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Donald Trump Throws Republicans Under The Bus. He’s Now An Independent

Just what the Independents need, a self absorbed, narcissistic, lunatic who refuses to come to terms with the fact that no one cares about him… except PETA, as they continue their never-ending quest to free that animal on his head.

NEW YORK — Billionaire businessman Donald Trump has changed his voter registration in New York state from Republican to unaffiliated to preserve his option of running for president as an independent.

Michael Cohen, special counsel to Trump, said Friday that Trump could enter the race if Republicans fail to nominate a candidate who the real estate mogul believes can defeat President Barack Obama.

Cohen told to NBC News that Trump would consider his position “after the finale of ‘The Apprentice’ in May of 2012 if he is not satisfied with the Republican nominee for president.”

If Independents know what’s best for them and their cause, they will call the exterminator and get this parasite out from within their ranks and back into the Republican party where he belongs!

Barack Obama Birthers Donald Trump

Robert DeNiro Defends Obama, Disses The Donald

“It’s like a big hustle,” De Niro said of The Donald’s birthers act. “It’s like being a car salesman. Don’t go out there and say things unless you can back them up.”

That was Robert DeNiro’s response to what Donald Trump is doing with the birther issue. DeNiro was giving an onstage interview with NBC News anchor Brian Williams at the Tribeca Film Festival on Saturday. Mr. DeNiro continued;

“I won’t mention names, but there are certain people on the news in the last couple of weeks—what they’re doing is crazy. They’re making statements about people that they don’t even back up. Go get the facts before you start saying things about people.”

Brian Williams wanted to make sure Mr. DeNiro was in fact talking about The Donald, so Williams asked, “Any of those people have shows on my network on Sunday night?”— clearly talking about Celebrity Apprentice. the reality show hosted by The Donald – to which Mr. DeNiro responded;

“Yes! It’s like a big hustle. It’s like being a car salesman. Don’t go out there and say things unless you can back them up. How dare you? It’s awful. Just go out there and speak and say these terrible things?… It’s crazy.”

Williams then asked about DeNiro’s feeling to what was happening in the political arena, to which Mr. DeNiro offered his defence of President Obama, saying;

“I think of the possibility of the government being shut down and I say, ‘How did we get to this point?’ …I know Obama was trying to bridge the gap. His intentions are really good. Maybe some things are not as good as we all would like but his intentions are good. A lot of these guys—their intentions are not even good. They’re just playing a game and they’re playing with people’s lives.”

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