, they blamed God and the hurricane for slowing Romney’s rise to the presidency and now, they’re claiming that God will punish America for re-electing President Obama.

Yesterday, John Hagee opened up the “Hagee Hotline” to answer questions from parishioners about the election; questions like “do you believe [President Obama] is the precursor to the Anti-Christ?”  Hagee never really answered the question, simply predicting that an economic crash is coming that will result in the rise of a global economic czar who will, in fact, be the Anti-Christ.

But as for the election, Hagee warned that “America chose a leader who is for men marrying men” and who is “pro-abortion” and who has “attacked freedom of religion” and so this nation is “about to face the consequences of our choices” because “God will hold America responsible for that choice”:

God Mitt Romney Politics Rape

Mitt Romney Endorses Richard Mourdock – Who Is Richard Mourdock? Video

We’re still trying to figure out who Mitt Romney is. With all his shifting positions moving from severely conservative to endorsing the president’s foreign policies, it is fair to say that Mitt Romney is still trying to figure out Mitt Romney.

But when Mitt Romney makes an official endorsement, it is a good indication of what Mitt Romney believes and stands for.

Mitt Romney officially endorsed Richard Mourdock. Richard Mourdock thinks that a pregnancy that results from rape is God’s doing.


God Politics Rick Santorum

Apparently, God Also Told Santorum to Run for President

Do you know why Rick Santorum decided to run for President? No? Well if you listen to his wife Karen Santorum, the reason was a combination of ObamaCare and God that made him run.

Karen made an appearance on Glenn Beck show and explains;

“I did always feel in my heart that God had big plans for Rick. Eventually it was there, tugging at my heart. When Obamacare passed, that was it. That put the fire in my belly.”

Yes folks, if you listen to the Santorums it seems that God cannot stand Obamacare. Apparently, God was willing to sit this one out, you know, let the politicians deal with the politics. The Santorums would like you yo believe that God saw the capitalistic nature of Healthcare in America where profits were more important than saving lives, and, according to them, God approved.

But the nerve of President Obama! He decided that more Americans should get life saving healthcare through ObamaCare and that ladies and gentlemen, that was it! God turned to his secret weapon. He turned to Santorum!

How dare Mr. Obama go against the wishes of the Santorums and their god by trying to help the sick and the poor. Didn’t he know that helping the sick and those in need means Corporations may lose some of their profits, and that go against the teachings of Rick Santorum’s god? Who does this Obama dude think he is, the good samaritan?

And for what its worth, God also told Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry and Hurman Cain to runor President.

God Politics

If God Told Them To Run For President, Why Are They Willing To Torture?

Herman Cain on Saturday said that God told him to run for president. He then compared himself to Moses when Moses questioned God’s will. Herman Cain said that he too questioned God, asking “You’ve got the wrong man, Lord. Are you sure?”

“I prayed and prayed and prayed,” Cain told a group of young Republicans in Atlanta, according to National Journal. “I’m a man of faith, I had to do a lot of praying for this one, more praying than I’d ever done before in my life. And when I finally realized that it was God saying that this is what I needed to do, I was like Moses. ‘You’ve got the wrong man, Lord. Are you sure?'”

And what about Michele Bachmann?

Bachmann originally said that God told her to run for Congress, and she later said that her decision to run for president was based on a “calling” that she said, was “tugging”on her heart.

“Well, every decision that I make, I pray about, as does my husband, and I can tell you, yes, I’ve had that calling and that tugging on my heart that this is the right thing to do.”

But what’s absolutely amazing, is that these two people who claim that God told them to run for president, are the very same two willing to torture America’s enemies if they become president.

In last night’s debate – yes, the second debate this week – Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann responded to a question about torture, and whether they would continue the Bush administration’s torture policies in reference to waterboarding. Cain went first, saying that he believes waterboarding is “enhanced interrogation” and he will gladly reinstate it. Bachmann then followed up saying that torture would be part of her administration.

I’m left wondering if they’re sure they heard the voice of God telling them to run for president. Torturing, as far as I can tell, seems to be the handiwork of the devil. Maybe Bahcmann and Cain should check their messenger again.

Christianity God Religion

New Prediction – The End Of The World Is This Friday

Yes, Friday, and we’re not talking about the Ice Cube Movies either.

Harold Camping, the Family radio evangelist who wrongfully predicted that May 21st 2011 would be the end of the world, is at it again. This time, Mr. Camping is saying the end will come next Friday, October 21st, 2011.

So what happened on May 21st? Mr. Camping had this explination;

What really happened is that God accomplished exactly what He wanted to happen. That was to warn the whole world that on May 21 God’s salvation program would be finished on that day. For the next five months, except for the elect (the true believers), the whole world is under God’s final judgment.

So according to Camping, if you weren’t saved on or before May 21st, then you have some very serious issues as next Friday approach.

One can only wonder if the Evangelist Camping ever read the book of Mark, Chapter 13, verse 32 – when Jesus’ apostles asked about the end times. Jesus answered, But of that day and that hour knows no man, no, not the angels who are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take you heed, watch and pray: for you know not when the time is.”

No one knows “but the Father.” Does this mean Harold Camping thinks he is “The Father?”

Oh Wow!!!

democrats God Politics

Right Wing Says Hurricane Irene Was God Trying To Change Government

Chuck Pierce, head of the right winged Religious group Global Harvest Ministries, has a message for Americans, primarily those working for the Government in Washington. God sent Irene to change the government.

