Express Yourself

Giving Birth To Brilliance

This is a true story, inspired by you. Not only is this a true story that is inspired by you, but it’s a true story about you.

A story that you have given birth to, yet a story that you probably don’t even know.

It’s a story about your radiant exceptionalism though seemingly lost in the dullness of the mundane. It’s about your outstanding luminosity all but drowned in the in the fictitious myth of your common-ness.

A trashy common novel with no intrigue or plot has been written about you. All the while, a sparkling gem of an original and timeless classic remains buried in the bookshelves of your soul waiting to be born. This is a story about your brilliance.

The hidden jewel of our brilliance — a seed that is inherent in each of us — is a baby in its mother’s womb.

When mother reaches down deep to the part of the bookshelf of rarely read gems, she simultaneously reaches up to the poetic and enlightening words of that original and timeless classic that feeds the baby his true milk. You are what you eat and a sparkle of brilliance has just flickered in the eye of the child.

To be brilliant is to be you…uniquely you. Resist the invitation to be introduced as a character in that common novel written by other than your brilliant self.

Brilliance is the stars vivid light in the background of the night sky.

Brilliance dazzles. The same materials that illuminate the cosmos are the materials of which you are made…literally. So brilliance is yours by nature.

Be your brilliant self and find the radiant light in yourself. Use it to light the way as you travel on your path up the road from moments of slight brilliance to a lifetime of brilliance that can be studied by others and used as a light in their darkest hours. The same way we use the luminous radiance of the stars to see — so shall your brilliance light the way of those who will walk the path after you.

Frederick Douglass’ brilliance was a sparkle in the darkness of a Plantation and grew to be the brilliant star that moved a president towards emancipation.

Sir Isaac Newton saw brilliance in motion and attraction and became the embodiment of attraction. He became the brilliant twinkle that attracted the seeker of knowledge like moth to a flame.

The Son of Man says, “Know that the obstacles of life are only tools used brilliantly by Mother Nature and Father Time to apply pressure to forge the diamond that is you”. The facet of a diamond is but one side of a many-sided thing. The brilliance of the diamond is the light bouncing off of one facet at a time. Your brilliance may come in one moment, one action, one thought at a time, but the brilliance is yours.”

Read from the bookshelves of rarely read gems and be the original that stands out brilliantly from the rest. As stars shine in front of the dark blue skies, so can you shine in front of the dark blueprint laid by fools.

The Son of Man says, “Brilliance is a gift of itself to the darkness.”

To those who have an ear let him hear.

Express Yourself

Let Us Agree…..We Agreed to This

We can be very disagreeable at times. Co-workers, friends, family and neighbors,we have all found ourselves at some point being disagreeable with one another. Heaven

knows anyone who has ever been married knows that. “Where ya going? Don’t go THERE, go HERE”. “Why are you driving THAT direction? Go THIS way”. “Why ya say TOMATO?, say

‘TO-MAH-TO.'” “My way or the highway.”

We’re disagreeable. Over time we hope that we can come to a consensus and find a happy medium or at least we hope that we can agree to disagree and keep on striding

forward. Or we simply sleep on the couch and say to hell with it.

As to ‘why’ are we so disagreeable… Since I know that I certainly can be disagreeable and since everything starts with self, I agreed with myself to give it some thought. As a man I am a result of my thoughts, my actions, my environment, decisions I’ve made,

the agreements that I’ve made with myself and the effects of those agreements. As a society we are as well, a product of our agreements. This morning somebody somewhere

decided that his pants should sag down below his buttocks and that this makes a good fashion statement and another one agreed and did the same.

Unfortunately, a person need not know from where a concept or idea originated to agree with it. For most of us all we need is to see it or hear it for us to agree with it and do it.

Where a concept or action comes from has influence on us who agree and follow that concept. So the root of an idea should be considered before we would agree. The root

idea of the above mentioned “fashion statement” of sagging pants originated in the prison culture where belts are confiscated upon arrival. We can clearly see by the condition of much our society that our collective belts of rational, clear thinking and individual ideas have been confiscated and we have agreed to let our mental and

moral pants sag all the way down under our asses.

