Featured Politics

Democrats: The Message Is the Medium

It only took three days, so if you chose January 3 in your office pool as the date when the first idiot Democrat brought up impeachment, then congratulations are in order. That she also sprinkled her comment with impolitic language only makes it worse. I’m thinking that Nancy Peloisi had a chat with Representative Tlaib about staying on message.

I just want to be clear on this first post of the year that I have no patience with any Democrat who calls for any legal action against the president unless there is enough legitimate evidence that the president had committed an impeachable or indictable offense. Let Robert Mueller’s investigation do its job and let him release his report when it’s ready. The same is true about the other current investigations into the Trump Administration and the ones that the Democrats in the House will inevitably begin. Giving the Republicans any further reason to marginalize any opposition only takes time and energy away from what must be the Democrats’ central message, which is that they will address and attempt to solve the basic problems that face Americans on a day-to-day basis.

I understand that a new and younger group of much more liberal legislators are now in Congress and statehouses across the country. I understand that they are filled with passion and fury and that they were elected to move the country in a different direction. But the best way to do this is to stay on message and not to waver. If the new Democrats can learn anything from the almost 40 year reign of the conservatives, it’s that you need to frame your arguments in ways that people can digest and repeat them effortlessly, and you need everybody on your team to say the same things in the same way using the same language no matter what medium you’re on.

Democrats need to focus on health care that covers everyone, livable wages, family leave and a climate message that appeals to Americans on the local level. I know this might be heresy, but what do those Americans living in the middle of the country care about the tides and floods in Miami? Craft a message that educates people on the changes they’ve already seen in their communities, which might be about crop yields or water supplies or the increase/decrease in wildlife. You get the idea.

Or do you? Because if you still believe that angrily posting about the minute-to-minute foolishness of the president’s messages is the way to win hearts and minds, then I am here to tell you that you are wrong. President Trump’s base will follow him no matter what he says. The voters that will win the 2020 election are the ones who voted Democratic last year, even if they supported Trump in 2016. Most of them care only about how their lives and the country’s future will be secured. If they voted against the GOP despite a tax cut and an improving employment environment, then they will vote Democratic again if the Democrats continue to remind them about what Democrats will do for them.

That’s a winning message. And that’s the only winning message. So if you’re angry and frustrated and appalled, my suggestion is that you go analog: Find a field, a prairie, a noisy subway station or an insulated basement and scream about whatever will heal your heart.

Then let’s get back to work.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump Politics

Political Historian Predicts – Donald Trump Will be Impeached

A political historian and professor who predicted that Donald Trump would win the presidency has a new bet: Trump will be impeached, The Hill reports.

“I’m going to make another prediction,” Allan Lichtman told The Washington Post Friday. “This one is not based on a system; it’s just my gut. They don’t want Trump as president, because they can’t control him. He’s unpredictable. They’d love to have Pence — an absolutely down-the-line, conservative, controllable Republican. And I’m quite certain Trump will give someone grounds for impeachment, either by doing something that endangers national security or because it helps his pocketbook.”

Lichtman isn’t the first to predict that Trump could be impeached. University of Utah Law Professor Christopher Lewis Peterson wrote a 23-page article explaining the legal reasons Congress should impeach Trump. And on Friday, documentary filmmaker Michael Moore told MSNBC reporters he predicts Trump will either be impeached or resign before his term is up.

Featured Politics

Republican Official – Forget The Lawsuit, Just Impeach Obama!

Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) said in a radio interview Monday that the House needs to stop wasting time and money on suing the President and get straight to impeachment.

In the interview with the “Talk of the Town” radio show on Greenville, N.C. radio station WTIB, which was flagged by BuzzFeed, Jones blasted the vote his colleagues took last week to sue Obama, saying he was “one of the five” Republicans to vote against it. He said it would cost taxpayers too much money.

“My problem with what my party is trying to do to sue is it will cost the taxpayers between two and three million dollars,” Jones said. “Use the Constitution, that’s what it is there for.”

Jones said impeachment was designed to get a President’s attention when he or she surpassed their executive authority.

