Mitt Romney Politics repeal obamacare

Etch-A-Sketch Moment – Romney Now Says He Will Not Repeal All Of ObamaCare

Mitt Romney ran his entire campaign on two things: 1. Lies and 2. The promise to “repeal ObamaCare” in its entirety. But Sunday on Meet The Press, Romney pulled out an etch-a-sketch and claimed a completely new position on what he will do as president on Barack Obama’s signature domestic policy.

Asked about his plans for healthcare, Romney answered;

“I’m not getting rid of all of health care reform. Of course there are a number of things that I like in health care reform that I’m going to put in place,” he said on NBC’s “Meet The Press. “One is to make sure that those with pre-existing conditions can get coverage. Two is to assure that the marketplace allows for individuals to have policies that cover their family up to whatever age they might like.”

What’s amazing about this particular flip-flop is the fact that his Republican/Teaparty base is extremely passionate about getting rid of healthcare. Repealing Obamacare was their rallying cry in the Republican primaries and their hate for the bill was the foundation of the Teaparty movement in 2009 when Town-hall meetings erupted in violence.  Anyone expecting to get the vote of these Republicans had to promise that getting rid of ObamaCare would be their number one priority, and that promise allowed Republicans to take over the House of Representatives in 2010. Romney too made that promise and now he’s changing positions… again.

What would the Teaparty/Republican say now that their chosen one is abandoning their trust? Would they disown their candidate for breaking his promise or would they disown their calls for repeal and fall in line with their flip-flopping leader?

Only time will t…. wait a minute! There is another change in Romney’s position on healthcare. It seems that Romney will repeal healthcare after-all. Just moments after Romney made his new position known on Meet The Press, his campaign put out a statement essentially saying that Romney did not know what he was talking about on the show. The campaign now claims that Romney will indeed repeal all of ObamaCare.

Here’s the part report:

In reference to how Romney would deal with those with preexisting conditions and young adults who want to remain on their parents’ plans, a Romney aide responded that there had been no change in Romney’s position and that “in a competitive environment, the marketplace will make available plans that include coverage for what there is demand for. He was not proposing a federal mandate to require insurance plans to offer those particular features.”

We’ll call this one a flip-flop flop. Carry on folks, this is just another day in the life of the Romney campaign.

Abortions Politics Rape

Mitt Romney Now In Favor Of Abortion For Rape Victims

Another Etch-a-Sketch moment for the Romney journey came today in this newly released CBS interview with the Republican presidential nominee (as of now, he’s still a Republican). After being against all forms of abortions during earlier Republican primaries, Mitt Romney has since changed his position by now claiming to support abortions in the case of rape or incest.

Here’s an example.

In his first run for president in 2008, Romney was asked by CNN’s Anderson Cooper if “Roe v. Wade was overturned and Congress passed a ban on abortions, would you sign it?” The question was not a specific question, it did not mention rape or incest, in fact, it was a very general question – would you sign a bill banning abortions, all abortions in general.

Here’s Romney’s answer:

“We should overturn Roe v Wade and return these issues to the states. I would welcome a circumstance where there were such a consensus in this country that we say we don’t want to have abortions in this country… at all… period! That would be delightful! I’d be delighted to sign that bill.”

But that was then. This is now.

“My position has been clear throughout this campaign. I’m in favor of abortion being legal in the case of rape and incest, and the health and life of the mother….This is a matter in the courts, it’s been settled for some time in the courts.”

Mitt Romney Politics

Reinventing Mitt Romney – A Major Etch-A-Sketch Moment In Tampa Florida – Video

Mitt Romney has tried everything. He’s taken two, sometimes three positions on every issue in the hopes of always appeasing the masses. But everything Mitt Romney has tried has failed, and his name is now synonymous with the term “Flip-Flopper.”

And now Mitt Romney and his Republican allies are at it again. This time, they’re using their Convention in Tampa Florida this upcoming week to reinvent Mitt Romney. Mother Nature is already against this convention, but Republicans are a determined bunch.

The Etch-A-Sketch is already in the stadium. Let the shaking begin!

