Mitt Romney Politics Republican

Perfect Description for Mitt Romney – Republicans’ Etch A Sketch Candidate

This statement is as good a description of Mitt Romney as we’ve ever seen since Romney decided to run for political office back in the 1990’s, and oh yea, he’s not a career politician… wink wink!

The description was given on CNN by a Romney advisor Eric Fehrnstrom, when he was asked if Romney had hurt his chances with moderates in the general after moving “so far to the right.” Eric answered;

“Well, I think you hit a reset button for the fall campaign. Everything changes. It’s almost like an Etch A Sketch. You can kind of shake it up and restart all over again.”

And that sums up Mitt Romney perfectly. A flip flopping Etch A Sketch candidate who will say whatever you want to hear to get elected. And if for some reason you hear Romney speaking negatively about an issue you cherish,  have no fear. Just shake ’em up, hit the reset button, and watch the Etch A Sketch candidate change like a chameleon to void his previous position.

If there’s one thing you cannot accuse Mitt Romney if, it’s being a man of conviction. Now imagine that as your leader!


Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Politics Republican

Did Newt Gingrich Just Disqualify Himself And Romney From Being President?

Sunday on Fox News, Newt Gingrich became an honesty agent, criticizing flip-flopper Mitt Romney, calling him a liar and asking for honesty. Gingrich actually said this about Romney;

“You cannot be president of the United States if you cannot be honest and candid with the American people. That is a very serious problem.”

“He came into the debate prepared to say things that are false. I think someone who is running for the president has a unique requirement to be honest because the only way you lead the American people is by having them believe in you.”

But if honesty is a qualifier for being President of the United States, and it should, does this mean that by his own standards, Gingrich just disqualified himself?

I asked this question on Facebook, here are some of the replies:

Newt Gingrich Politics Republican

Rick Perry Does The George Bush – Ask Court To Put Him On Virginia’s Ballot

Hey, if it worked in the 2004 presidential election, when George Bush got the courts to hand him the presidency on a platter despite what the electorate said, why not try it again?

That was what came to mind, as I read about what one of the Republican candidates are trying to do in Virginia. Rick Perry has filed a lawsuit, demanding that the courts put him on the ballot.

“Virginia ballot access rules are among the most onerous and are particularly problematic in a multi-candidate election. We believe that the Virginia provisions unconstitutionally restrict the rights of candidates and voters by severely restricting access to the ballot, and we hope to have those provisions overturned or modified to provide greater ballot access to Virginia voters and the candidates seeking to earn their support.”

Perry was unable to get the required amount of signatures necessary to be included in the Virginia Republican primaries, and apparently, he’s not happy.

Newt Gingrich Politics Republican

Before Being Elected, Gingrich Already Breaking The Law

He spent his whole life in Politics, you will figure that Newt Gingrich know what he can and cannot do before being elected to office.

According to the Washington Times, Newt Gingrich, the new flavor of the month and present leader among the few trying to beat President Obama in 2012, “promised conservatives on Tuesday he would ask former U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton to be his secretary of state if he’s elected president next year.”

But is that legal? Can Gingrich make such a promise even before the elections happen?

Apparently not!

 Here’s Title 18, Part I, Chapter 29, Section 599 of the U.S. Code:

“Whoever, being a candidate, directly or indirectly promises or pledges the appointment, or the use of his influence or support for the appointment of any person to any public or private position or employment, for the purpose of procuring support in his candidacy shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if the violation was willful, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.”

Politics Republican

Little Boy Tells Bachmann Of His Gay Mother

She prides herself in her ability to “fix”gay people. Infact, Michele Bachmann and her husband have a business dedicated to “praying the gay away.” So one could only imagine the horror Bachmann felt, as little Elijah whispered these words in her ear, “my mother is gay and she don’t need fixing.”

The look on Bachmann’s face after the revelation was made is priceless!

Herman Cain Newt Gingrich presidential Republican

Birds Of A Feather Flock Together – Cain May Endorse Newt

This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Herman Cain recently “suspended” his presidential ambitions because of allegations of sexual misconduct from various women. And Newt Gingrich is a known womanizer, cheating on his first two wives, even serving one of them divorce papers while she laid in a hospital bed battling cancer.

