college Express Yourself job style teenager

My Year In Review

Every time my birthday  rolls around it seems like it was just yesterday I was a year younger; time really does seem to fly. Though going from 18 to 19, it seemed like a lifetime.

It’s amazing that a year ago I was enjoying my summer with my girlfriend of three years. My memory is a little foggy but I’m pretty sure I spent the afternoon with her, as was the norm with me and her. We exchanged gifts, considering our anniversary landed on the same day; I got her a key necklace with a heart as it’s main part, she also got me a necklace in the shape of a heart with our names inscribed in it. I’m not sure where that necklace went to..

I entered college that September at William Paterson University. Man oh man that was quite an experience. In a period of four months I watched my relationship crumble, learned that college isn’t easy, and that it’s a dog eat dog world. I left in late November, partly due to the fact I just wasn’t ready to be in college and because they locked my account since I apparently wasn’t a “legal” US citizen (don’t mind my SSN, bank account, drivers license, etc).

My parents were supportive of me leaving WPU, my dad was too caught up arguing with the school over their actions, but I felt alone in my world. I didn’t want to be the kid sitting around doing nothing with his life but also didn’t want to instantly jump into college again. So, I did what any sensible 18 year old would do, I became a certified bartender.

Being a bartender seemed like a cool idea, of course from a business perspective, paying an 18 year old to handle alcohol is a “no-no”. With that plan failing I just started looking around for whatever was out there. The job hunt had it’s many lows but, every now and then it provided me with a job and timeless memories.

I knew though that I couldn’t survive working as a promoter for clubs or working part time in a retail store. I took a deep deep breath and registered back up to go to college. Brace yourself Bergen County College, I’m coming for you!

One year, 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, has felt like a lifetime to me. My world has flipped upside down more than once and has undergone a change in every way. I’ve changed my friends, my style, my attitude, my view on life, and much much more. The 18 year old teen who walked cautiously into college a year ago has been replaced by a 19 year old who feels like he’s ready to take on the world.

(random image for laughs)

alex jones Featured Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan And Alex Jones – The Crazy Showdown on Gun Control

Thinking he could have had a reasonable discussion or debate with a gun fanatic, CNN’s Piers Morgan got the man who started the “Deport Piers Morgan” petition on the White House website, to agree to come to his show. The goal was to present the two sides of the debate on gun control, but Morgan got more than he bargained for after he asked the first question, “why do you want to deport me?”

The man’s name is Alex Jones, and responding to Morgan’s question, Mr. Jones began by explaining that the purpose of the Second Amendment to the Constitution is not for gun owners to “go duck hunting,” but rather to protect Americans from “tyrannical governments and street thugs.”

That was the only question Mr. Morgan got to ask, as Mr. Jones went on a shouting match with himself, claiming that the reason the government is “trying to take our guns” is to achieve “world tyranny.”

Showing a few pieces of paper that he called ” FBI Crime Statistics,” Mr. Jones’ voice began to rise when he spoke about other leaders who “took the guns.” As his shouting continue, Jones came to his climax when he proclaimed;

“Hitler took the guns Stalin took the guns, Mao took the guns, Fidel Castro took the guns, Hugo Chavez took the guns, and I’m here to tell you, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms! Doesn’t matter how many lemmings you get out there on the street, begging for ’em to have their guns taken. We will not relinquish them. Do you understand?! That’s why you’re going to fail, and the establishment knows, no matter how much propaganda, the republic will rise again!”


After the commercial break, the crazy continued. Morgan tried to lay down some ground rules – I ask the questions, you answer. But his first question after the break sent Jones back on his trip.

Video 2


Featured Wayne LaPierre

Whose Name Should Be First On Any National Database For Mental Health?

Besides Rush Limbaugh, this other guy is a total basket case.

He is the same one who said that bringing more guns on school grounds would reduce the amount of kids murdered. He is also the same guy who said today on Meet The Press that reducing the amount of clips in a gun would do nothing to reduce the amount of damage presently done by high-capacity clips.

Mitt Romney Politics

Ann Romney’s Biggest Concern – Mitt Could Go Crazy If He Lose In November – Video


If Mitt Romney cannot handle the struggles of a political campaign, how in the world is he going to handle the constant barrage of problems the president faces every day?

This little piece of nugget comes from the person who knows Mitt Romney best. In an interview, Ann Romney tells of her biggest concern if Mitt Romney doesn’t win the White House. According to Mrs. Romney, her biggest concern is “Mitt’s mental well-being.”

Ann Romney thinks the campaign for the presidency and losing in November could drive Mitt Romney crazy!


Video compliments Daily Kos.

Barack Obama Featured Mike Huckabee Republican Satan United States

Oh My Gawd. Mike Huckabee Is Crazy!

Cliché Time…

If we are known by the company we keep, and birds of a feather flock together, then what exactly does it say about Mike Huckabee – the 2008 Republican presidential candidate and possible 2012 Republican candidate for President – when his closest advisor, Janet Porter says “President Obama is a Soviet Secret Agent?” Seriously!

Huckabee has joked that he “answers” to “two Janets.” One is his wife, Janet Huckabee. The other is Janet Porter, the onetime co-chair of Huckabee’s Faith and Values Coalition. And Porter, the former governor has said, is his “prophetic voice.” But that voice has said some weird things over the years: Porter has maintained that Obama represents an “inhumane, sick, and sinister evil,” and she has warned that Democrats want to throw Christians in jail merely for practicing their faith.

She’s attributed Haiti’s high poverty rate to the fact that the country is “dedicated to Satan,” and she suggested that gay marriage caused Noah’s Flood. And there’s this: In a 2009 column for conservative news site WorldNetDaily, Porter asserted that President Barack Obama is a Soviet secret agent, groomed since birth to destroy the United States from within.

So if Janet Porter is Mike Huckabee’s “prophetic voice,” and her opinions are clearly those of the insane, does that mean that Huckabee is therefore insane and thus, a crazy Republican is getting ready to possibly run for the job of Commander In Chief of this nation?


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