Mitt Romney Politics

Saturday Night Live Discovers Mitt Romney… The Chameleon

The good people at Saturday Night Live brings us Mitt Romney just the way we have seen him before – as the Republican presidential campaigner who have mastered the art of determining what his audience wants to hear, then magically transform himself into what that particular audience is looking for.

Ladies and gentleman, the Chameleon… Mitt Romney… as portrayed by Saturday Night Live.

Mitt Romney Politics

Huntsman’s Supporters Call Romney A “Chameleon” – Ad

Jon Huntsman’s name will not be on the ballot next Tuesday in Iowa, but that is not stopping his supporters from rallying around him in New Hampshire, and in their rally cry to bring more attention to Huntsman, they’ve come up with a perfect name for Mitt Romney – a Chameleon!

The $300,000 ad campaign is expected to begin running across New Hampshire this weekend, according to an adviser for the organization known as Our Destiny PAC. The adviser was not authorized to comment publicly.

“Two serious candidates remain,” a voice says in the ad, which flashes images of Huntsman, the former Utah governor, and Romney, the former Massachusetts governor and front-runner in New Hampshire. “One willing to say anything, be anything. One who can actually do the job.”

It continues: “One state can stop the chameleon. Vote Jon Huntsman.”

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