Iowa Politics presidential Republican White House

The Crazy Bachmann Antics Are Now Suspended… Until Further Notice

If last night was any indication, we already knew Michele Bachmann was gonna quit. In her concession speech – after pulling in only 5% of the primary votes in Iowa – Bachmann, the senator from Minnesota who was actively pursuing the presidency, told her handful of supporters that she “was not a politician.”

“I am a very real person,” Bachmann said, “I am not a politician, nor do I ever hoped or aspire to be a politician.”


Bachmann then went on to tell her audience that her campaign will continue, and that her hopes were to win the New Hampshire primaries next Tuesday.

But something happened after the microphones were turned off; after the camera crew packed up and left, wondering how they got stuck with the assignment of covering a loosing politician; after her supporters went home disappointed at squandering their precious votes. That ‘something’ was that  Bachmann checked her campaign purse and realized that all her campaign donations were spent. And the reality of the situation was a hard smack  to the face.

So, the camera crews gathered one last time, the microphone turned back on and today, sometime after 11am, Michele Bachmann stepped up to the podium;

“Last night the people of Iowa spoke with a very clear voice and so I have decided to stand aside…I will continue fighting to defeat the president’s agenda of socialism.”

We are saddened by Michele Bachmann’s departure from the Republican presidential race. She was crazy and her antics will be sorely missed.

For instance, like the time she reported that the swine flu epidemic in the 1970’s was caused by a Democratic president, Jimmy Carter, being in the White House, when in fact, a Republican named Gerald Ford was President.

And although there are still plenty of loonies running for the Republican nomination, Bachmann was truly one of the best.

Bye-bye Michele!


Featured United States

Teaparty Congressman Collects Disability From His Union Job

Rep. Chip Cravaack won the midterm election for Minnesota in 2010, thanks in part to his extreme Teaparty platform. The newly elected congressman even voted for the Paul Ryan Teaparty backed budget, that will end medicare and replace it with a voucher program which seniors would be expected to use to satisfy their health needs.

But a little overlooked fact about Chip Cravaack is that he worked as a pilot for the Northwest Airlines as recently as 2007 and being a pilot means that you are a member of a Union, thus receiving the benefits of union negotiated salaries, vacations and ultimately, disability payments.

Recent financial records released by Cravaack showed that he received  $92,273 in 2010 from disability payments he received from Northwest. At this very same time Cravaack was receiving his checks, he was campaigning in Minnesota promising to end “big government,” and often using the usual Republican talking points of bashing unions.

Oh, and by the way, Chip Cravaack is also a veteran, which means that in addition to his government provided health care in Congress, he also gets benefits from the VA, allowing him to go to any government-owned Veteran’s Administration facility in the nation and receive what he and Teaparty calls, “socialized medicine.”

Only in America. You just gotta love this!

Barack Obama Politics Republican United States

Republicans Push The Least Among Them For President

Michele Bachmann couldn’t do her job as a legislator, but she wants to preside over  the most powerful nation on the face of the earth.

Politico had this to say about Bachmann’s legislative work since getting the job as Minnesota’s congresswoman

Now in her third House term, Bachmann has;

  • Never had a bill or resolution she’s sponsored signed into law, and she’s
  • Never wielded a committee gavel, either at the full or subcommittee level.
  • Bachmann’s amendments and bills have rarely been considered by any committee, even with the House under GOP control.
  • In a chamber that rewards substantive policy work and insider maneuvering, Bachmann has shunned the inside game, choosing to be more of a bomb thrower than a legislator.

How is it possible that someone who’s  been so inefficient at doing her job be considered as a “front-runner” for the Presidential nomination? The answer is simply, that she’s a Republican and for whatever reason, today’s Republican/Teaparty voter is looking for the least qualified among them to become the most powerful person on earth. And recent history has proven this theory. See Ronald Reagan and George Bush!

I wouldn’t be surprised if Joe The Plumber is their secret weapon for 2012!

Mitt Romney Politics Republican United States

Why Does Michele Bachmann Lie So Much?

Honestly speaking, we don’t know. What we do know, is that Bachmann will say anything and everything, despite what everyone knows to be the truth, if it means there is a slight chance she may advance herself politically with the extremely far right and Teaparty

We can point back to just about any interview Bachmann has given since jumping into the spotlight, but right now we will focus on a recent one she did  Sunday while the 2012 Republican presidential hopeful made her rounds on the cable news networks. Ladies and gentlemen, please direct your attention to CBS’s Bob Schieffer.

