Michele Bachmann Republican

For A Small Woman, She’s Such A Big Liar – Bachmann Says Obama’s Presidency Costs $1.4B A Year

During last year’s GOP presidential race, Bachmann racked up the highest ratio of Four-Pinocchio comments, so just about everything she says needs to be checked and double-checked before it is reported.

In this case, Bachmann appears to be citing the self-published book “Presidential Perks Gone Royal,” by Republican lobbyist Robert Keith Gray, though one wonders whether she actually read the book — which is only 131 pages — or just read a summary that appeared in the Daily Caller, since many of her points are highlighted in the Daily Caller article.

The Fact Checker read the book so that you don’t have to. It provides no specific sourcing for any of its claims, though in the back it provides a list of articles and books that presumably the author consulted. He claims that the book is not intended as an attack on President Obama, but only on the imperial trappings of the presidency, though the subtitle of the book is: “Your taxes are being used for Obama’s re-election.”

Bachmann, however, framed it as an attack on Obama, and we will examine her claims in that context. How does Obama compare with other presidents?

Bachmann’s headline figure is that Obama’s presidency costs $1.4 billion a year. Gray never quite explains how he developed that figure, though another self-published book, “The 1.4 Billion Dollar Man: Costs of the Obama White House,” by self-help writer John F. Groom, attempts to provide a breakdown. But what is quickly apparent is that this number covers every possible expense, including many having to do with the security that is necessary to protect the president. The figures also include the cost of the White House policy-making staffs. Are those really all “perks and excess?”

Groom’s figures include a number of somewhat fishy guesstimates (“unreimbursed campaign expenses”), but as it happens, a much more credible scholar — former White House aide Bradley H. Patterson Jr. — attempted to figure out the tab for the White House for a book, “To Serve the President,” published in 2010 by the Brookings Institution.

Patterson estimated that the cost of running the White House for fiscal year 2008 — when George W. Bush was president — was nearly $1.6 billion. About half — more than $800 million — related to the Secret Service budget. An additional $271 million was spent on the president’s helicopter squadron.

If Bush is a $1.6 billion man, does that make Obama a relative bargain at $1.4 billion?

h/t The Washington Post

Herman Cain Michele Bachmann sexual harassment

Michele Bachmann Calls Herman Cain Inconsistent

In a radio interview airing today, Michele Bachmann – one of many Republicans trying to beat President Obama in 2012 – expressed her concerns about her fellow Republican and front-runners in the nomination process, Herman Cain.

Answering questions about Cain’s sexual harassment allegations, Bachmann said;

Now this is significant. There has been 10 instances in the last month where he’s changed his positions on significant issues. On the issue of pro-life, he said the government shouldn’t intervene to protect life and then he switched and said ‘no they should.’ He said he wasn’t for the marriage amendment, then he said he was. Then he said that he would allow the terrorists to go out of Guantanamo Bay. In other words he would release the terrorists. Then he changed his mind and said ‘no.’ He just said this week that China was developing a nuclear weapon. They’ve had one for 47 years. He said that 9-9-9 would be equitable and fair, then he changed it to 9-0-9 after people called out his errors.

… That’s what the real issue is with Herman Cain’s campaign: the fact that he’s switched his positions when he found out that they weren’t acceptable by the people who were voting. That should really give people pause. Everyone loves him, who doesn’t? He has a great personality, but this is the leader of the free world that we’re talking about … We need to know that our President of the United States is going to go in there and do bold things and know what they’re talking about and be consistent. That’s what I bring that no other candidate brings. That’s why I am set apart and it’s why we can’t settle.

In other news, Michele Bachmann just realized that China already have nuclear weapons, thanks to Herman Cain’s ignorant claim that the Chinese are trying to develop nuclear capabilities.

Michele Bachmann

Jon Stewart And Jerry Seinfeld – Is Marcus Bachmann Gay?

Okay, I’ll admit it. Sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes, you can watch someone’s behavior, their mannerism, the way they talk, walk and dress, and from these appearances, you can most of the time accurately determine the sexual orientation of that person. Most of the time…

Have you ever seen Marcus Bachmann’s movements or listen to his speech patterns? My opinion is not conclusive, but in my view, it all points to one thing…

Marcus opened a clinic with his wife and Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, and their claim to fame is the ability to cure gay people.