The nasty origin from which the ideas we’ve agreed with is starting to show. Its time to make a new agreement with ourselves. What would happen if we agree to relearn

what love is and agree to love, and then agree to love even bigger on a broader scale and in deeper ways? What would happen if through our example another would agree and do the same? Over time the creative force of our collective mind can evolve a ‘new truth’ and a new reality. People who have heard of the 20th century artist Pablo Picasso

usually agree that his works of art are great. Maybe so. But when we study the pathology of how we come to such a consensus or agreement we’d find that somebody had an

opinion, someone else agreed, folklore grew around the artist and his work and as a result its generally excepted without question that such a subjective thing as Mr

Picasso’s art qualify as great, and they may very well be. But the question is from where does your agreement come? Those who don’t join in the chorus are dismissed as ‘uncultured’. What have we agreed to do with those who don’t follow the herd? Its time for a new agreement.

We have agreed as a society that small paper notes with numbers on them actually have value, now we literally spend our blood sweat and tears to attain these notes , we fight and kill each other over this. These notes stand as a daily reminder of the power of our collective minds when we agree. If you have

more of these notes the perception that others have of you changes whether you are of high moral standings or not. What if we made a new agreement about what is valuable? What if we valued a service and in turn received a service? A lesson for lesson? How would that affect our society? If I saw the beauty and benefit in something that comes

from your creative mind and soulful product how would that improve on what we value and how we value each other? How long would blood for oil wars last if a nation strive to develop its potential to have something to trade with oil rich nations? And oil rich nations who are poor in other areas did the same? Lets agree, its time for a new agreement. Those who are formally educated or religious, you are the leaders in a society where most aren’t conscious of their own ‘leader within’. What is it that you have agreed with? If its roots are pure you are at peace. If serenity and morality escapes you check the root of that with which you’ve agreed, because you are the excepted ‘gatekeepers’ and others will agree with you.

Somebody’s theory through constant repetition is accepted and eventually we agree that its truth. From this agreement we fashion reality and become emotionally attached to an idea that we have no idea from whence it came. As a result somewhere a black child is being shaped and fashioned in the image of a thought that he/she is worthless and will grow up to make it so. Somewhere a soldier who simply wanted to pay for school is now a murderer of his fellow man because of an agreement that he is facing an enemy. Somewhere a nurse is comforting a patient who once felt hopeless and somewhere a teacher is honing his/her craft because they have agreed that there is healing in their work.

The son of man says, let us agree… its time for a new agreement.
To those that have an ear let him/her hear.

Express Yourself

In The Key Of Life

Yes, I’m one of  ‘those people’.

One of those people who say “Never say never.” My friends, if asked, would be eager to tell you that I have annoyed each of them at least half a dozen times for various reasons to not begin a sentence with the words “I can’t”.

But at the risk of falling into hypocrisy, I have to begin this short text by keeping it real. I can’t dance…seriously. Also while I’m in ‘confessing-my-faults’ mode here, my attempts at singing have gotten me labeled ‘tone deaf’, ‘Luther Can’t-dross’ and on more than one occasion I’ve heard the words “Okay – okay just stop” in the middle of my hitting a note.

So since I shouldn’t say the words “I can’t”, I’ll just say that I currently struggle with (clears throat) ‘hitting certain octaves’ at this point in my non-career as a vocalist.

My struggles with hitting a note reminds me of our spiritually, mentally and politically misguided struggles as the Human Family to harmonize and arrange the notes of thought and action into pleasing, foot tapping, rhythmic tones.  Notes that would be strummed from the chords of our minds and allow our souls to dance as one.

The will and discipline to evolve an arrangement of melodic vibrations into timeless symphonies out of the disharmonious and confused collection of notes that we currently have jumbled on the page of our minds and planet still eludes us.