In the interview, Schieffer questions Bachmann about a lie she keeps repeating, that President Obama only issued one offshore oil drilling permit. Of course, the truth is that when Bachmann originally made that statement, the Obama Administration had already issued 270 permits. Here’s Mr. Schieffer;

SCHIEFFER: I want to ask you about something else. A lot of your critics say you have been very fast and loose with the truth. You know, the po– PolitiFact, which is a website that won a Pulitzer, did an analysis of 23 statements that you made recently. Of these 23, only one they said was completely true. Seven they call pants on fire kind of falsehoods. Four were barely true and two were half truths. How do you answer that criticism? Because here’s one of them, you know, you said on the record there had been only one offshore oil drilling permit during the Obama administration and, in fact at that time there had been 270.

How do you explain that?”

Michele Bachmann, who claims she accepted Christ at the age of 16 years old and lives a Christian life, decides to continue lying – right there on cable television, with the cameras recording her every word.

BACHMANN: Well, you know, I think that what is clear more than anything is the fact that President Obama does — has not been issuing the permits, that he should have been issuing on offshore drilling that’s…”

SCHIEFFER: Well, it’s more than three hundred now. At… at that time there had been two hundred and something. And you said there had been only one.

BACHMANN: But as far as drilling goes, we hadn’t been drilling what we need to– that’s why we just this week blah blah blah blah…

BACHMANN: No, I haven’t misled people at all. I think the question would be asked of President Obama. When you told the American people that if we borrow a trillion dollars from other countries and spend it on a stimulus that we won’t have unemployment go above eight percent and today as we are sitting here, it’s 9.1 percent and the economy is tanking. That is what’s serious. That’s a very serious statement that the President made. Did he mislead the American people? Not only did he mislead the American people, he’s caused our economy to go down.

Given the opportunity to set the record straight, Bachmann tried to twist and turn and reroute the misleading claim even more, pointing fingers at President Obama and suggesting that old childish excuse – you know, the “he did it too” routine.

Then, expectantly, to wheedle out of the oil permit lie, Michele lies again! This time, claiming that President Obama promised that the stimulus would keep unemployment below 8%.

The truth of the matter is, and according to Politifact – the very same fact-checking organization Schieffer referenced in pointing out Bachmann’s lie – President Obama never made such a claim. Politifact found the following;

“Obama warned upon taking office that if “dramatic action” were not taken, “the unemployment rate could reach double digits,” with the recession lasting years. But neither we, nor our colleagues at PolitiFact’s Washington, D.C. bureau, could find evidence of anyone in the administration making a public pledge along the lines of “if we pass the stimulus, we promise unemployment will stay below 8 percent.”

Why does Michele Bachmann lie so much? Again – we’re just not sure, but we do see that lying is something that has been perfected by Republicans. Yes, Democrats do it too, but Republicans like Bachmann have mastered the art.

Mitt Romney Politics Republican Sarah Palin

Bachmann Lied About “Raising” 23 Kids

The only quality I’ve appreciated about Michele Bachmann is slowly beginning to erode. On many occasions, Mrs. Bachmann has claimed that she raised 23 foster kids along with her 5 children, but new reports being released tell a different story. Bachmann didn’t raise 23 foster kids. Some of these kids only stayed in her home for a few weeks. How is that raising them?

Kris Harvieux, who worked as a senior social worker in the foster care system in Bachmann’s county said at least some of Bachmann’s placements were likely short-term.

“Some of them you have for a week. Some of them you have for three years, some you have for six months,” he said. “She makes it sound like she got them at birth and raised them to adulthood, but that’s not true.”

According to Goldberg, the Minnesota Department of Human Services reports that Bachmann’s foster care license allowed her to care for at most three children at any one time; she had the license for 7 1/2 years.

Bachmann’s feeble attempt to explain the misunderstanding was to say that the length of time the children stayed in her care “varied, depending on the child.” Yea, but how is this “raising” 23 kids?

Michele Bachmann is another Republican candidate trying to get the Republican’s nomination to run the White House in 2012, yet she can’t get her story straight about what happens in her own home.


democrats Michele Bachmann Republican Sarah Palin United States

Hold Your Laughter – Bachmann Says Democrats Are Afraid Of Her

Okay. This post is not going to be very long. Get this… hold your laughter… Michele Bachmann thinks Democrats will be “terribly afraid of a Michele Bachmann candidacy for president of the United States.”

