gun control mass murder mass shooting Politics

Senate Votes Against First Gun Control Measure

They still can’t figure out a way to do their job, even after 49 people were gunned down in Orlando in what is now the biggest mass shooting incident on America’s soil.

The Senate has rejected the first of four gun control measures it is set to consider on Monday, just over a week after 49 people were killed in the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.

The Senate voted 53-47 on a measure backed by Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) that would reauthorize funding for the National Criminal Instant Background Check System (NICS) and provide incentives for states to give mental health records to the federal system.

Sixty votes were needed to advance the bill under the Senate’s procedural rules.

The Senate will now vote on a Democratic bill that would require a background check for most gun sales or transfers. It is also expected to fail.
Most Republicans backed the Grassley measure, while most Democrats opposed it.

Two more votes are also expected on legislation aimed at preventing suspected terrorists from being able to buy guns. Both of those measures will also require 60 votes to advance, and are both expected to fail.

All of the proposals are being offered as amendments to the Commerce, Justice and Science appropriations bill.

Featured mass shooting

Man Said Orlando Shooter Wanted a Romantic Relationship with Him

The man who killed 50 people at an Orlando gay club over the weekend once “saw two men kissing” and that pissed him off, so said his father. So we were led to believe that Omar Mateen hated the LGBT community so much that he loaded up his NRA approved semi-automatic, loaded up a hand-gun and went to the club. He then proceeded to commit the biggest mass murder in America’s history.

But maybe we were led astray. Maybe what led Mateen to commit such a heinous  crime was not the homophobic attitude his father described,  but rather his apparent closeted sexuality and being rejected by some in the LGBT community.

A man who was in the same 2006 police academy class told the Palm Beach Post that Mateen once asked him out romantically, and said they had spent time together at gay nightclubs after classes at the Indian River Community College police academy.

Officials say Mateen shot and killed 49 people and injured 53 others at Pulse, a gay nightclub early Sunday morning.

“We went to a few gay bars with him, and I was not out at the time, so I declined his offer,” said the former classmate said, who asked that  his name not be used.

The man told the Palm Beach Post that he believed Mateen was gay, but not open about it.

“He just wanted to fit in and no one liked him,” he said. “He was always socially awkward.”

Earlier Monday, it was revealed that Mateen was a frequent visitor to the establishment, according to one regular visitor.

“Sometimes he would go over in the corner and sit and drink by himself, and other times he would get so drunk he was loud and belligerent,” Ty Smith said of the gunman Omar Mateen, 29, according to The Orlando Sentinel.

Featured mass shooting

Pastor on Orlando Shooting – “there’s fifty less pedophiles in this world” – Video

Needless to say, this so-called Pastor has totally given up on the verse in the Bible where God commanded his followers to “preach the gospel to every creature,” and instead, Pastor Steven Anderson has chosen to embrace the works of the killer who mercilessly gunned down 50 human beings and wounded another 52. The pastor praised the terrorist and announced, “there’s fifty less pedophiles in this world.”

“These homosexuals are a bunch of perverts and pedophiles, that’s who was a victim here, a bunch of disgusting homosexuals at a gay bar,” he said. He later added: “The good news is that at least fifty of these pedophiles are not going to be harming children anymore. The bad news is that a lot of the homos in the bar are still alive, so they’re going to continue to molest children and recruit people into their filthy homosexual lifestyle.”


Featured mass shooting Politics sandy hook

Fox News – Obama was “Faking” His Tears by Putting “Pepper” By His Eyes – Video

The President recently spoke about guns and the deaths of so many American citizens at the hands of crazed lunatics with guns. But when he mentioned the Sandy Hook massacre where 20 kids and 6 adults were senselessly slaughtered, he had to wipe away the tears, a natural emotion that many onlookers understood.

Except over at the “Fair and Balanced” network of Fox News, where one commentator actually said the president placed peppers by his eyes to allow the tears to flow.

“Obama was clearly faking his crying.” said Michael Gunzelman of WABC radio. “He put pepper to his eye and that’s how he started to cry.”

Why this network is considered a “news” network is beyond me. But then again, I can totally understand why one study found that watching Fox News makes you “stupid.”


executive action mass shooting Politics sandy hook

An Emotional President Obama Talks About Mass Shootings and Guns – Video

The hurt was apparent on President Obama today as he brought together an audience at the White House for an announcement on upcoming executive actions on background checks. At one point, the emotional toll on the president was so heavy, it caused the tears to flow.