What healing can be found in the melodies of a well ordered arrangement?  The Son of Man says it would be a wise investment of time for us to plumb the depths of the answer to that question.

Excuse my language and my street colloquialisms but with the planet being poisoned, our food and water being controlled by corporations and our political leaders bought and paid for… shit done got real!

It has been said that “Music is a universal language”.  As a lover of music, yet a non-dancing-Luther-Can’t-dross singing type of guy, I can only relate to the truth of the question of this ‘universal language’ by my awareness of music being exactly what everything else is, vibrations and energy. That certainly is universal. The great scientist Nicola Tesla stated “If you wish to understand the universe think of energy, frequency and vibration”.

After meditating on what music actually is I see it –yes,  I SEE music — as a rhythmic timing of vibration and sound that allows us to be reminded of the harmony and serenity of a well ordered life (being life partners with a musician my definition better at least be close or I’ll never hear the end of it).

There are lessons in our music, in our universal harmonious symphony that is above us, beneath us and all around us. Wise Jazz aficionados are clear that John Coltrane and Miles Davis are prophets showing us ‘the way’ no less than those written of in the scriptures.

 Billie Holiday and Aretha Franklin are proof that voices are angels and definitely have wings. 

Rakim showed us an example of  the effortlessness of life’s flow over the roughest terrain when the flow is done in Consciousness.

James Brown and Michael Jackson, are absolutely messengers of the rhythmic vibrations of life.

The tone and pitch of one’s voice can heal as well as harm. The rhythm of the vibration of one’s thoughts attract as well as repel. In 1976 the great music revolutionary Stevie Wonder released one of the greatest collections of ‘lessons’ ever recorded, “Songs in The Key of Life”… The Son of Man says LIFE IS MUSIC… LIVE HARMONIOUSLY WITH YOURSELF AND YOUR MUSIC WILL BE HEARD.

To those that have an ear, let them hear.


Democracy Politics

America Has A Secret…. and it’s not Democracy

Yes, America has a secret… America’s secret is that we are exhausted. We are exhausted from the mind numbing and energy consuming denial of who and what we are, and until we come to grips with the truth of who and what we are our exhaustion will continue to lead us down the path of a punch drunk fighter and more of our current delirious actions.

As we as a Nation attempt to move towards being a true Democracy, a very vocal minority has invested much energy and resources in trying to convince “We the People” that we have already arrived at Democracy, so much so that we should go around the world and make others Nations into our brand of a Democracy. They would like us to believe that we are a shining example of what Abraham Lincoln said in his ‘Gettysburg Address’, referred to as “A Government for the People, by the People”.

That’s simply not true. Not yet.

If ‘one man, one vote’ is an ingredient of the principle of Democracy I challenge the reader to attempt the exhausting task of defending the position of our “arrival” at Democracy. When were we ever a true and complete Democracy?

The Native Americans, all but totally wiped out by genocide did not see it. Was it when the 13 Colonies won their freedom with the assistance of slaves who fought and died on behalf of others yet after the Revolution was won continued on as subjects of the most brutal slavery system on record for another hundred years?

Was it when Women weren’t seen as fit to vote? How about during Jim Crow laws when certain segments of Society would be lynched for even thinking about participating as a full and complete Citizen? Or maybe now? Now that that Corporate monopoly over the perception altering media and “Elected” Political so called Leaders clearly do the bidding not of “We the People” but of the Puppet Masters that fund their worthless campaigns to nowhere?

Trying to uphold a lie can be pretty exhausting, it goes against the grain of what is natural and there is nothing as powerful as nature. She is undefeated. No lie can last forever.

If “We the People” can be convinced that we have somehow arrived at an acceptable expression of Democracy then we stop striving towards the true meaning of this great principle. Any Country that is a Prison Industrial Complex has NOT yet arrived at Democracy. Any Nation that is a Military Industrial Complex has yet to reach true Democracy. Be be not deceived America, we have a long way to go so conserve your energy for a long struggle to true Democracy.

