Mitt Romney Politics

If You’re Voting For Mitt Romney, You’ll Love This Video

A video all voters must see. It only makes sense that you know the character of the man you want to make that next President of the United States. It’s the responsible thing to do… especially if you consider yourself a patriot!


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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

65 replies on “If You’re Voting For Mitt Romney, You’ll Love This Video”

I always find fact checkingEVERY WORD that comes out of the mouth of ANY AND ALL politicians helps me decide how bad of a liar he or she is. Obama passes with flying colors because anything he said he not only tried to do but wanted to do. The republican congress voted no on jobs and every other thing Obama tried to help the economy it's the republcans that were are behaving UN-AMERICAN.

The fact is Obama has had people die because of him. No action when your in trouble. If your family member were in the military who do you want being the President? Auto companys did go bankrupt? Or didn't you know that? Tax payers are in the hole for 28 Billion dollars to GM will never get our money back. I'm glade GM is still in business so my friends and family have jobs. But why does the Americvan people have to save these jobs with hand outs? Airlines haVE WENT BANKRUPT they MADE COME BACKS. That what Americans do they stand up for themselves. Vote for Obama if you want what you have had for the last four years. Because your going to get the same. If your a senior stay healthy becasue they will have people in place to say no when you need help. It won't matter if you ask three time for help they won't send it. God Bless America. I can still say that today what will happen in the next your years will we still be able to have free speach? Vote in November and pray for the right answer the unborn are counting on you.

Why are the unemployment numbers suspect?Because htey openly refute Mitt's outrageous claims?His plans have thrown no one off Medicare, what his pans have done is cut 716 Billion dollars of fraudulent or unnecessary charges that clinicians were stealing from Medicare. As you suggested, check your sources or you end up spouting Spongebob politics.See ya "Bob"

either the numbers are always suspect or they are not. You don't pick and chose when. Thye statistics gathered by the agency in question are not scientific but objective and are accumulated through a questionaire to several 1000 people asking if anyone in the family is working or looking for work and since how long. Perhaps imperfect, but certainly not manipulated.

either the numbers are always suspect or they are not. You don't pick and chose when. Thye statistics gathered by the agency in question are not scientific but objective and are accumulated through a questionaire to several 1000 people asking if anyone in the family is working or looking for work and since how long. Perhaps imperfect, but certainly not manipulated.

your comment reflects the level of intelligence and political awareness of most tea-baggers, quite the low point of american politics this past century: pure denigration 0 % reason.

your comment reflects the level of intelligence and political awareness of most tea-baggers, quite the low point of american politics this past century: pure denigration 0 % reason.

this is not "changing his mind" this is espousing politics he thinks will get him GOP support and an election. There IS no way of knowing the president he would be – that is the main problem.

when you hire a company that hires illegals to work your garden you are paying illegals nonetheless. You cannot affirm the opposite. Not that I care; but it is Romney who pretends to.

when you hire a company that hires illegals to work your garden you are paying illegals nonetheless. You cannot affirm the opposite. Not that I care; but it is Romney who pretends to.

This video talks about four years ago. Romney has changed his position on so many things in this campaign that it's made me dizzy just trying to follow it. There have been times when he hasn't even lasted twenty-four hours before flipping on an issue. For awhile there, every time anything came out of his mouth, his campaign manager was having to back-peddle and explain what his position "really" was. He just says whatever he thinks his audience of the moment wants to hear. I've never seen anything like it. I can't imagine what he'd be like as a president. I hope I don't have to find out.

about unemployment either you NEVER believe the numbers or you do. You don't pick the moment to believe them. As to the tax cuts, you forget the gop stonewalling to obtain the extension. For the rest I admit not being informed enough to judge – though I agree that the contiuity of executive power as defined by Bush is in full swing and the shameful continuation of Guantanamo.

Obama has changed his position on a very few issues, Romney has changed his mind on almost every major issue. I call Obama's changes reasonable Because of the sheer volume of Romney's political chanbges, I call Romney's changes lying.

What the hell have you been smoking? Obama is the biggest Liar Washington has ever seen. does his fund raising while al qaeda is killing our Ambassador.and then lies blaming it on a video. sick man.

