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Bold Predictions: How This Nomination Thing Will End

Yes, I have better things to do, but I think it’s important that I let you all know how this Republican presidential nomination thing ends so we can move on from Donald Trump and into more consequential matters.

According to the latest CNN/ORC poll (scroll down to page 7), Trump is leading the pack ‘o candidates with 24% support of the poll’s respondents. The usual suspects follow, although we do have a new rising star in Carly Fiorina who went from 1% support in the July poll to 5% in August’s.


What this simply means is that one quarter of respondents support Trump. Add up the others’ scores and you have most respondents supporting someone other than Trump. Plus, Trump’s negative ratings outpace his positives by about 30 percentage points. What this also means is that the Republican Party is still in the grips of an extremist bunch who say things like “I support Trump because he tells the truth.”

No, he does not.

He says things that are provocative and media-friendly, and he says them loudly. He has no plan for the country and says that his strength is that he goes into negotiations with flexibility and tries to get the best deal possible. That is not necessarily a bad thing, but the Republican Party has not operated that way for the past 6 years, so I’ll need some clarification as to whether the Tea Party is willing to back Donald knowing that he’ll actually try to bargain with the Democrats. Or the so-called moderates in the GOP.

What Donald Trump has done is to alienate the one group that the GOP absolutely needs to win a national election, Hispanics, and has disrespected the other group that the GOP needs more support from, and that’s women. And the longer Trump stays in the race and has a megaphone, the more he will do damage to the party. Which is good for Democrats. And the latest issue, that of changing the Fourteenth Amendment to disallow the children of undocumented immigrants to have birthright citizenship, is a losing one for the right. So naturally, half the field supports the change.

What’s happening now in the Republican process will have a major effect on the race, and if you want to know what will happen, then please pay attention. The vast majority of the GOP field will make it to the Iowa Caucuses, and each one will get their moment in the media spotlight. Then they’ll say or do something Republicany and fall by the wayside. Trump will not win Iowa. After that, the lowest performing five candidates will drop out. After New Hampshire, another five will go, including NJ Governor Chris Christie, because he won’t win them and he won’t have enough money to conduct a campaign across enough of the remaining states.

By this point, only the most well-funded candidates will still be in the race: Jeb, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Scott Walker, Rand Paul, and perhaps, Trump. They will then duke it out over the next month or so, and by the end of April at the latest, the GOP will have its candidate, and my guess is that it will be Kasich. He will then choose Marco Rubio to be his running mate at the convention.

On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton will win the nomination and choose a Hispanic-American as her running mate.

After that, we’ll see, but you read it here first.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Politics Republican Party

The Bush Daughters Are Not Registered Republicans

The New York Daily News checked the status of the daughters of former Republican president George W. Bush and found that their party registration do not say “Republican.”

Jenna, who registered in New York soon after her daughter was born is registered with the Independence Party and her twin sister is registered in Texas as an Independent.

The News reports that Jenna’s registration was actually a mistake, that her intention was to register as an independent, but signed up for the Independence Party instead. According to a spokesperson for Jenna Bush, the mistake was due to “very little sleep. ”

“Jenna registered to vote in New York soon after her daughter was born, and like all new moms, she was functioning on very little sleep. She mistakenly registered for the Independence Party,” said Megan Kopf Stackhouse, a spokeswoman for the former President’s daughter.

Don’t worry ladies, I know that being a Republican these days is not what it used to be. And I actually commend you both for realizing that fact and choosing not to be affiliated with the party your father once led.

As far as I’m concerned, it’s better to mistakenly be a member of the Independence Party than to intentionally be a Republican.

fail Politics Republican Party

The Three Things That Changed The Republican Party

David Frum broke it down like this;

Three big trends have decisively changed the Republican Party over the past decade, weakening its ability to win presidential elections and gravely inhibiting its ability to govern effectively if it nevertheless somehow were to win.

First, Republicans have come to rely more and more on the votes of the elderly, the most government-dependent segment of the population — a serious complication for a party committed to reducing government.

Second, the Republican donor class has grown more ideologically extreme, encouraging congressional Republicans to embrace ever more radical tactics.

Third, the party’s internal processes have rigidified, in ways that dangerously inhibit its ability to adapt to changing circumstances. The GOP can overcome the negative consequences of these changes and, in time, surely will.

The ominous question for Republicans is, How much time will the overcoming take?”