The Son of Man says, keeping up a lie is an exhausting waste of your natural human essence and power. We can’t cure a disease that we have yet to acknowledge. This disease is killing us. For those that have an ear let him/her hear.

Express Yourself



Vibrations are who and what we are; vibrations come from within us.  It is these vibrations that are the result of one’s breath, rhythmically touching our vocal cords, allowing our ideas to be shared by skillfully shaping our lips and tongues, and inspiring these vibrations into words.

The vibration of sound travels at 1,120 feet per second to communicate a deeper energy; one that starts from the original vibration of our thoughts.  Just as the invisible but perceived vibration of sound has an effect, there is yet another unseen vibration that is lucidly received by our mind’s eye.  It is this mind’s eye, also known as our 3rd eye, that receives and is influenced by the vibrations around us; in turn affecting vibrations that come through us, shaping our environments, our health, our attitudes and our emotional well-being.

This is a reality that is studied and well known by those whose purpose is to continue to manipulate the natural beauty and creativity of the mind of others for their own benefit.  The Son of Man says, “in order to do a ‘progressive’ work we need to check our attitude”.

We need to look deep inside and truly examine our motivations and reasoning.  If our claims to grow and become a truly united Nation are genuine, then they will be found in our attitudes towards realities that would require us to make such changes.  When the clear and obvious results of our actions are not going as planned, but we insist on continuing on the same path, check your attitude… it will reveal your true motivation.

Is your motivation in supporting a certain political party rooted in ideas that are not originally your own? If so, it will be found in your attitudes towards the humbling fact that the major political parties decisions are for sale to the highest bidder.  If your reasoning for taking an “anti-choice” stance on abortion is to choose where your tax dollars goes or to prevent the murder of a fetus, yet you support every war that some demons in a board room can dream up then ask yourself, “What is my real motivation?”  The answer will be found in your attitude towards what is presented to you in the form of millions of dead bodies and billions of dollars spent towards death.

The Son of Man says, “There is NOTHING that is done in the dark that will not be exposed to the light. The vibration of your real truth will be revealed in your attitude. To those who have an ear, let them hear!”


Human Seasons

As the enlivening energy of the Spring Season approaches, we as well as our loved ones and….. not so loved ones will be under the subtle influences of the season’s energetic and enlivening urgings. The Wall Streeters will be affected as will the Occupiers.The Tea Partiers and Gun Enthusiasts as well as the Progressives and Freedom Fighters, everyone in the mental and spiritual wilderness of North America will be under the effects of our nearest Star.

The return to strength of the life affirming effects of our Sun will bless the Oligarchs and the Neo-Cons, the Liberals and the Plutocrats, the Fox Newsers and the MSNBC heads alike, including those of us like Yours truly who appreciates the fact that the left wing and the right wing are simply extensions of the same dirty, dirty bird.

All will be touched by the same planetary rhythm shift.

As the Sun of the Solar system shares light, so shall the ‘Son of Man’. The earths elements, minerals, water and atmospheric ingredients are ours, literally. The physical composition of the planet upon which we reside is our material composition. She is our mother. Physically speaking she is the macrocosm to our microcosm.

As our planet makes her way around the Sun, the 23 degree tilt of the earths axis allows us to experience varying degrees of warmth and cold throughout our calendar year which are our seasons. So there is a time to plant, a time to pick what we’ve planted, a time to sew and a time to reap what you have sown…. these are immutable laws easily observable in the cycles of time.

To make it plain, what goes around comes around.

Once again it’s the time of year for the abundance of life that the spring season brings, as our planet awakens from the hibernation of Winter and life bursts from the earth, so does a new energy and life burst forth from us.

The jewel in this for She/He that cares to observe, is this… The new energy found in the new season is youthful, it is impulsive and childlike. If the more experienced and centered life and energy does not stabilize and guide the youthful, inexperienced new life, then the new energy can lead us to trouble.