So is it any surprise that Herman Cain may endorse Newt Gingrich? Nope. It is expected.

A top adviser to Herman Cain says the former presidential candidate plans to endorse one of his ex-rivals, most likely New Gingrich, this month in order to have an impact before the Iowa caucuses on Jan. 3.

“He wants to play ‘who to endorse’ for a while,” said the adviser, who spoke on condition of anonymity in order to speak bluntly. “Then he’ll probably be endorsing somebody in a couple weeks — before the caucuses…. I’d say he’s going to endorse Newt Gingrich,” the adviser said.

Five women with Cain and three with Gingrich. Eight women between these two men. Yep, keep an eye on these two birds!

Mitt Romney money Politics presidential Republican

Poor-Man Romney Says Government Employees Making More Than He Is

With all you government workers making hundreds of millions of dollars a year, you will expect the economy to be a lot better than it is now. You will also expect everyone to drop their present jobs and flock to the government for jobs.  After all, why would anyone settle for anything less than $35 million a year!

According to Mitt Romney, who made up to $37.5 million in 2010,  government employees are making “a lot more money” than he is. Speaking at a fabrication plant on Monday, Romney targeted government employees, saying that if he becomes president, he will reduce the work force by 10%.

Wearing his best plaid work shirt and Tommy Bahama blue jeans, the candidate explained to workers at Giese Manufacturing that he would slash the number of federal employees if elected.

“We have to cut back on the scale of the federal government,” Romney declared. “And for me that will start by reducing federal employees by 10 percent. You do that through attrition.”

“And then something else that is just as important, and that’s to make sure the people who work for government don’t get better pay and better benefits than people that work in the private sector.”

He added: “The tax payers shouldn’t have to have money taken out of their pay checks to pay people in government who are our servants who are making a lot more money than we are.”

It’s a good thing we have the poor-man Romney looking out for us, having his finger on the pulse of exactly who is bringing down the economy – at last check, Romney was worth over $250 million. But that was about two hours ago. We’re sure a few more millions were added since then.

Herman Cain Republican

Herman Cain Does Not Know The Limits Of The Office He Seeks

Herman Cain has, on many occasions, showed an absolute lack of knowledge on how the government works. He knows nothing about the role of the three branches of government, and amazingly, this lack of knowledge is what draws Herman Cain to those who support his run to be the Republican nominee to challenge President Obama in 2012.

In an interview with David Brooks of the Christian Broadcasting Network, Herman Cain said that if a pro-life amendment to the Constitution comes before his desk as president, he will sign it. “That’s all I can do. I will sign it,” he said.

But can he? Alan Colmes makes this observation;

“Cain doesn’t seem to realize that presidents don’t sign constitutional amendments. And his comment that he was basically taken out of context on his varying statements on abortion shows he only wishes to ignore the part where he said families should be able to make their own decisions. It’s Cain, himself, by focusing on only one part of what he said, who is taking himself out of context.”

And with this new level of incompetence, Republicans fall even more in love with Cain’s candidacy.

Barack Obama Politics presidential Republican

Michele Bachmann Agrees To Impeach President Obama

For no apparent reason, Michele Bachmann joined in on a discussion and agreeing with a suggestion that President Obama should be impeached. At a campaign stop in Iowa, Bachmann was asked by one of her supporters, “When will we impeach him and get him out of the way? We should be.”

Never missing an opportunity to appear insane, the Republican presidential hopeful replied, “Well, I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you, I agree, I agree. Some people are really upset.”

After the incident, campaign spokesperson Alice Stewart told CBS News: “She was not saying that she agrees that Obama should be impeached. She agreed with the man on what they were talking about before- that people are frustrated.”

The incident came after she gave her standard stump speech at Uncle Nancy’s coffee shop, a popular stop for presidential candidates courting voters in the first-in-the-nation caucus state. About 60 people turned out to hear Bachmann.

Now that Chris Christie has finally managed to convince Republicans that he is not running in 2012, Bachmann will easily fill that void the Christie supporters were looking for in a candidate – someone who speaks their mind, no matter how stupid or ridiculous that mind appears.

