
The Power of Power

Funny you should ask, but yes, I am sitting in my local public library charging all of my devices because yet again, north central New Jersey is without power. I really thought we had escaped this because the snowstorm hit on Wednesday and we kept our power throughout the driving snow and falling branches. But on Saturday morning we heard a bang, and then the lights went out. And the heat. And the (well) water. At least we can still cook on the gas stove. A large pork shoulder butt for pulling. What else would you expect a nice Jewish boy to be cooking on a Sunday afternoon?

But that’s not what I came to talk about. Came to talk about power. So while we wait for more snow on Monday night and Tuesday, let’s muse about the power shift that is on its way.

Young people are ticked off and they want the power over their lives that previous hordes of young people have fought for. The power to be safe. The power to shake the status quo, as in the power of the NRA to dictate their view of the Second Amendment, which is that it’s inviolable and any slight change in gun laws is an egregious violation of American rights. Enter Florida. Raising the minimum age to purchase a gun is a good step. Worked with alcohol; why not guns? The NRA’s argument is that denying a 19 year old a gun is akin to taking away guns, which, as we know, is the argument that all far-right gunsters use to beat back any regulation. If Florida can pass gun control laws, then most any state can. The question is whether they will.

Related to that is the proposed student walkout on Wednesday in response to the Parkland shooting. Under normal circumstances, schools in the leafy NJ suburbs would balk at letting students lead a disruption in the school day. This time, though, administrators are bending to the will of the vocal majority and are making accommodations so that both students and teachers can express their concerns and rights and fears and hopes that the country will finally make some common-sense changes. Students are leading this, and that’s the beauty of it because they need to be heard. So much for this being an uninvolved, frightened, self-centered group of young men and women. That the right-wing media wants to paint them as dupes and fakes tells you all you already knew about the credibility of the right wing media.

And what about the teachers? In West Virginia they didn’t make the mistake that Senator Susan Collins made when she voted to keep the government funded in return for a scheduled vote on Dreamers, only to be sold out by Mitch McConnell. No, the teachers didn’t go back to school after the promise of a wage gain; they waited until the legislature actually gave them one before ending their protest, defying their state and local union leadership.

In short, enough is enough. Destroying public worker unions has resulted in the most heinous abrogations of the commitment that a progressive, democratic republic make to the workers that ensure education, and that government services are delivered effectively and equally. We are truly at the point where Ronald Reagan’s warning that the government is the problem is having its most noxious effect.

I have to laugh, and cry, at the gazillion gigabytes of words and pictures devoted to the idea that our present government is somehow run by populists. It is not. It’s run by know-nothings who are shifting even more money to themselves and hoping that the poor rubes who voted for them won’t notice, or will be bought off by $40 or $50 dollars more per week in their paychecks. Meanwhile, government workers are vilified for not getting things done with reduced resources, resources that those in power would like to reduce and defund even more.

The backlash is already here and it is being lead by people who are supposed to do as they are told. Clearly, that’s not happening anymore.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest


If the Children Are to Lead, They Have to Vote

You’ll excuse me if I’m somewhat skeptical, but all this talk about how the young people of this country are going to lead us into a new era where the adults have failed seems vaguely familiar. Many older Americans had the same feelings when the voting age was lowered to 18 in 1971 and they braced themselves for a new generation of activists who would change the way this country was run.

Instead, they gave us the Reagan Revolution which, by the by, coincides with a precipitous decline in the fortunes of the middle class, an explosion of money at the top of the income scale, and racial, economic and educational inequality that has resulted in a lost generation of African-American men and a coarsening of public discourse as a direct result of the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987.

In other words, the mythical bar in on the floor, ready for anyone with a half-considered idea to walk confidently over it.

Ok, Ok, maybe that wasn’t fair or was a bit dark. After all, the baby boom cohort has given us technology that was only a dream 40 short years ago, which has revolutionized work, entertainment, grammar and the speed at which society hurtles forward. We have better food, more of it, and at lower prices than we;ve ever had it. Is it any wonder that we’re gaining weight? We also have more breweries in this country than at any time since the 1880s. So we got that going for us.

