Featured Wayne LaPierre

Whose Name Should Be First On Any National Database For Mental Health?

Besides Rush Limbaugh, this other guy is a total basket case.

He is the same one who said that bringing more guns on school grounds would reduce the amount of kids murdered. He is also the same guy who said today on Meet The Press that reducing the amount of clips in a gun would do nothing to reduce the amount of damage presently done by high-capacity clips.

Mitt Romney Politics

Ann Romney’s Biggest Concern – Mitt Could Go Crazy If He Lose In November – Video


If Mitt Romney cannot handle the struggles of a political campaign, how in the world is he going to handle the constant barrage of problems the president faces every day?

This little piece of nugget comes from the person who knows Mitt Romney best. In an interview, Ann Romney tells of her biggest concern if Mitt Romney doesn’t win the White House. According to Mrs. Romney, her biggest concern is “Mitt’s mental well-being.”

Ann Romney thinks the campaign for the presidency and losing in November could drive Mitt Romney crazy!


Video compliments Daily Kos.

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