Mike Huckabee Politics

Huckabee Suspends his Campaign – Gets Huge Likes from Twitter

In a tweet to his family members who supported his 2016 presidential run, Republican Mike Huckabee broke the sad news that he was formally suspending his failed campaign. As of the time of this post, the tweet had already received well over 7,500 likes, that’s well over 7,500 more responses Huckabee received than his total vote count in the Iowa Caucus!

While there were a couple people who wished him the best, many more had responses like this one;

Politics Steve King

Ted Cruz Brings Out the Crazies – Steve King and Michele Bachmann Joins Campaign

Ever wonder why Canadian born Ted Cruz is polling high in the Republican presidential nomination process? Well wonder no more.

Ted Cruz has figured out just how crazy the Republican base is. Heck, look at the HUGE support they’ve dropped in the lap of Donald Trump. So with that in mind, Cruz is pandering to the side of the Republican party he can identify with – the crazies. And to pacify their thirst for pure insanity, Cruz is actively campaigning with the likes of Michele Bachmann, Peter King and Louie Gohmert to name a few.

Lawmakers like Reps. Steve King of Iowa and Mo Brooks of Alabama are attending campaign rallies with Cruz…So far, Reps. Jim Bridenstine of Oklahoma, and Louie Gohmert and John Ratcliffe of Texas have been surrogates for Cruz at Republican debates. And Bridenstine recently hosted an event in Tulsa and did an Internet ad for the campaign pushing back against Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s attacks on Cruz’s national security credentials. Other lawmakers who have endorsed Cruz include Texas Reps. Randy Weber, Brian Babin, Michael Burgess and John Culberson. Reps. Jody Hice of Georgia, Sam Graves of Missouri and Dana Rohrabacher of California are also behind Cruz.



One Man Attends Martin O’Malley’s Campaign Event in Ohio

One man Event

The Democratic Presidential candidate made the shocking admission earlier today in an interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. Asked if he was able to convert the man and secure his vote, O’Malley truthfully admitted that he was unable to get the man’s endorsement.

“I’m working on him,” O’Malley said. “He claims he’s still uncommitted.”

“You know, it’s Iowa – people wait here until the last two weeks, they want to see the whole campaign play out. So I wasn’t surprised he was uncommitted, but I was glad he took the time to come out in the snow and see me.”

While other presidential candidates cancelled their Monday events because of heavy snowfall, which undoubtedly resulted in Ohio constituents deciding to stay out of the terrible weather, Martin O’Malley kept his scheduled and  attended the event anyway.

“We decided to plow through, quite literally, sometimes,” O’Malley said. “The very last event of the night we actually had a whopping total of one person show up, but by God he was glad to see me. So we spent the time with him.”

The one man at his campaign event apparently did not get the memo.


New York Times to Bottom-Feeder Chris Christie – “Go Home!”

The New York Times, the epitome of The Media. Republicans don’t like the media and often refer to media establishments as “lamestream.” So having a top shelve media outlet call for his departure, Chris Christie is sure to send out his fundraising letter, telling his supporters to donate, because the lamestream media is calling for him to “go home.”

The New York Times Editorial Board took the time to pen an article, urging Christie – a bottom feeder in the presidential polls – to go home and take care of the crises in New Jersey!

It’s that time in the ever-long presidential campaign when candidates lacking money and mojo are starting to go back to their plows. Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey should join them.

Mr. Christie has been called a lot of things, but until Wednesday’s debate performance, “barely there” was not among them. In eight minutes of speaking time, Mr. Christie said little of substance. As for his parting pitch that he’s “deadly serious about changing this culture” of government, well, his constituents in New Jersey know better.

This isn’t strictly about Mr. Christie’s fitness for the presidency. His role in New Jersey’s budget crisis, betrayal on affordable housing and the interlocking scandals on his watch, from Bridgegate to “the chairman’s flight,” say a great deal about that.

The point is that New Jersey is in trouble, and the governor is off pursuing a presidential run that’s turned out to be nothing more than a vanity project. Mr. Christie’s numbers are in the basement, and he’s nearly out of campaign cash. This is his moment, all right: to go home and use the rest of his term to clean out the barn, as Speaker John Boehner would say.

