college Express Yourself job style teenager

My Year In Review

Every time my birthday  rolls around it seems like it was just yesterday I was a year younger; time really does seem to fly. Though going from 18 to 19, it seemed like a lifetime.

It’s amazing that a year ago I was enjoying my summer with my girlfriend of three years. My memory is a little foggy but I’m pretty sure I spent the afternoon with her, as was the norm with me and her. We exchanged gifts, considering our anniversary landed on the same day; I got her a key necklace with a heart as it’s main part, she also got me a necklace in the shape of a heart with our names inscribed in it. I’m not sure where that necklace went to..

I entered college that September at William Paterson University. Man oh man that was quite an experience. In a period of four months I watched my relationship crumble, learned that college isn’t easy, and that it’s a dog eat dog world. I left in late November, partly due to the fact I just wasn’t ready to be in college and because they locked my account since I apparently wasn’t a “legal” US citizen (don’t mind my SSN, bank account, drivers license, etc).

My parents were supportive of me leaving WPU, my dad was too caught up arguing with the school over their actions, but I felt alone in my world. I didn’t want to be the kid sitting around doing nothing with his life but also didn’t want to instantly jump into college again. So, I did what any sensible 18 year old would do, I became a certified bartender.

Being a bartender seemed like a cool idea, of course from a business perspective, paying an 18 year old to handle alcohol is a “no-no”. With that plan failing I just started looking around for whatever was out there. The job hunt had it’s many lows but, every now and then it provided me with a job and timeless memories.

I knew though that I couldn’t survive working as a promoter for clubs or working part time in a retail store. I took a deep deep breath and registered back up to go to college. Brace yourself Bergen County College, I’m coming for you!

One year, 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, has felt like a lifetime to me. My world has flipped upside down more than once and has undergone a change in every way. I’ve changed my friends, my style, my attitude, my view on life, and much much more. The 18 year old teen who walked cautiously into college a year ago has been replaced by a 19 year old who feels like he’s ready to take on the world.

(random image for laughs)

ann coulter Politics Republican

A Highly-Favored Republican Voice Wants to Increase The Voting Age

Republicans are doing all they can to suppress and in some cases, take away the voting rights of ordinary Americans. Their latest efforts includes requiring voters IDs and a new low in Ohio, where a Republican led assault is on the way to reduce the amount of time voters in Democratic districts have to cast their ballots.

In some of these cases, the courts have ruled that these forms of suppression – or “maintaining the integrity of the voting process” as the Republicans have called it – are illegal and should not happen on American soil.

But now another voice considered highly favored in the Republican circle is trying to change the rules. Ann Coulter wants to increase the voting age.

According to a recent interview on Fox News, Mrs. Coulter said, “I think we ought to raise the voting age. You can’t drink until you’re 21. We don’t have a draft anymore. Why are we letting infants vote? Their brains aren’t fully formed.”

It’s just amazing that before Barack Obama won the 2008 election, there was no need to change anything. After 2008 however, Republicans have manufactured every conceivable reason to change the process in their favor.

Imagine two runners competing in a race and after the winner crosses the finish line, the loser claims victory because during the race he (the loser or today’s Republican party) decided that the last person to cross the finish line wins.

Side-note: Barack Obama overwhelmingly won the youth vote in 2008.

Mitt Romney Politics

Saturday Night Live Discovers Mitt Romney… The Chameleon

The good people at Saturday Night Live brings us Mitt Romney just the way we have seen him before – as the Republican presidential campaigner who have mastered the art of determining what his audience wants to hear, then magically transform himself into what that particular audience is looking for.

Ladies and gentleman, the Chameleon… Mitt Romney… as portrayed by Saturday Night Live.

Politics Unemployment

To Win an Election, Republicans are Changing The Rules in the Middle Of The Game

The economy is getting better and we can all see it. In the 12 months before President Obama took office – from January 2008 to January 2009, 4.1 million Americans joined the ranks of the unemployed. This all happened in 1 year and it happened under a Republican administration.