‘The ‘Son of Man’ reminds us to seek peace in stillness until the new level of energy is incorporated into our conscious awareness. A new season is also dawning in a bigger arena… the the human consciousness. The thirst for justice and equality is beginning to make its presence felt in the hearts and minds of the people of the world. There are signs all over the world that the human psyche has had its fill of the cold, one sided and unjust rule of the uber-wealthy with all her tricks and lies.

A new energy is engulfing the earth. So to the youth who will inevitably lead the way into a new day, let the lessons of Spring time be learned and be incorporated in your battle plans. You are facing an old, experienced, cunning and wise beast. The new energy of a new day MUST be expressed with consciousness. To She/He who has an ear, let them hear.


Democracy Tid Bits

Women and N’s Need No Voice!

Because they are already spoken for. There is no need for Ni**ers and Women to speak because they are not qualified to speak. They are not equipped with the right proportions of aggression, angry intellect or love of war to participate fully in our “Democracy”.

I mean, heaven forbid there be a display of  feminine energy to temper, check and balance the superior male mind. After all, the examples of the balance of masculine and feminine principles that is found in all things natural couldn’t possibly be a lesson to a mind that’s clearly superior even to the laws of nature itself, no way!

So we don’t need the participation or input of a woman, when we want your opinion…we’ll give it to you. What could they possibly bring to the table other than dinner? And you ni**ers, oh you ni**ers…we’ve tolerated you for over 400 years in our beloved country.

We’ve pulled you down from the tree’s in the jungles of Africa. We’ve taught you about Jesus, made you christians, what more could you possibly want negroes?

We’ve given you plenty. If it were not for our loving Christian hearts you would have never known the glory of civilized folk!

We’ve provided an entire industrial complex of modern prisons that your children are steered towards.

We have given you welfare, we have clothed you, we have protected your foolish and backwards minds from the rabblerousers that attempted to rise up from among you to influence you, to pursue independence from the salvation we’ve provided.

We’ve educated you so that you don’t need to identify with the other Ni**er savages in Africa, we have our own plans to carry out for the “Dark Continent”… never you mind your little black head about that jungle land, our brilliant ‘Africom’ program will see to it that Africa is taken care of. So you see? All is well… all is well…


Ladies and Gentleman,

The prevailing mindset that sets forth agendas in this great land, if it we’re honest, would probably sound something like that above. But let not your heart be troubled, “The arc of the Universe is long, but it bends towards justice.”

Balance is a principle found in nature and can’t be avoided for too long. The voice of the war mongering fascists, imperialistic racists, materialists and power addicts is dying a natural death.

So on your way to hell, take this lesson from the Son of Man with you…when you cut off the participation of a Woman, you cut off the part of nature that gives you balance. After a certain point in time the feminine manifestation of nature that is woman shows her power by producing a generation that will reject and remove your unevolved state of mind and send you back to the earth to start over because you are unfit for the coming time of spiritual awakening. The new inspiration for the new world will be breathed into the dust of the earth, the people and Nations that have been reduced to nothing.

As it was in the beginning … so shall it be now, here in the end. The womb that is destined to produce that generation is the womb of the voiceless.


Son of Man

Barack Obama Politics Terrorism United States USA PATRIOT Act

Bush’s Patriot Act Pt 2 – Boiling Frogs

As an easily distracted and soundbite sized attention span nation, we are prime fodder for what is called the “boiling frog syndrome”. ‘If you put a frog into a boiling pot of water he would quickly jump out. However a frog in a cool pot of water that is gradually heated would not perceive the danger and would slowly cook to death’.

The premise of this syndrome, that is used here metaphorically, is actually quite a clear illustration of what happens with our acceptance of inflation, the use of our taxes for things that we, in an informed state of mind, would never agree to, etc. But for this particular text the boiling frog syndrome is a clear analogy for the siege on our civil liberties and, indeed, our very constitutional rights.

