
Mitt Romney Flips Again – Promises To Repeal ObamaCare “In Its Entirety”

Sunday: Mitt Romney went on Meet The Press and told the nation that he liked parts of ObamaCare. He reassured the American people that he will not repeal the entire bill because there are some parts he agreed with. Mr. Romney specifically mentioned the pre-existing conditions provision in ObamaCare, where insurance companies are required to provide insurance coverage to everyone no matter what their health history is. This, Mr. Romney said, was good policy and would remain in his version of healthcare.

Later on Sunday: Moments after Romney made his new position known, his campaign issued a statement basically saying, “there he go again!” The campaign explained that what Romney said on Meet The Press was incorrect, and reclaimed a previous position Romney held to repeal all of ObamaCare.

Monday: Romney backtracks on the new position he revealed on Meet The Press. On Monday, Romney bowed to his campaign and said in a radio interview that he will in fact, repeal all of ObamaCare in its entirety.

Some leader, huh? This is the man who Republicans have tapped to be the next leader of the free world, but he cannot stand up in opposition of his own campaign.

Romney’s Radio interview:

Herman Cain Michele Bachmann sexual harassment

Michele Bachmann Calls Herman Cain Inconsistent

In a radio interview airing today, Michele Bachmann – one of many Republicans trying to beat President Obama in 2012 – expressed her concerns about her fellow Republican and front-runners in the nomination process, Herman Cain.

Answering questions about Cain’s sexual harassment allegations, Bachmann said;

Now this is significant. There has been 10 instances in the last month where he’s changed his positions on significant issues. On the issue of pro-life, he said the government shouldn’t intervene to protect life and then he switched and said ‘no they should.’ He said he wasn’t for the marriage amendment, then he said he was. Then he said that he would allow the terrorists to go out of Guantanamo Bay. In other words he would release the terrorists. Then he changed his mind and said ‘no.’ He just said this week that China was developing a nuclear weapon. They’ve had one for 47 years. He said that 9-9-9 would be equitable and fair, then he changed it to 9-0-9 after people called out his errors.

… That’s what the real issue is with Herman Cain’s campaign: the fact that he’s switched his positions when he found out that they weren’t acceptable by the people who were voting. That should really give people pause. Everyone loves him, who doesn’t? He has a great personality, but this is the leader of the free world that we’re talking about … We need to know that our President of the United States is going to go in there and do bold things and know what they’re talking about and be consistent. That’s what I bring that no other candidate brings. That’s why I am set apart and it’s why we can’t settle.

In other news, Michele Bachmann just realized that China already have nuclear weapons, thanks to Herman Cain’s ignorant claim that the Chinese are trying to develop nuclear capabilities.

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