Herman Cain USA PATRIOT Act

Republican Herman Cain Is A Joke

There’s simply no other way to describe the Presidential hopeful.

In a speech given at the  Family Leader Presidential Lecture Series in Pella, Iowa, Hermain wowed the conservative audience by complaining about President Obama, and telling the audience that the only bills a Herman Cain president will sign into law, will be three pages or less. The audience loved it.

CAIN: Engage the people. Don’t try to pass a 2,700 page bill — and even they didn’t read it! You and I didn’t have time to read it. We’re too busy trying to live — send our kids to school. That’s why I am only going to allow small bills — three pages. You’ll have time to read that one over the dinner table. What does Herman Cain, President Cain talking about in this particular bill?

ThinkProgress made this observation.

Cain’s pledge received a raucous round of applause from the crowd, who didn’t seem to fully appreciate the implications of such a radical cut-off mark. The vast majority of substantive bills passed by Congress are longer than three pages. Under this bright-line rule, Cain wouldn’t have signed such landmark pieces of legislation as the Civil Rights Act, the Social Security Act, or thePATRIOT Act. In fact, he wouldn’t have even been able to sign the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, which ran 114 and 18 pages, respectively.

As president, Cain wouldn’t be able to sign any of the always-lengthy appropriations bills that keep the government running and the military funded. In fact, pretty much the only legislation that could squeak by under Cain’s three-page cut-off would be the simplest bills naming post offices and the like. But perhaps that’s exactly what Cain wants — to completely shutdown government by refusing to take any action that requires a prolonged attention span.

Barack Obama Politics Terrorism United States USA PATRIOT Act

Bush’s Patriot Act Pt 2 – Boiling Frogs

As an easily distracted and soundbite sized attention span nation, we are prime fodder for what is called the “boiling frog syndrome”. ‘If you put a frog into a boiling pot of water he would quickly jump out. However a frog in a cool pot of water that is gradually heated would not perceive the danger and would slowly cook to death’.

The premise of this syndrome, that is used here metaphorically, is actually quite a clear illustration of what happens with our acceptance of inflation, the use of our taxes for things that we, in an informed state of mind, would never agree to, etc. But for this particular text the boiling frog syndrome is a clear analogy for the siege on our civil liberties and, indeed, our very constitutional rights.

In October 2001, then President George W. Bush signed into law the congressional act called the “Patriot Act”. Pretty name, it conceals any potential threat to you and I personally… see? THAT’S THE COOL WATER MR & MRS. FROG.

But lets take a closer look at this craftily labeled roll back of civil rights;

This so called Patriot Act law which we are told is a law to ‘counter terrorism’ never clearly defines exactly what is terrorism. This vague definition of terrorism leaves much open to interpretation of  ‘law enforcement agencies’ and agents who are subject to human emotion and racial and ideological influences.

The first amendment says that “Congress shall make no law abridging the right to petition the government for the redress of grievances”. Dear reader, what’s YOUR grievance with the government? On any particular day you may be considered a ‘terrorist’, a potential threat and detained indefinitely. Maybe as an immigrant some law enforcement officer or agency decides you’re a ‘threat’. Keep current on the expanded deportation laws under the so called Patriot Act.

The Patriot Act clearly violates fourth amendment rights as well, which states that The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures SHALL NOT BE VIOLATED”. Many would say “as long as I’m safe” or ” I have nothing to hide”…those are legitimate reasonings, but be very aware that evil goes in like a needle… and spreads.

Be aware that civil rights roll backs are happening ‘in stages’… the water is getting hot…slowly. The constant bombardment of terror threats makes our disappearing civil liberties more acceptable… getting hotter. The fact that it’s Barack Obama that just signed into law a continuance of the Patriot Act makes it more palatable…and look around, it’s getting steamy–but;  “I ignored it”, “The basketball playoffs are on plus I got the new iPhone”, “I heard about that Patriot Act years ago and I knew it didn’t feel right but I was scared so I didn’t open my eyes”, “Recently I saw on the news that the Patriot Act was extended but Trump said something stupid so I forgot…”

Anybody notice how warm it is in here?


Barack Obama New York Osama bin Laden Politics United States USA PATRIOT Act

To Peep Or Not To Peep? That’s Still The Question

A friend of mine texted me last night to inform me that my dear President Barack Obama extended the super controversial Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 also known as the USA Patriot Act and better known simply as the Patriot Act,  for four more years.