Not sure if anyone really cares.

Featured pat robertson Politics Republican Party

OMG – Pat Robertson Warns Of The Radicals in The Republican Party

Breaking news: Pat Robertson spoke the truth! Now, this doesn’t happen often but when it does I’m going to bring it to you.

In his recent 700 Club program, Robertson laments on the plight of the Republican party and acknowledges that radical right may be causing more harm than good.

NOTE: Pat Robertson is inarguably part of the radical right.


Politics Republican Party

Glenn Beck Throws Chris Christie and the GOP Under the Bus – Video

Glenn Beck, one of the main voices of the Republican party has now officially thrown the party and Chris Christie under the bus, never to be seen or heard from again.

Beck, responding to a previous call to his show where the caller accused him of “poisoning the well” due to his constant knocks on Chris Christie, a possible Republican presidential candidate in 2016. In answering this accusation from the caller, explained that he never was, nor will he ever be a “shill” for the Republican party. He went on to name other Republicans and conservative media figureheads like Hannity and Limbaugh, saying that they too have had it with the Republican party.

“Sean Hannity has had it with the GOP,” Beck said. “Mark Levin has had it with the GOP. The biggest, quote, ‘shill of the GOP,’ as they have always liked to say, Rush Limbaugh, has had it with the GOP … So if you’re looking for shills for a political party, you’re probably going to have to shake talk radio.”

He goes on to explain that MSNBC, CNN and other cable shows are “shills” for the Republicans and Democrats. Unbelievably, he failed to include Fox News in his lineup.


michael steele Politics Republican Party

Michael Steele – “This Is Not The Republican Party I Want To Be A Part Of…”

Former Chairman of the RNC Michael Steele and David Corn went on MSNBC’s The Ed Show on Wednesday and spoke about the unbelievable position Republicans and their leaders are taking in the gun debate. Responding to a statement from David Corn where he said that he was “looking for a Republican who will call out this portion of the Republican party who have gone over the edge,” Michael began by saying that he is a supporter of the Second Amendment. And he reassured the audience that he supports the NRA, although he was not a member.

He went on;

“It is time for Republicans across the spectrum and particular on issues like this to stop doing stupid. This is one of those moments where, yea, be concerned about a power grab by the government to come after your guns. I understand that argument completely. But at the same time Ed and David, in the front of your mind are the images of twenty caskets of six year old kids. And you’ve got to say at some point this is not about emotionalism, this is about that reality.

And the leaders of the party have to recognize that we have 85, 90% of the American people solidified behind an issue to begin an honest discussion, not a debate necessarily, a discussion about how do we proceed to keep our kids safe. We should be at the forefront of that.”

When Ed pointed out that the Republican party is not at the forefront of that discussion, Michael Steele chimed in, “I agree with that!”

Ed then spoke about a fund-raising letter that the NRA sent out claiming that they are prepared to do “the battle of the century.” He read from the letter where the NRA told its supporters that “Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and their gun ban allies in Congress only want to blame you, vilify you, bully you and strip you of your Second Amendment freedoms.” Ed then asked Michael if “this is where the Republican party want to go.”

Michael Steele responded that this is not where the party wanted to go. He then said, “this is certainly not the party I joined when I was a young man and it is certainly not the party I want to be a part of in the future if that’s where the party is going.”

Steele ended the segment by saying that he believes there are Republicans in Congress who will vote for sensible gun laws because that is what a majority of Americans want.

David Corn concluded that the only GOP voices being heard now on this issue are the crazy ones. He said that they are the ones framing the case for the Republican leaders in Congress.

failed policies Politics Republican Party

Then The Republican Party Said, “Hooray For Short Memories!” – Pic

Newt Gingrich Politics Republican Party

Newt Gingrich Is Leading – So Much For The Conservatives Claim To Morals

It seems the Christian Conservatives and Republicans have made up their minds.

In a party that claims to have  moralistic superiority when it comes to family values, Christian Conservatives in the Republican party have settled on Newt this-is-my-third-marriage-after-serving-my-wife-divorce-papers-while-she-laid-in-a-hospital-bed-recovering-from-cancer Gingrich.

A new Poll by Public Policy Polling in Iowa found that Gingrich, once left for dead in the Republican nomination process, has taken a commanding lead.