Below is the complete video of the president’s announcement on sensible background check measures he is proposing. Watch this video and witness a president who really cares about the American people, and is willing to stand on his own through executive actions to protect Americans.

While talking about the massacre at Sandy Hook where 20 elementary kids were slaughtered, the President broke down, pausing at various times to whip tears from his eyes.

“Every time I think about those kids, it gets me mad,” Mr. Obama said. “And by the way, it happens on the streets of Chicago every day!”

Remember when Republican Rudy Giuliani said this president doesn’t care or love America?


mass shooting Politics

More Guns More Shootings More Deaths in San Bernardino California

A shocking realization after this latest mass shooting in San Bernardino California. As pointed out by a reporter from The Huffington Post, today’s mass shooting, today being December 2nd, 2015, marks the 355th shooting to date this year… and so far, we’re only 336 days into the year.

In this shooting that happened in San Bernadino California around 11am local time, 14 people died and 14 more injured as three armed gunmen walked into a social services center in San Bernardino, California and opened fire on innocent people going about their daily routine.

The gunmen, dressed in all black and wearing masks, ran after committing their horrific crime.

And still, after the 355th mass murder incident this year – more mass shootings than days in the year so far with guns used in every single incident – we can be sure of one thing, thanks to the power and influence of the NRA, absolutely nothing will be done as Republicans in Congress gladly accept their NRA donations instead of saving lives.

A week from today, this incident will be another faint memory as we focus our attention on the next mass shooting were even more innocent Americans will be murdered.

Domestic terrorism at its best! God bless America!

mass shooting Politics

Republicans Want Easier Access to Gun Silencers – Mass Murderers Rejoice

With all the massacres in America these days where crazy lunatics use guns to murder innocent people, you’d think every effort would be made to save lives.

Think about it. If the murderer in the next classroom has silencers and noise suppressors installed on his gun, then chances are other students might not be aware of the carnage taking place next door. With these sound suppresses installed, the murderer now has elemental surprise on his side when he goes from classroom to classroom committing his crime.

That element of surprise is exactly what House Republicans are trying to secure for everyone,  especially those individuals who will benefit the most from the devices – the crazy mass murderers.

House Republicans on Thursday introduced a bill that would eliminate a federal tax on gun silencers and would weaken licensing requirements that currently make the devices more difficult to buy than most firearms.

The Hearing Protection Act of 2015, proposed by Rep. Matt Salmon (R-Ariz.) and co-sponsored by 10 of his colleagues, would do this by removing silencers, which are also called suppressors, from the purview of the National Firearms Act, instead putting them in the same regulatory category as long guns. As its title suggests, the bill’s sponsors are framing it as an effort to keep shooters from damaging their ears.

In 1934, in the wake of Prohibition-era violence carried out by heavily armed bootleggers and gangsters, sound-suppressing devices were included on a list of NFA weaponry and other hardware, alongside firearms like machine guns and short-barreled shotguns. Today, purchases of silencers are still subject to a $200 fee, which covers an extensive FBI background check that can take months to complete.

mass shooting Politics

Another Mass Shooting – 1000 Since Sandy Hook

I can almost guarantee that you did not hear about the 1,000th mass shooting in America since the massacre in Sandy Hook Connecticut. And I can almost guarantee that because at the time of this mass shooting, the country’s attention was fixated on another mass shooting at a college in Oregon.

Just before sundown on Thursday 1 October, an old man charged across the main street of the little town of Inglis, Florida. He was expecting trouble. Someone had recklessly fired a pistol in public, and Buzz Terhune intended to have words about it.

he horror that unfolded in the next few minutes has become so mundane, so everyday, that it no longer makes national news. Terhune was marching headlong into the 1,000th mass shooting in the United States since the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre almost three years ago.

Just a few hours earlier, a gunman in Oregon had killed nine people and injured nine others at a community college. It shocked the American conscience. But what happened to Terhune and three other people, and has happened to thousands of others across the country, went unnoticed. Shootings that injure or kill four or more people – mass shootings – have become commonplace in American culture.

An examination of the details, though, reveals mass shooting number 1,000 to be, like all the others, a human cataclysm. Broken hearts and bullets, an affair in which the roles of victim and perpetrator flip in an instant.

