Donald Trump Politics

Just Announced – Michele Bachmamn Tops Trump’s Evangelical Advisory Board

It was expected. Well within the realm of possibilities for this particular candidate and this particular campaign to have Michele Bachmann as an evangelical advisor. Yes, Michele Bachmann. I expect nothing less… I don’t think there’s anything or anyone less…

Per NBC News’ Ali Vitali, Trump unveiled the members of this board on Tuesday and former Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann was right at the top of the list:

Politics Steve King

Ted Cruz Brings Out the Crazies – Steve King and Michele Bachmann Joins Campaign

Ever wonder why Canadian born Ted Cruz is polling high in the Republican presidential nomination process? Well wonder no more.

Ted Cruz has figured out just how crazy the Republican base is. Heck, look at the HUGE support they’ve dropped in the lap of Donald Trump. So with that in mind, Cruz is pandering to the side of the Republican party he can identify with – the crazies. And to pacify their thirst for pure insanity, Cruz is actively campaigning with the likes of Michele Bachmann, Peter King and Louie Gohmert to name a few.

Lawmakers like Reps. Steve King of Iowa and Mo Brooks of Alabama are attending campaign rallies with Cruz…So far, Reps. Jim Bridenstine of Oklahoma, and Louie Gohmert and John Ratcliffe of Texas have been surrogates for Cruz at Republican debates. And Bridenstine recently hosted an event in Tulsa and did an Internet ad for the campaign pushing back against Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s attacks on Cruz’s national security credentials. Other lawmakers who have endorsed Cruz include Texas Reps. Randy Weber, Brian Babin, Michael Burgess and John Culberson. Reps. Jody Hice of Georgia, Sam Graves of Missouri and Dana Rohrabacher of California are also behind Cruz.



Bachmann’s Followers Chastise Her for Comparing Obama to German Co-pilot

Like only the crazy Bachmann Lunatic can, she took the opportunity to use the German plane crash for her own dumb Republican politics.

In a post on her Facebook page, the retired Republican congresswoman saw it fit to compare the president of the United States to the co-pilot of the German flight, whose apparent intentional actions crashed the plane killing all 150 people on board.

Said Bachmann;

With his Iran deal, Barack Obama is for the 300 million souls of the United States what Andreas Lubitz was for the 150 souls on the German Wings flight – a deranged pilot flying his entire nation into the rocks. After the fact, among the smoldering remains of American cities, the shocked survivors will ask, why did he do it?

Luckily, Americans have morals and we’re quick to shut down the lunacy emitting from the Republican.

Melissa Coca, replied with this comment;

Comparing this tragedy to anything is moronic and despicable. Congratulations, for once more upholding the level of stupid which only you can.

And this from Henry Graham Kicklighter

I’m so glad that you’re a political has-been, Michele

And Steve Crews had this to say;

Hey fear mongers you should try passing rumors that are true. But You would have to give up on a lot of your rants on here. It has been proven he is not muslim, he is a citizen of the US, he is doing everything he can to avoid a war with Iran (no thanks to 47 traitors) some of you are republican that no matter what you won’t belive anyone that disagrees with you. Some are racist, bigots. And some just vote stright party. He is a good man just he has different ideals than you and you can’t belive a black man might have a better ideal than a bunch of old white men. If you could get over it we would be lots better off.

On and on the disgust for Michele and the Republicans went, and I smiled in delight that my fellow Americans are seeing these people for the sickos they really are.

Featured Politics

Michele Bachmann Hints She May Run for President in 2016

Lol… as if the present stock of Republican candidates aren’t looney enough, looney tunes herself is hinting that she may run again in 2016.

In an interview with RealClearPolitics, Michele Bachman said that all the media does is speculate that only Republican men are running for president.

“The only thing that the media has speculated on is that it’s going to be various men that are running. They haven’t speculated, for instance, that I’m going to run. What if I decide to run? And there’s a chance I could run.”

Well, end the speculations Bachmann, make the announcement. There is always room for one more in the Republican clown car.

Up next, Mitt Romney and Herman Cain!

executive orders Politics

OMG – Is Fox No Longer a Republican Safe Zone? Michele Bachmann Finds Out – Video

So, Chris Matthews and MSNBC are trying to get Republicans to come on their network by appeasing them and repeating their talking points. And over at Fox, Republicans are slowly beginning to find out that Fox News may no longer be the safe haven for their lies and misinformation.

Megyn Kelly first took on Dick Cheney, calling him a liar when he spoke about Iraq, then she took on John Bolton questioning his lies and the role he played in the Iraq invasion.

Now Neil Cavuto interviewed Michele Bachmann and a shouting match ensued!