Don't believe these little snippets of speeches and comments from Romney (or Obama for that matter) the media is so biased and tries to skewer the facts by picking the sound bytes that they KNOW will get people fuming! Read the WHOLE speech and then decide 🙂 I'm not trying to 'hate' just want to make sure you know what your getting yourself in to when you are voting my friend 🙂

Don't believe these little snippets of speeches and comments from Romney (or Obama for that matter) the media is so biased and tries to skewer the facts by picking the sound bytes that they KNOW will get people fuming! Read the WHOLE speech and then decide 🙂 I'm not trying to 'hate' just want to make sure you know what your getting yourself in to when you are voting my friend 🙂

August 1983 unemployment rate was 10.8%. Under Reagan. Also, DOL changed the method by which unemployment rate is figured under Bush to make it appear lower than it is in reality. Should Obama change it back for the sake of honesty if it's going to cost him the election? Not likely.

Hannah if I remember correctly romneys biggest and best speaking points during both debates were about a) what he HAS done for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and b) his plans for after he's elected. Please take the damn book you just wrote back to the fiction aisle

I don't see the issue. Saying he doesn't like Obama's stimulus and then saying we need economic stimulus is not flip-flopping. He has admitted to having a change of heart on abortion, so have I in some ways. That's called maturing or understanding things differently. Pro-life or not, I can't imagine Roe v. Wade ever being overturned and going back to back-alley abortions.
He states he is not trying to be another Ronald Reagan. Does that mean he can't agree with Reagan's policies?
Obamacare did start out looking like Romneycare, until it grew to be lengthier than War and Peace with far more government regulation than Romneycare.
Did he hire and Illegal Immagrant (LOL – call it undocumented worker)? No. He hired a lawn company. They hired the UW and he found out afterwards. When you hire a lawn company they don't tell you up front where their workers are from.
We have been led and or misled in so many ways about climate change that it is easy to understand that you can believe "scientists" and then find out other facts down the road that change your opinion. Notice he didn't say humans AREN'T causing global warming? He said he doesn't believe that we know what is.
When he doesn't know ballot issues, it is prudent for him to NOT speak to them. Apparently he learned something that night so that he could offer an opinion the next day.
Just how long ago did he say he would not sign a 'no new taxes' pledge? Looks like he may have been governor. Do you think it is fair to judge what he felt was best for the State of MA as different from what the Federal government should do? The powers of the Federal government were meant to be enumerated, with the undefined left up for the states to decide for themselves. (This also goes for the Assault Weapons ban in the video).
TARP… He felt it was good, but far enough? It is hard to tell because his clips are all taken out of context. "Let the auto industry go bankrupt" was also a hack. Did you see he was laughing? That didn't look like a serious comment but more a sarcastic quip to prove another point. But only the six words are given, and had to be repeated like the TARP quip, because of the lack of context and the shortness of the comment.

This video is such a HACK JOB that it is difficult to gauge anything. When there is several seconds strung together it is easy to see (as I have described) how these 'flip-flops' are only portrayed as opposite opinions when they are hacked together. If you were to say you like Ice Cream but then you don't like Hood Ice Cream, I suppose you are flip-flopping on your opinion? Not at all!

The problem is the Democrats don't have a man running that has any character or accomplishments that are worthy of running on. Nor does he have any plans for the next four years because he hasn't even fulfilled his promises from four years ago! Attacks of this nature just try to distract from that.

The original post brought to you by somebody who clearly hasn't paid any real attention to the fact that the GOP spent the majority of Obama's first two years blocking and filibustering almost every progressive bill introduced by the democratic members of congress, and the next two pushing their own corporate and extremist agenda. This of course ended up working out well for them because some people are actually dumb enough to fall for the media saturation talking about how the results of their deliberate sabotage is all Obama's fault.
His administration has tried several times to end the Bush tax cuts, he's tried to close Guantanamo, and many of the promises he made that you seem to think he broke on purpose were only broken because his ability to keep them diminished with the amount of crap the right piled onto him. As for ADAA, he signed that into law for use in extreme cases, not so he could just arrest anybody who disagreed with him and begin to turn his presidency into a dictatorship as many people seem to want the public to think. If he intended on using it so casually, then every right wing extremist in the country would be sent to the same prison (Guantanamo) the GOP have fought to keep open only to make him look bad. Besides, do you really think McCain wouldn't have signed it had he been elected 4 years ago? Romney probably would have too for that matter. The reason for this being that in an ideal world, or even an ideal country, the people complaining about it would have a point, but while abortion clinics are being blown up because some pro-"life" people think they're saving lives in doing so, automatic weapons are being taken to a Sikh temple to kill multiple others because some moron confused them with Muslims (not to mention thought all Muslims are terrorists) due to their sheer ignorance, or people are just opening fire in a movie theater, coffee shop, or what have you for no apparent reason whatsoever religious or otherwise, allowing the government to indefinitely detain such domestic terrorists in order to protect members of the innocent public who haven't chosen to be murderers, pedophiles, etc doesn't seem all that unreasonable to me.

