ObamaCare Paul Ryan Politics repeal obamacare

Paul Ryan Admits – Republicans Have No Alternative Plan for Obamacare – Video

Like his predecessor before him, Paul Ryan promised a new tone in Washington when he took over the gavel from then Speaker John Boehner. And one of the places Republicans promised to be different was on Obamacare, promising to have an alternative plan available for the millions of Americans benefiting from Obamacare, before trying to repeal their healthcare.

Well, if you missed it, Republicans tried to repeal Obamacare again, and again, there was no plan in the unlikely event their repeal efforts were to succeed. Obviously, their repeal effort didn’t succeed, as President Obama vetoed the measure. But House Speaker Paul Ryan was asked about the plan on Sunday’s Face The Nation, and was forced to admit that there is no plan for healthcare if Obamacare is repealed.

“You said that you wanted the Republicans to offer an alternative to the president,” CBS host John Dickerson reminded Ryan in an interview that aired on Sunday. “One of the first things you did this year, though, was offer that [Obamacare] repeal.”

“How is than an alternative?” Dickerson wondered.

“It’s not,” Ryan replied, laughing. “It’s why we have to come up with an alternative. So, you’re right about that one.”

“Will you?” Dickerson pressed.

“Absolutely,” Ryan insisted. “My goal — I don’t know how far it will go given we have a filibuster and a guy named Obama who’s not going to replace Obamacare — but my goal is that, we as Republicans, if we don’t like these laws, don’t like the direction the country is going, I think we have to be more than just an opposition party.”


Healthcare Politics repeal obamacare

Republicans to Waste More Tax Dollars on Another Obamacare Repeal Vote

Not only are they wasting the American people’s time with these pointless Obamacare repeal votes, these so-called “conservatives” are wasting our tax dollars as well. Millions of dollars down the drain on over 50 failed votes, and these “conservatives” see nothing wrong with wasting even more money on Obamacare repeal.

Is this why we pay these fools, or are we the fools for keeping them in office?

The Republican-led House is planning to vote next week to fully repeal Obamacare, a GOP leadership said on Wednesday.

It will be the fourth House vote to repeal the law in its entirety, and the latest in more than 50 votes aimed at dismantling President Barack Obama’s signature domestic achievement.

The House last voted to wipe out Obamacare in May 2013, after GOP freshmen complained that they had not had the chance to vote to repeal the law yet.

The upcoming vote is likely to succeed in the House and face a filibuster in the Senate and a veto threat from Obama. It appears to be an attempt to help more than three-dozen newly elected House Republicans win points with their base.

Health Care Healthcare Politics repeal obamacare

John Boehner Is Still Promising to Repeal Obamacare

Relax Americans, the good old folks in the Republican party are working hard on your behalf, and they are promising to do everything they can to take away your health care and to deny you the basic right of having affordable health care.

In a statement issued on his website, House Speaker John Boehner said;

“The president’s health care law continues to wreak havoc on American families, small businesses and our economy, and as I’ve said many times, the problem was never just about the website – it’s the whole law.  Millions of Americans are seeing their premiums rise, not the lower prices the president promised.  Many small businesses are afraid to hire new workers, instead cutting hours and dropping health coverage for existing employees.  Many Americans can no longer see their family doctor, despite the pledge no one would lose access to their physician.  Seniors are feeling the impact, losing their Medicare Advantage plans the president promised they could keep.  And taxpayers are being forced to pick up an unaffordable tab.

“House Republicans will continue to work to repeal this law and protect families and small businesses from its harmful consequences, and that’s why we’re taking action this week to repeal the law’s 30-hour rule that has become a significant barrier to job growth and higher wages.  We will also continue our work to replace this fundamentally-flawed law with patient-centered solutions focused on lowering health care costs and protecting jobs.”

Yes Americans, having access to quality healthcare is apparently not a good thing. You should be allowed to get sick and die if you have no insurance. And for the selected few that have insurance, your policies should be subjected to denial by the insurance companies if they so choose.