The interview had to do with the laughable Republican notion that President Obama is overstepping his authority by issuing Executive orders. John Boehner, as you would recall, just announced that he is planning to sue the president over said orders. Cavuto brought Bachmann on his Fox show on Wednesday and asked her about this lawsuit and whether this was the more efficient way to tackle this issue. He refered to Boehner’s suit as an “enormous waste of effort” and “a political football.”

Bachmann of course tried to defend the enormous waste of effort because, like a typical Republican, that is what she does. And so began the shouting match.

Watch below.


Michele Bachmann – Jan Brewer Should Have Passed the Arizona Discrimination Bill

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer received kudos from many of her fellow Republicans for vetoing a controversial bill that would have allowed businesses to refuse service to gays and lesbians based on religious beliefs.

But Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann is not one of those Republicans. The founder of the House Tea Party Caucus told ABC News-Yahoo News that she was “sorry” Brewer struck down Senate Bill 1062.

“I believe that tolerance is a two-way street, and we need to respect everyone’s rights, including the rights of people who have sincerely held religious beliefs,” Bachmann told ABC’s Jeff Zeleny in the interview.

Bachmann went on to say there is a “terrible intolerance afoot in the United States” that is directed at people who have strongly held religious beliefs.

Mitt Romney and John McCain, the GOP’s two most recent presidential nominees, Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona, the state’s Chamber of Commerce and the host committee for the 2015 Super Bowl were among those urging Brewer to veto Senate Bill 1062. She did so on Feb. 26, saying the measure was broadly worded and could have “unintended and negative consequences.”

executive orders Politics

Michele Bachmann Plans Lawsuit if Obama Follows The Constitution on Executive Orders

If you only listen to these Republicans, you’d thing that the term “Executive Orders” originated in the Obama administration. And you’d think that Republicans have gone above and beyond, doing all they can to work with the president in making sure the country moves forward. You’d be perplexed, trying to figure out what the President’s State of The Union Address was all about and you’d be confused as to why Obama talked about doing it alone if Congress failed to act.

If the person described above fits your way of thinking, then I’d say you’re probably an avid Fox News viewer. But as usual, you’re not getting the truth watching Fox.

The facts of the matter is, Congressional Republicans have done everything possible to block this president, to render his presidency a failure, to make sure Americans feel the pain, to make sure they suffer for electing the black dude in the White House. And after years of reaching out to Republicans, waiting for them to come to their senses, President Obama realized that time would never come and declared that he is now prepared to use the powers authorized by the Constitution, and do what he can for the American people.

And for his decision, Michele Bachmann is flipping out. How dare he follow the Constitution!?!?

Responding to the President’s State of the Union Address, Bachmann threw down the gauntlet!

“He’s the president of the United States. He’s not a king. He may think he’s a king, he may declare himself king, but that’s not what he is under our Constitution.”

“If he wants to move forward with this unilateral activity, he better be prepared for the lawsuit that the United States Congress will bring to him.”

Yea, you do that Michele. We already know that you have no clue about the Constitution, forget he Constitution. We all know you have serious issues with thinking. So do you Michele, do you…

ObamaCare Politics

Michele Bachmann Claims She Lost Her Insurance Because of Obamacare

Michele Bachmann is a government employee. That being said, all government employees are already covered by government provided health insurance, arguably the best insurance in the nation.

But if you listened to Michele Bachmann on CNN, you’ll walk away feeling sorry for the poor soul, because according to what Bachmann told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, she lost her insurance because of Obamacare.

Bachmann, a member of Congress, wants you to believe that she is a member of the 5 percent of Americans who have garbage insurance.

Oh the calamity!


Tid Bits

Michele Bachmann: Proof We’re Living In The End of Days

“Rather than seeing this as a negative, we need to rejoice, Maranatha, come Lord Jesus, His day is at hand…” ~ Michele Bachmann, praying for Armegeddon


Rep. Michele Bachmann believes that we’re living in the End Times. Truth be told, so do I, but I’m not about to blame the President. She claims to have proof.

On Saturday she spread the “Gospel According to Michele Bachmann” on a Christian radio program called ‘Understanding The Times’. On the show she said,

“President Obama waived a ban on arming terrorists in order to allow weapons to go to the Syrian opposition. Your listeners, U.S. taxpayers, are now paying to give arms to terrorists including al Qaeda.”

Honestly, if selling arms to the enemy was a prerequisite to the coming of End Times, America would have been Armageddon Central tens of presidential administrations ago. Weapons making and selling is big business around here Michele.

Right Wing Watch’s Brian Tashman points out though, that Bachmann — who on several occasions during her presidential campaign, has spoken of the second coming of Christ — may have been stretching the truth just a bit in her accusations against Obama.