In October 2001, then President George W. Bush signed into law the congressional act called the “Patriot Act”. Pretty name, it conceals any potential threat to you and I personally… see? THAT’S THE COOL WATER MR & MRS. FROG.

But lets take a closer look at this craftily labeled roll back of civil rights;

This so called Patriot Act law which we are told is a law to ‘counter terrorism’ never clearly defines exactly what is terrorism. This vague definition of terrorism leaves much open to interpretation of  ‘law enforcement agencies’ and agents who are subject to human emotion and racial and ideological influences.

The first amendment says that “Congress shall make no law abridging the right to petition the government for the redress of grievances”. Dear reader, what’s YOUR grievance with the government? On any particular day you may be considered a ‘terrorist’, a potential threat and detained indefinitely. Maybe as an immigrant some law enforcement officer or agency decides you’re a ‘threat’. Keep current on the expanded deportation laws under the so called Patriot Act.

The Patriot Act clearly violates fourth amendment rights as well, which states that The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures SHALL NOT BE VIOLATED”. Many would say “as long as I’m safe” or ” I have nothing to hide”…those are legitimate reasonings, but be very aware that evil goes in like a needle… and spreads.

Be aware that civil rights roll backs are happening ‘in stages’… the water is getting hot…slowly. The constant bombardment of terror threats makes our disappearing civil liberties more acceptable… getting hotter. The fact that it’s Barack Obama that just signed into law a continuance of the Patriot Act makes it more palatable…and look around, it’s getting steamy–but;  “I ignored it”, “The basketball playoffs are on plus I got the new iPhone”, “I heard about that Patriot Act years ago and I knew it didn’t feel right but I was scared so I didn’t open my eyes”, “Recently I saw on the news that the Patriot Act was extended but Trump said something stupid so I forgot…”

Anybody notice how warm it is in here?


Barack Obama Osama bin Laden Politics Terrorism United States

Is Bin Laden Dead? No Man Is An Island

Now that it’s has been reported that Osama Bin Laden has been killed, we must bear in mind that Bin Laden–the individual– represented ‘an ideology‘ to thousands, possibly millions of people in several nations and in the Afghan region in particular. No man is an island, the man represents the state of mind of the people for which he speaks or acts on behalf of.

Over the years of seeing the televised reports on Al-Qaeda, it was easy to see the enthusiasm of the young people shown around Osama Bin Laden.  The more idealistic among us are saying that “this is an end to all the violence”. I hasten to remind the naive among us that martyrdom is a serious thing and Osama Bin Laden is now a martyr.

To some, Osama Bin Laden is a monster who is responsible for atrocities across the span of several continents. To others Osama Bin Laden is an inspiring figure who stood against imperialism and outsmarted “the beast” for years. For those of us who are peace loving American citizens, let us remember that peace starts at home.

We must continue to impress upon our fellow citizens that people are people, all worthy of the common decency and respect that we would want for ourselves. Our country is truly great…truly great in terms of the constitutional ideas in which we aspire to. BUT!  This country’s hands are not clean, we live in the biggest international war mongering nation in the history of all mankind.

We have long become the ‘military industrial complex’  that President Eisenhower warned we would become, where our war machine has become a disproportionate part of our country’s budget and  an unfortunately a significant part of our existence. Covert operations of deposing leaders of other countries and installing puppet regimes have been a common occurence at our hands.

Let us not forget who armed and trained Osama Bin Ladin… if you dont know, look in the mirror. Let us not forget who installed one time “friend” and later named ‘boogie man’, Manuel Noriega, when it was convenient. Let us not forget Saddam Hussein was armed by billions of  U.S. taxpayers dollars to fight against Iran in the 80’s, Hussein later named ‘boogie man’, was incarcerated and hung when it was convenient.

Let us not forget that we have a long way to go to live up to our country’s great potential. Let us not forget  that no man stands alone. We may have just made 10,000 more Bin Ladins by his reported assassination. His body allegedly was immediately “buried at sea”…sure…whatever.