“Thank Alexander Hamilton. He felt that the Congress needed to use this process to get the attention of a President. And if the President had lost the public trust then move forward in that area,” he said.


h/t TPM

Barack Obama Politics

Juan Williams – Republicans Want to Impeach, Because Obama is Black – Video

Juan Williams, a Fox News contributor went on Fox News today and explained the motivating factor behind those like his Fox network, who are calling for the impeachment of Barack Obama. That motivating factor, according to Juan Williams, is racism.

“Lot’s of people see it, especially in the minority community, as an attack on the first black president, think it’s unfair, so it’s going spur their turnout in midterms which is going to be critical in several races,” Williams said.

Fox host Chris Wallace then jumped in to ask if Williams really meant to accuse conservatives of racism.

“Well, all I can do is look at the numbers,” Williams responded. “If you look at the core constituency of people, let’s say, who are in tea party opposition support of impeachment, there’s no diversity. It’s a white, older group of people.”


Songs of The Teaparty – “Impeach The President!” – A Poem

Politics Republican

Republicans Passed Resolution to Impeach The President

Republicans continue beating the impeachment drums because the guy in the White House is actually getting things done.

The South Dakota Republican Party passed a resolution at its state convention Saturday calling for the impeachment of President Obama, according to The Sioux Falls Argus Leader.

“Therefore, be it resolved that the South Dakota Republican Party calls on our U.S. Representatives to initiate impeachment proceedings against the president of the United States,” the resolution reads.

The resolution accused Obama of violating “his oath of office in numerous ways,” and mentions the recent trade of five Taliban members for captive U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl, among other issues.

Delegates voted 191-176 in favor of the resolution.

“I’ve got a thick book on impeachable offenses of the president,” resolution sponsor Allen Unruh told the Argus Leader.

Barack Obama Politics presidential Republican

Michele Bachmann Agrees To Impeach President Obama

For no apparent reason, Michele Bachmann joined in on a discussion and agreeing with a suggestion that President Obama should be impeached. At a campaign stop in Iowa, Bachmann was asked by one of her supporters, “When will we impeach him and get him out of the way? We should be.”

Never missing an opportunity to appear insane, the Republican presidential hopeful replied, “Well, I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you, I agree, I agree. Some people are really upset.”

After the incident, campaign spokesperson Alice Stewart told CBS News: “She was not saying that she agrees that Obama should be impeached. She agreed with the man on what they were talking about before- that people are frustrated.”

The incident came after she gave her standard stump speech at Uncle Nancy’s coffee shop, a popular stop for presidential candidates courting voters in the first-in-the-nation caucus state. About 60 people turned out to hear Bachmann.

Now that Chris Christie has finally managed to convince Republicans that he is not running in 2012, Bachmann will easily fill that void the Christie supporters were looking for in a candidate – someone who speaks their mind, no matter how stupid or ridiculous that mind appears.

Barack Obama Politics Republican Steve King

Republicans Suggest Impeaching Obama If Nation Defaults

President Obama has tried just about every conceivable angle, to convince these Republicans that a “balanced approach” is what’s needed to address the nation’s debt. That balanced approach being, spending cuts plus raising revenue. But Republicans have been defiant. They have maintained their original “no compromise” position on allowing some of the loopholes for the wealthy to end, and in effect, kept the stalemate going on how the debt ceiling should be raised.

And now this… Republican Steve King of Iowa, has turned the tables on the President. King is now suggesting that President Obama should be impeached if the nation defaults. Let that marinate!

So Republicans have refused to work with the President and Democrats on any plausible solution towards avoiding a default, but at the same time, they’re now calling for the President’s impeachment if we do?

Picture this:

The ship called The Economy just sank, and Republicans are safely in the only life boat. President Obama is in the water trying to save as many as he can. Both his hands are already full, but there’s still more to be saved. He turns to the Republicans and asks for their help…and they throw him an anvil.

Then from within the safe confines of the life boat, Steve King shouts out, ” and make sure you save everybody… and don’t let that anvil sink!”