And here comes the new youth. Hello and welcome. While the rest of us boomers get older, and I am shockingly aging at the rate of one year per year, the country seems to be getting younger and younger. This is natural. This is good. This works for me.

But I am not yet convinced that it will mean that meaningful change is close at hand.

First, the new young people will need to register to vote on or before their 18th birthday depending on their state’s law. Then they will need, and this is the big one, to vote. In every election. Every one. Without fail. I haven’t missed an election…ever. Not ever. I voted in person, by absentee ballot and by mail-in ballot. They can too. It’s easy. And fun.

And not just voting in presidential elections. Young people need to vote in local state and Congressional elections as well. This is how to transfer the energy and emotion into policy and representation. It’s a lesson in civics. Which we don’t require much in schools these days? Connection? Anyone? Anyone?

It will be difficult to maintain the present energy until November, but that’s natural. The initial awakening will settle down into organizing and spreading the message. Then the real slog comes in the fall when people will need to go door-to-door and get out the vote. But we have a good start. The energy is building and so is the outrage over the senseless violence that has now invaded schools.

To make a change, though, young people must register and vote. No Excuses.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest


NRA? Forever. NEA? Not Ever

West Virginia Teachers are on strike.

Students are being shot in schools.

The Secretary of Education self-assesses herself a B+ or A- on her first year of work.

Boston University is the latest college to forgive students who are disciplined if they walk out of school on March 14 to demonstrate for school safety.

The president and the NRA want teachers to carry a gun in school.

This is the state of education today.

In a way, this doesn’t surprise me. After all, I lived through 8 years of Chris Christie and the Know-Nothings bashing teachers, ridiculing our concerns and generally creating a toxic environment for all public workers. Now that we’re living with the greatest worst president in the history of our country, it would make sense that we have the best anti-education leaders in our history making decisions that make little common sense and absolutely no education sense.

West Virginia is just another example of anti-union states paying teachers so little that they have to get second jobs just to maintain a middle class existence. This is what happens when ideologues take away the power of workers to bargain collectively or to have a say in their work environments. It speaks volumes that teachers believe they have to strike because it goes against everything that effective educators believe, which is that we need to be in the classroom educating children. To decide that you have to be out of the classroom with a picket sign is a sign that the state government has gone too far.

And it could, and likely will, get worse. On Monday, the Supreme Court will hear a case that could severely cripple unions that represent public workers. The Janus case  would allow people to opt out of, or not join, a union, and thus not pay a dime, but would require the union to still bargain on behalf of that employee. This would place an undue financial burden on unions, but the real effect, and what the right wing has wanted for decades, is the end of public worker unions. The right believes that management is always right and that they should make all decisions regarding financial and employment matters.

Which then brings us to the Secretary of Education. Her self-assessment is the reason why educators don’t allow or encourage…self-assessment when it comes to grades. I have no doubt that Secretary DeVos believes she’s doing a fabulous job when in fact she is not. She wants to have all education decisions revert to the states, but that will only bring us back to the wildly different standards and achievement levels that led us to A Nation at Risk. Allowing 50 different sets of education standards is a terrible idea because it does not guarantee every child a quality education.

And a quality education seems to have missed those politicians, from public and private schools, who recommend arming teachers and vilify students as actors who are in thrall to Democrats when the GOP is in thrall to the NRA. The president, in fact, has adopted all of the NRA talking points, but none of the National Education Association. Need I say more?

It’s clear that proponents of arming teachers have not really thought through the ramifications of such a move. How would the guns be stored? What about liability? What happens if a gun goers off accidentally or doesn’t go of at all? What if a students gets possession of a teacher’s gun? What kind of environment are you creating when guns saturate schools?

But all of those questions pale in the presence of the fact that public money, and lots of it, would be going to something that has nothing to do with education. If there’s money available for weapons training, why not use it for curriculum, professional development, or paying teachers a livable wage so they don’t have to go to their second job after school?

There is no way that students can adequately learn in an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty, but that’s exactly what would happen if we introduce more guns into schools. Armed security guards? That would be fine, but not teachers. That would lead to tragedy.