It is with this in mind I direct your attention to the video below, where Jon Stewart tries to figure out Michele Bachmann’s husband’s preference. And while having some, um, issues trying to come to an initial conclusion, Mr. Stewart invites Jerry Seinfeld to contribute his opinion.

In the end, the conclusion is made that Bachmann’s husband Marcus, cures gays, so he can “hoard all the gayness for himself.”

democrats Michele Bachmann Republican Sarah Palin United States

Hold Your Laughter – Bachmann Says Democrats Are Afraid Of Her

Okay. This post is not going to be very long. Get this… hold your laughter… Michele Bachmann thinks Democrats will be “terribly afraid of a Michele Bachmann candidacy for president of the United States.”

The Associated Press is reporting the Bachmann claim came after the Republican presidential wannabe toured the New Hampshire Statehouse. Bachmann then headed for a “Road to the White House” interview at WXKL-FM radio station, where she said this;

“I think that comparison shows me very favorable compared to the current president of the United States,” she said.

If she runs, Bachmann said she will emphasize how her background as a lawyer, business owner and mother makes her most qualified to turn the economy around.

“I’ve got that background, of being a person who worked my way through college,” she said. “We’re self-made people — I get it.”

Okay, now you can laugh!

CNN Michele Bachmann Republican United States USA PATRIOT Act

Bachmann Disappoints Her Fans Again

In a shocking twist, we find out that Michele Bachmann is just another opportunistic politician. Well, maybe not shocking, but after promising the Teaparty that she will promote “small government,” Bachmann voted ‘yes’ for a bill that represents one of the largest government intrusion into the lives of ordinary Americans – the Patriot Act.

She explains the reason for her vote on her Facebook page;

Today I voted for a temporary extension of three legal authorities in the Patriot Act. This vote was not for a full reauthorization of the Patriot Act. As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, I look forward to briefings and reports from our intelligence community that will help us develop longer term solutions as we protect our nation against international terrorism.

Her fans are not happy

Well, this didn’t go over too well with her Facebook fans. Page after page of negative responses were posted in reference to Michele’s vote. Below is a small section from some angry fans:

CNN Michele Bachmann Slavery United States

No Bachmann, You Cannot Re-Write Our History!

Republican Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann is a trip! Really, she is!

Mrs. Bachmann spoke over the weekend at an Iowans For Tax Relief event, and either tried to remake history, or give her version of what she thought happened, in regards to how people were treated back in the founding days of this nation.

The Congresswoman, who has presidential ambitions for 2012, said that everyone who came to these shores, whether willfully or through slavery, “were all the same,” when they arrived.  She said;

“How unique in all of the world, that one nation that was the resting point from people groups all across the world. It didn’t matter the color of their skin, it didn’t matter their language, it didn’t matter their economic status.

“Once you got here, we were all the same. Isn’t that remarkable?”

Another claim by Mrs Bachmann was that the founding fathers did all they could to end slavery. She claimed, “”we also know that the very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States.” Bachmann also claimed,

“I think it is high time that we recognize the contribution of our forbearers who worked tirelessly — men like John Quincy Adams, who would not rest until slavery was extinguished in the country.”

Gone from her history book is the fact that many of the founding fathers owned slaves, and yes, history showed that John Quincy Adams became a vocal advocate to end slavery, but he wasn’t a founding father and he also died in 1848 before the Emancipation Proclamation was signed in 1863.

Anderson Cooper however, heard these false claims of Mrs. Bachmann – who probably thought the event wasn’t being recorded and no one would hear the lies she was telling. Mr. Cooper, host of CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360, featured Bachmann’s claims on a segment of his show called “Keeping Them Honest.”

And that he did. Anderson give the lying Bachmann a lesson in American History. He said Bachmann’s comments “are either a deliberate rewriting of our history, or signs that she has a shaky grasp on our history.”

See Anderson Cooper’s Keeping Them Honest segment below:

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