It started a few days earlier, when sheriff’s deputies responded to a missing person report. Walter Tyson, 57, couldn’t find his wife, Patricia. But when deputies arrived at the house, they found notes Patricia had left saying she wanted a new life. And so she had left.

Days passed.

Inglis sits on Florida’s west coast, in a swamp draped with Spanish moss. The town has been dying since the day, decades ago, when commercial net fishing was outlawed. Its population has dwindled to 1,300, and most residents are getting old.

Most of 1 October, 68-year-old Buzz Terhune ran errands in the tiny downtown. He stopped by city hall to leave a get-well card and balloons for the mayor, Drinda Merritt, who had been ill. The two had a friendly, sparring relationship: Terhune showed up at every city meeting, always sat in the same chair, and always spoke his mind.

“I’m not done with you yet!” he wrote in the card, and drew a little smiley face.

City hall’s main hallway was stacked with old wooden doors. The mayor had replaced them with doors of reinforced glass, and added a thick glass barrier at the front desk, after a man who lived across from city hall started stalking one of the women who worked there. Otis Ray Bean was his name.

“We knew we could have trouble when he moved to town,” the mayor said.

People in town didn’t like Bean. He wore a black leather vest and drank too much. His home looked like a southern gothic haunted house, with rotting clapboard sides and a rusted roof and strange stick-and-feather talismans hanging outside. It sat directly across from city hall and the town bank, looming over the comings and goings of Inglis.

Just before 6pm on 1 October, Terhune and his friend Scotty Smith pulled up to the bank’s cash machine, in Smith’s truck. Terhune sat in the passenger’s seat. The truck sat too high for Smith to reach the machine, so he stepped out. As he keyed in a $100 withdrawal he heard Terhune, behind him in the cab, say something about a fire.
Smith looked at the sky.

“Nah, Buzz,” he said. “That’s just some mist coming in. Not smoke.”

He heard Terhune say, “ … firing a gun”, and saw him jump out of the truck and take off running.

“Where are you going?” Smith shouted.

Terhune called back, “The kids!” and pointed to a playground next to city hall. He apparently suspected Bean was drunkenly firing off his pistol in sight of the children, whose mother was scrambling to gather them.

Smith hadn’t heard the gunshots, and still didn’t quite grasp what was happening. “What has Buzz got us into now?” he thought.

He danced around the cash machine until it spit out his money, then hopped into his truck and pulled away, toward the Bean place.

Terhune, who served three tours in Vietnam, crossed the street to confront Bean.

Bean, though, lay dying in his yard. He wasn’t the shooter.

A man Terhune didn’t recognize stood on the steps of the side porch, with one pistol in his hand and another on his waist. Walter Tyson had bought them years earlier in New York state, where he had a concealed-carry permit.

In the bank parking lot, Smith looked through the windshield of his truck. He saw Bean lying in the yard and, a few feet away, Terhune now lying still in the grass. He heard four more gunshots, from the first floor of the house. Tyson had found his wife.

Smith pulled his truck past the house and on to the side of the road. He dialed 911, and an operator told him to stay clear of the scene. But he backed his truck up to the house and watched his friend Terhune, hoping for movement. Praying for a twitch.

“If he had moved, I was going to pull the truck up and throw him in it and take off,” Smith said later. “Like on TV, you know? But it didn’t happen like that.”

Tyson had shot Terhune twice in the head, and he never moved again.

Inglis has no police department. But according to Lieutenant Scott Tummond of the Levy County sheriff’s office, the town had a single stroke of luck that day.

A couple of blocks away, a tactical joint task force of US marshals, state police and sheriff’s deputies had just arrested a fugitive on unrelated interstate charges. When Smith called 911, the enormous task force responded within moments, arriving at Bean’s yard like a cavalry division.

“I have no doubt things would have carried on, and been worse, if they hadn’t been there,” Tummond said. “I believe Tyson would have fled the scene and it would have spilled into another town.”

Seeing the house surrounded, Tyson climbed to the second floor. He called his daughter, Jennifer Conklin, and told her what he had done. She begged him to surrender.

“I’m sorry,” he told her. “Goodbye.”

And he shot himself.

The town had never known violence like it. And yet it seemed familiar, and even inevitable. At a memorial service for Terhune, pastor Bobby Thompson addressed much of the town.

“So profuse has become the violence that we have become accustomed to it,” he said. “We expect it.”

The reaction of many citizens is, now, to reach more quickly for their own guns.