Barack Obama Democratic democrats Politics

President Obama – I Cannot Invoke The 14th Amendment

So you think President Obama has the authority to invoke the 14th Amendment and raise the Debt Ceiling all by himself? Think again. According to the President himself, the debt ceiling is a statutory rule, not a constitution rule.

Speaking at an event in Maryland on Friday, the question of invoking the 14th amendment arose. President Obama responded by saying;

“There’s a provision in our Constitution that speaks to making sure that the United States meets its obligations, and there have been some suggestions that a president could use that language to basically ignore this debt ceiling rule, which is a statutory rule; it’s not a constitutional rule.

“I have talked to my lawyers … They’re not persuaded that that is a winning argument.”

Republicans have already suggested impeaching President Obama if he tries to use the 14th amendment to get the debt ceiling raised. Based on the President’s own words, it will seem this is a moot point.

The 14th amendment states that “the validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.” Many have suggested this to mean that President Obama has all the authority he needs to raise the debt ceiling if Congress fails to do their job.

Republicans have shown a preference to allowing the United States to default on its debt if it means the rich will loose some of their tax loopholes. They have been fighting the president and Democrats, who have suggested that the only plausible way to move forward on raising the debt ceiling would be to raise revenue along with spending cuts.

The debt ceiling now stands at $14.3 trillion, and the United States will run out of the ability to continue paying it’s debt if the debt ceiling is not raised by August 2nd.

Politics South Carolina United States

Republican Suggests Impeaching President Obama For Maybe Invoking The 14th Amendment

Section 4 of the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution says:

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.

Because of this amendment, many suggests that Congressional authorization to raise the debt ceiling is not necessary, as not doing so would mean that America defaults on its obligation to pay its debt, thus, going against the 14th amendment of the constitution.

Republicans – who have stood their ground in insisting that raising the debt ceiling is not going to happen – are now scrambling to find a way to defeat section 4 of the 14th amendment. Some have suggested an amendment to the 14th amendment and others like Rep. Tim Scott of South Carolina, went even further. He wants to impeach President Obama if the President even thinks about trying to raise the debt ceiling without congress. The South Carolina representative recently told a teaparty audience;

“This president is looking to usurp congressional oversight to find a way to get it done without us. My position is that is an impeachable act from my perspective.”

There are a lot of things people say, ‘Are you going to impeach the president over that?’ — No. But this? This is catastrophic. This jeopardizes the credibility of our nation if one man can usurp the entire system set up by our founding fathers over something this significant.”

It should be noted that President Obama has never mentioned an intent to “usurp the entire system.” As a matter of fact, this president has gone the extra mile trying to bring both Republicans and Democrats to the table, in an effort to get the Congressional authorization necessary for allowing America to pay her bills.

But then again, Republicans like Tim Scott would like to impeach President Obama just for being president.


Is President Obama’s Military Action In Libya Impeachable?

As Muammar Qadhafi authorized his army and air force to board planes and drop bombs on protesters in his own country, the International community came together and decided that the only way to stop the massacre of innocent people was to create a ‘no-fly zone’ over Libya. President Obama joined European and Arab forces to enforce the no-fly zone, in an effort to ground Qadhafi’s bombers, thus stopping the killing of the Libyan people.

Seemed like the right thing to do at the time. The allied forces came together over the weekend and the ‘no-fly’ resolution they all agreed upon, was put into effect. Here in the United States however, although a new poll by CNN states that over 70%k of Americans are in favor of the resolution, Democrats and Republicans alike are now pondering whether or not President Obama should be impeached for violating the Constitution for declaring war on Libya.

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 of the United States Constitution is often referred to as the War Clause. It grants Congress the exclusive power to declare war, stating; “The Congress shall have Power to declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water”.

This power was given to Congress by the Framers of the Constitution and has certain exclusive authority – in addition to the declaration itself, Congress is also responsible for supplying the necessary funding to keep the war going. But the Constitution also grants exclusive authority to the President as Commander-In-Chief of the military forces, and determining which body should exercise their authority and when, is where the confusion comes in. It’s often referred to as “the zone of concurrent powers”.