This administration has shown that American cultural norms are subject to the whims of lobbyists, piles of cash and fealty to the president. The result will not help children, education or the nation.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Featured Politics

Fox News Happily Repeats Gun store’s “Taking aim at Hillary” Sales pitch – Video

Republicans have always scare their supporters into buying more guns. It happens whenever there is a mass-shooting and it happens whenever an election is about to happen. They used the fear that “Obama is coming to take your guns” and scared Republicans ran to the gun store in record numbers.

Well, no surprise here, but it’s happening all over again. This time however, Fox News seems to be praising a Las Vegas gun store for using verbiage that basically put Hillary Clinton in the crosshairs. Verbiage like, “taking aim at Hillary.”

The Fox Host began the segment by making this introduction – “All right, get your guns, for cheap.”

Another host, Ainsley Earhardt, elaborated. “A Las Vegas gun shop is taking aim at Hillary Clinton by advertising a pre-Hillary sale warning that gun prices are going to skyrocket once the “crooked” Democratic nominee takes office.”


Donald Trump Politics

Trump Foresees Someone Shooting Hillary Clinton – “Let’s see what happens to her” Video

Once again, Donald Trump stood in front of his supporters and suggested that someone could assassinate Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate, if it weren’t for all her bodyguards and all the guns they carry. Trump then advised Clinton’s bodyguards to “drop all weapons,” and “disarm,” in anticipation of what would then happen to Mrs Clinton.

Here’s the Republican presidential candidate anticipating what could happen to Hillary Clinton if her bodyguards took his advice.

You know she’s very much against the second amendment. She wants to destroy your second amendment. Guns! Guns! Guns, right? I think what we should do is, she goes around with armed bodyguards like you’ve never seen before. I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons. They should disarm. Right? Right? I think they should disarm. Immediately. What do you think, yes? Yes. Yes. Take their guns away, she doesn’t want guns. Take their… Let’s see what happens to her.


Donald Trump Politics

NRA Slams Trump’s Response to Orlando Shooting – It “Defies Commonsense”

After patting himself on the back following the Orlando massacre, Donald Trump went on to suggest the usual Republican response when there’s a mass shooting in America – that more club-goers needed more guns. Asked about that statement on Sunday, Chris Cox, the executive director of the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action, said Trump’s answer “defies commonsense.”

“We have a serious problem in this country, a catastrophic situation,” Cox said. “It has nothing to do with firearms. It has nothing to do with the Second Amendment or even gun control and it has everything to do with radical Islamic terrorists.”

Cox was asked about presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump‘s comments that the outcome in Orlando would have been better had more people in the club been armed.

Cox said the Pulse nightclub’s gun-free-zone policy didn’t prevent Omar Mateen from “mowing down innocent people.”

Cox, however, said he does not want people drinking a nightclub armed to the teeth.

“What Donald Trump has said is what the American people know is commonsense, that if somebody had been there to stop this faster, fewer people would have died. That’s not controversial, that’s commonsense,” he said.

“No one thinks that people should go into a nightclub drinking and carrying firearms. That defies commonsense. It also defies the law. It’s not what we’re talking about here,” he added.

Featured mass shooting

Pastor on Orlando Shooting – “there’s fifty less pedophiles in this world” – Video

Needless to say, this so-called Pastor has totally given up on the verse in the Bible where God commanded his followers to “preach the gospel to every creature,” and instead, Pastor Steven Anderson has chosen to embrace the works of the killer who mercilessly gunned down 50 human beings and wounded another 52. The pastor praised the terrorist and announced, “there’s fifty less pedophiles in this world.”

“These homosexuals are a bunch of perverts and pedophiles, that’s who was a victim here, a bunch of disgusting homosexuals at a gay bar,” he said. He later added: “The good news is that at least fifty of these pedophiles are not going to be harming children anymore. The bad news is that a lot of the homos in the bar are still alive, so they’re going to continue to molest children and recruit people into their filthy homosexual lifestyle.”


Featured shooting

Woman Shot in Church Days After Pro-Gun Law is Signed – Video

Honorable members of The Gun lovers Asylum of America unite!