I'm not a big supporter of a lot of liberal ideas to be totally honest, but I am a firm believer in the idea that before you try to associate somebody's name with the word "bullshit" you should give them a fair chance, and that is definitely not what the GOP have done for Obama. How can anyone possibly be expected to fix the massive mess that Bush left after 8 years when the opposition who, even if they didn't like the guy that was elected, were supposed to be working for the best interests of the people rather than for their own, yet on day one of the presidency, and even before that, promised to do everything in their power to make Obama a one term president, even if it would be at the cost of the American people's well being? I suppose one thing can be said about the current GOP, they keep their word, because their actions during Obama's presidency have definitely been a detriment to the USA and her people.

Even if you don't like Obama, think about your choices this election year. The fact remains that the people's other choice is somebody whose entire platform is based on what his opponent hasn't done rather than what he thinks he can accomplish, and furthermore explain how he plans to do so. While he doesn't have as many as he thought he would by now four years ago, at least Obama has some factual accomplishments to run on. Romney has his "business experience"… which, news flash, pretty much involves liquidating companies and putting tons of people out of work for a profit, and a horribly unsuccessful term as governor. Then there's his VP nominee… would you REALLY want Paul Ryan to be President if something were to happen to Romney?

On another note, I admire Ron Paul for his principles when it comes to not selling out to corporate interests, so there's at least one thing we agree on Joshua, but thinking about his libertarian ideals and the effect they'd have on the USA's current societal and economic state is absolutely horrifying. Frankly I'd rather Romney get elected… and that's saying a lot.

From my rudimentary understanding of unemployment numbers, they are based solely on the number of people seeking unemployment benefits. It does not take into account those that have run out of benefits, or have decided not to seek unemployment. I read not long ago that many of the unemployed are seeking social security disability benefits for mental distress caused from unemployment. These numbers also do not reflect the number of underemployed, or those that used to have middle class incomes that are now bagging groceries becasue they can't find decent work. Numbers AND politicians lie.

I don't pretend to understand how unemployment numbers are calculated but I read a few articles that seemed to suggest that it was practically impossible for unemployment to be at 7.8% right now. And, from what I do understand of how they calculate it, it seems really easy to fudge the numbers. Polls are pretty worthless. Especially this year. Anything based on turn outs from last election are going to be completely inaccurate.

If I change my mind on something, I admit that I changed my mind, and I explain why. I don't go back and claim I never had my original opinion. I don't deny things I said. I don't pretend my original position never existed.

Obama voted against increasing the debt ceiling, then increased it; campaigned against the Bush tax cuts, then extended them; said unemployment would fall under 8% if stimulus passed, 10%; promised shovel ready jobs, admitted they're not ready for shovel, said if you like your health plan you can keep it; but then threw seniors off Medicare Plus and employers are now saying they’ll dump people onto the public exchange; said the health care negotiations would be on live tv, they weren't; said Bush violated the Constitution, then carried out warrantless wiretaps, indefinite detentions, secret renditions, quadrupled drone attacks, and kept Guantanamo Bay open; said he would repeal the Patriot Act; extended it; said lobbyists wouldn't work in the White House, then gave them waivers to work there; Vowed to take public financing for his 2008 campaign, then refused public financing when he realized he would receive more money without it…

Moral of the story, ladies and gentlemen: politicians lie and politicians flip flop because that is their job and that is how they get elected (With an exception given to Ron Paul).

Don't kid yourselves into thinking that because you watched one video shoddily piecing together soundbites taken out of context with no date for reference you are "informed" or you have "done your homework." You are no closer to understanding anything than if you had watched a clip of Sponge Bob.

This would be great if there were dates attached to the videos. I have changed my mind on a few issues, so I can't blame the man for that. We grow, we change, it's a part of being human. It would be good to know which are his current viewpoints.


Think back and see if you can honestly say that you have never changed your mind at one time or another! We all have the right to change our minds when things don't work the way we thought they would! And as for a liar, my husband and son both work in the coal mine and Obama had an add saying they were forced to be there for Mitt, truth is No they wasn't. The coal miners even went on t.v. to tell Mr. Obama to stop lying about them and suddenly that add was pulled from t.v. Imagine that! Just saying!

Perhaps some of you who are considering voting for Mitt Romney should be reminded how he has no real position on any topic he is stating today. You might call this "Flip-Floping" I call it LYING!

I hope every one watches this and see what he is really about…he is a flip flopper and a liar. one min he is for it now he is against. can you really trust a man like this to have your best interest. people do your homework.

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