Needless to say, Chris Christie responded to the Times call for him to bow out, and he has apparently decided that the troubles in his state are not as important as his selfish goal to have the word ‘president’ attached to his name. In a tweet back to the Times, Christie said, “Can’t read the article because I don’t have a subscription, but I can tell you this – I am not going anywhere.”

Of course!

Mitt Romney Politics

TDAmeritrade and Chicago Cubs Owner Decide Against Jeremiah Wright Ads

Joe Ricketts, the founder of TDAmeriTrade and owner of the Chicago Cubs decided to scrap his plans to run a $10 million ad campaign against President Obama using the Republican created political boogeyman name Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Mr. Ricketts plan would have followed the same unsuccessful playbook Republicans used against Mr. Obama in the 2008 presidential campaign, where they tried to scare Americans into thinking that because the President went to Jeremiah Wright’s church, Mr. Obama had to be a crazy America-hating psycho.

Both Republicans and Democrats considered Mr. Ricketts proposed ad campaign a dumb move. “Right now, the story the voters are moved by, and tuned in to, is the economy,” said Republican Rick Wilson, who helped create some of John McCain’s ads in 2008. That statement was echoed by Republican House Speaker John Boehner who said, “I don’t know what these other people do or why they do it. All I know is the American people vote with their wallets.” Even Mitt Romney found the courage to make a statement, saying that he “repudiate that effort. I think it’s the wrong course for a PAC or a campaign.”

John McCain stayed away from the Jeremiah Wright issue in 2008 and when news of Mr. Ricketts plans came to light, McCain also issued a statement saying he is proud of the decision he made to not air ads featuring Jeremiah Wright, and if he had to do it all over again, nothing would change.

Even Joe Ricketts’ own daughter disagreed with her father. She told the Chicago Tribune exactly what she thought President Obama. “My view is that the president is doing a wonderful job,” she said. “He’s a great leader.”

With all the backlash from his own party, Mr. Ricketts came to the conclusion that reviving a dead issue may not be his best option.

Politics Rick Santorum

Jon Stewart Takes a Closer Look at Rick Santorum’s Campaign

Jon Stewart takes on Rick Santorum. Sidenote – why is Little Rickie the only one in the world who still think he can win the Republican nomination?

Back to Jon Stewart…

Abortions Newt Gingrich Politics Racism racist

Gingrich Supporter Says Democrats “Abort Black Babies.”

Did you know that if you’re a Democrat and you just happen to be black, then you customarily abort your babies? What? You didn’t know this? Well have no fear, we have Newt Gingrich and his supporters to educate us on the things black people do.

This bit of ‘Knowledge’ comes from Rick Tyler, the black people expert who just happens to be in charge of a SuperPAC supporting Newt Gingrich.

TYLER: More people are on food stamps today because of Barack Obama, they fail in the schools, you can ask Al Sharpton, the Democrats have failed in the public schools with the African-Americans, they abort their babies, they’ve done nothing to lift them out of poverty.

98 percent of African-Americans vote Democrat, okay? What have they gotten for it? Poor schools, poor neighborhoods, crime-ridden neighborhoods, a destruction of the family, and the Democrats want to abort their babies. That’s their position. I’m not going to defend that.

Now I was about to tear into this imbecile, but then I found this tid-bit; Rick Tyler is a worm of a human being who will someday see his ugly heart strangle him in the mirror. But looking beyond his disgusting words, what really marks him as the liar he is are his ‘statistics’, which had the word “LIE!” stamped across everything spilling from his smarmy little mouth.

Elections Politics

Polling Report: Special Florida Edition

I thought this one might be more fun, but Mitt’s got Florida all sewn up. It will be the first non-New England state he’ll have won so far, and if he gets over 40% (he will) he can claim a sizable mandate for the nomination. Newt is sounding too screechy these days, and his call for a moon shot was one of those over-the-top moments we came to expect from Herman Cain or Rick Perry.

Here are the latest RealClearPolitics numbers. Clearly, they show Romney running away with the Sunshine State. He’s feeling good, cracking jokes and generally loosening up on the hustings. If he can keep that up, he might actually be able to change the perception many people have of him as a tightly wound button-down candidate. The only other drama I can summon from this race is that perhaps the conservatives will abandon Newt as their standard-bearer in favor of Rick Santorum. That might take time to play out. Ron Paul is, well, Ron Paul.

