college Express Yourself job style teenager

My Year In Review

Every time my birthday  rolls around it seems like it was just yesterday I was a year younger; time really does seem to fly. Though going from 18 to 19, it seemed like a lifetime.

It’s amazing that a year ago I was enjoying my summer with my girlfriend of three years. My memory is a little foggy but I’m pretty sure I spent the afternoon with her, as was the norm with me and her. We exchanged gifts, considering our anniversary landed on the same day; I got her a key necklace with a heart as it’s main part, she also got me a necklace in the shape of a heart with our names inscribed in it. I’m not sure where that necklace went to..

I entered college that September at William Paterson University. Man oh man that was quite an experience. In a period of four months I watched my relationship crumble, learned that college isn’t easy, and that it’s a dog eat dog world. I left in late November, partly due to the fact I just wasn’t ready to be in college and because they locked my account since I apparently wasn’t a “legal” US citizen (don’t mind my SSN, bank account, drivers license, etc).

My parents were supportive of me leaving WPU, my dad was too caught up arguing with the school over their actions, but I felt alone in my world. I didn’t want to be the kid sitting around doing nothing with his life but also didn’t want to instantly jump into college again. So, I did what any sensible 18 year old would do, I became a certified bartender.

Being a bartender seemed like a cool idea, of course from a business perspective, paying an 18 year old to handle alcohol is a “no-no”. With that plan failing I just started looking around for whatever was out there. The job hunt had it’s many lows but, every now and then it provided me with a job and timeless memories.

I knew though that I couldn’t survive working as a promoter for clubs or working part time in a retail store. I took a deep deep breath and registered back up to go to college. Brace yourself Bergen County College, I’m coming for you!

One year, 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, has felt like a lifetime to me. My world has flipped upside down more than once and has undergone a change in every way. I’ve changed my friends, my style, my attitude, my view on life, and much much more. The 18 year old teen who walked cautiously into college a year ago has been replaced by a 19 year old who feels like he’s ready to take on the world.

(random image for laughs)

contraception Politics Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum “Believes That Life Begins At Erection.”

That is a quote from Bill Maher as he shared some of his feelings about Rick Santorum and the other Republican presidential candidates on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

Maher’s comment is based on some of the most extreme and controversial statements on social issues made by Santorum to date.

Mitt Romney Politics Republican

Mitt Romney Says He’s Not A Career Politician. Let’s Go To The Video Tape

Another superb production by the DNC. This time, taking on the false claim by Republican Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney: “I didn’t spend my life in politics.”

Well, maybe not your  entire life Mitt, but a huge portion of it was spent in politics, and we’re sure if children were allowed to run for political office, you would have been first in line.

Medicare Politics

If Rand Paul Had His Way…Video

Rand Paul is arguably one of the most far right, extremist members of the Republican Teaparty in Congress.  A self-described libertarian, Rand Paul has – among other things – expressed his desire to raise the deductible for seniors on Medicare, he wants to privatize social security and in doing so, allow the market to dictate how much of your benefits will produce a profit or if you lose it all.

Paul, like much of the other Republican Teapartiers want to eliminate the Education Department, eliminate Medicare, eliminate the minimum wage, repeal what they call “ObamaCare,” roll back Wall Street reform, put banks between students and their financial loans, eliminate the EPA, veteran’s affairs…these extremists and their views for America go on and on.

And one of the most extreme ideas put forward thus far, is the fight against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Rand Paul disagrees with the most basic parts of this Act and has criticized this bill on numerous occasions.

More specifically, Rand Paul would like business to discriminate against American citizens, for whatever reason – whether it’s based on race, sex or physical abilities. Rand Paul and his group of right winged nut-jobs think businesses should be allowed to do whatever they want, to whomever they choose.

So what would a Rand Paul World look like? Well, we can go back to the pre- Civil Rights era or we can watch this very accurate portrayal of the World Rand Paul would love to see here in 21st Century America. The clip is from the movie Life, starring Martin Lawrence and Eddie Murphy.

For more on Rand’s belief on Civil Rights, Click here.

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