The minds and emotions of the masses are but a marionette. Believe what you must, but  let us love and enjoy an individual and collective peace, and as we digest these current reports we should do so consciously and with a mindset that recognizes the fact that we are under the universal law of ’cause and effect’. Our actions and indeed our thoughts are creative and for better or for worse they are productive. And let us not forget that we are all connected and that ‘no man is an island’.  For those that have an ear…let him/her hear.

Son of Man

Barack Obama MSNBC Politics United States

Corporations Don’t Need A Conscience…They Have Your Leaders

Take a few minutes out of your day to keep it real. Be honest, we’ve seen this movie before. The heroes and villains are as staged as professional wrestling. The soap opera dramas of  “All My Children”,  “Young And The Restless”  and the others have nothing on the modern day “Hatfields & McCoys” that is the Democratic and Republican parties.

Stop lying…and stop lying to yourself by allowing yourself to be lied to.  We’ve been like masochists, addicted to abuse. Or an abused wife that suffers through the pain and makes excuses for her husband’s abuse of her. All the right words will be spoken and promises made, some by well meaning candidates…some by career politicians who know full well the powerlessness of their post to effect actual progress but are content in being “the face man” of authority. The truth is ‘HE WHO PAYS THE PIPER CALLS THE TUNE’.

The reason universal healthcare was watered down and made to order for the insurance companies is because  those companies financial contributions to those with the ‘power’ of the pen. According to Barack Obama himself, America’s  health industry spent hundreds of millions of dollars to block the introduction of public medical insurance and to stall other proposed legislation. Corporate power at work. There are two wars going on right now that benefit absolutely nobody but corporate interests and the weapons merchants that get paid to arm both sides of the conflict. Again, corporate interests at work.

The once great continent of Africa and all its natural resources is fertile ground for imperialists and multi-national corporate “investors” with the help of the military and propaganda to continue becoming the new legalized slave masters of the indigenous people. But don’t expect this to be a topic of interest in any presidential election, you see those same corporate investors have invested in the candidates. The 2009 election was infested with financial pay dirt. JP Morgan Chase funded both McCain and Obama, Morgan Stanley funded both  McCain and Obama, Citigroup funded both candidates as well, the list of corporate hush money donations go on… and on. These are the aforementioned ‘payers of the piper’, they are the ones calling the tunes by which we dance.

“What?” you say. “No way, surely we would’ve been hipped to this”.


General Electric’s media holdings include MSNBC, BRAVO and Telemundo. Disney, another multinational, multi-tentacled, multi mind-bending corporation controls 277 radio stations and the ABC network. There are others; Viacom, Time Warner etc., These are main sources of information and so called news for the vast majority of people. A corporations job is to expand, to grow, not to care for those trampled upon as a result of their expansion efforts. So since our sources of information are fitered through them, since our politicians are outright owned by them, since our minds have been reduced to mere robotic consumers of their products…I am appealing to us to recognize that we can’t afford to believe that we have permanent friends in the white house. Black or white. If the politician, the  preacher, teacher or corporation is not serving our best interests, the only corporation that will… starts in the mirror.

Son of Man

Politics United States young

The Young, The Poor, The Blacks And The Stupid

As we near the time for the gathering of soothe sayers, spin doctors and corporate-made shills to throw their hats in the ring for the circus of illusions that the 2012 presidential elections promises to be, I’m reminded of a technique commonly used in marketing. The target consumer’s tendencies, mood and environment are studied and well-known by those merchants whose livelihood depends upon consumers viewing their products favorably. Careful consideration of wording, colors, slogans and exterior design of packaging is taken to ensure that the product is not only noticed, but that the product and its insignia or logo is remembered.

There will be jingles, there will be catchy phrases and celebrities who speak on behalf of a product that may or may not be beneficial to the consumer. If our favorite reality show star is the spokesperson for a brightly packaged processed meat product, it may just slip past us as to how much unhealthy sodium and fat content is inside the beautifully designed package.