Mr. Pierce wrote about a message he claimed he got from God back in July. The message, according to Chuck went something like this;

‘Watch Washington, D.C., for there will come upon the place a physical storm. This storm will be a sign. This sign is necessary and cannot be prevented. This physical storm will rest down and when the storm descends – the scroll for the government of this land will be unlocked.

‘I will unwind a structure that has gotten intertwined with the enemy’s plans. I will reinstitute law in this land that has been removed. I am sending angels in at My command based upon the revelation that is being spoken now, and from those angelic hosts, a land and its governments will be changed.'”

We can only assume that the enemy mentioned in Chuck’s piece is Barack Obama.

But why would God use a Hurricane – which killed up to 40 people so far – to send a political message about changing the government, especially since Mr. Obama and the Democrats have been the ones doing the work for the less fortunate. In this economy, they have tried to provide unemployment checks to the unemployed. They have tried instituting health care for the middle class and poor alike and among the many other things they have done to help the people, Mr. Obama and the Democrats have tried to provide for Education and the EPA, which in itself, guarantees a better life through cleaner air, clean water and a safer environment.

Republicans have been against the President and the Democrats every step of the way. So why would God want to change Mr. Obama and the Democrats when they are the ones seemingly doing His will?

Or maybe, Mr. Chuck confused the message. If God had a political preference, wouldn’t He want to change those who have decided against helping the less fortunate, like Congressional Republicans?

Donald Trump God Politics Racism racist United States

Donald Trump – I’m No Racist. A Black Dude Won My Show

Donald Trump keeps sinking deeper and deeper into his self-indulging sea of ignorance. This time, it was on his weekly Monday morning appearance on Fox And Friends. Trying to defend himself against the racist elements of his almost presidential campaign, Trump claimed that he is the “least racist person there is.” His reasoning? He cites a black person winning his “Apprentice” show, some six years ago!

Hush! Trump is talking again;

Well, you know, when it comes to racism and racists, I am the least racist person there is. And I think most people who know me would tell you that. I am the least racist, I’ve had great relationships. In fact, Randal Pinkett won, as you know, on The Apprentice a little while ago, a couple of years ago. And Randall’s been outstanding in every way. So I am the least racist person.

If it wasn’t so sad, his statement would be hilarious. Here we are in the year 2011, and a potential presidential candidate’s only justification for why he isn’t a racist? – a black person won on his show. Is this a qualifying attribute our nation needs in the next leader? Are we scrapping so far down in the barrel that a serious consideration for the highest office in the nation, is being given to someone who references a minority winner on a reality television show as their only claim to acceptance or even tolerance to other racial groups?

Well if this is where we find ourselves, God help us, and thank you Randal Pinkett!

God Martin Luther King Jr Politics

Who Are We…Really?

The perception of who we are matters greatly in what comes from ourselves. Whether consciously or subconsciously, the woman or man that perceives themselves as ‘great’ carries themselves in a manner which reflects their state of mind. Whether their ‘great’ self perception is agreed upon by others is relative to what comes from the individual, be it the great energy he or she brings to the environment or actual works of accomplishment.

Who Are We… Really?

Just like our individual selves, our communities, our homes, our nation, our very planet and its condition reflects the world communities perception of who and what we are collectively. Whether by the ‘ACTIVE WILL’ of those bold enough to forge ahead and accomplish (for better or worse), or by the ‘PERMISSIVE WILL’ of those who sit in the back of the bus while others drive the bus…. “any resemblance of circumstances in recent memory is NOT a coincidence”.

From those who control international agendas to the common sheep-oh-uh, I mean person….we ALL have our energy stain and fingerprints on the now bubbling cauldron that is our world. So who are we really? What is our perception of ourselves as a nation? What can we tell about our collective state of mind by what our nations hands have shaped?

As we sit at the precipice of yet another military action, this time on the African nation of Libya, we need to think consciously, “is THIS who I am?” As we watch while our political leaders spend billions of our dollars a month on wars that cost the lives of young soldiers only to enrich the coffers of über wealthy contractors and corporations while schools close and educators become jobless, we need to contemplate with a clear mind, “is THIS who I am?”

Its so easy to change the personal pronoun “I” for the pronoun “they,” but as long as we sit on the back of this bus and just go along for the ride… “WE ARE THEY”.

The honorable Dr. Martin Luther King in his illustrious speech in Montgomery Alabama 1965 said, “The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice”. And I say to you today that WHO WE ARE IN ALL TRUTH IS… we are living, breathing, thinking, functional parts of the whole system of life in all its order and glory. We are one with the universe in mind, body and spirit, and as the universal law of justice inevitably drops its gavel… let us strive to be who WE REALLY ARE in our original universal garments of freedom, justice and equality.

As we saw in the recent tsunami in Japan, when its time for nature to express herself there is no army to stand between us and her. When its time for the harvesting of sown seeds, Sarah Palin’s scripted bumper sticker type punch lines won’t be a sufficient distraction for those in need to continue to tune out reality.

Before we were intoxicated by the modern day ‘Pharos magicians’ dazzling our minds with shiny objects of illusion, an independent thought did not seem so far fetched. Before the new Jordan’s, Brooks brothers suits and sagging jeans, we were clothed in the attire of universal order. Prior to tel-li-vision’s lies, where the tv tells lies to our vision, we actually saw each other. Do we really see each other now… as we are? Who are we … really?

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