Mitt Romney Politics

We Have A Winner

It’s been a long time coming, but we finally have incontrovertible evidence that Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee for president in 2012. Of course, forward-thinking readers of the Farmer Blog know that this was a foregone conclusion because they read it here, here, here, here, and, oh yeah, here.

Just sayin’

Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, and Newt Gingrich put up a heck of a fight and did more to dent, ding, derail and at times demoralize Romney and his supporters, and for that Obama voters can be eternally grateful. Romney’s comments about trees in Michigan or how many Cadillacs he has also hurt him and planted in people’s minds just how wealthy he is, but I suspect that those independents who will decide the race will forgive him if the economy stalls or he’s able to make the case that Obama doesn’t deserve a second term. The president is already running a spot that highlights Romney’s conservatism in anticipation of Mitt coming back to the center for the general campaign.

For his part, Romney will have difficulty running away from some of the harder right positions he took in the primaries, especially support of the contraception and abortion legislation that has alienated women from the GOP. Winning them back is possible, but it’s always more difficult to do that if women’s attitudes have already hardened. Look for Romney to try to be warmer and fuzzier, but that’s not playing to his strength. Right now he’s about as warm as the Titanic’s iceberg and as fuzzy as a Brillo Pad. And if he says any more rich-guy stuff he’ll be in real trouble.

As challenger, Romney is in a position where he’ll need to remind Americans that times are still bad and he’ll need to hope that they don’t improve or improve so slowly that he can label Obama as inept on the economy. Job growth slowed in March, but as the economy improves, and it is improving, Romney will need to accentuate the negative at a time when he’ll need to project a positive image. Tough to do.

Gas prices are another issue that he’ll use against Obama, but there are signs that prices are peaking at the pumps. Plus, the media is finally catching on to the fact that we are now a net exporter of fuel and are finding sources of energy in places unimaginable 10 years ago. This is also tricky for Romney because he’s essential saying that Obama should fiddle with the free market to lower prices, which is something that runs exactly opposite to the GOP’s free market ideology.

The President has his work cut out for him as well. The right-wing PACs have much more money than his left-wing supporters, and Romney was tremendously successful at using that money, and his, to beat back a zesty challenge from Gingrich and then Santorum, both of whom were running shoestring campaigns. Romney’s message will find some sympathetic ears in the battleground states, and although polls show Obama ahead nationally, that support will weaken somewhat under an onslaught of advertisements and right-wing media messages.

Here are links to analyses of what both Romney and Obama need to do to win. We’ll look at more as the race proceeds.

The latest polls show Obama’s job approval in positive territory and he’s presently in command of the Electoral College. I would certainly expect these numbers to change, but it’s always nice to be in the lead when the campaign starts.

For more, please go to and Twitter @rigrundfest  

Mitt Romney Politics

Etch A Sketch A Flip Flopper – The Video

Mitt Romney’s game plan for the general election is to “shake” off the extreme positions he took during the Republican primary process… an obviously blatant attempt on his part to leave his hard to find “severely conservative” ideals in the dust while he try to appeal to the sane portion of the general American public.

Well the DNC released this video to make sure that the Romney shake doesn’t happen.

Mitt Romney Politics Republican

Perfect Description for Mitt Romney – Republicans’ Etch A Sketch Candidate

This statement is as good a description of Mitt Romney as we’ve ever seen since Romney decided to run for political office back in the 1990’s, and oh yea, he’s not a career politician… wink wink!

The description was given on CNN by a Romney advisor Eric Fehrnstrom, when he was asked if Romney had hurt his chances with moderates in the general after moving “so far to the right.” Eric answered;

“Well, I think you hit a reset button for the fall campaign. Everything changes. It’s almost like an Etch A Sketch. You can kind of shake it up and restart all over again.”

And that sums up Mitt Romney perfectly. A flip flopping Etch A Sketch candidate who will say whatever you want to hear to get elected. And if for some reason you hear Romney speaking negatively about an issue you cherish,  have no fear. Just shake ’em up, hit the reset button, and watch the Etch A Sketch candidate change like a chameleon to void his previous position.

If there’s one thing you cannot accuse Mitt Romney if, it’s being a man of conviction. Now imagine that as your leader!


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