And so it is with our political leaders. Not a hair out-of-place. Teeth freshly installed for the occasion. Talking points memorized and ready…or for one poor soul copied onto the palm of her hands. Every couple of years locally and every four years nationally, we are presented with the same warmed over, refurbished campaign rhetoric in a different suit.

Fellow Americans, we have been studied well.

The architects of this illusion we have of participation in the direction of this great nation, know us better than we know ourselves. Figuratively speaking, the political saturated fats and artificial ingredients will be disguised as organically grown, sun-kissed health food, just as sure as the marionettes of the super wealthy disguised as public servants, will be packaged to appear as if they actually have answers. The sincere and well-meaning political leaders who serve faithfully their duties are like a faint background noise in comparison to the cartoonish officials that get media play.

So as the political circus of campaign 2012 begins be careful what you consume, the contents may not be as beautiful as its wrapping.

In the words of  an R.J. Reynolds tobacco company executive “WE DONT SMOKE THAT SHIT, WE JUST SELL IT. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO SMOKE TO THE YOUNG, THE POOR THE BLACK AND STUPID”. You do the math.

Son of Man

God Martin Luther King Jr Politics

Who Are We…Really?

The perception of who we are matters greatly in what comes from ourselves. Whether consciously or subconsciously, the woman or man that perceives themselves as ‘great’ carries themselves in a manner which reflects their state of mind. Whether their ‘great’ self perception is agreed upon by others is relative to what comes from the individual, be it the great energy he or she brings to the environment or actual works of accomplishment.

Who Are We… Really?

Just like our individual selves, our communities, our homes, our nation, our very planet and its condition reflects the world communities perception of who and what we are collectively. Whether by the ‘ACTIVE WILL’ of those bold enough to forge ahead and accomplish (for better or worse), or by the ‘PERMISSIVE WILL’ of those who sit in the back of the bus while others drive the bus…. “any resemblance of circumstances in recent memory is NOT a coincidence”.

From those who control international agendas to the common sheep-oh-uh, I mean person….we ALL have our energy stain and fingerprints on the now bubbling cauldron that is our world. So who are we really? What is our perception of ourselves as a nation? What can we tell about our collective state of mind by what our nations hands have shaped?

As we sit at the precipice of yet another military action, this time on the African nation of Libya, we need to think consciously, “is THIS who I am?” As we watch while our political leaders spend billions of our dollars a month on wars that cost the lives of young soldiers only to enrich the coffers of über wealthy contractors and corporations while schools close and educators become jobless, we need to contemplate with a clear mind, “is THIS who I am?”

Its so easy to change the personal pronoun “I” for the pronoun “they,” but as long as we sit on the back of this bus and just go along for the ride… “WE ARE THEY”.

The honorable Dr. Martin Luther King in his illustrious speech in Montgomery Alabama 1965 said, “The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice”. And I say to you today that WHO WE ARE IN ALL TRUTH IS… we are living, breathing, thinking, functional parts of the whole system of life in all its order and glory. We are one with the universe in mind, body and spirit, and as the universal law of justice inevitably drops its gavel… let us strive to be who WE REALLY ARE in our original universal garments of freedom, justice and equality.

As we saw in the recent tsunami in Japan, when its time for nature to express herself there is no army to stand between us and her. When its time for the harvesting of sown seeds, Sarah Palin’s scripted bumper sticker type punch lines won’t be a sufficient distraction for those in need to continue to tune out reality.

Before we were intoxicated by the modern day ‘Pharos magicians’ dazzling our minds with shiny objects of illusion, an independent thought did not seem so far fetched. Before the new Jordan’s, Brooks brothers suits and sagging jeans, we were clothed in the attire of universal order. Prior to tel-li-vision’s lies, where the tv tells lies to our vision, we actually saw each other. Do we really see each other now… as we are? Who are we … really?

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