Herman Cain niggerhead presidential Republican

Watch Herman Cain Calls Out Rick Perry – “Just Plain Insensitive”

If you haven’t heard about Rick Perry and the name of his hunting grounds, then you must have been living under a rock – and we’re not talking about the infamous rock with the name “Niggerhead” written on it, and positioned at the entrance to the 1,070 acres property where Rick Perry and his friends hunted back in the 80’s either.

Herman Cain so far, is the only Republican presidential candidate to discuss this latest Perry slip-up. Will the other candidates use this opportunity to attack the leader of the Republican pact? We’ll have to wait and see.

This word on the property that Perry owned a lease to, and brought friends to, would normally be enough to end any previous presidential ambition. However, we’re not in normal times, so don’t be surprised if Perry’s poll numbers among these Teaparty/Republicans increase simply because of this scandal. After all, this is the group that praise killing people and suggested that the uninsured die if they get sick.

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niggerhead Politics presidential Republican

Rick Perry And His Friends Hunted At “Niggerhead”

Here are some unflattering things you should know about Rick Perry, the Republican front-runner to challenge President Obama in the 2012 election.

  1. His family owned a lease for a 1,070 acre property – no, thats not bad at all… please stand by…
  2. Rick Perry, in the early days of his political career took fellow politicians and friends to this property for hunting trips. – no, number 2 is not that bad either. He’s from Texas, and hunting is most likely  the  favorite pastime…. but, please stand by…
  3. The name of this property frequented by Rick Perry and his friends is “Niggerhead.”
Now, since this story broke in the Washington Times, Rick Perry and his campaign released a statement stating that the Perry family did not own this property. But they did not deny the claim that Rick Perry’s father leased the property in the 1980’s, or the claim that a rock at the entrance to the property has the name, “Niggerhead” painted on it. The campaign also claims that the rock was eventually painted over.
From the Washington report;
When asked last week, Perry said the word on the rock is an “offensive name that has no place in the modern world.”
Asked to explain why the name is still seen on the rock through the coat of paint, Perry answered;

“My mother and father went to the lease and painted the rock in either 1983 or 1984,” Perry wrote. “This occurred after I paid a visit to the property with a friend and saw the rock with the offensive word. After my visit I called my folks and mentioned it to them, and they painted it over during their next visit.”

“Ever since, any time I ever saw the rock it was painted over,” Perry said.

But it seems that Perry’s recollection about this rock may not be correct at all. The Washington Post report continues;

Perry’s version of events differs in many respects from the recollections of seven people, interviewed by The Washington Post, who spoke in detail of their memories of seeing the rock with the name at various points during the years that Perry was associated with the property through his father, partners or his signature on a lease.

… Of those interviewed, the seven who said they saw the rock said the block-lettered name was clearly visible at different points in the 1980s and 1990s. One, a former worker on the ranch, believes he saw it as recently as 2008.

Herman Cain, one of the Republican challengers to Rick Perry and the only black Republican trying to get the Republican nomination said the name on the rock is “just plain insensitive.” Making his Sunday rounds on the cable networks, Cain told Chris Wallace of Fox News;

“My reaction is, that’s just very insensitive. [There is not] a more vile negative word than the N-word and for him to leave it there as long as he did, before I hear that they finally painted it over is just plain insensitive to a lot of black people in this country.”

However, not everyone thinks the name is offensive. A Texas county judge is quoted in the Washington Post as saying;
“It’s just a name,” said Haskell County Judge David Davis, sitting in his courtroom and looking at a window. “Like those are vertical blinds. It’s just what it was called. There was no significance other than as a hunting deal.”
Rick Perry is trying to become the President of these UNITED States in 2012… in 2012!  Amazing that stuff like this is still news in our times.
Politics Republican

Saturday Night Live – Either The 7th or 8th Republican Debate…Whatever!

Saturday Night Live’s take on the Republican’s Debates, and candidates for the Republican nomination. Although they were making fun, the parallels to the real debates and candidates are stunning. Like when the audience cheered the monumental amount of executions in Rick Perry’s Texas, or when they cheered the death of a man without insurance in a hypothetical question posed by Wolf Blitzer of CNN. And those are just some of the extraordinary things said in their debates.

Although Saturday Night Live actors were making fun of the Republican candidates, they appear more sane than these actual candidates would ever be.

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