Donald Trump Featured Politics

Donald Trump’s Flip Flopping Confuses his Closest Advisers 

Donald Trump is giving Mitt Romney a run for his money in the flip flopping department. Even his closest advisers are confused by the speed at which Trump changes his mind.

This week, Trump said the government should raise the federal minimum wage by roughly one-third, calling for a legal standard of $10 per hour. The federal minimum is currently $7.25 per hour.

The Republican presidential nominee has made a series of contradictory comments during his campaign, at times indicating wages are already too high and at other times suggesting a boost is in order.

At the Democratic National Convention this week in Philadelphia, Trump was hammered repeatedly by Democratic speakers for suggesting the minimum wage should be dropped.

But now that Trump is recommending a specific wage hike, it’s the right’s turn to gripe.

Trump’s latest position puts him at odds with conservative thinkers and most of the business community, which argues that a government-mandated wage hike would just mean fewer workers as businesses cut costs to meet the new requirement.

Even Trump’s own economic brain trust could not explain how the GOP nominee decided $10 per hour should be the new standard.

“I saw the statement that he made on TV, but I haven’t had the chance to talk to him in the last couple weeks about this,” Stephen Moore, an economist at the Heritage Foundation who is advising the Trump campaign on economic issues, told The Hill on Wednesday.

“I don’t know exactly what he was endorsing. The $10 minimum wage, that was the first I’d heard of that.”

Mitt Romney Politics

No Joke – Mitt Romney Thinks Hillary Clinton Fake, Cannot Be Trusted – Video

Now, when Mitt Romney ran for president the first time and got defeated, then ran the second time and got defeated, defeat was not the only thing that stuck to Mr. Romney, his uncanny ability to flip flop and be untrustworthy also stuck. So with that uncanny ability to be fake, Romney is calling out Hillary Clinton as being fake, just just like he is.

“When you see her on a stage or when she comes into a room full of people, she’s smiling with her mouth but her eyes say, ‘Where’s my latte?'” Romney said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“It just doesn’t suggest she believes everything she’s saying,” he continued, calling her performance “jarring.”

Romney faced similar criticism during his own runs for President for flip-flopping on multiple hot-button issues, struggling to connect with working-class voters, and saying things like he enjoys hunting “small varmints, if you will.”

“At this stage, what does she really believe?” he said on Monday. “I think people wonder, can they really trust Hillary Clinton?”


Mitt Romney Politics

Breaking – Mitt Romney Is Questioning President Obama’s Honesty… Yes, Mr Romnesia Himself!

Remember Mitt Romney? No? Well how about Mitt The Flip Flop Romney, remember him now? Yea? I thought so.

Mr. Flip Flop himself Went On Fox ‘ s Hannity show tonight and actually said that President Obama had lost “integrity and honesty” with the American people. Yes, you heard that right. Romney, the man who gained a reputation of saying one thing to the people on his right then saying the total opposite to those on his left has the nerve to talk about “integrity and honesty.”

And to answer your question, no, Sean Hannity did not burst out laughing at Romney’s performance. He actually managed to keep a straight face, seemed interested in the utter nonsense he was hearing. Hannity played the classic Fox News host, and egged Romney on with more leading questions.

“It’s a very difficult thing to try and reestablish a reputation for integrity and honesty if you’ve lost it in such a dramatic way,” Romney said.

Romney was talking about the now infamous claim by the President, “if you like your insurance you can keep it.” The president has since apologized for making that claim and explained what he meant. But Republicans, even those like Mitt The flip Romney – known for their lies and flip flops – have suddenly become engulfed in truth and morals, to the point where they think they can lecture the president.

What a charade! Their performance typical if the average Republican.


contraception Mitt Romney Politics rachel maddow

Mitt Romney – One Foot In Favor Of Contraception, The Other Foot For The Blunt Amendment – Video

Mitt Romney is known as a flip flopper, we all know that. And sadly, we are slowly beginning to accept the fact that the man Republicans want to be the next leader of the free world, has no backbone, no real grounds to stand on. It is sad that we are accepting the fact that Romney can be influenced to change his position by anyone and everyone.

And another example of this came in the second Presidential debate. Mitt Romney, realizing that he was losing among women voters, came up with a brand new position – that he is now for contraception and against employers telling women what they can and cannot use in the privacy of their bedrooms.

This is the same Mitt Romney who, just a few months ago, stated his strong support for the Blunt Amendment. The Blunt Amendment says that employers are allowed to tell women what they can and cannot do in the bedroom.

Rachel Maddow explains:

Mitt Romney Politics

If You’re Voting For Mitt Romney, You’ll Love This Video

A video all voters must see. It only makes sense that you know the character of the man you want to make that next President of the United States. It’s the responsible thing to do… especially if you consider yourself a patriot!


fail Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney Debates Mitt Romney – The Video

What if Mitt Romney had to debate himself. Who will win, or in Romney’s case, who will lose?

The good people over at Daily Kos took three of the many different positions Romney adopted over the course of this campaign, and the result is shown in the clip below.

It’s a great idea. I would like to see a longer debate between these two.