You know… freedom! Like it was in the good old days.

Politics repeal obamacare Teaparty

They Cheered, As Ted Cruz Promised to Take Away Their Healthcare – Video

As more and more Americans fall in love with finally being able to buy their own private healthcare through the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, Republicans, led by the Texas Senator from Canada are determined to repeal the entire bill, kicking millions of people off their healthcare and putting Insurance companies back in the driver’s seat when determining who to insure and who to deny.

Ted Cruz, speaking on behalf of his Teaparty colleagues and congressional Republicans, continued their promise to take away your health care.

“I am absolutely convinced we are going to repeal every single word of Obamacare,” Cruz told a group of Teaparty members as they celebrated their 5th year of obstruction and regression.

“If you listen to the media, if you listen to Democrats — although I repeat myself — they will say the fight to stop Obamacare did not succeed,” Cruz said. “Really? Well, I’m a big believer the proof is in the pudding. Last fall, millions of Americans rose up and said, ‘Stop the disaster that is Obamacare.’”

Of course, Cruz cannot point to any documented proof showing the “million of Americans” who want to stop Obamacare. But it’s a good talking point and his brainless believers – some of them on government insurance – eat up his nonsense.

“I am hopeful, I am optimistic, I am filled with the promise that we’re going to turn this country around,” the Canadian born leader of the Teaparty said, “because there is a grass-roots revolution sweeping this country.”

Again, Cruz cannot show this so-called “grass-roots revolution,” because it doesn’t exist. In fact, new polling states that 64% of Americans are against the Teaparty. But this small fact never stopped this fella from lying before, so he continued. And the 300 or so in attendance loved every moment of it!

Mitt Romney Politics repeal obamacare

Etch-A-Sketch Moment – Romney Now Says He Will Not Repeal All Of ObamaCare

Mitt Romney ran his entire campaign on two things: 1. Lies and 2. The promise to “repeal ObamaCare” in its entirety. But Sunday on Meet The Press, Romney pulled out an etch-a-sketch and claimed a completely new position on what he will do as president on Barack Obama’s signature domestic policy.

Asked about his plans for healthcare, Romney answered;

“I’m not getting rid of all of health care reform. Of course there are a number of things that I like in health care reform that I’m going to put in place,” he said on NBC’s “Meet The Press. “One is to make sure that those with pre-existing conditions can get coverage. Two is to assure that the marketplace allows for individuals to have policies that cover their family up to whatever age they might like.”

What’s amazing about this particular flip-flop is the fact that his Republican/Teaparty base is extremely passionate about getting rid of healthcare. Repealing Obamacare was their rallying cry in the Republican primaries and their hate for the bill was the foundation of the Teaparty movement in 2009 when Town-hall meetings erupted in violence.  Anyone expecting to get the vote of these Republicans had to promise that getting rid of ObamaCare would be their number one priority, and that promise allowed Republicans to take over the House of Representatives in 2010. Romney too made that promise and now he’s changing positions… again.

What would the Teaparty/Republican say now that their chosen one is abandoning their trust? Would they disown their candidate for breaking his promise or would they disown their calls for repeal and fall in line with their flip-flopping leader?

Only time will t…. wait a minute! There is another change in Romney’s position on healthcare. It seems that Romney will repeal healthcare after-all. Just moments after Romney made his new position known on Meet The Press, his campaign put out a statement essentially saying that Romney did not know what he was talking about on the show. The campaign now claims that Romney will indeed repeal all of ObamaCare.

Here’s the part report:

In reference to how Romney would deal with those with preexisting conditions and young adults who want to remain on their parents’ plans, a Romney aide responded that there had been no change in Romney’s position and that “in a competitive environment, the marketplace will make available plans that include coverage for what there is demand for. He was not proposing a federal mandate to require insurance plans to offer those particular features.”

We’ll call this one a flip-flop flop. Carry on folks, this is just another day in the life of the Romney campaign.

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