In a piece called “Exploring Constitutional Conflicts,” the authors wrote;

In the zone of concurrent powers, the Congress might effectively limit presidential power, but in the absence of express congressional limitations the President is free to act.  Although on paper it might appear that the powers of Congress with respect to war are more dominant, the reality is that Presidential power has been more important–in part due to the modern need for quick responses to foreign threats and in part due to the many-headed nature of Congress.

Presidents have used their authority in this capacity for decades. The most recent, the Iraqi War by President George Bush, was done without initial congressional declaration. Slate documents other times Congressional declaration was not done in major conflicts;

That practice confirms that the president, under his commander-in-chief and other executive powers, has very broad discretion to use U.S. military force in the absence of congressional authorization. Presidents have done this, in military actions large and small, over 100 times, since the beginning of the republic.

The largest and most consequential unauthorized military action is the Korean War launched by President Truman in 1950. Another big conflict without congressional authorization—and, indeed, in the face of an overt congressional vote that declined to provide such authorization—was President Clinton’s Kosovo intervention in 1999.

Some less significant unilateral uses of military force in the past 30 years include Haiti (2004), Bosnia (1995), Haiti (1994), Somalia (1992), Panama (1989), Libya (1986), Lebanon (1982), and Iran (1980). The executive branch has issued public legal opinions explaining the constitutional basis for most of these actions.

Democratic congressman Dennis Kucinich told Raw Story;

“President Obama moved forward without Congress approving. He didn’t have congressional authorization, he has gone against the Constitution, and that’s got to be said.”

But Kucinich didn’t stop there. He then went on to question whether President Obama should be brought up on impeachment charges. In the interview, he told the site, “And I’m raising the question as to whether or not it’s an impeachable offense. It would appear on its face to be an impeachable offense.”

President Obama, in a letter to congress explained his actions;

Dear Mr. Speaker:

At approximately 3:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, on March 19, 2011, at my direction, U.S. military forces commenced operations to assist an international effort authorized by the United Nations (U.N.) Security Council and undertaken with the support of European allies and Arab partners, to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe and address the threat posed to international peace and security by the crisis in Libya. As part of the multilateral response authorized under U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973, U.S. military forces, under the command of Commander, U.S. Africa Command, began a series of strikes against air defense systems and military airfields for the purposes of preparing a no-fly zone. These strikes will be limited in their nature, duration, and scope. Their purpose is to support an international coalition as it takes all necessary measures to enforce the terms of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973. These limited U.S. actions will set the stage for further action by other coalition partners.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 authorized Member States, under Chapter VII of the U.N. Charter, to take all necessary measures to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack in Libya, including the establishment and enforcement of a “no-fly zone” in the airspace of Libya. United States military efforts are discrete and focused on employing unique U.S. military capabilities to set the conditions for our European allies and Arab partners to carry out the measures authorized by the U.N. Security Council Resolution.

And the President states his constitutional authority as Commander In Chief;

The United States has not deployed ground forces into Libya. United States forces are conducting a limited and well-defined mission in support of international efforts to protect civilians and prevent a humanitarian disaster. Accordingly, U.S. forces have targeted the Qadhafi regime’s air defense systems, command and control structures, and other capabilities of Qadhafi’s armed forces used to attack civilians and civilian populated areas. We will seek a rapid, but responsible, transition of operations to coalition, regional, or international organizations that are postured to continue activities as may be necessary to realize the objectives of U.N. Security Council Resolutions 1970 and 1973.

For these purposes, I have directed these actions, which are in the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States, pursuant to my constitutional authority to conduct U.S. foreign relations and as Commander in Chief and Chief Executive.

This is not a new issue. This question has been asked before, and chances are, after President Obama’s tenure is over, it will be asked again. The President, as Commander In Chief is legally and constitutionally within his rights to take the actions that are underway in Libya.

If Dennis Kucinich and his Democratic and Republican congressmen feel that the actions of the President were unconstitutional, the Constitution gives them the authority to cut off funding to the military. And that too, would be legal. How far will they take this?

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