Mitt Romney Politics

Romney Throws Conservatives Under The Bus With These 5 New Positions

He’s been called many things – Mr. Etch a Sketch, a Flip-Flopper, a Chameleon and some have even called Mitt Romney a liar. But how will Conservatives describe Mr. Romney and his newfound positions that he unveiled in the debate? Here are at least 5 new positions Romney’s supporters would have issues with;

1. “There’s no legislation with regards to abortion that I’m familiar with that would become part of my agenda.” In an interview with the Des Moines Register on Tuesday, Romney backed away from the promises listed on his own website to appoint Supreme Court judges who will overturn Roe v. Wade and end all federal funding for Planned Parenthood. In June 2011, he also specified his support for a “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act,” an abortion ban based on junk science. More generally, Romney said he would be “delighted” to sign a bill banning all abortions during his first presidential run.

2. “We want to reduce the burden on middle-income taxpayers, and we’re not going to provide a tax break to high-income taxpayers.” In the same interview, Romney disavowed his own tax plan, which would give high-income taxpayers a litany of tax breaks, including an across the board 20 percent tax cut and the elimination of the estate tax. During the Republican primary, Romney admitted that his plan gives tax breaks to high income tax payers, promising he was “going to cut taxes on everyone across the country by 20 percent, including the top 1 percent.” In order to pay for these tax cuts on the wealthy, Romney would have to raise taxes on middle class families by more than $2,000.

3. “Pre-existing conditions are covered under my plan.” Romney misrepresented his health care plan during the debate. In fact, only people who were continuously insured are protected from discrimination. Millions of Americans who have been denied insurance for their pre-existing conditions would be left to their own devices under Romney’s plan.

4. “You have to have regulation. And there are some parts of Dodd-Frank that make all the sense in the world.” Also during the debate, Romney suddenly embraced the bank reform law he previously said he would repeal entirely.

5. “The people who have received the special visa that the president has put in place, which is a two-year visa, should expect that the visa would continue to be valid.” Considered the most hard-line immigration candidate in a field of extreme Republican candidates, Romney said he would allow the young undocumented immigrants to keep their special work permits issued by President Obama, though he plans to end the directive if president.


Mitt Romney Flips Again – Promises To Repeal ObamaCare “In Its Entirety”

Sunday: Mitt Romney went on Meet The Press and told the nation that he liked parts of ObamaCare. He reassured the American people that he will not repeal the entire bill because there are some parts he agreed with. Mr. Romney specifically mentioned the pre-existing conditions provision in ObamaCare, where insurance companies are required to provide insurance coverage to everyone no matter what their health history is. This, Mr. Romney said, was good policy and would remain in his version of healthcare.

Later on Sunday: Moments after Romney made his new position known, his campaign issued a statement basically saying, “there he go again!” The campaign explained that what Romney said on Meet The Press was incorrect, and reclaimed a previous position Romney held to repeal all of ObamaCare.

Monday: Romney backtracks on the new position he revealed on Meet The Press. On Monday, Romney bowed to his campaign and said in a radio interview that he will in fact, repeal all of ObamaCare in its entirety.

Some leader, huh? This is the man who Republicans have tapped to be the next leader of the free world, but he cannot stand up in opposition of his own campaign.

Romney’s Radio interview:

Mitt Romney Paul Ryan Politics

Hey, Paul Ryan Could Flip Flop Too – Video

He once credit Ayn Rand and particularly her book “Atlas Shrugged,” for teaching him about his “belief system.” But now, Paul Ryan – the newly appointed Republican vice presidential candidate – is trying to run far away… far far away from Ayn Rand, and he is leaving Mitt Romney in the dust on the road to Flip Flop City.

In 2005, Paul Ryan spoke to the Atlas Society and said this about Ayn Rand;“There is no better place to find the moral case for capitalism and individualism than through Ayn Rand’s writings and works.”

Below, Lawrence O’Donnell explains how fast Paul is running…

Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney Debunks Mitt Romney’s “Blind Trust” Claims – Video

Are we there yet? Are you at a point where you’re actually beginning to feel sorry for this guy… a guy we affectionately call Flip Romney because of his rather uncanny abilities to lie?

Well if not there yet, here’s another example.

Flipper over the last few weeks have been under increasing attacks Democrats to release his financial documents – a practice that began when his father George Romney, released 12 years of his taxes when he ran for president. But Flip Romney so far, has only released his 2010 taxes and a projection for 2011.

Romney’s taxes are important for a number of reasons, but mainly to show the American people that he is transparent in every way and has nothing to hide. Various reports however, have surfaced showing foreign investments by Romney in offshore tax havens like the Cayman Islands and other Swiss accounts, so naturally people are concerned that the next president of the United States could be a man who made money investing in other countries betting against the American dollar.

To combat this assumption, Romney is going around on the campaign trail claiming to have nothing to do with these investments. The investments were done by a “blind trust” he says, and he knew nothing of them or where his money went.

Well that’s all fine and good if it was the truth.

