Featured Politics

Republican Official – Forget The Lawsuit, Just Impeach Obama!

Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) said in a radio interview Monday that the House needs to stop wasting time and money on suing the President and get straight to impeachment.

In the interview with the “Talk of the Town” radio show on Greenville, N.C. radio station WTIB, which was flagged by BuzzFeed, Jones blasted the vote his colleagues took last week to sue Obama, saying he was “one of the five” Republicans to vote against it. He said it would cost taxpayers too much money.

“My problem with what my party is trying to do to sue is it will cost the taxpayers between two and three million dollars,” Jones said. “Use the Constitution, that’s what it is there for.”

Jones said impeachment was designed to get a President’s attention when he or she surpassed their executive authority.

“Thank Alexander Hamilton. He felt that the Congress needed to use this process to get the attention of a President. And if the President had lost the public trust then move forward in that area,” he said.


h/t TPM

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