The way my friend texted, “Obama signed an extension to the patriot act,” assured me that he was commenting on the fact that he couldn’t understand how even die-hard pro-Obama fans would think that the President could operate out of the White House in any way  other than the old status quo or business-as-usual. That Obama or any President for that matter – even with the best of intentions during their naive campaigning debut – would have any real authority to do anything other than what has already been laid out for him/her as a course of action by the omnipotent “powers that be”.

I realize that the Patriot Act was the cause of much public outcry following its initiation after 911 by the Bush Administration, paticularly because of how it dramatically reduced restrictions on law enforcement agencies’ ability to search telephone, e-mail, medical, financial, and other records of US citizens. Americans felt the invasion of privacy was unwarranted.

I think that was especially true in lieu of the fact that George Bush had declared on several occasions, that he was no longer interested in hunting for the man whom most Americans were led to believe was the mastermind behind terrorists acts against this  and other countries. And no “weapons of mass destruction” were ever uncovered during his administration either.

The sentiment had been that we were being punished for our government’s short-comings in handling the Bush/Cheney “War on Terrorism”. And now we have President Barack Obama, fresh on the heels of capturing and slaying Osama Bin Laden – who we’re  told was responsible for killing almost 3,000 people in New York that fateful day – now extending the hated act for another four years (which btw, pretty much covers a full term in the President’s seat for 2012).

My response to my buddy who sent me that text?

Well, although I can partake in a good conspiracy theory as well as the next guy, in the wake of Bin Laden’s demise at President’s Obama’s  hands I’m willing to give the President the benefit of the doubt on this. It’s possible he knows something we do not.  Unlike Bush, Barack Obama has actually struck a real blow to those who have been deemed as an enemy to the nation’s security, which can in turn provoke a serious counter attack. Perhaps it will be counter intelligence and not torture that will finally win the war on terrorism. And perhaps this is something we should just trust the President of the United States on.

CNN Michele Bachmann Republican United States USA PATRIOT Act

Bachmann Disappoints Her Fans Again

In a shocking twist, we find out that Michele Bachmann is just another opportunistic politician. Well, maybe not shocking, but after promising the Teaparty that she will promote “small government,” Bachmann voted ‘yes’ for a bill that represents one of the largest government intrusion into the lives of ordinary Americans – the Patriot Act.

She explains the reason for her vote on her Facebook page;

Today I voted for a temporary extension of three legal authorities in the Patriot Act. This vote was not for a full reauthorization of the Patriot Act. As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, I look forward to briefings and reports from our intelligence community that will help us develop longer term solutions as we protect our nation against international terrorism.

Her fans are not happy

Well, this didn’t go over too well with her Facebook fans. Page after page of negative responses were posted in reference to Michele’s vote. Below is a small section from some angry fans:

Domestic Policies Republican United States USA PATRIOT Act

Democrats Win On Partiot Act Extension

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)

They call themselves “small government advocates,” yet, when the chance came to prove their idea of small government, John Boehner and the majority of Republicans voted to extend various parts of the Patriot Act set to expire at the end of February, with little debate on the House floor.

This first vote needed a two-thirds majority to limit debate, but failed with a final vote of 277 – 148, gaining 23 votes from the Teaparty who voted with Democrats to defeat the automatic extension.

The PATRIOT Act, officially called The USA PATRIOT ACT, acronym for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 – was signed into law by George Bush about a month after September 11th, 2001. The law allowed the United States Government and other law enforcement authorities the ability to legally check the telephone records, emails, medical, financial, and other records of United States citizens under the guise of “fighting terrorism.”

The controversial parts of the law that the “small government” Republicans wanted to continue included wire-tapping, the ability of the government to seize businesses or personal property and the tracking of non-US nationals suspected of being “lone-wolf” terrorists not tied to any extremist groups.

Being credited for convincing some in the Teaparty to vote against the extension is Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) who challenge them to stand up to their claims for a less invasive governemnt. In a statement, he said;

“The 112th Congress began with a historic reading of the U.S. Constitution. Will anyone subscribe to the First and Fourth Amendments tomorrow when the PATRIOT Act is up for a vote? I am hopeful that members of the Tea Party who came to Congress to defend the Constitution will join me in challenging the reauthorization.”

The measure now moves to the floor of the House of Representatives for debate. A simple majority is then needed to approve the extension.

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