Mayor Merritt is a petite, middle-aged woman. “If I had been there that day, the difference is I would have stopped at my car for my gun,” she said. “Then I would have crossed the street. And I would have dropped the shooter.”

After Scotty Smith called for police, he went home and picked up his own pistol.

“Maybe I’m just paranoid,” he said.

His hands shook as he talked about what he had seen.

“I felt like I needed it. It’s crazy. People will shoot you for anything, these days.”

h/t The Guardian

Gun Control mass shooting

Gun Control Australia Calls for Boycott on Travels to America – Video

It’s like anything else you don’t believe in or support – if it goes against your values system, then you hit them in the wallet where it hurts most – you boycott! And that is exactly what Gun Control Australia Director, Samantha Lee, is calling for – ending all unnecessary trips to America until Americans, particularly those in the Republican party and their NRA buddies, realize that their inaction on gun violence is literally killing the nation!

“We have 2.1 million Australians visiting the U.S. every year and over 200,000 expats in America. So I believe we have a duty to respond to this tragedy in the U.S. And the way to do this is have a boycott of non-essential travel to the U.S.”

“Millions of dollars are donated by the [National Rifle Association], particularly to the Republican party [in America] In Australia, we need to be cautious that we also don’t take any donations from the firearms industry, and we need to raise this issue with the U.S.”


Gun Control mass shooting

Bobby Jindal – This is Not The Time to Talk about Guns

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal speaks with the media following a deadly shooting at the Grand Theatre in Lafayette, La., Thursday, July 23, 2015. (AP Photo/Denny Culbert)

Sure Bobby. After all, you are running for president and getting the approval of the NRA and the gun nuts of America is better for you than talking about ways to stop the mass shootings in America, like the latest mass shooting at the Grand Theatre in your state of Louisiana.

Let’s not talk about guns!

“We are less than 24 hours out, we’ve got two families that need to bury their loved ones. We’ve got families waiting for their loved ones to leave the hospital and are praying for their recovery,” Jindal said at a Friday press conference, according to The Hill. “There will be an absolute appropriate time for us to talk about policies and politics, and I’m sure that folks will want to score political points of this tragedy, as they’ve tried to do on previous tragedies.”

Jindal told reporters that he might be more open to talking about the politics surrounding guns at a later time.

“You can ask me these questions in a couple of days. I’m not going anywhere. I’m happy to talk about this, we’re happy to talk about politics, but not here,” he said according to The Hill.

Gun Control mass shooting News

American Exceptionalism – Mass Shootings have Doubled in America

Here is information you probably already know just from living in our gun crazed culture in America. Over the last 7 years “Active Shooter” incidents have doubled. This according to a recent FBI report.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation analyzed 160 “active shooter” incidents from 2000 through 2013 to look for common elements that might guide law enforcement officers in preventing the shootings or responding more effectively.

The study found an average of six incidents per year from 2000 through 2006. The number rose to 16 incidents annually in the past seven years.

The 160 incidents studied began with the Dec. 26, 2000, shooting at Edgewater Technology in Wakefield, Mass., when Michael McDermott, 42, armed with several weapons, shot seven of his co-workers to death. Police found him sitting in a conference room. Researchers also examined the shootings at Case Western Reserve University, ConAgra, Red Lake High School, Fort Hood, Virginia Tech, the U.S. Holocaust Museum and Sandy Hook Elementary School, among others.

mass shooting Politics

More Mass Shootings, Same Old Non-Response from Congress

Photo: Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

And this is the way things will be until we get a Congress brave enough to take on the NRA.

After the shooting at University of California, Santa Barbara on Friday, a rampage that left six students dead, many parents and politicians found the federal government’s past responses to similar tragedies to be one of the culprits. “Have we learned nothing?” Richard Martinez, father of one of the victims, said. “These things are going to continue until somebody does something, so where the hell is the leadership?”

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Calif.) had a similar response on CBS’s Face the Nation. “Congress will be complicit if we fail to act.”

The statements felt familiar — we’ve heard similar exhortations for Congress to pass new gun legislation after many mass shootings. However, we also hear arguments for loosening gun restrictions, arguments that have proved far more successful. Since 13 people were killed at Columbine High School in 1999, Congress has passed one major law strengthening gun control in the aftermath of a mass shooting.

In other words, it doesn’t matter how many Americans lose their lives in senseless mass shootings, as long as Congress keep their jobs, everything’s okay.

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