However, the video below shows Mitt Romney contradicting himself yet again. In 1994 when Romney was campaigning against Ted Kennedy for the Massachusetts Senate seat, Kennedy used the Blind Trust excuse to explain some of his investments. The 1994 Romney dropped this bit of information: that blind trusts are an “age-old ruse.” His exact words – “The blind trust is an age-old ruse, if you will, which is to say you can always tell a blind trust what it can and cannot do. You give a blind trust rules.”

So what are we to believe now Flipper? What are we to believe now!!!


Mitt Romney Politics

The Ultimate Flip Flop – Romney Now Takes Credit For The Auto Bailout

Okay, okay…! Now this is going too far and it shows exactly what Mitt Romney’s campaign think of the American voters – that we’re really slow to understand, and we’re easily guided… or misguided for that matter!

Of course you remember the auto bailout that Republicans in Congress voted against. Their claim was that the only way for the auto industry to succeed, was if it failed. Mitt Romney even wrote an opinion piece saying that a bailout of the auto industry was a bad idea. In fact, Romney went as far as saying that Detroit should “go bankrupt.” Democrats and the President however, took a different position and helped the struggling auto manufacturers.

Needless to say, this position by Mitt Romney and the Republicans proved to be wrong as Detroit and the auto industry have made a complete turn-around. American auto makers are now number one in the world again and the Republicans are on the wrong side. So it comes as no surprise that they are now trying to take credit for the success of the auto industry.

This is what The Hill is reporting;

One of Mitt Romney’s top advisers said Saturday that President Obama’s decision to bailout Chrysler and General Motors was actually Romney’s idea.

“[Romney’s] position on the bailout was exactly what President Obama followed. I know it infuriates them to hear that,” Eric Fehrnstrom, senior adviser to the Romney campaign, said.

“The only economic success that President Obama has had is because he followed Mitt Romney’s advice.”

Amazing… absolutely amazing! Not only is it amazing, their claim is also hilariously amusing!

If President Obama had “followed Mitt Romney’s advise” like this adviser is saying, the American auto industry would be an unpleasant memory. Hundreds of thousands (if not millions) would have lost their jobs, the unemployment rate would be in double figures and the economy would have taken a suicidal jump over the edge of the proverbial cliff. That is what the Republicans wanted and that was what Mitt Romney meant when he said “let Detroit go bankrupt.”

But now… now they want to claim credit!

Yes, these Republicans must think the American public have an attention deficit disorder!

Mitt Romney Politics

We Have A Winner

It’s been a long time coming, but we finally have incontrovertible evidence that Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee for president in 2012. Of course, forward-thinking readers of the Farmer Blog know that this was a foregone conclusion because they read it here, here, here, here, and, oh yeah, here.

Just sayin’

Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, and Newt Gingrich put up a heck of a fight and did more to dent, ding, derail and at times demoralize Romney and his supporters, and for that Obama voters can be eternally grateful. Romney’s comments about trees in Michigan or how many Cadillacs he has also hurt him and planted in people’s minds just how wealthy he is, but I suspect that those independents who will decide the race will forgive him if the economy stalls or he’s able to make the case that Obama doesn’t deserve a second term. The president is already running a spot that highlights Romney’s conservatism in anticipation of Mitt coming back to the center for the general campaign.

For his part, Romney will have difficulty running away from some of the harder right positions he took in the primaries, especially support of the contraception and abortion legislation that has alienated women from the GOP. Winning them back is possible, but it’s always more difficult to do that if women’s attitudes have already hardened. Look for Romney to try to be warmer and fuzzier, but that’s not playing to his strength. Right now he’s about as warm as the Titanic’s iceberg and as fuzzy as a Brillo Pad. And if he says any more rich-guy stuff he’ll be in real trouble.

As challenger, Romney is in a position where he’ll need to remind Americans that times are still bad and he’ll need to hope that they don’t improve or improve so slowly that he can label Obama as inept on the economy. Job growth slowed in March, but as the economy improves, and it is improving, Romney will need to accentuate the negative at a time when he’ll need to project a positive image. Tough to do.

Gas prices are another issue that he’ll use against Obama, but there are signs that prices are peaking at the pumps. Plus, the media is finally catching on to the fact that we are now a net exporter of fuel and are finding sources of energy in places unimaginable 10 years ago. This is also tricky for Romney because he’s essential saying that Obama should fiddle with the free market to lower prices, which is something that runs exactly opposite to the GOP’s free market ideology.

The President has his work cut out for him as well. The right-wing PACs have much more money than his left-wing supporters, and Romney was tremendously successful at using that money, and his, to beat back a zesty challenge from Gingrich and then Santorum, both of whom were running shoestring campaigns. Romney’s message will find some sympathetic ears in the battleground states, and although polls show Obama ahead nationally, that support will weaken somewhat under an onslaught of advertisements and right-wing media messages.

Here are links to analyses of what both Romney and Obama need to do to win. We’ll look at more as the race proceeds.

The latest polls show Obama’s job approval in positive territory and he’s presently in command of the Electoral College. I would certainly expect these numbers to change, but it’s always nice to be in the lead when the campaign starts.

For more, please go to and Twitter @rigrundfest  

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