The Associated Press is reporting the Bachmann claim came after the Republican presidential wannabe toured the New Hampshire Statehouse. Bachmann then headed for a “Road to the White House” interview at WXKL-FM radio station, where she said this;

“I think that comparison shows me very favorable compared to the current president of the United States,” she said.

If she runs, Bachmann said she will emphasize how her background as a lawyer, business owner and mother makes her most qualified to turn the economy around.

“I’ve got that background, of being a person who worked my way through college,” she said. “We’re self-made people — I get it.”

Okay, now you can laugh!

Featured Republican United States

Republicans Now Bringing Back School Segregation

We”ve all heard the cries from Republicans and Teapartiers claiming that they “want their country back!” Have you ever wondered what exactly was meant by the phrase? Well, here’s one way they’re trying to take back their country… Republicans in Minnesota want their school system segregated, and they’re in the final phases of funding a bill that will do just that.

The language in the bill, appears in the “Repealer” section of the bill on page 53, and was discovered by Aaron Klemz at the Cucking Stool. The language itself is a bunch of jargon, you know… political language that the average person may overlook. It says;

(b) Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 124D.86, subdivisions 1, 1a, 2, 4, 5, and 6; and Minnesota Rules, parts 3535.0100; 3535.0110; 3535.0120; 3535.0130; 3535.0140; 3535.0150; 3535.0160; 3535.0170; and 3535.0180, are repealed.

Aaron Klemz looked into this and discovered the following:

It’s well-known that Republicans would target school integration aid, which is the subject of Section 124D.86. But the repeal of the regulations under part 3535 would literally remove “Minnesota’s commitment to the importance of integration in its public schools” from Minnesota regulations. Additionally, it would eliminate regulations requiring collection of data about segregation and requiring action to integrate racially segregated schools.

So what excuse are Republicans running with? Rep. Pat Garofalo (R-Farmington) who chairs the committee drafting the legislation told the City Pages;

“Desegregation is an important goal, but a more important goal is reading, writing, and arithmetic. Candidly, I think it’s somewhat insulting to say that in order for a black child to be learning he needs to be sitting next to a white child.”

The assumption by Garofalo that desegregation in schools benefits a black child because that child is “sitting next to a white child” seems ludicrous to me, and it shows the type of mentality that will foster and entertain the language in this legislation. Desegregation is a necessary step for racial integration in our society.

And this step backwards, or “taking the country back” is also a violation of the Constitution.

When the United States Supreme Court passed its landmark decision on Brown vs The Board of Education in 1954, the court decided that any state law establishing separate public schools for black and white students was unconstitutional, a direct violation of the Equal Protection clause mentioned in the 14th amendment of the Constitution. That clause states;

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

They proclaim their love and commitment to the Constitution of these United States, but commitment is more than just words… it’s deeds!


Politics Republican Sarah Palin South Carolina United States

Sarah Palin Is Just Folksy Slangs and Bumper-Sticker Generalities

That description is not coming from me, but from her fellow Republicans who question whether she should be nominated for President in 2012, or even if her name should be mentioned as a potential candidate.

Steven Thomma reports;

At a recent gathering in South Carolina, the site of a crucial early presidential primary next year, party activists said the former Alaska governor didn’t have the experience, the knowledge of issues or the ability to get beyond folksy slang and bumper-sticker generalities that they think is needed to win and govern.

Many are shopping for someone else. They’re looking at Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., for example, and seeing what they call a smarter, more experienced candidate who’s equally as conservative.

“Sarah Palin with a brain,” said Gail Moore, a Republican from Columbia.

While national polls show that Palin still would win the support of about one in five Republicans in a national face-off today for the nomination, she no longer can claim the dominant role she enjoyed when she burst out of the 2008 campaign as the undisputed star of the party. She’s also losing ground quickly among independents, who hold the keys to the White House.

“Her major weakness is that she needs to bone up on how the government works,” said Don Long, a retiree from Lake Wylie, S.C. “I don’t know if she’s done as much of that as she needs to.”

Equally funny is their assumption that Michele Bachmann has a brain, or is more electable than Palin is. But these potential nominees exemplifies the Republican conundrum.  When you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place, just pray that you’re not claustrophobic!

Read the rest of the report here.

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