michael steele Politics Republican Party

Michael Steele – “This Is Not The Republican Party I Want To Be A Part Of…”

Former Chairman of the RNC Michael Steele and David Corn went on MSNBC’s The Ed Show on Wednesday and spoke about the unbelievable position Republicans and their leaders are taking in the gun debate. Responding to a statement from David Corn where he said that he was “looking for a Republican who will call out this portion of the Republican party who have gone over the edge,” Michael began by saying that he is a supporter of the Second Amendment. And he reassured the audience that he supports the NRA, although he was not a member.

He went on;

“It is time for Republicans across the spectrum and particular on issues like this to stop doing stupid. This is one of those moments where, yea, be concerned about a power grab by the government to come after your guns. I understand that argument completely. But at the same time Ed and David, in the front of your mind are the images of twenty caskets of six year old kids. And you’ve got to say at some point this is not about emotionalism, this is about that reality.

And the leaders of the party have to recognize that we have 85, 90% of the American people solidified behind an issue to begin an honest discussion, not a debate necessarily, a discussion about how do we proceed to keep our kids safe. We should be at the forefront of that.”

When Ed pointed out that the Republican party is not at the forefront of that discussion, Michael Steele chimed in, “I agree with that!”

Ed then spoke about a fund-raising letter that the NRA sent out claiming that they are prepared to do “the battle of the century.” He read from the letter where the NRA told its supporters that “Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and their gun ban allies in Congress only want to blame you, vilify you, bully you and strip you of your Second Amendment freedoms.” Ed then asked Michael if “this is where the Republican party want to go.”

Michael Steele responded that this is not where the party wanted to go. He then said, “this is certainly not the party I joined when I was a young man and it is certainly not the party I want to be a part of in the future if that’s where the party is going.”

Steele ended the segment by saying that he believes there are Republicans in Congress who will vote for sensible gun laws because that is what a majority of Americans want.

David Corn concluded that the only GOP voices being heard now on this issue are the crazy ones. He said that they are the ones framing the case for the Republican leaders in Congress.

Mitt Romney Politics repeal obamacare

Etch-A-Sketch Moment – Romney Now Says He Will Not Repeal All Of ObamaCare

Mitt Romney ran his entire campaign on two things: 1. Lies and 2. The promise to “repeal ObamaCare” in its entirety. But Sunday on Meet The Press, Romney pulled out an etch-a-sketch and claimed a completely new position on what he will do as president on Barack Obama’s signature domestic policy.

Asked about his plans for healthcare, Romney answered;

“I’m not getting rid of all of health care reform. Of course there are a number of things that I like in health care reform that I’m going to put in place,” he said on NBC’s “Meet The Press. “One is to make sure that those with pre-existing conditions can get coverage. Two is to assure that the marketplace allows for individuals to have policies that cover their family up to whatever age they might like.”

What’s amazing about this particular flip-flop is the fact that his Republican/Teaparty base is extremely passionate about getting rid of healthcare. Repealing Obamacare was their rallying cry in the Republican primaries and their hate for the bill was the foundation of the Teaparty movement in 2009 when Town-hall meetings erupted in violence.  Anyone expecting to get the vote of these Republicans had to promise that getting rid of ObamaCare would be their number one priority, and that promise allowed Republicans to take over the House of Representatives in 2010. Romney too made that promise and now he’s changing positions… again.

What would the Teaparty/Republican say now that their chosen one is abandoning their trust? Would they disown their candidate for breaking his promise or would they disown their calls for repeal and fall in line with their flip-flopping leader?

Only time will t…. wait a minute! There is another change in Romney’s position on healthcare. It seems that Romney will repeal healthcare after-all. Just moments after Romney made his new position known on Meet The Press, his campaign put out a statement essentially saying that Romney did not know what he was talking about on the show. The campaign now claims that Romney will indeed repeal all of ObamaCare.

Here’s the part report:

In reference to how Romney would deal with those with preexisting conditions and young adults who want to remain on their parents’ plans, a Romney aide responded that there had been no change in Romney’s position and that “in a competitive environment, the marketplace will make available plans that include coverage for what there is demand for. He was not proposing a federal mandate to require insurance plans to offer those particular features.”

We’ll call this one a flip-flop flop. Carry on folks, this is just another day in the life of the Romney campaign.

job Politics

Michele Bachmann Suggests Starvation For The Unemployed

Michele Bachmann, one of the Republicans trying to get nominated to go against President Obama in 2012, said in a recent speech at the Family Research Council, “…if anyone will not work, neither should he eat.”

“Our nation needs to stop doing for people what they can and should do for themselves,” she said. “Self reliance means, if anyone will not work, neither should he eat.”

But this is not just an opinion held by Bachmann, it is a guiding principle in the Republican party.

For decades, Republicans have been on a mission to make reality exactly what Bachmann is suggesting. It is their passion, their burning belief that the jobless, the sick, even those who are mentally incapable of doing a job, must not eat or survive for that matter. Republicans believe that the poor and suffering are a burden on society and the rest of society bears no responsibility for the general welfare of these people.

Apparently, Bachmann – who considers herself a Christian called by God to run for president – never read the story of Cain and Able and has no idea where the “am I my brother’s keeper” phrase originated. It’s in the very first book of the Bible. But somehow, based on the reverse stance of her take from the rich and give to the poor attitude, I don’t believe she’s ever read the good book.


Barack Obama donaldtrump Natural born citizen of the United States Politics United States

Poll Finds Almost 40% Don’t Believe Donald Was Born In The U.S. A

You can’t make this stuff up. A new USA Today/Gallop poll finds that almost 40% of Americans have doubts as to whether Donald Trump is a natural born citizen.

The poll, which questioned 1,013 adults finds that “not everyone is convinced Trump was born in the USA either: 43% say he definitely was born here, and 20% say he probably was; 7% say he definitely or probably was born in another country. Nearly three in 10 say they don’t know enough to say.” That’s 37% who cannot say with conviction that they believe Donald Trump was born in America.

Seems The Donald has some s’plainin’ to do.

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