The prediction:

Romney    43%

Gingrich    31%

Santorum  14%

Paul          11%

Romney gets big headlines, more endorsements and money for his PAC. Gingrich says he’s going to stay in the race, but I can see him not making it to Super Tuesday in March. Santorum leapfrogs over Newt into second place as more conservatives see him as the last best forlorn hope. Paul is, well, Paul.

That wailing sound you hear in the distance is Tim Pawlenty.

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Mitt Romney Politics Republican South Carolina Steven Colbert

New Ad – “Mitt Romney Is A Serial Killer!”

Help stop “Mitt The Ripper!”

 “As head of Bain Capital he bought companies, carved them up, and got rid of what he couldn’t use. If Mitt Romney really believes ‘Corporation are people, my friend,’ then Mitt Romney is a serial killer.”

If you believe Corporations are people…, help stop Mitt the ripper.”

The Colbert Report
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Mitt Romney Politics Ronald Reagan

Joe Biden on Mitt Romney – He Has No Idea Of The Broken Bargain

In a twenty minutes conference call to New Hampshire Democrats on Tuesday, Vice President Joe Biden and the Obama Administration amplified the 2012 presidential campaign.

Taking direct aim at the Republican frontrunner, Mr. Biden said that Romney’s “I like being able to fire people” comment – although it may have been taken out of context – shows how out of touch Republicans are with the struggles of the working class America.

He thinks it’s more important for the stockholders and the shareholders and the investors and the venture capital guys to do well [than] for those employees to be part of the bargain,” he said.

“We inherited a broken bargain. A deal our parents didn’t have to face. Middle-class folks, if you gave them an even chance, they got to share in the benefits they helped to produce for this country. That bargain was broken during the Bush years and we were determined to fix it.

“Listen to Mitt Romney. He has no idea the bargain even exists, let alone is broken. How else can you say the best way to fix the financial crisis is by letting it all go down to the bottom?”

Greed. It has been the underlining and unmentioned trait of the rich in this country for centuries. And for centuries, because of the negative stigma of greed, a stigma the rich didn’t want to be associated with, working class America felt as though they were part of the solution and shared in the profits they helped create.

Then something happened about thirty years ago. With the election of Ronald Reagan, the me first you never attitude was born and the decline of middle class America begun.

Today, after the Bush presidency, that attitude is in full view for all to see. Greed is no longer considered a negative word, in fact, it is a trait Americans are judged by. It is the dividing line that separates the two political parties, as Republicans believe giving everything to the rich is the only way the middle class would survive while Democrats on the other hand believe that all Americans should have a fair shot at the American dream.

The 2012 election is about a choice that couldn’t be any clearer. Do we re-elect a president who believes that every American must have equal opportunities to make their American dream a reality, or do we elect someone who agrees with the Ronald Reagan and George Bush philosophy that taking from the poor and giving to the rich is all that matters?

With one candidate’s policies we can once again return to a system where the American dream is possible. With the alternative, we can continue the nightmare that Reagan and Bush started.

Mitt Romney Politics Republican

Mitt Romney Says He’s Not A Career Politician. Let’s Go To The Video Tape

Another superb production by the DNC. This time, taking on the false claim by Republican Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney: “I didn’t spend my life in politics.”

Well, maybe not your  entire life Mitt, but a huge portion of it was spent in politics, and we’re sure if children were allowed to run for political office, you would have been first in line.

Herman Cain sexual harassment

Herman Cain To Woman Number 4 – Say Hello To My Little Friend

Woman number 4 has a name. She is Sharon Bialek and in 1997, she went to Herman Cain trying to get her job back after being laid off. But Cain had other plans for Mrs. Bialek – an introduction to his crotch!

Bialek, a Chicagoan, had raised money for the restaurant association before being terminated in 1997, Allred said. When she lost her job, she reached out to Cain for help.

“Mr. Cain instead decided to try to provide her with his idea of a stimulus package,” Allred said.

Bialek detailed Cain’s sexual overture, explaining that he spent money on a palatial hotel suite for her at the time of their meeting. When they saw each other in the evening, Bialek said he his hand on her leg, “reached for [her] genitals” and pushed her head toward his crotch.

Oh Mr. Cain, you are so smooth. I’m afraid to ask how many women you got this way, cause I believe there’s a woman number 5,6, 7 etc.

And while I write this, a diehard Republican just said to me, “I don’t know why, but I am drawn to the man even more. I like Herman Cain.”

Surprised? I’m not!

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