“The Minnesota congresswoman referred to a decision by the Obama administration to allow vetted Syrian rebels not affiliated with terrorist organizations to help them resist chemical weapons attacks, which was spurred by the Syrian regime’s use of chemical weapons on civilians,” Tashman wrote. “While the administration’s move is only related to non-lethal, defensive and protective aid, Bachmann falsely claimed that ‘President Obama waived a ban on selling arms to terrorists.'”

Indeed, it was only a matter of time before Bachmann would come this close to calling the President The Anti-Christ. And no doubt there are many on the Christian far right and left who will believe her. But Bachmann and others have not come to this far gone conclusion all by themselves.

Hollywood assists a great deal in prophesying the End of The World coming just about around the time America’s has a Black man as President:

Tom Beck (Morgan Freeman) the calm, authoritative President who orders the use of nuclear weapons to destroy a comet on collision course with Earth in 1998’s Deep Impact.

Thomas Wilson (Danny Glover), tasked with the minor job of saving humanity from annihilation in 2012.

Elias Martinez (Blair Underwood), the newly elected president who finds himself saved from assassination by extra-terrestrial means in the show The Event.

And how about President Lindberg (Tom Lister Jr), the World President in Luc Besson’s 1997 movie The Fifth Element who was working against the clock to solve a riddle that would save earth from total destruction.

Truth be told these Black fictional Presidents fared pretty well in the face of pending “end-of-world” scenarios. If you can believe in the wisdom and prophetic abilities of Hollywood producers, than I’d say to Michele and the rest of the world, “Don’t worry. We’re in pretty good hands after all.


SNL: John Boehner And Michele Bachmann Sings about Shutting Down The Government Remix

Leave it up to Saturday Night Live to come up with this idea. Remixing a Miley Cyrus song and turning it into a song about the biggest political event in our nation today – The Republican Government Shutdown.

The stars of the parody music video below are the usual culprits – Republican House Leader John Boehner and Republican Minnesota House Rep. Michele Bachmann, singing about how they shut down the government.


Michele Bachmann Likens President Obama to a Crack Dealer

In an interview published today on the conspiracy-theory-happy website WorldNetDaily, Rep. Michele Bachmann likens President Obama to a crack dealer, accusing him of trying to “get Americans addicted to the crack cocaine of dependency on more government health care.”

The Minnesota congresswoman, who has alleged that Obamacare denies healthcare to conservatives, implements death panels and “literally kills” people, even tried to link health insurance exchanges to supposed ACORN-esque voter fraud in which non-existent people will sign up for insurance to make money.

Apparently, Bachmann is afraid that Americans will like the benefits of the Affordable Care Act so much that it will be “virtually impossible” for Republicans to repeal the reform law.

Pulling no punches, Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., told WND exactly why she thinks President Obama and Democrats are unwilling to negotiate with the GOP over Obamacare’s well-documented problems.

“I think the reason is because President Obama can’t wait to get Americans addicted to the crack cocaine of dependency on more government health care.”

“Because, once they enroll millions of more individual Americans, it will be virtually impossible for us to pull these benefits back from people,” the congresswoman explained.

“All they want to do is buy love from people by giving them massive government subsidies,” Bachmann summed up.

That’s why she wants lawmakers to do whatever they can to stop Obamacare, now.

“If it means delaying it, rather than repealing it. I’m for it. We have to do what we can do.”

Warning they are “making it up as they go along,” Bachmann predicted disaster if Obamacare goes ahead, because, “They’re trying to fly a plane they haven’t even built yet.”

ObamaCare Politics

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Battles With Michele Bachmann Over ObamaCare

The Minnesota Congresswoman went on CNN and had a rather heated discussion with host Wolf Blitzer over ObamaCare and the Republican push to shut down the government.

SIDENOTE: My sympathies go out to Mr. Blitzer for thinking that he was going to get a straight answer from the robot-like-talking-points queen.

In the clip below, Blitzer asked a set of reasonable questions about Obamacare:

  1.  Do you really believe if this law — and it is a law passed by the House, passed by the Senate, signed into law by the president, approved by the Supreme Court — goes into effect that women, seniors, children are going to die?
  2. Don’t you realize that millions and millions of Americans will now have health insurance earlier they didn’t have, health insurance.
  3. Is it good or bad that children can now be on their parents’ health insurance policies until they reach the age of 26?
  4. If you have a pre-existing condition, should you be allowed to buy health insurance?
  5. Should an insurance company be able to deny you insurance coverage?

All great questions. But Bachmann is a master of the Shake and Bake She should be playing basketball with the Minnesota Timberwolves. Bachmann was able to steer clear of any real answers to Blitzer’s questions by sticking to what she does best – the Republican talking points… in other words, she lied her way out of the studio.

See the encounter below.

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