Over the last 25 consecutive months, due mainly to the economic policies of this Administration, the private sector have added millions of jobs, resulting in millions of Americans rejoining the workforce. And although the 8.2% unemployment figure is still unacceptable, we can all admit that we are headed in the right direction.

This is great news for economy and everyone should be happy that the country is beginning to rebound from what is being classified as a great depression. Everyone that is, except Republicans. In their never-ending effort to always make things seem worse than it really is, Republicans are now trying to change the rules in the middle of the game.

The Hill Reports:

A Republican lawmaker is intensifying his push for legislation that would change how the government measures the unemployment rate.

Rep. Duncan D. Hunter (R-Calif.) intends to press GOP leaders to move his bill to include the number of individuals who gave up looking for work in the percentage of jobless claims.

Should the government measure unemployment with Hunter’s figure, the unemployment rate would be higher than the current rate of approximately 8 percent– a potentially devastating assessment for the White House, especially in an election year.

Instead of pushing legislation that will create jobs and get people back to work, Mr. Hunter and his Republican buddies choose instead to play politics, and they are willing to change the rules of the game to remove any glimmer of hope the American people are feeling.

Yes, things are getting better, but the Republicans are working hard to change that!

Donald Trump Donald Trump Featured Republican Voter registration

Donald Trump Throws Republicans Under The Bus. He’s Now An Independent

Just what the Independents need, a self absorbed, narcissistic, lunatic who refuses to come to terms with the fact that no one cares about him… except PETA, as they continue their never-ending quest to free that animal on his head.

NEW YORK — Billionaire businessman Donald Trump has changed his voter registration in New York state from Republican to unaffiliated to preserve his option of running for president as an independent.

Michael Cohen, special counsel to Trump, said Friday that Trump could enter the race if Republicans fail to nominate a candidate who the real estate mogul believes can defeat President Barack Obama.

Cohen told to NBC News that Trump would consider his position “after the finale of ‘The Apprentice’ in May of 2012 if he is not satisfied with the Republican nominee for president.”

If Independents know what’s best for them and their cause, they will call the exterminator and get this parasite out from within their ranks and back into the Republican party where he belongs!

Politics Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum Begs Google To Change Search Results For His Name

If you haven’t done so yet,  you should really try and get to know Rick Santorum. Some of the basics: He is a one of the Republicans running for President in 2012, he’s a lawyer and a former United States Senator from Pennsylvania…and his last name has a very strange sexual connotation. Don’t believe me? Google “Santorum” and see for yourself. And it turns out that the Republican presidential candidate has been fighting to remove this description for years!

The association of  “Santorum” with this sex act is the handy work of  Dan Savage who, in 2003, created a website that successfully change the meaning of the Republican’s last name. Mr. Savage began his endeavor after the Republican compared homosexuality to incest and bestiality. Savage’s first action was to start a website called, all dedicated to his new definition of little Rickie’s last name.

Now, anyone using the search engine Google to look up information on “Santorum” gets this definition: “the frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex.”

So now Santorum, running for the Republican nomination to take on Barack Obama in the 2012 Presidential election is concerned, and he wants Google to do something about it. In an interview with Politico, Rick disclosed that he’s asked Google to clean up his name.

“I suspect if something was up there like that about Joe Biden, they’d get rid of it,” Santorum said. “If you’re a responsible business, you don’t let things like that happen in your business that have an impact on the country.”

He continued: “To have a business allow that type of filth to be purveyed through their website or through their system is something that they say they can’t handle but I suspect that’s not true.”

Google Update: We Can’t help you Rick. Contact the webmaster of the site responsible for the new definition of your name:

“Google’s search results are a reflection of the content and information that is available on the web. Users who want content removed from the Internet should contact the webmaster of the page directly,” the spokesperson said. “Once the webmaster takes the page down from the web, it will be removed from Google’s search results through our usual crawling process.”

After googling “Santorum” and seeing/reading its new definition, it is very hard accepting the fact that this “frothy mix of lube and fecal matter” is running (yeah, running… lol) for President of the United States.

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