The insanity continues.

This incident comes shortly after the Governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey, signed two pro-gun bills, while vetoing another.

With the newly signed piece of legislation, courts in Arizona can fine cities and counties up to $50,000 if they violate the state statute that prevents the local regulation of firearms. In addition, any school governing board in Arizona is now forbidden to ban someone residing near a school campus to legally possess a firearm.

Tucson News Now

Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump Calls His Supporters Stupid and They’re too Stupid to See It

It’s been one thing after another. Every time you turn around, Donald Trump is saying something else that is sure to capture the short attention span of what we call… the media. And instead of talking about policies, we are left to debate another dumb remark by Donald Trump.

But his latest dumb remark is not like the many others Trump has made. His latest remark is about his supporters and how blinded they are by their own stupidity. Donald Trump, the current leader in the Republican race for president, opened his mouth and basically said that his supporters are so stupid, no matter what he says or does, his followers will still follow.

“My people are so smart, and you know what else they say about my people, the polls? They say I have the most loyal people.

“Did you ever see that? Where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK? It’s like incredible.”

It’s not incredible Donald, it’s stupidity. People who would still support someone who “stand in the middle of Fifth Ave and shoot somebody” are incapable of understanding, or unwilling to accept basic human decency. Those people can be called ignorant, they can also be called stupid.


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Featured mass shooting Politics sandy hook

Fox News – Obama was “Faking” His Tears by Putting “Pepper” By His Eyes – Video

The President recently spoke about guns and the deaths of so many American citizens at the hands of crazed lunatics with guns. But when he mentioned the Sandy Hook massacre where 20 kids and 6 adults were senselessly slaughtered, he had to wipe away the tears, a natural emotion that many onlookers understood.

Except over at the “Fair and Balanced” network of Fox News, where one commentator actually said the president placed peppers by his eyes to allow the tears to flow.

“Obama was clearly faking his crying.” said Michael Gunzelman of WABC radio. “He put pepper to his eye and that’s how he started to cry.”

Why this network is considered a “news” network is beyond me. But then again, I can totally understand why one study found that watching Fox News makes you “stupid.”


Donald Trump Politics

You Are Screened for Guns at Donald Trump’s Rallies- Video

If you listen to Donald Trump and the Republicans, guns should be allowed everywhere and the more guns you bring with you, the safer everyone will be. Trump was the same Republican who blamed the victims of the Paris terrorist attacks, saying if they had guns there will be alive today.

But if you go to a Donald Trump’s rally, you’ll quickly come to the realization that guns are not welcome at Donald Trump’s for rallies.

Can you say hypocrite?



NRA Responds to Obama’s Call for Background Checks – He’s Coming For Your Guns!!!

It’s more of the same from the NRA, after today’s emotional plea for meaningful background checks from the President. In a brand new statement pushing the same old lines, NRA claims President Obama’s call for action is nothing more than politics, and that Mr. Obama is coming for your guns!

In a statement from the executive director of the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action, Chris W. Cox, the usual talking points are heard.

The statement read;

Once again, President Obama has chosen to engage in political rhetoric, instead of offering meaningful solutions to our nation’s pressing problems.  Today’s event also represents an ongoing attempt to distract attention away from his lack of a coherent strategy to keep the American people safe from terrorist attack.

The American people do not need more emotional, condescending lectures that are completely devoid of facts. The men and women of the National Rifle Association take a back seat to no one when it comes to keeping our communities safe.  But the fact is that President Obama’s proposals would not have prevented any of the horrific events he mentioned.  The timing of this announcement, in the eighth and final year of his presidency, demonstrates not only political exploitation but a fundamental lack of seriousness.

The proposed executive actions are ripe for abuse by the Obama Administration, which has made no secret of its contempt for the Second Amendment.  The NRA will continue to fight to protect the fundamental, individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms as guaranteed under our Constitution.  We will not allow law-abiding gun owners to be harassed or intimidated for engaging in lawful, constitutionally-protected activity – nor will we allow them to become scapegoats for President Obama’s failed policies.

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