Newt Gingrich has taken the lead in PPP’s newest poll of Iowa Republican caucus voters with 27% to 18% for Ron Paul, 16% for Mitt Romney, 13% for Michele Bachmann, 9% for Rick Perry, 6% for Rick Santorum, 4% for Jon Huntsman, and 1% for Gary Johnson.

Gingrich has gained 19 points since PPP’s last poll of the race in early October.  Also showing momentum are Paul whose support is up 8% and Bachmann whose support is up 5%.  Romney has dropped 6 points since then with the other candidates mostly standing in place.

The poll was conducted between December 2nd and December 5th. PPP surveyed 572 Republican caucus voters. The margin of error is +/-4.1%

Abortion Politics Republican Party Texas

Abortion, As Seen Through The Eyes Of Rick Perry

Republicans have used their massive gains in the 2010 midterm elections to implement a lot of bills and legislation against middle class America. And most these bills are directed towards women and against their reproductive rights.

Enter Rick Perry.

What can we look forward to in a Rick Perry America? An article by Amy Bingham of ABC News details some of the more bizarre laws in Perry’s Texas. But one that caught my attention, although I’m really not surprise considering the GOP’s attack on women, is Perry’s abortion law. From Bingham’s article;

[Rick Perry] played an integral role in creating a law that requires women seeking abortions to have a sonogram at least 24 hours prior to the procedure. The bill also requires doctors to describe the fetus, including details about internal organ and limb development. They must also make the image and heart beat available for the woman to see and hear.

Perry, who called the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision a “tragedy,” pushed for the bill to get emergency status so it could be fast-tracked through the state Legislature and not have to wait the requisite 60 days for a vote.

The constitutionality of the bill is currently being reviewed by a federal judge, who is expected to pass down a ruling before Thursday, when the bill is set to take effect.

So much for small government.

Barack Obama marriage Politics Republican Party Slavery United States

For Bachmann, Children Born Into Slavery Were Happier

Call her crazy, call her insane, call her deranged. But no matter what you call her, just don’t call Michele Bachmann a woman of intelligence. Michele Bachmann has stepped up to the plate, and signed a pledge claiming that children born under slavery, were better off than children born under President Obama’s Administration.

Yes, “dumb” and “stupid” also accurately describe this Republican contender for the 2012 Presidential election.

The pledge that caught Mrs. Bachmann’s attention was written by Bob Vander Plaats of Ohio and is called, “The Marriage Vow: A Declaration of Dependence upon MARRIAGE and FAMILY.” In it, the signee agrees to some very outlandish positions. All Republican candidates for President in 2012 are expected to sign the pledge – a pledge that calls for, among other things;

  • Reinstating Don’t Ask Don’t Tell – the military policy that requires military personal to keep their sexual orientation a secret. After a 17 year run in the military, this policy came to an end in December of 2010 when Congress voted and got it overturned.
  • Rejecting Sharia Islam and all other anti-woman, anti-human rights forms of totalitarian control. – Republicans, for whatever reasoning, seems to be under the impression that Sharia Law is coming to America, and the U.S Constitution, (which is what the laws of this nation are governed by) will be shredded to pieces.
  • “Recognition that robust childbearing and reproduction is beneficial to U.S. demographic, economic, strategic and actuarial health and security.” – Another attempt to ban abortion, and with the word “robust,” the implication is made that no matter how the pregnancy occurs, whether its through rape or incest, “childbearing and reproduction is beneficial to U.S demographic.”
  • A Federal Amendment to the U.S Constitution, defining marriage as an act between a man and a woman.
These are just some of the positions the signees of this pledge will be asked to uphold. But what really stands in the “Declaration of Dependence upon MARRIAGE and FAMILY” pledge, is the section that says this;
“Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA’s first African-American President.”
Cheryl Contee from Jack and Jill Politics said it best:

Given that families were broken up regularly for sales during slavery and that rape by masters was pretty common, this could not be more offensive. I mean, putting aside the statistics on this, which are likely off-base, I could not be more angry.

When will Republicans inquire with actual Black people whether or not we’re ok with invoking slavery to score cheap political points? It has to stop. It is the opposite of persuasive  and is another reason Republicans repel us. It’s hard to believe that Michele Bachmann would be foolish enough to sign this pledge.
The Desmoines Register reports that Michele Bachmann is the first Republican presidential hopeful to sign the pledge.
Oh Michele, just when we think we’ve seen how low you can go, you somehow manage to surprise us – proving once again that we should never underestimate your infinite stupidity.
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